Kyoka - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
I Like To Believe The Plushie Was Made For Kyouka, But Everyone Keep Stealing It, So They Just Made More

I like to believe the plushie was made for Kyouka, but everyone keep stealing it, so they just made more for the whole agency.

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what makes their heart warm?

[ ft. verlaine, dazai, atsushi, and kyoka. can be interpreted as platonic or romantic (kyoka is strictly platonic!) ]


Dazai isn't someone who easily trusts people, that's for sure. The only way to get to his heart is consistency and being genuine.

It starts with noticing how he doesn't eat much, and you heard him mention how he likes canned crab. So you got him just that one day, and left it on his desk. He'd figure out who it's from easily, I mean, it's Dazai we're talking about. When he needs something, you'll be there. You respond to texts and calls on time, and get him thoughtful things from time to time. Not to say that you aren't firm with him. He's gotta do his work, he's gotta fill his share. Over time, you'll get to him- without a doubt. It'll take an ungodly amount of patience to get through with everything, but so long as you're both together in the end, that's okay.


Atsushi is precious, but that's obvious! Little things from the people he cares about make him so, so happy. You helped him finish some documents? RWIJBSWEWSILDEM. You made him lunch? YOU'RE TOO KIND! Every little thing people do for him makes him feel warm inside. Just knowing people care for him and will take time out of their schedule to do something for him makes him unimaginably happy. Still, sometimes you have to reassure him that he isn't a burden because you did that. You're doing this because you care about him, not because he's being any sort of a burden to you. You want to do that, especially because he isn't a burden at all. (Potentially just makes him cry more but it's happy tears, I swear)


Verlaine is not open to affection at first. Still, patience is a virtue, and you'll stick through it to pry open his heart a little. It starts with spending some time together, getting to know each other from an arm's length. You get to know him at least a little, and you see what you can do from their. He's fascinating, so of course you want to learn more. So you do, and since you know how to keep a promise, he tells you a little more. Next time you come, you think of a gift he'd like. It's a journal, so when you're not there to talk with him, he can at least empty his innermost thoughts onto the page. You dare not read it, it's not yours to read. It's a long time later when he tells you about his so-called lack of humanity. You laugh in the face of his bullshit- he's never been any less than human to you. Since he seemed to like using the diary, you come around more so he can have someone to talk to face-to-face. And so comes a dynasty of trust and late-night confessions.


[ strictly platonic! ]

The moment you heard Kyoka some of Kyoka's likes and dislikes, you knew exactly what to do. Some days a little rabbit plush would appear on her desk when she had a bad day, other times a plate of tofu when she forgot to eat lunch. You would chat with her on missions every once in a while. You looked out for her instead of looking to use her, so she returned the sentiment. She figured out who was doing the gifts so she began to do the same with you, so it was mutually helping each other out through without actually saying a word about who was doing it with the other. You two never even talked about the gifts, even though you two talked all the time with each other. You acted like siblings, which does entail talking about dumb things and doing even dumber competitions, but that's only to get each other's minds off of bad days. Just caring for her when she's vulnerable is heartwarming.


And that's it for my first post. Sfw requests are open! I love you all and have an amazing day.

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11 months ago

CONGRATS ON 1K LIKES POOKIE FMEKEKWKE Also I'm so sorry that between today and last night I've probably spammed your inbox thingy but I wanna do the matchup thing if it's okay with you!! Preferably romantic. My mbti is INTP-T, for hobbies I really like art, writing, reading, listening to music, swimming and doing mock trial. For art specifically I like making like,, paper cut out sculpture type things, like paper dolls and paper lanterns. Writing is obvious- I like reading romance novels and I dabble in classic literature but I am THEE biggest Gulliver's Travels hater. For music my taste is pretty diverse, I like ICP, cigarettes after sex, pierce the veil, my chem, Taylor swift, stuff like that. I like talking about a lot of stuff, I'll talk about whatever comes to mind, really. I really hate daylight savings time. I hate algebra in all forms. I hate onions and fish. For my personality I'm non-confrontational and I'm pretty anxious, jealous, and avoidant but I'm also very passionate. The thing that makes me different uhhhhhhhhhh my favorite chemical element is Erbium because it can be pink ^w^ I'm fine with being matched with anyone, criminal or not, man or woman, I don't have a preference! Something that I value on others is their ability to like,, atleast act like they care about what I'm yapping about 😭🙏 I can't stand being made fun of or harshly criticized I'll cry. IM SORRH THAT WAS SO LONG AHJSKWKDKWK ILY AND CONGRATS AGAIN!!!

EWOJRLKJRLRH I was so happy to get something from my inbox and then I saw you and I actually DIED OF HAPPINESS! thank you SO MUCH, and don't worry I love whenever you talk to me and I'll never be bothered by it <33 also, I cannot take criticism either. I'll get really defensive or I'll be absolutely heartbroken and will not recover from it for a LONG time, but it really depends on how I'm being made fun of.

I was between Chuuya, Kyoka, and Lucy. HOWEVER, I eventually decided on Kyoka.

Kyoka would happily indulge in your interests, and views it as her duty to keep you safe and happy. When you do small things to her, it makes her overjoyed. If you ever argue, she will do her best to become better for you. She's always trying to become better for you. She would help you get revenge if you asked, but is willing to change in any way. If you're made fun of badly, she would be really fucking angry because she knows how you don't respond well to that at all. You make her feel like less of a monster and for that, she would do anything for you. Say the word and she will do it. She doesn't really have much criticism for you, but if you wanted to overcome something she'd do her best to help you. She would try to soothe your worries and match what you need at the moment. Also, definitely the type to tell the waiter that you asked for no onions, and threaten them about what she will do if it happens again. You two would probably take care of a rabbit together and it would lay in one of your laps and you and Kyoka would eat tofu or crepes. Since she hates thunder, whenever there's a storm you'll read to her, and she'll listen to you talk about whatever you'd like. Seeing how passionate you are about things is something she loves, and so she will pay plenty of attention until it takes her mind off the lightning. She doesn't do much to make you jealous, and actively avoids doing anything that can cause those feelings. Her love language is acts of service, so she would definitely make it up to you if she messes up. If you mess up, she loves hydrangeas (this is actually canon), so you can get her a bouquet and physical affection. I imagine her liking receiving physical affection more than the other love languages because she has never received much from anyone else. It's something unique to the two of you. Hugs, kisses, hand-holding, you name it. She does deeply appreciate how loyal the two of you are to each other, though.

thank you so much for joining the event, Ray <333, there's no better person to send in the first request! :)

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9 months ago
Awwwwwww, My Beloved Girl.

awwwwwww, my beloved girl.❤❤❤

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8 months ago
Sero Pleasegetafuckinghaircutdude Hanta
Sero Pleasegetafuckinghaircutdude Hanta
Sero Pleasegetafuckinghaircutdude Hanta

Sero pleasegetafuckinghaircutdude Hanta


Sero Pleasegetafuckinghaircutdude Hanta

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8 months ago
Hair Length Swap! Whos Your Fav XD
Hair Length Swap! Whos Your Fav XD
Hair Length Swap! Whos Your Fav XD
Hair Length Swap! Whos Your Fav XD
Hair Length Swap! Whos Your Fav XD

Hair length swap! Who’s your fav xD

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9 months ago

Kyoka Jirou Fanart!

Another fanart 😝 This time, I spun a hugeee wheel (had tons and tons of names) to decide who to draw! 🎸 So, as you see, I chose Kyoka Jirou! So, I went through google and had a hard time finding a reference but I eventually got one 🥲. Hope yall like it!!

Kyoka Jirou Fanart!

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7 months ago

Gacha Edit: Kyoka Jiro

Hii! I got another edit from the depths of hell- 😈 I mean... my folder of edits 😅 These two are my most recent ones!🎉 Anywho, this is my girl, Kyoka Jiro... Jirou... same thing. 😜 makes me curious🤔... how do y'all say/write it?

Gacha Edit: Kyoka Jiro
Gacha Edit: Kyoka Jiro

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3 years ago
Kyoka And Seilah(child! And Hundreds Of Years Later)

Kyoka and Seilah (child! and hundreds of years later)

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3 years ago
Heyy Momo, Hace Mucho Que No Te Veo.

Heyy Momo, hace mucho que no te veo.

Los días desde que te fuiste han sido algo aburridos y tristes. Extraños ver tu sonrisa.

¿Recuerdas cuando nos conocimos? Creí que eras bien mamona, pero resultaste ser todo lo contrario. Eres la persona más dulce que ha pisado esta tierra, siempre te preocupaste por todos. Por eso te volviste una gran heroína, para mi la mejor heroína... Incluso mejor que Midoriya y eso es mucho decir.

Al inicio no creí que nos volveríamos cercanas, o por lo menos no tanto, éramos como la princesa y la plebeya, tu vivías en ese mundo mágico, rodeada de lujos, yo no me podía permitir ese tipo de vida. Tu casa me sigue sorprendiendo al día de hoy.

Recuerdo esas tardes de té, de ver series y pintarnos las uñas, esos momentos en que no parecíamos tan diferentes. Recuerdo tu cara de asombro cuando te enseñaba mi música y la paz que me amaba escuchar tu voz tararear. Siempre me hicieron feliz esa clase de momentos.

Hubieron tantos problemas, tantas trabas en nuestra relación, puedes ser muy lista pero tardaste demasiado en darte cuenta de mis sentimientos. Aunque yo no me quedé atrás en esa ceguera, creí que tenías algo con Todoroki... Hasta que descubrí que él tenía una relación con Midoriya... Admito que me sentí algo estúpida, pero también aliviada.

Me debatí tantas veces sobre lo que realmente sentía hasta que solo deje que pasara lo que tuviera que pasar.

Cuando te pedí que fueras mi novia fue el momento en que más he sentido miedo, ni un nomu frente a mi me ha asustado tanto como el miedo de ese día. Temí que me rechazaras, que te alejaras, que te burlaras, esperaba de todo menos un "si"

Estoy segura de que me veía como un tomate aunque Denki seguía diciendo que me veía perfecta... Perfectamente hecha un desastre, no había dormido por la propuesta... Pero valió la pena, lo valió completamente. Cuando dijiste que si fui la persona más feliz del universo.

Todo fue un desastre al inicio, hubieron demasiadas personas que criticaron nuestra relación, buscando cualquier excusa para hacerlo. Sino era por el hecho de ser dos mujeres, era por la diferencia económica, por que una relación entre héroes no es buena idea, porque "deberíamos pensar mejor las cosas". Claro que ya lo habíamos pensado, lo pensamos demasiado. Y era justamente esa la razón, el hecho de que eligiéramos nuestra felicidad por encima de los demás que hizo que nuestra relación duerma tan bella.

No estábamos juntas por obligación, lo estábamos porque era lo que queríamos. Era lo que nos hacia felices.

No dejo de pensar en ti, en tu suave cabello, en el brillo de tu mirada, en tus manos acariciando mi rostro, recuerdo cada detalle de cuando estuvimos juntas... Dime, por favor, ¿porqué tuviste que irte tan lejos? ¿porqué me dejaste sola? ¿porqué no luchaste hasta el final? Dímelo, dame excusas, déjame escuchar tu voz una vez más, déjame sentir tus manos recorriendo mi rostro, déjame oler tu perfume, dime que me amas, vuélvelo a hacer.

Vuelve a encender la llama en mi corazón, vuelve a ayudarme en las misiones, vuelve a recorrer las calles conmigo, vuelve a mostrarme esa alegría.

Vuelve conmigo.

Te necesito.

Te extraño.

Te amo.


Jirō dejo caer la pluma, escondió su rostro entre sus manos y dejó que las lagrimas empaparan sus palmas. Le dolía recordar a Momo, le dolía recordar el día en que la perdió.

Ese día, donde el brillo abandonó la mirada de Yaoyorozu, donde su sonrisa se desvaneció y donde un corazón se rompió.

Hacía tres años de eso, y con cada día, en lugar de borrarse el amargo recuerdo solo crecía, inundaba el corazón de Kyoka y la destrozaba lenta y tortuosamente.

Su vida continuaba, el mundo seguía girando, pero nada era lo mismo. No soportaba esa soledad, ni lo amargo de la vida.

Tomó la carta entre sus manos, con delicadeza la metió en un sobre y la guardó en su mochila. Salió del apartamento, importándole poco si lo había cerrado con llave o no salió del edificio. El camino hasta el cementerio donde los restos de Momo se encontraban era conocido de memoria por Jirō. Había pasado por esas calles incontables veces, siempre con la esperanza de que en algún momento tuviera que dejar de recorrerlas, anhelando volver a ver a Momo.

—Heyy Momo, no hay pasado mucho desde la ultima vez que vine. Hay tantas cosas que extraño de ti que se me hace insufrible el no tenerte. Hay tanto que podría decir, siempre hay algo que decir. Pero no se como hacerlo— se hincó frente a la tumba, con las lagrimas resbalando por sus mejillas y una sonrisa vacía plasmada en su rostro —quiero volver a verte. Quiero abrazarte. Quiero escuchar tu voz. Hay tantas cosas que quiero y todo eso lo puedo resumir en que te quiero a ti. Te necesito.

Sacó la carta de la mochila, la dejó sobre la tumba, bajo una piedra para que el viento no se llevara su sentir y se fue del lugar. Caminó sin rumbo, en busca de su esperanza perdida. En busca de un brillo en su vida. Caminó cuestionando se el porque seguía recorriendo ese lugar, no tenía razones para hacerlo.

Su recorrido acabó frente a un puente, admirando el atardecer, apreciando esos tonos cálidos reflejados en el agua como si de su amada se tratase. Respirando el fresco aire de esa triste tarde miró al cielo, intentando encontrar aquella esperanza perdida entre las nubes.

—Nos vemos pronto, Momo.

Matar personajes es mi pasión.

Se suponía que iba a escribir sobre este ship en una historia menos trágica. Pero pues se me fundieron las neuronas intentando hacer eso.

Realmente no corrijo las historias solo copio y pego lo que escribí en word para que corrija acentos, si en algún lado leen algo sin sentido ignorenlo.

Tomen awa, duerman bien y usen cubrebocas.

Letter - MomoJirō - BNHA
Vuelve a encender la llama en mi corazón, vuelve a ayudarme en las misiones, vuelve a recorrer las calles conmigo, vuel...
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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