Lie To Us - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
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Наступает последний день, когда отсрочки больше не будет. Когда все средства будут исчерпаны. Многие уже мечтают об огромных империях, которые они воскресят, чтобы править ими жесткой рукой, но одно можно сказать наверняка: все пройдет. Высокомерные и могущественные опускаются с мертвой точки на колени.

Когда волки понимают, что Альфа-Волк стареет, стая активизируется на заднем плане. Но старый волк воспринимает молчание стаи как одобрение, поэтому его дни сочтены.


The last day will come when there will be no more postponement. When all means will be exhausted. Many are already dreaming of the vast empires they will raise up to rule them with a strong hand, but one thing is certain: it will be over. The arrogant and powerful will come to their knees before dead.

When the wolves realise that the alpha wolf is getting older, the pack becomes active in the background. But the old wolf takes the pack's silence as consent, and his days are counted.

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1 year ago
Since World War II, There Has Been A Trend Towards Fewer Wars, The Russian Invasion Of The Ukraine Standing

Since World War II, there has been a trend towards fewer wars, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine standing as a major 'aberration'. With decades of experience as an international lawyer, diplomat and head of UN Iraq inspections, Hans Blix examines conflicts and other developments after World War II. He finds that new restraints on uses of force have emerged from fears about nuclear war, economic interdependence and UN Charter rules. With less interest in the conquest of land, states increasingly use economic or cyber means to battle their adversaries. Such a turn is not free from perils but should perhaps be welcomed as an alternative to previous methods of war. By analysing these new restraints, Blix rejects the fatalistic assumption that there will always be war. He submits that today leading powers are saying farewell to previous patterns of war, instead choosing to continue their competition for power and influence on the battlefields of economy and information.


Let's talk about the good man who always assumed that crises could be solved with diplomacy.

The competition between states without war is the counter-model to the eternal repetition of escalation which has always led to war and conflict.


Hans Blix - Wikipedia

I don't think that anyone seriously fears that the world can be blown to pieces all together. But what one can fear and rightly so are regional things, like in the Middle East, India, Pakistan, the Korean Peninsula, borders in Africa, etc.

Hans Blix

Nobody wants to be humiliated. Humiliation leads to bad things.

Hans Blix

The consequences of the Iraq war have changed the whole course of history. Based on a lie by the US to take revenge for 9/11, the entire world's history was changed and we are still feeling the effects.


Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction but the hawks in the white house wanted war and ultimately did not change the entire world's history for the better and that's putting it nicely.

Since World War II, There Has Been A Trend Towards Fewer Wars, The Russian Invasion Of The Ukraine Standing

In an in-depth interview with director Greta Stocklassa, retired politician and diplomat Hans Blix reflects on his career as head of the UN Arms Control Commission and the legacy he will leave behind for future generations. The 94-year-old Swede held the post during the war on terror between 2000 and 2003, becoming a key player in a global crisis.

While one war fades from history, another has begun.

Humanity is doomed to repeat its patterns and mistakes.

The greatest threat to humanity is the use of weapons of mass destruction, overpopulation with not enough resources, climate change.

Hans Blix

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5 months ago

I tell lies, lies, lies. If people aren't interested in reality, why not just make up stories that my fans love?

Donald Trump in a vulnerable moment of absolute truth.

I Tell Lies, Lies, Lies. If People Aren't Interested In Reality, Why Not Just Make Up Stories That My

Incidentally, here is a really cool new fan item that you idiotically useless idiots should definitely buy with your meagre money to make me even richer.

How stupid do you have to be? This item isn't even made in the USA like all the crap I sell. I love China because at least the workers aren't paid for overtime!

It makes the crap cheaper to buy and I make a bigger profit.

Donald Trump in a vulnerable moment of absolute truth.

Lawrence: While Trump lies about hurricane relief, Harris picks up impor…

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5 months ago

60 minutes where someone can't just talk about full metal jackets, but has to actually answer real questions – Donald Trump can't pull that off. Everyone can see that he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.


He is a frightening example of how you can run for the highest office in the land without any liability or responsibility, based only on lies and the division of a nation, and with a resume that would be rejected by any company as an applicant.

The land of opportunity has created the problem itself.

Let's hope that a nation with understanding and reason will show the Golem and his henchmen the limits.

But why not invent a visit during an interview?

There appears to be some confusion regarding an alleged visit by Trump to Gaza. Despite his enthusiastic description of the area as ‘the best place in the Middle East, with the best water and the best of everything,’ there is currently no evidence to support this claim. In an interview, Donald Trump expressed enthusiasm for the potential of the Gaza Strip and shared details of an alleged visit to the Palestinian territory. However, there are doubts about the veracity of this alleged trip.

Trump's statements were perceived as not entirely truthful. His remarks were scrutinised again. In a radio interview with right-wing host Hugh Hewitt, he claimed to have been in the Gaza Strip. However, there is no evidence of such a visit.

We believe that there is no other person except the fairytale character Graf von Münchhausen who has told more lies in their entire life and which are then uncovered by a reality check!

The truth used to be a valuable asset. Where did that go?


The full clip.

Before his interview with VP Kamala Harris, Stephen Colbert dropped this video mocking Donald Trump bailing on 60 Minutes.

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