Nightbringer - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
Nightbringer Kayle! Version With And Without Foreground Blades"As Night And Dawn Continued To Clash Against
Nightbringer Kayle! Version With And Without Foreground Blades"As Night And Dawn Continued To Clash Against

nightbringer kayle! version with and without foreground blades "As Night and Dawn continued to clash against one another, from a shattered splinter of dawn's blade rose a being of judgement so wrong she was to be sentenced to night eternally. Cast out by her own sister, she to swore vengeance in the name of regaining divinity."

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1 year ago


Asmo: I don't think we can mansplain, manipulate or manwhore our way out of it this time....

Satan: *cracks his knuckles* Manslaughter it is.

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1 year ago

My favorite lines from Obey Me! Nightbringer (so far) Part 1.

Spoilers up to lesson 6 and one of the recent events (I forget the name of it)!

My Favorite Lines From Obey Me! Nightbringer (so Far) Part 1.
My Favorite Lines From Obey Me! Nightbringer (so Far) Part 1.
My Favorite Lines From Obey Me! Nightbringer (so Far) Part 1.
My Favorite Lines From Obey Me! Nightbringer (so Far) Part 1.
My Favorite Lines From Obey Me! Nightbringer (so Far) Part 1.
My Favorite Lines From Obey Me! Nightbringer (so Far) Part 1.
My Favorite Lines From Obey Me! Nightbringer (so Far) Part 1.
My Favorite Lines From Obey Me! Nightbringer (so Far) Part 1.
My Favorite Lines From Obey Me! Nightbringer (so Far) Part 1.
My Favorite Lines From Obey Me! Nightbringer (so Far) Part 1.

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1 year ago

Hey. Hey, Nightbringer devs. What the fuck. What the literal fuck. Dropping Lesson 12 at the exact same time as the start of your new event. What the fuck, man???

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4 years ago
Chaos/Order AU ThaisPhelios! Im Not Even Final On Thais Basic Design Yet, But Ive Had These Doodles For
Chaos/Order AU ThaisPhelios! Im Not Even Final On Thais Basic Design Yet, But Ive Had These Doodles For

Chaos/Order AU ThaisPhelios! I’m not even final on Thais’ basic design yet, but I’ve had these doodles for their Dawnbringer skin lying around for a while now, so just…take ‘em. ;w;

In the AU Dawnbringer Thais is the assigned bodyguard of Dawnbringer Alune, who convinces them to help Aphelios and her communicate and ultimately take part in the rebellion against Chaos and Order as extremes. It’s gonna be a one shot, once I have the time…

Thais and Aphelios’ ongoing fanfic “In Phase” set in Runeterra Prime (”canon”) can be read here!

please remember that likes do absolutely nothing to actually support me, but reblogs help!  

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10 months ago

solomon phone call


Solomon Phone Call


Solomon Phone Call

i. am like the biggest fan of acting like solomon's partner in romance (and crime too but thats not important). and i mean i choose all those options jokingly but its just.. very funny to me. and i cant really explain why.

(it is also why i will always choose the 'im a human' and then ppl being confused like what? no youre a demon hehehe.)

Solomon Phone Call

d'aww lucifer called our cooking wonderful

Solomon Phone Call

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10 months ago



anyway simeon bonus because hes my favorite

silly goofy guy who doesnt know how to make phonecalls and doesnt realize hes on a connected call with us


[Simeon: Hey, Karasu! Would you sing me a song?]

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10 months ago


the game keeps acting like the screen of all the apps is still there so im just trying to do stuff and it keeps bringing me to places im not meaning to go to ;_;


it acts like its on the bottom part though. so im just trying to press the excluse AP so i can claim it all at once and then it takes me to club. which i cant even do anything on since its coming soon

so. that was weird. i ended up just claiming them all manually since its not a lot and then closing and reopening after it proceeded to keep getting in the way

just. very weird.

sometimes i genuinely forget that things that happened in the future havent happened here so theres like no purgatory hall i dont think (which was where the angels and solomon were in the first game right?)


i didnt even mean to choose it to be like 'haha i know things that you wont understand and make no sense' i just fully forgot that they dont have that here 😭

its kind of weird though that we're impacting the past this way though. like its never happened so it shouldnt be familiar. but because we're here we change that. and i have no idea how its acting as if they already have these memories but just fragmented or like bits and pieces that give off feelings that they dont understand

i mean. the fact that we're here in the past is probably a paradox itself right? cause theyve never met us before and yet now they meet us when they first come to the devildom.

and for some reason our presence makes their self and their future self have a sort of vague connection?

so basically its treating it like the first game came first

which. it did. technically. but not timeline wise. except it also sort of did because us from that first game ends up in the past. which SHOULD be before but since we're there then we'd have to be from a time of the future which makes it confusing

and im confusing myself trying to think this through

i dont even wanna think about alternate timelines agh

anyway i was late to making this post cause i think its gone now but

the amodeus birthday bash story is just ❤️ its just very sweet and i like going along with him (and hes just so clearly having a fun time that it makes me have an even more fun time)

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9 months ago

Thank you so much actually, I found someone else’s layout a couple years back and used it to make a house in Minecraft but I hated how it turned out. So now I will be using this layout to make a better house

Nightbringer's HoL layout personally pisses me off, so I made a better one.

Nightbringer's HoL Layout Personally Pisses Me Off, So I Made A Better One.
Nightbringer's HoL Layout Personally Pisses Me Off, So I Made A Better One.
Nightbringer's HoL Layout Personally Pisses Me Off, So I Made A Better One.

Ground Floor:

Garden and Patio

Entrance Hall (lower level)

Living and Dining Room (it's the same room!)

Music Room + Planetarium

Kitchen, now actually sharing a wall with the Guest Bedroom!

Laundry Room

Guest (MC) Bed&Bath

Common Room + Communal Bathroom

Library (lower level)

Lucifer's Secret Study

Stairs to the basement

Communal Study (Not fair that Luci gets a whole secret study all to himself and the other boys get NOTHING. So i fixed that)

A Broom Closet. Because why not

Garage (it's actually just Mammon's weird-ass loft)

2nd Floor:

Entrance Hall (up those big stairs)

The famous Hallway

The Attic Stairs

Satan's Bed&Bath

(I refuse to believe this lore of "ooo all the brothers share a bathroom except asmo" like do you really think 6 whole ass grown men would be capable of sharing One (1) bathroom and go to school in a timely manner)

Asmo's Bed&Bath&Giant Closet

Lucifer's Bed&Bath

Lilith's Mirage Room

Library walkways

A Lounge Room, leading to one of those weird wacky balconies inside the entrance hall

Another communal bathroom (7 people. 7 ENTIRE PEOPLE)

The Twins' Bed&Bath

An Interior Garden, cuz that sounds like something a rich person would have


Levi's Bed&Bath + Aquarium for Henry 2.0!

Mams' Bed&Bath + Weird garage loft

Storage Room

Home Cinema (rich people stuff)


Stairway to the Underground Tomb

Feel free to use it as reference! If you end up building it in anything, pls pls pls tag me I wanna see it

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1 year ago


Oml I am obsessed

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