Kuroo Tetsuro Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts
𓆩☆𓆪 Oh, baby!

- A girl dad!kuroo anthology -
Notes: this will be a series that will be uploaded in parts over time sporadically! There’s no set date for anything I upload, it’s just a universe I’ve created here. I’ve been really excited to share this so I hope you all enjoy!
Reblogs and interaction much appreciated!

☆baby fever [nsfw]
synopsis: a coworker brings their baby to work, and that sets off the gears in kuroo’s head to have some of your own
☆baby shower mayhem [fluff]
synopsis: an unwelcome guest joins your baby shower for your second child
☆suit & tie [fluff]
synopsis: your daughter is roped up in kuroo’s scheming nature
☆a guide to being married to a pretty man [fluff]
synopsis: navigating outings with your babies and gorgeous husband who’s (tragically) too distracting for the public
☆remembrance [nsfw]
synopsis: kuroo reminds you how beautiful you are after having two kids, also tries to convince you to have a third

▪︎Pairing: Kuroo Tetsuroo x Reader, Bokuto Koutaro x Reader, Bokuto Koutaro x Akaashi Keiji (mentions of Hinata Shoyo x Kageyama Tobio)
▪︎Pronouns: She/Her [Fem! Reader]
▪︎Alternate Universe: Soulmate Au!
▪︎Genre: Angst
▪︎Warnings: Language and Fight
▪︎Synopsis: Finding out your soulmate rejected the bond to be with someone else feels terrible.
Note: Not everyone has soulmates, some people are just born without it. The marks will turn completely visible when the youngest pair turns 15, marks will also become gray if one of the pair decided to reject the bond to be with someone who doesn't have a soulmate.
》 Main Masterlist

¤ One
¤ Two
¤ Three
¤ Four
¤ Five
¤ Six
¤ Seven
¤ Eight
¤ Nine
¤ Epilouge

Taglist [Closed]: @decaffeinatedtealover @lulu-102 @whateverfeelz @ginsan-eyes @pluviophilefangirl @bakuhoesbro @aonenthusiast @amecchii @jadasz @random-734 @sleep3deprived @snflwrkenma @archishaya @kissungjae @sakusasimpbot @its-the-aerieljeane @dimsumhomie @jessie9008 @crapimahuman @scaryassasin @ysatrap @denkibutinsteadofpikachuitspichu @johnnysactualgf @just-a-saltine @nekomavsnohebi @acsycharm @sazunari @baby-jichu @felixsamour
Bold means tumblr won't let me tag u!
Snowman and theft?

Characters: agedupKUROO x GNREADER
Anime: Haikyuu
Warnings: none.. fluff?, Kind of cheesy, cursing.
Summary: You hated snow, hated the cold, the wetness, how bright it was as well. But something about today, and with the snow storm in the works. Made you bundle up, and start building a snowman. When a tall guy walking the street, offered to help. You both found out you had things in common. Along with hating winter and the snow. You both couldn't deny how beautiful it was, an why there was an overwhelming urge to go out that day. It was to meet and fall in love.
AN: I just got done building a snowman, and going to the store. Where I keep seeing this really cute guy, and idk.. it gave me some inspiration. It's also... Cheesy as hell.
"For anyone having to work on this historical winter storm. Make sure to pack your car with a blanket, some water and food along with some flashlights. Maybe add some heat packs, and don't leave your car running due to suffocating from carbon monoxide. This storm will bring record breaking temperatures, an deadly almost Tsunami winds. For anyo-"
"Damn, damn, and damn.. Fucking snow," They grumbled, shutting the TV off as the skies started to turn a dark grey and the wind was picking up. Too say you wanted to be on a beach, or even anywhere else that a snow storm wasn't about to drop 14 inches if not more snow.
A small meow was heard from behind them. "I know Ramen, it's about to get real nasty outside," They said, patting the head of the beige cat, a purring sound was greeted in return.
"Guess now would be a good time to get some work done around the apartment," They grunted, figuring might as well clean for the time being.
Walking over to the kitchen sink, noticing the mountain of dishes, "I..don't want too," with regret and annoyance at one's self for allowing the dishes to get this bad. They started to clean, first with the kitchen, then the living room, throwing some laundry in the washer and by the end of it all. Only an hour had passed, with a huff they slumped on the bean bag chair in the living room.
Movement outside caught there attention, their head hanging back on the chair they moved around to see large and small snowflakes falling.
Decorating the streets, the balconies and naked trees in white fluff, "So beautiful, yet so cold and wet."
They spoke in awe at the scene in front of them, a thought coming to mind as they rushed to their closest. Putting on a pair of leggings, and then some jeans, thick wool socks, and winter boots. With three layers of shirts, and finally a winter coat and scarf, securing the gloves on their hands. Pulling on a yellow hat, that was hanging by the door.
They said a brief fair well to Ramen, an rushed to the elevator. Pushing the button for the lobby, impatiently waiting for the doors to open. Dashing off the elevator, they said a brief hello to the desk clerk, before rushing to the near by park. The streets empty of all people, no kids outside enjoying the snow.
The only sound were vehicles, probably of people having to work on this day and of others that may have forgotten to stock up before the snow had hit.
As they approached the park, a strong gust of wind knocked the hat they put on. Turning around, trying to chase after it and catch it with outstretched arms but it was too late.
The bright yellow hat danced away with the help of the wind, with a sigh they made the way back to the park. Pulling up the hood of the coat, and fasting it around them.
Snow blanketed the playset, about three inches of snow had already fallen, while more feel. Crouching down, picking snow up an giving it a good roll, the snowball didn't break or grumble. It did exactly what they wanted it too do.
It rolled and gathered up more snow, with a grin and a squeal of joy. The process of building a snowman was in action, an while they enjoyed the fun of it. Another was having some trouble finding the fun in this winter storm.
He had forgotten his gloves, and a scarf when in a rush to go too the store to gather some food. An in his haste, he forgot his wallet, so now, with cold hands and neck. Kuroo grumbled and huffed out a string of curses, he thought he had a pair of extra gloves in his coat but he had been wrong.
While he was making his trip back to his apartment, he saw a streak of yellow catch his eye. Reaching up in the air, grabbing the yellow hat. Inspecting it for any kind of initials, he saw some letters on it but they were slightly smudged.
With a shrug of broad shoulders, he placed the hat on his head, "I really hope whoever had this, didn't have head lice."
Humming, he made his way down the sidewalk. His attention everywhere, watching the few cars drive past, seeing tiny little paw prints in the snow from stray cats, watching the shivering bodies of dog owners, as the dogs jumped, rolled and ate the snow.
A smile spreading on his face at the site, maybe the snow wasn't all bad as long as some enjoyed it.
"Oh that's cute," He said, seeing a kid building a snowman in the nearby park. There winter boats and coat shielding them from the harsh wind an bitter cold. He stepped over to them, as they put the head on the body, "Here have this hat ki- OH MY GOD YOURE AN ADULT!" He shouted, losing his balance as he fell backwards onto the snow. His butt hitting the cold frozen water, "Of course I'm an adult! Hey! That's my hat, you thief!" They shouted back, snatching the hat from the fallen man. Putting it back on them, "Thief? You lost it, due to your own carelessness.. are you even listening to me?" He said annoyed by them searching for decorations for the snowman, with a very heavy sigh and motivation to stand up. Instead of having a strong urge to walk away, he decided to help with the snowman.
Kuroo walked to where he knew rocks, and some sticks were located. Kicking the snow around till some rocks started becoming visible. He picked out the ones that he thought were the prettiest. Picking up some sticks along the way, and even dead leaves.
"Are these suitable enough for this...snowman?" He wondered aloud, tilting his head at the slightly lopsided snowman, his eyes trailing down to the 'chest' as you were adding, "Are you giving it boobs?"
"Yes, why not? It's always snowMAN never snowWOMAN. So I'm changing it up," You informed him, his dead stare burning into your head as you continued giving the snowwoman rather decent size breasts.
"Okay, here are some eyes or better yet. I'll gather supplies, and you do whatever with them."
An that's exactly what happened, Kuroo gathered up some supplies and you decorated the snowwoman. By the end of it, it took 10 minutes. The wind was kind of settling down but the snow was coming down even heavier.
The snowwoman had leaves for hair, big dark grey rocks for eyes, and little sticks that formed into a smile. Sticks for arms and little pebbles formed a necklace, an some earrings.
"It's missing something," You pondered, taking off your hat an placing it on the head of the snowwoman, taking the scarf around your own neck and placing it the neck of her.
"There, that's better, wh-"
"THATS MY SCARF, YOU THIEF!" Kuroo hollered finally wondering why that scarf looked so familiar when he first saw you. "Wh.. what? I found it, so it's not theft, it's.. keeping, shit.. it is theft," You agreed in the end, giving up on trying to defend yourself.
"Exactly, but I guess mine was theft as well, I did take the hat when I saw it."
"Yeah, but it's not like we broke into each other place an took it," You reasoned, patting his shoulder. He went to say something when a strong gust of wind came down the play ground. Taking both of your breaths away, "We should get home. Umm.. thanks for the, oh youre really handsome."
"You're really beautiful," You both blurted out as your eyes met. Faces turning red at the bluntness from each other, "Um thanks," They both replied in sync, "Ugh you.. my apartment building has a cute little cafe that's still open."
"Oh! So does mine! Um.. which one is closer?"
"Ugh it's around the corner, about two blocks from here," Kuroo gave directions, watching as their face twisted in confusion. "I think we live at the same place," They said, starting to walk with the raven haired man. His eyebrows shooting up at the statement, "Oh, huh.. it is a rather large building. Also, my name is Kuroo."
"(...), It's nice to meet you."
The both of them walked in silence, the cold wind blowing around them. They walked closer, after awhile linking arms to keep warm. It didn't feel awkward, nor did it feel unknown or uncomfortable for them. It almost felt natural for them both to be close so quickly.
The thought of getting there hat and scarf off the snowwoman, not coming to mind till after they had been sitting in the cafe for hours.
Laughing at their own carelessness, as the winter storm raged outside. "I hope it isn't destroyed by now," You wondered aloud, seeing the wind and snow mixing together.
"Nah, it's strong, you built it."
And he was right, the snowwoman stayed strong through the evening and overnight. The hat miraculously staying along with the scarf, they would both soon return a couple days later. And see other kids playing with snowballs, and adding on to the snowwoman. Making a little family, it was a reminder of how they met and where they met. And for many years to come, they would return to the same location and build snowwoman together.

Kuroo - Event Anniversary
notice: playing among us with nekoma, kuroo being afk, fluff fluff
to my owl mate in fukurodani! this is for u @gayerthantheewrites and @simpforwhoknows
enjoy ur meal!
With the prompt:”Let’s pretend you didn’t say that because I want to confess first..”
Being the manager of Nekoma wasn’t really an easy task, not to mention the fact that Nekoma is a powerhouse school when it comes to volleyball: it’s always offered with practice matches every now and then but like Kuroo told you: on the bright side you get to spend more time with him and Kenma, which made you smile at his thought.
“I ain’t the imposter, Kuroorororo.”
Your voice made the bedhead smirk while playing the game, earning a groan from Kenma. It’s about nine in the evening when the whole team of Nekoma decided to play Among Us, since it’s already nine time you got an invite from Kenma about the game leading you to join: Kai, Yaku, Tora, Lev, Kenma, Fukunaga, Inouka, a friend of Kenma in Discord, and you along with Kuroo. Since the fact that you’re the manager you sleep in a different room. And up to this moment, you turned on your mic on discord to defend yourself.
“Really, now? So, why are standing in the vent in electrical, huh?”
Kuroo’s deep voice shook your ear, earning a light response from Kenma: “I swear, if you keep telling me that [Name] is suspicious, I’ll kick you out.”
Earning the response, you lightly chuckled. After a few moments, it was revealed that Yaku and Kenma were the imposters: after leaving the game, you went out to get some drink on the vending machine only to be greeted by Kuroo’s eyes.
“What’s up, bedhead?”
Ah, we’re alone now, aren’t we, ah this is my chance! Kuroo thought in his head. He’s about to speak about something important when you cut him off.
“It’s pretty hurtful knowing that my crush is actually turning against me and making me really suspicious..”
“[Name]--Wait, what?”
Kuroo just stood there while he looked at you picking your drinks. Processing what you just said, making him think of the fact that you two knew each other since you two were four years old. He knew when was the first time you got your scar by playing games outside, you also knew his first loss in volleyball, you both knew how you yearn and became fond of each other, you both knew that, you watched each other to get everything from meeting Kenma to choosing what club to join: and how, it’s just him and you.
“Oh, uh, I said I have a crush on you. And I like you.”
Kuroo just really stood there like that character that seems AFK from the game, he just stood there while looking at you and waiting for you to pull up a camera or something to prank him, to get back at him when you two are still playing Among Us, but no, it was just you confessing to him.
“Where did that come from?”
You uttered to yourself, feeling a little flustered about your sudden confession even though it came out really bold.
“Well, it’s our third year in highschool so, I thought I let you know..”
You hummed while still staring at the frozen Kuroo. He looked at you and there was no mischief behind your look, you just looked sincere and soft at the moment. A few seconds later, he just grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him as he embraced you and rested his chin to your head.
“Let’s pretend you didn’t say that because I want to confess first..”
You chuckled in his chest and nodded.
“I like you, a lot, [Name].”
And think it’s pretty safe to say that he’s got his win before even the match starts tomorrow.
The end -