Last Week Was I Guess - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Prosecutor Panda,

Braidhead's hair is better than Drillhead.

Name it so and We will reward your correct taste by naming you a state hero in Khura'in, -this entitles you to a stone edifice carved in your honor, as well as a place in our grand nations history books.

You will also be paid your weight in gold. -As a gift of our appreciation for your service!

Not A Bribe! Bribing is Wrong!

-Your Benevolent Reader.


Disappointed reader.

Firstly, if this is, indeed, not a bribe, it still feels like one.

Secondly, if it is a bribe, only a poorly disguised one, you should do your research and offer me something I would actually want. I do not desire to be remembered for throwing a contest, which, given this ask, would always and forever be the question, regardless of if it actually factored into my decision or not.

If you are indeed the reader I suspect, you must needs keep this in mind, as it will be remembered by both supporters and detractors. Especially detractors.

I had made up my mind before getting to this, thankfully.

Judge Courtney has the best hair.

I will accept no notes on this matter.

-Simon Blackquill

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