Jiro - Tumblr Posts
I strictly want mina angst, no ships all relationships platonic
I want a thing where Mina is struggling with insecurity about being good enough and overworks herself. If you're up for a smidge of Hurt/Comfort, bakusquad takes care of her in the end.
Thank you for submitting!! I call this
Safety Net
1.2 k words
Trigger warning: Insercites( being left behind and not being enough) Skipping meals, overworking, slight talk of anxiety and panic ( separation anxiety disorder)
Let me know if I missed a trigger or if you spot any spelling mistakes.
Feedback is encouraged!!
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for more!
This is my first time writing something like this so I hope you like it.
Everyone is insecure, it’s part of being human. And even though she may consider herself to be alien-like, Mina is a human with insecurities. Ironically a large part of her insecurities come from having insecurities. She is self-confident in her looks, her talents, her studies, even if she’s not at the top she knows that she works hard and she’s proud of what she can accomplish. Her insecurities come from her memorability, as much as she hopes, not everyone is remembered by everyone they meet, but she wishes she was. It sounds selfish when putting it simply like that which is why she never shared her thoughts with others.
Separation anxiety disorder is what the doctors would call it. She was diagnosed with it when she was below the age of five. She no longer takes it as seriously because there’s a belief that only children have separation anxiety with their parents. She doesn’t want to accept the fact that even as a teenager, she still experiences the anxiety of being left behind and forgotten with someone she built a connection with.
She doesn’t realize that the tight feeling in her chest, refusing to let the air out of her lungs, is the anxiety of being separated. Every time her friends leave to go to their side of the dorm building, it returns, along with the thoughts that encourage her insecurities.
“They’re not going to sleep, there going to hang out without you”
“Here that laugh as they walk away, away from you, that’s the happiness of not being with you”
“They’ll never return to you by choice.”
As much as she wants to shove the thoughts out and label them as stupid, she can’t lie to herself, as she did before. She had similar thoughts before, about her middle school friends, she protected them, laughed with them, disclosed plans. Then she got into a and the messages faded. SHe always wished them a happy birthday, but when hers came around, the only people wishing her a happy birthday were her new friend. And she loves her new friends but there’s a rotten feeling in her chest when she lays in bed scrolling through Snapchat stories of all her old friend at the same school, same party, all with the same smiles that scream at her
“We are happier without you”
She can’t argue when the evidence is on their faces in billion of posted videos and photos on Instagram of them having more fun than she can remember when she was with them.
She can’t lie to herself about how long her friends will be around. She’s not good enough to be by their side for long. Bakugou might leave her behind when he rises to the hero rank, too busy for a pink idiot like her. Kirishima to kind to ever start up leave her, but he’ll slowly leave her behind for more friends. Sero goes with the flow, the flow that moves toward others leaving her behind. Denki makes so many friends that she’s sure shell gets lost in the crowd. Shinso doesn’t even seem to want to be close with her now. ANd Jiro who has already started to break off from the group and join the band group more. Those are the preferable endings because as aspiring heroes there’s almost a guarantee of losing her friends in a more permanent way. She’s just trying to build herself a safety net of other friends so that when the enviably leave shell be safe.
The other way she can prevent them from leaving her side is to become better so that she does deserve to be by their side. She began to train longer, and harder, more often, she trains longer than she sleeps, train harder than her body can keep up. Skipping breakfast, to train, skipping lunch to train, skipping dinner, to train, skipping sleep to train, skipping study sessions to train. She doesn’t even last a week before her body starts to give up. Her acid being less potent, and less being produced. At the same time her body catches up to her bad decisions, so does her friend.
In the middle of the night, training in an area she found, to avoid being caught by security, she trains, till she hears a crunch of a twig. She whips around ready to defend herself. Bad decision, her body can’t keep up and in a dizzy state, she begins to fall. But is caught, looking up she sees bakugou. He lifts her back up and stays their keeping her up, he’s her safety net.
She looks at where the original sound came from, there stand her friend, Denki, Kiri, Shinsou, Sero, and Jiro. Kirishima carrying multiple packs of Gatorade, and Denki and Jiro carrying snacks, that seem to be protein-based. She corrects her earlier thought, bakugou isn’t her safety net, they all are.
“ Hey Mina, why you so blue, you’re supposed to be pink”
Denki joked, the worry not hidden by the dark as he hoped.
“It’s nothing just thinking and training”
Mina hoped that they were stupid and not realized that what she was doing was self-destructive
“About?” A short and simple question Shinso asked, and yet as much as she wanted she couldn’t answer.
“I can’t say”
Another short and simple question from Shinso
“Cause I don’t like the answer”
It wasn’t his quirk that drew that out of her, it was the trust she built with the members of the group that currently surrounded her
“Are they negative thoughts that are pushing you to work yourself to …”
Kirishima questions, but he couldn’t end the question but everyone knew where he was going. Mina to tired and ashamed to nod, but everyone could see that Kirishima was right.
“ well stop, we’re here to stop them and you so like… I don’t know, murder the thoughts in your brain instead of the tress.”
Mina could tell that bakugou was trying to be comforting, even if he was awkward about it. The squad could tell that the clearing they were in was made from Mina disintegrating trees, and they could all admit to them selfs that she was a force to be reckoned with.
“Yeah, I don’t know if violence is the answer, but we’re here for you, even if you not ready to share why you acted this way”
Jiro spoke up and the rest of the group approached Mina, kirishima offering her one of the Gatorade bottles. He knew what it’s like to work so hard, and he with the help of the group got together a list of items that are supposed to speed up the body’s process and replenish Mina’s health.
Bakugou watched as she sat down, make sure she doesn’t fall. He knew what it was like to be treated weak and though he knew her body was weak at the moment, he also wasn’t going to let her feel that way, cause he had a sneaking suspicion that she was working so hard for that reason. They spent the rest of the night they ate and shred laughs together, Mina knew that they were here for her now and that they weren’t just her friend because of her strength or future status as a hero, they were her friends because they enjoyed her company. Her insecurities didn’t magically disappear that night but they did start to get better over time.
The Unkissable Prince Ch.3
The third and last chapter of The Unkissable Prince
2.2 k words
Trigger warning: Making outs( Not descriptive) Cursing, mention of being used
Let me know if I missed a trigger or if you spot any spelling mistakes.
Feedback is encouraged!!
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for more!
It had been months since Kaminari and Hitoshi shared the first of many kisses. Every time Kaminari practiced a scene that involved a kiss, Hitoshi was there, and neither of them had a problem doing a little extra on the kissing part. Sometimes one of them would suggest that a scene needed to be redone just so they could have an excuse to connect again. At one point the kisses turned to make-out sessions, ones that made Kaminari forget what scene or line he was on.
Though their physical relationship evolved, that was it. There were no dates, no confessions, nothing but rehearsal with more lip action. Kaminari had no problem with physical attention but he did have a problem with having no emotional attention. Kaminari didn’t want Hitoshi to think that he was using him for his kisses but he also doesn’t have the confidence to confess to Hitoshi
For Hitoshi, he was facing similar issues. He loved the feeling of Denki so close to him, their lips on each other. Though he also didn’t want Denki or others to think that Hitoshi just used people for his own needs. Hitoshi doesn’t have a great reputation, and if a rumor that he used people got around, most wouldn’t bat an eye at such an idea. Hitoshi had kept most of his emotions locked away, he’s realized that any time he speaks, his words are twisted and he becomes a monster, event o those close to him. SO when he becomes close to Denki and the rest of the drama club he fears that his emotions will push them away, no matter how positive the emotion, including his love for Kaminari. Hitoshi has seen Denki around school, before they had ever interacted, Hitoshi was envious of the blonde’s ability to interact with people. Eventually, Hitoshi no longer watched out of envy but out of curiosity, the curiosity turned into infatuation. Then he conversed with him and it was no longer something he could label as envy, curiosity, or infatuation it was the beginning of love like was too simple of a word, but at the time he wasn’t in love with Denki, but now he was.
Hitoshi could never confess his feelings to Denki, and Denki’s self-esteem was too low for him to think he even deserved to confess to Hitoshi. So for months, they were stuck with just kisses and makeout sessions, confessions left unsaid and unheard. Now it’s been at least three months, with every kiss came more trust, every self-deprecating word was followed by the reassurance that whoever put that thought in their head was wrong, every silent glance and moments were followed by suspicion from the people who surrounded them.
The people who watched them interact weren’t blind to the chemistry. They never saw the kisses but they saw the smiles and glances that the two tried to hide. Even the director could see the love the two were trying to hide, and he was tired of it and so were the other students. Jirou wasn’t blind either, she acutely one of the only people who brought attention to it, and just like before her insecurities and jealousy clouded her better judgment.
It was the last week of rehearsal, Friday was opening night and everyone a part of the show was stressed. Most of them were reaching the breaking point and the time between each other breaks became shorter and shorter. This morning Mina, who had been playing ursal at all minutes of the day, had finally broken character during her first-period class. Then Aoyama frecked out when the lunch lady gave him his food. And now not even 30 minutes later their lead lady was breaking, Jiro Kyoka.
Jiro, Momo, Shinso, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Bakugou all sat in silence at their lunch table, they were all trying to avoid the inevitable. They were already missing two of their tablemates and feared that one of them was next. Denki and Hitoshi sat next to them and across from them were Jiro and momo, kirishima sat between momo and Hitoshi while Bakugo sat between Denki and Jiro. Hitoshi and Denki were making eyes at each other, Hitoshi moving his eyebrows trying to indicate that they go somewhere else, Denki agreeing with what he thought was a sneaky smile.
“Denki and I are going to go work on some of the scenes, we’ll see you lat--”
Hitoshi was already standing and ready to leave when Jiro stood up and interrupted. It was her breaking point
“Oh really, so your not going to go make out”
Denki became embarrassed and hung his head in shame, still seated. Jiro took notice of this.
“Look at him, he’s uncomfortable because you’ve been using him. That’s all Denki is to you, a pretty face.”
Shinso looked to his side and saw the uncomfortable stance Denki was in, realizing that she was right and he was once again losing his friends.
“Jiro, calm down, sit down, and let’s finish our lunch.”
Momo was lightly tugging on Jiro’s arm, begging her to sit down.
“No she’s right I’m going to go, ill see you all at rehearsal”
Shinso’s hand was floating above Denkis shoulder, afraid to touch him and make him uncomfortable, he decided to leave with no contact. Jiro finally sat down feeling victorious. Kirishima moved into Hitoshi’s seat, wanting to comfort Denki, but when he moved to touch Denki, Denki reacted negatively. Denki who was still shelled in on himself specked very quietly.
“I’m gonna… go I guess.”
He got up and left, leaving the table in more shambles than it had ever been.
Bakugou was fed up with them and decided to butt in for once.
“You’re an idiot. Shinso wasn’t using Denki, they liked each other, but they’re also stupid, and its wasn’t your place to say or assume any of those things.”
He got up and left, deciding that he was done with this conversation fifteen minutes ago.
It had been four days since then and almost every person in the show had hit their breaking point, but they were still good actors and tried to not let this affect them while on stage. Offstage Denki would chase around Hitoshi trying to tell him that Jiro was wrong about Denki being uncomfortable and that he doesn’t care if Hitoshi is using him. Hitoshi spends his time working and hiding from everyone, especially Denki, afraid that the next time he talks to him, he’ll break and his emotions will all come flooding out. Jiro has been wondering if she did the right thing, knowing deep down that she hadn’t. She had decided that she wanted to fix it, this had nothing to do with her new girlfriend.
Jiro found Shinso stapling what looked like drama-related papers, so much was clear when she saw the purple three-ring binder that he uses for theater only.
“Can we talk?”
Jiro’s voice was barely above a whisper. Shinso didn’t look over and ignored her for a few seconds, stapling the papers harder. Eventually, he replayed.
“Yeah just let me ‘use’ this stapler”
He stapled another piece of paper harder than ever before. He was using the word used in the same sense that Jiro did when talking about Shinso and Denki.
“It’s actually about that. Um, You like Denki right, like romantically?”
Jiro was nervous to bring up her own mistakes. Even if she was only implying it.
“Yeah Jiro, I do, but that doesn’t matter because he and everyone else thinks that I’m some selfish person and that I used him and his body, I wonder why they think that?”
She wasn’t surprised at his angry tone, she deserves it.
“I’m sorry about that and saying those things about you, I was caught up in my own shit, and I’m sorry.”
Jiro wasn’t lying and she really did feel sorry and luckily Shinso could hear it in her voice, he turned his head to finally address her, also seeing the sincerity on her face.
“Thanks for apologizing, I accept it but it doesn’t fix my problem with Den-Kaminari.”
Shinso was no longer sure if he was allowed to call him by his first name. Jiro was excited that she could help her friends out.
“Actually that’s the other reason I came to talk to you. I want to help. Denki clearly likes you, he just has some issues with the idea that people could love him.”
Jiro knew it was partly her fault he felt this way but she didn’t need to say that to fix what she did to Shinso.
“Yeah cause Kaminari totally wants to be with me.”
Shinso responded his voice trying to hide how much it hurt, but it slightly slipped out.
“Are you blind and deaf? Every second of every day, he follows you around trying to get you back, but you ignore him.”
There silence while Shinso cleans up the rest of his papers
“I have a plan.”
Jiro announces and Shinsou can’t think of any reason to reject the idea.
“Fine I’m listening”
It was the next day, meaning it was opening night. Denki was still following Shinso around trying to convince him that he still wants to be friends, and Shinso continues to ignore him. It was easier than it had been for the past week, he was to catch up practicing his confession lines for later tonight.
It was later that night and they had just finished the last rehearsal and had about an hour to kill. Their director had a tradition of buying pizza for the whole cast and crew on opening night, and the food had arrived. Everyone was eating and having a good time when Shinso snecked outside for some fresh air. He knew Denki would follow him, that was the plan.
Denki walks out the door locking around for Shinso when he was suddenly pulled further outside. A short squeal came out of Denki, and Shinso whispered a sorry. The two now faced each other body almost flushed against each other, Shinso holding Denkis elbows. Both blushing from the close contact, they hadn’t been this close in almost a week and it made it feel like the first time being so close. Denki pulled away, it was too much too soon, especially without the clarification he wanted.
“Listen Kaminari”
Denkis voice was barely above a whisper, he hated that Shinso was calling him by his last name.
“Yeah um, listen Denki. I wanted to talk to you about, well this”
He waved his hands in between the two of them. Denki was starting to feel his nerves get worse, he knew that being avoided was a way of saying ‘I don’t want to be around you’ but he wasn’t ready for Shinso to officially say it.
“I wanted to address what Jiro said on Monday”
Here it comes
“I wanted to tell you that she’s wrong, I value you as a friend, and I wasn’t using you that way. I figure that we were both enjoying ourselves, I think that we should have talked more about the kind of relationship we were in.”
Shinso stopped and took a big shaky breath, nervous to utter the next part. This just raised Denki’s nerves as well.
“And I would like to have that conversation now, because I, god she never said it was this hard.”
Shinso muttered the last part, but Denki heard it and was a little confused.
“I love you Denki. I know we haven’t known each other for long and it kind of weird to have these feelings so early, but, well that it, I love you and I understand if you don’t love me yet but I would like to try having a real, romantic relationship.”
Shinso let out a shaky breath, his nervous final settled after saying everything that’s been on his mind. But they returned when he looked back up to see a stressed-looking Denki. Denki was frecking out, he dreamed of such confessions but now he was getting one he wondered what the joke was because this wasn’t possible. He was so in his head that Shinso had to lightly grab Denkis elbows again.
“Denki, Denki, I didn’t mean to stress you out. Denki are you okay?”
Denki snapped out of it a little, nodding his head.
“ I like you to”
Shinso smiled and pulled Denki in for a hug. Leaning his head into Denkis shoulder. Denki felt his shirt and shoulder become damp, realizing that it was Shinso tearing up he started to rub Shinsos back
“Shh it’s okay Shinso, it’s okay. But this is the costume, so maybe not cry on it too much.”
Shinso pulled away, still holding Denkis elbows as he whispers
“Hitoshi. “
It was in the same type of whisper that Denki used when he engorged Hitoshi to use his first name. Denki nervously laughed at the similarity, then Hitoshi giggled. The two broke out into laughter, then it started to rain, the two of them looked up and then at each other.
“ We better get back inside, prince eric cant show up with running mascara.”
Hitoshi smiled and went to open the door
“You first prince”
“Thank you, boyfriend”
Shinso blushed at this but was happy to know they were on the same page.
day two, mers! this is one I drew a bit ago, but I'm really proud of it.

reading amazing Sakana by amazing Mad
I'm in love~ fell in love with those perfect characters, plot and incredible facial expressions from the first sigh.....just... can't describe all my feelings for this brilliant webcomic in words... so there's pre-Helloween Alice in Wonderland crossover (where is the logic? hope I won't hurt anyone) *Yuudai, precious, sorry, you're the only one blondie here, so~
**And sorry for my shitty copics again TT
looks (affectionate)

Hypmic tumblr please look at my (unfinished) animal crossing jiro cosplay

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
Kaminari: I just posted, everyone go like it
All might: what do you mean by posted
Jirou: it means he seeks the approval of random strangers over the internet in the form of likes, comments and shares

spooky jiro doodle because i fell in love again (happy 9th episode release! 👻)
Kyoka Jirou Fanart!
Another fanart 😝 This time, I spun a hugeee wheel (had tons and tons of names) to decide who to draw! 🎸 So, as you see, I chose Kyoka Jirou! So, I went through google and had a hard time finding a reference but I eventually got one 🥲. Hope yall like it!!

Gacha Edit: Kyoka Jiro
Hii! I got another edit from the depths of hell- 😈 I mean... my folder of edits 😅 These two are my most recent ones!🎉 Anywho, this is my girl, Kyoka Jiro... Jirou... same thing. 😜 makes me curious🤔... how do y'all say/write it?

enby jirou
reporter: are you male or female?
jirou: i'm a walking aux cord.
reporter: but what's in your pants?
jirou: oh, just this playlist that i'm working on. wanna give it a listen?

Momo and Jiro from Kerfuffle check out this super cool game : kerfuffle.io

son of Godzilla and Mothra
The cutest boy in the world, but better not to tease him (。•̀ᴗ-)✧