Latin Class - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Things That Were Said in A Single AP Latin 4 Class

The Doctor:

“Pious Aeneas can really rage.”

“Because that’s wrong. That’s why.”

“It says mo-moliqu-moliriquarcet.”

“This is wonderful. Only half the class is paying attention, but the other half is quiet enough that the first half can actually hear me.”

(It is important that you know there was a bowl of thumbtacks on his desk from another teacher that uses this classroom, and he kept reaching for handfuls of them every now and then only to put them all back)

Us : “Doctor, why?”

The Doctor: “I keep thinking it’s a candy bowl.”

*fifteen minutes later, as the Doctor reaches for the bowl again*

Us: *yelling* “Doctor, NO!”

The Doctor:

“I like the danger”

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5 years ago

AP Latin 4 Shenannies

Me: “If your son is going there, then the Certamen team might stand a chance!!!”

The Doctor: “Will it stop me from smack talking their Latin? No!”

The Doctor: “They’re all ill-infarmed. They’re like oxen!”

A Student: “We should do a German class.”

The Doctor: “If we add more language classes that will take away some of my potential Latin students.”

AP Latin 4 Shenannies

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4 years ago

Greek Gods as Things My Latin Teacher Has Said

Zeus: Patriarchy here, people.

Poseidon: No, I’m the king of the sea!

Hades: There’s lots of blood and gold here.

Hera: So, I have fourteen hot nymphs.

Apollo: One time I tried to get people to call me “amor ac deliciae generis humani” (the love and delight of the human race). Instead they called me an ass.

Hermes: Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three make a left.

Persephone: Why do you have to criticize my walnuts?

Dionysus: You get drunk and steal peoples stuff!

Demeter: *giggles* I guess you could say that they’re ill-infarmed. They’re like oxen. *giggles*

Artemis: Only bully people lesser than you.

Athena: It’s okay. I’ll just publicly mock you if you get it wrong.

Hestia: No on can offend anyone if no one is saying anything.

Ares: You guys are laughing now. It’s funny now, but I was crying.

Aphrodite: Who’s going to love you now?

Hephaestus: I’m using power tools. What could go wrong?

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