League Of Legends Oc - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
I've Been Dragged Into League Of Legends Recently, And After Finally Delving Into The Character Design
I've Been Dragged Into League Of Legends Recently, And After Finally Delving Into The Character Design
I've Been Dragged Into League Of Legends Recently, And After Finally Delving Into The Character Design

I've been dragged into League of Legends recently, and after finally delving into the character design and stories on offer, I began to love it proper.

I wanted to make a Vastayan OC, because of the colourful nature and interesting possibilities. And Riot doesn't have enough of them, anyway. So, this is Venri the brother of Rakan (according to him) who only recently was found wandering close to the towns of Ionia, observing the people and asking questions to those who are patient and kind. As for his full story ... you may have to check out @turquoise-vastayan if you want to meet him yourself.

Please click on the image to see it in full detail. I actually put a lot of work into these.

13th March, 2021.

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4 years ago
1 Of Several Quick Paintings (quick As In Under 6-7 Hours) Im Doing For Myself. The Face-covering Thing
1 Of Several Quick Paintings (quick As In Under 6-7 Hours) Im Doing For Myself. The Face-covering Thing

1 of several quick paintings (quick as in “under 6-7 hours”) I’m doing for myself. The face-covering thing is just because I hate turning the head on that angle and it felt bad to me. Anyway, at least I did it.

15th March, 2021

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3 years ago
A New Character, A New Blog, A New Breath Of Life And Vitality. An OC Design I've Wanted To Create For

A new character, a new blog, a new breath of life and vitality. An OC design I've wanted to create for a little while now, that we might see in different styles slightly later.

25th March, 2021.

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3 years ago
I Still Love The Designs And Possibilities In League Of Legends Characters, And All The Things You Could
I Still Love The Designs And Possibilities In League Of Legends Characters, And All The Things You Could

I still love the designs and possibilities in League of Legends characters, and all the things you could do when making one. 26th April 2021

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3 years ago
A Background And An OC, Both Done Within The Span Of A Day. I Kind Of Like This One - The Colour Palette
A Background And An OC, Both Done Within The Span Of A Day. I Kind Of Like This One - The Colour Palette

A background and an OC, both done within the span of a day. I kind of like this one - the colour palette and digital painting worked quite well. (feel free to use the blank as a phone background - just tell people where you got it if they ask. Please and thank you.) 28th March 2021.

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3 years ago
Yet Another Original Character/design From Yours Truly - Mostly Ive Just Been Spending My Time Modifying
Yet Another Original Character/design From Yours Truly - Mostly Ive Just Been Spending My Time Modifying
Yet Another Original Character/design From Yours Truly - Mostly Ive Just Been Spending My Time Modifying

Yet another original character/design from yours truly - mostly I’ve just been spending my time modifying this design (and others) until I was/am happy enough to do digital art of it. It doesn’t look … t o o   terrible. 3 July 2021

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4 years ago
Chaos/Order AU ThaisPhelios! Im Not Even Final On Thais Basic Design Yet, But Ive Had These Doodles For
Chaos/Order AU ThaisPhelios! Im Not Even Final On Thais Basic Design Yet, But Ive Had These Doodles For

Chaos/Order AU ThaisPhelios! I’m not even final on Thais’ basic design yet, but I’ve had these doodles for their Dawnbringer skin lying around for a while now, so just…take ‘em. ;w;

In the AU Dawnbringer Thais is the assigned bodyguard of Dawnbringer Alune, who convinces them to help Aphelios and her communicate and ultimately take part in the rebellion against Chaos and Order as extremes. It’s gonna be a one shot, once I have the time…

Thais and Aphelios’ ongoing fanfic “In Phase” set in Runeterra Prime (”canon”) can be read here!

please remember that likes do absolutely nothing to actually support me, but reblogs help!  

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1 year ago
Rough Wip But I Decided I Wanted A More Unique Weapon For Sinclair Since They're More Magic Focused.

rough wip but i decided i wanted a more unique weapon for Sinclair since they're more magic focused. they have a bell now.

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8 years ago
Malcolm Simply Looked Down At The Girl And Her Smiling Face. He Caught Her Wearing His Necklace, Not

Malcolm simply looked down at the girl and her smiling face. He caught her wearing his necklace, not that he actually minded at all. The two conversed before they were gazing in each others’ eyes. Her wild, stormy eyes were lit with curiosity and child’s play, while his were more gentle than the usual.

“I love ya, baby girl,” he said softly to her. “I’d do ‘nythin’ t’ make sure no one can hurt ye.” Zoey blinked up at him while spoke. “I love ya, too, daddy.”

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8 years ago

Ieyui Nobomeno Renmiri Yojuyogo Hasatekanae Kutamae

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8 years ago
 This Will Never End Cause I Want More More, Give Me More, Give Me More

                                This will never end ‘cause I want more                                    More, give me more, give me more

                               This will never end 'cause I want more                                    More, give me more, give me more

                                      If I had a heart I could love you                                          If I had a voice I would sing

                                      After the night when I wake up                                        I’ll see what tomorrow brings

                                         If I had a voice I would sing

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8 years ago


I’ve been a bit caught up with school work and distracted with other art stuff but now that I got an actual tablet I can actually do shit

btw listen to the acoustic version of Shaman’s Harvest’s Dangerous since that’s what gave me the inspiration behind this one

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6 years ago
High Noon Zoey Experimentalsketch

High Noon Zoey experimental sketch

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6 years ago
Saw An Outfit On Pinterest And Put Zoey In It

Saw an outfit on pinterest and put Zoey in it

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2 years ago

What if I did a bunch of headcanons of Gangplank and Zoey?

This is totally not fueled by the fact I finally got my hands on The Ruined King game and had been playing it just a while ago

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2 years ago

Gangplank x Zoey (OC) Headcanons

Pairing: Gangplank x OC

Fandom: League of Legends

Warnings: Minor angst, brief mention of yelling and anger management, themes of grief, some fluff if you look close enough

Musical Inspiration: American Beauty by Thomas Newman (from the movie “American Beauty”)


Gangplank 100% sympathizes with Zoey and her struggling/non-existent relationship with her own father, and even to an extent understands her pain

Despite knowing Zoey can 100% fend for herself in a verbal confrontation, Gangplank is almost always the first one to step in between her and the opposing side

Zoey won’t let anyone call her by her birth name if they only met or acquainted, only by her captain name of Sombra. Gangplank not only calls Zoey by her actual name, but also many more pet names

To the public eye, Gangplank and Zoey frequently raise their voices at one another for various reasons. In private, Gangplank’s voice becomes more gentle and uses his touch as his form of apology to her

He can’t help it, but Gangplank’s eyes and even expression soften every time he sets his gaze towards Zoey

When Gangplank’s anger starts to rise, the feeling of Zoey’s hand, whether it be her eldritch hand or her human one, on his own hand and bicep plus her calm gaze without speaking a word calms him down faster

When he first bared witness to Zoey transforming into her eldritch form, Zoey originally was anxious he would look away in fear or be unable to comprehend her true half form. That all washed away when he reached out to her for her skeletal face and began petting her, even placing his forehead against her with what she swore was a small grin

Their number one favorite way of telling each other “I love you” without actually telling each other “I love you”? Forehead touches

Gangplank knows he’s a huge guy in terms of body mass, muscle and height, but he’s always so gentle with Zoey in private, he was afraid he would hurt her while holding her hand

He still has not forgiven himself for not going back for her when he survived the events of Burning Tides and everything that had transpired during the Ruined King, continuing to make her believe he was truly dead

He will sometimes fake falling asleep so that she would follow suit and be sound asleep, allowing Gangplank to reopen his eyes and look down at her, both admiring her features and letting tears of regret fall from his eyes

“I love you…” Silence. “… and I’m. I’m so sorry, my love…”

Gangplank has lost plenty of people before, they’ve been nothing more than just another expendable crew member or business partner. But the thought of losing Zoey is something he cannot bear thinking about and has become quite protective of her

Any moment alone he can get alone with Zoey is a moment he cherishes, he doesn’t need any words to express his love for her and neither does she. Whether it may be sitting together looking out at the stars with her in is arms or even a kiss, it’s enough for him

Hearing Zoey cry is a sound Gangplank hates and will hold her in his arms for as long as she needs. It breaks his cold heart seeing her like this

He hadn’t told Zoey yet, but Gangplank is grateful she was able to keep the Jagged Hooks afloat along with her own crew/gang, the Chimera

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