Justine Courtney - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
Raymond Justine And Sebastian's Offical Names From The Collection's Page
Raymond Justine And Sebastian's Offical Names From The Collection's Page
Raymond Justine And Sebastian's Offical Names From The Collection's Page

Raymond Justine and Sebastian's offical names from the collection's page

Ace Attorney Investigations Collection|CAPCOM
Two Ace Attorney Investigations games in one! The Ace Attorney Investigations Collection is coming to modern consoles!

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2 years ago

Prosecutor Panda,

Braidhead's hair is better than Drillhead.

Name it so and We will reward your correct taste by naming you a state hero in Khura'in, -this entitles you to a stone edifice carved in your honor, as well as a place in our grand nations history books.

You will also be paid your weight in gold. -As a gift of our appreciation for your service!

Not A Bribe! Bribing is Wrong!

-Your Benevolent Reader.


Disappointed reader.

Firstly, if this is, indeed, not a bribe, it still feels like one.

Secondly, if it is a bribe, only a poorly disguised one, you should do your research and offer me something I would actually want. I do not desire to be remembered for throwing a contest, which, given this ask, would always and forever be the question, regardless of if it actually factored into my decision or not.

If you are indeed the reader I suspect, you must needs keep this in mind, as it will be remembered by both supporters and detractors. Especially detractors.

I had made up my mind before getting to this, thankfully.

Judge Courtney has the best hair.

I will accept no notes on this matter.

-Simon Blackquill

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Her Hair Is Objectively Better.

Her hair is objectively better.

I hope this clears things up for you, Gavin-Dono.

-Simon Blackquill

Hey, need help settling a debate and we settled on you as the cruel and impartial judge:

Who has better hair: The Fop Klavier, or Prosecutor Sahdmadhi?

Please answer, it's for science. (Also money)


If you wish this to be anonymous, you must needs present the illusion of even handedness. Refraining from degrading the Sad Monk as he deserves does not hide anything if you attack Gavin-Dono in the same breath, Rather, It betrays you, as you would preach the man's "virtues" given the chance.

As for your query, first, this is not a request for advice. Second, as neither of them deserve such accolades, I must therefore ponder over it as I read my other questions. I see there are others in here regarding the topic, including one from you. I shall respond to one of these with my answer.


-Simon Blackquill

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3 years ago
11. JUSTICE - Triumph Of The Deserving Side In Law.

11. JUSTICE - triumph of the deserving side in law.

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