Dictatorship - Tumblr Posts
If you say "Fuck x country/state" as a response to actions of the governors of this country/state, but then phrase your argument in a way that directs your anger towards everyone who happen to live there, you need to reevaluate some things. Especially considering how many of those countries/states either use some level of voter suppression to keep their governors in power, or are just STRAIGHT UP DICTATORSHIPS (that also often control any and all information that their citizens are allowed to be exposed to).
The cardinal sin of geopolitics is conflating a government with its citizens.
The penalties imposed on the Russian opposition today are more drastic than under Stalin.
Putin has long since taken the gloves off.
Отведав человеческой плоти, медведь хочет еще, пока не умрет от жадности.
Старая русская пословица, которая никогда не существовала.
Если вы хотите победить Путина, вам нужно создать в России гиперинфляцию. Через дефицит продовольствия и рост цен. Любой, кто знает историю, может извлечь из этого урок. Именно так закончилась Веймарская республика, инфляция порождает разногласия независимо от формы правления.
Какой бы коррумпированной ни была система, она рухнет только тогда, когда люди потеряют доверие к ней, а экономический кризис, вызванный инфляцией, не удастся взять под контроль.
When Putin kills a prominent government critic in front of the world public.
What do you think will happen to non-prominent critics of the system?
Putin will even keep the corpse of the hated Kremlin critic as a trophy so as not to have to admit that it was murder.
If the death of unjustly imprisoned people is accepted as normal, the whole system that is responsible for it is not right.
Putin is a vindictive little man with absolute power and great power fantasies.
He walks over dead bodies, whether it's one person or an entire nation.
He is like a street thug who must be stopped.
This can only be done through strength and strategy. Similar means must be used to unsettle the Russian people. Not destructively but positively reinforced.
It worked in the Roman Empire, so why not in the Russian Empire?
Rumours about food supplies and price reductions that are guaranteed never to materialise. I have already caused a lot of social upheaval. Whether it is peaceful is another matter.
His vanity, his exuded overconfidence suggest anything but a man who is ultimately secure and who only dominates his surroundings through violence and intimidation.
The older he gets, the more dangerous he becomes for those around him and the same applies in reverse.
All the fear he spreads will also affect him because when wolves realise that the Alfa Wolf is weakening, it usually doesn't end well.
Jack London more or less
Наступает последний день, когда отсрочки больше не будет. Когда все средства будут исчерпаны. Многие уже мечтают об огромных империях, которые они воскресят, чтобы править ими жесткой рукой, но одно можно сказать наверняка: все пройдет. Высокомерные и могущественные опускаются с мертвой точки на колени.
Когда волки понимают, что Альфа-Волк стареет, стая активизируется на заднем плане. Но старый волк воспринимает молчание стаи как одобрение, поэтому его дни сочтены.
The last day will come when there will be no more postponement. When all means will be exhausted. Many are already dreaming of the vast empires they will raise up to rule them with a strong hand, but one thing is certain: it will be over. The arrogant and powerful will come to their knees before dead.
When the wolves realise that the alpha wolf is getting older, the pack becomes active in the background. But the old wolf takes the pack's silence as consent, and his days are counted.
It cannot be that war crimes are not prosecuted and someone who has provided a platform to reveal them to the world public is prosecuted and punished.
To make it clear once again whoever publishes war crimes is not a perpetrator!
The question should be were the war criminals in this helicopter held accountable?
A state and no matter which one protects the murderers in its army has no moral compass and has a great humanity deficit.
Due to the following scenes in the movie can be disturbing for sensitive people.
WikiLeaks, a website that publishes anonymously sourced documents, has released a video showing what apparently is a US military helicopter firing at unarmed civilians in Iraq. WikiLeaks said the footage, filmed from a helicopter cockpit, shows a missile strike and shooting on a square in a Baghdad neighbourhood in July 2007. The website said 12 civilians were killed in the attack, including two journalists, Namir Nour El Deen and Saeed Chmagh, who worked for the Reuters news agency. This is the full, unedited version of the footage.
Anyone with a moral compass knows that there is no secret betrayal when it comes to war crimes.
Any law system that treats the other is inherently wrong and does not serve equality but only state interests.
700,000 death sentences in two years from 1936 to 1938
Historical glorification of Stalin.
History is a science and glorification of so-called Russian values.
Imperial nostalgia of the lost empire and its recovery by the successor of Peter the Great, Putin the .... We could not bring ourselves to add the addendum.
Putin who has the choice has none because I am the only option.
History is more enduring than historiography.
The wet dream of Mr Donald Trump.
Five presidential mandates in a row in the absence of a real political alternative.
Unfortunately, the political alternative was not allowed because I did not realise that it was necessary for Russia.
Putin more or less
The truth is, no one of us can be free until everybody is free.
Maya Angelou
There can only be one
Over 110 million Russians have until Sunday to vote for the country's president. The outcome of the election is already clear: Vladimir Putin will continue to rule. A successor is not in sight.
Vladimir Putin has been in power in Russia for almost a quarter of a century. And there will be a few more years to come, as there is no doubt that he will win the upcoming presidential election by a clear margin. For Putin, it is a vote on "Russia's future". The 71-year-old has already ruled Russia for longer than any other politician since Joseph Stalin.
Yes, it will be hard for a few more years but there is a ray of hope that death will take everyone and Putin is just Putin without an ideological foundation. After Stalin there was communism, after Putin there is egoism and therefore nothing.
China wants to phase out government computers with Western chips
Beijing wants to oust key technologies from abroad from its internal systems. According to a report, computers with Western components are now being replaced en masse.
The timing of the publication in the "Financial Times" is embarrassing for China: a major international economic conference called the "China Development Forum" is currently taking place in Beijing, at which Prime Minister Li Qiang and Finance Minister Lan Fo'an, among others, appeared on Sunday. Their message was that despite the current economic downturn, China is an irresistible market and a worthwhile destination for investment. This is how they want to attract international companies to China.
China's Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao met with AMD CEO Lisa Su on Sunday. The two sides discussed the China-US business and trade relationship, as well as AMD's business development in the Chinese market. Wang wished for the US to work with China in providing clear safety.
China is XI and its agenda is being implemented unstoppably.
We Europeans and Americans should not be under the illusion that China is a reliable partner.
China is only acting in the interests of China, all China and therefore XI wants is influence and control.
We in the West should never forget that China has a dictator who holds all the power and considers democracy to be weak.
China will go along with everything as long as it benefits China, even if agreements have been concluded with China, these will only be honoured as long as they are considered necessary .
China is ruled by a surprise dictatorship that tolerates no dissent and has developed its infrastructure so that it can completely control all its citizens. They are then disciplined like a herd of sheep, and any violation of the Chinese Communist Party's rules is punished so that the herd is frugal.
The social score system is one of the greatest perversions of IT development and, with the much-vaunted AI, will become the horror of a free and open society.
Karl Marx once said that religion is opium for the people. In China, the statement needs to be redefined: connsum is opium for the Chinese people.
It's fantastic what he says.
Sorry, we were briefly dazzled by his compassion, humanity and his absolute love for people, well, like him, we only have one book from which we learn everything (we think for him it is one of the oh so many different versions of the Bible, for us it is always the current version of the Book of World Records).
It's sad how godless a self-satisfied vain man in love with himself (still too woke for us) can be. greetings from Afghanistan
In our opinion, he's* far too woke - honestly, do you want him to speak for his family's cell or even be able to vote?
He just doesn't go far enough because he's a liberal soft-spoken Christian! In our opinion only a true leader must lead a nation.
We suggest a man like Adolf Hitler * * nonsense some Christian radical fundalmist who revives the burning of witches.
It wasn't all bad about the Spanish Inquisition!
Yes it was!
*Really, please don't be such a self-congratulatory soft fundalmist brimming with Christian vanity.
**Well, that's a complete historical failure. But it was a belief as a state religion that ultimately led to the total blindness of an entire people.
***(a man who goes to vote for his family because all the other family members have somehow lost equality can no longer be a victim)
What always makes us so sad is that we meet him in the dark room at some point and he switches off the light. Sorry of course the man is not gay is a mortal sin according to some old books (who reads old books).
Then there's a big cry from the poor victim*** who has been seduced by Satan.
Well, we've had our fun now, seriously, let's summarise what he's saying.
Women don't have to vote because the head of the family, the man who of course loves his family, always makes the right decisions for them and therefore makes the right choice because he loves them.
There is only one problem here, only God is infallible, so if he believes he is infallible, that is blasphemy and we would be back to the Spanish Inquisition.
What if the man doesn't love the family? Then the family is beaten until the family loves the man?
And then there's the inelegant argument that drag queens shouldn't read books, and the gay jihad, what's that supposed to be? Didn't he know what kind of mistake he was making here? By associating the word jihad with gay, gay becomes a religion. And yet another own goal and that is blasphemy off to the Spanish Inquisition you brain acrobat.
Who believes in everything that has to do with humanity.
Just buy a second book we recommend rhetoric for Dummies.
Project 25 off to the Middle Ages and then off to the new crusades was already cool dressed in iron in the desert.
Project 25 is the plan of Christian Nationalists.
This is no joke.
Republican women better wake up.
Vote the GOP out. Keep Trump away from The White House permanently.
Abuse of power
On a global, social and individual level - and in different contexts in each case - abuse of power refers to behaviour that is based on the illegitimate use of power. The term refers to an accusation that is often used in combination with other terms such as corruption, arbitrariness, greed or thirst for recognition, some of which refer to the possible underlying motives. Various academic disciplines, preferably political and social sciences, but also many others such as economics or sexology, and depending on the context, possibly also criminology or police science, deal with the possibly very different consequences of abuse of power. As a rule, however, there is no definition of the term in either a scientific or other context.
Wikipedia more or less
How this picture came together with the gif can be clearly understood from the previous facts.
We have no intention of influencing or even insulting anyone here.
That has probably already been done by the actual facts of the people involved. They insult human rights and don't even apologise, even though they pretend to believe.
The eighth of May, the end of the Second World War and liberation from a totalitarian regime of violence that had the whole free world holding its breath.
The fall of the greatest insane criminal third Reich was initiated on the first day of d-day the day of the beginning of liberation with supernatural sacrifices.
The Antif was a bundling of all the forces over which the Nazis brought horror and their allies!
Young men selflessly gave their lives to create a world without fascism for future generations.
Never forget this and recognise the signs of the times, never again fascism applies and will always be valid.
Never again fascism!
When the good are silent, evil wins!
Never forget the victims of the Second World War who were disenfranchised and cruelly and systematically murdered.
Remembering is not letting the past become the future!
Every responsible, independent-minded person has a responsibility to oppose injustice, not to retaliate but to prepare a peaceful and free future for all.
All over the world, forces are gaining strength that range from right-wing to fascist and offer simple solutions for a world of complex interrelationships.
They use lies, propaganda and division to try to dissolve social consensus in order to come to power in chaos.
As democrats, we must stand up to these forces in order to ultimately protect our own freedom and the freedom of others.
There are islands of democracies in the world surrounded by dictatorships that want to kill these islands to enforce their own interests and that does not mean freedom!
His will to absolute self-destruction was more related to the country than to the Nazis, unfortunately! The guilt was never really acknowledged by the perpetrators but only accepted by the generations after theirs.
No matter whether you are a public prosecutor, a Sharia judge and an agitator of a mullah state or another misanthrope, I will get you all.
Your judges the dead
This is what equality looks like!
Taiwan has nothing to do with China, it is not China because it is a democracy.
No matter what XI pulls out of its hair as a historical justification on the basis of such claims, Europe would still be Roman.
For a free and democratic Taiwan, let the other democracies realize that they can only stand together against the dictatorships.
China is overestimated and overestimates itself and that is exactly the point where it will tip over without outside influences. The Chinese youth have been given the promise that if they study they can practice what they have studied. Somehow apolitical, but not if the promise cannot be kept by the Communist Party XI. There are already measures on the part of the CP to bring all these unemployed academics who are supported by their parents to the countryside to work in inadequate jobs. These are still only measures and not coercive measures, but that can change at any time.
If parents are no longer able to support their children, dissatisfaction will increase, to the detriment of the CP. Many young people in China are seeking internal migration and thus a new sense of purpose, as the Communist Party's promise of prosperity and a future has not been fulfilled for them. The party is currently allowing this to happen without intervention, but if they realize the potential and impact it may have on the future of the CP's existence, violence will follow. What they do to other parts of the population, they will do to the youth and put them in re-education camps. So China has a huge problem because their promise that the fate of the party is linked to the prosperity of the people will be broken.
In addition, government spending is immense, not only for the gigantic army but also for all the infrastructure projects that were not necessary. In addition to the environmental problems such as clean air or water.
China is a giant with feet of clay.
That is its weakness, no matter how puffed up it is in relation to the West.
President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan thanks drag queen Nymphia Wind for a great performance
DW reports that Taiwanese drag queen Nymphia Wind (妮妃雅‧瘋) and winner of the TV series “RuPaul’s Drag Race” has performed a medley of songs for outgoing President Tsai Ing-wen, thanking her for being the island’s “mother.”
As you can see from the video, the President enjoyed the performance very much. The president is clearly a strong supporter of the queer and trans communities.
Drag queens, led by "RuPaul's Drag Race" winner Nymphia Wind in yellow, perform for Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-wen at the presidential office in Taipei, Taiwan.
Photo: Wang Yu Ching/Office of the President.
The world, or rather the societies of this world, are undergoing a shift to the right.
Why? Somehow easy to understand without considering the consequences and these will follow in inevitable ways and effects. But back to the simple, yes this world and by that I mean the world of man and his perception is too complicated, too complex with all its dependencies. There are all the facts, the science and the effects that cry out for change.
However, this is the inertia of knowledge and the comfort of everyone, why change when things are somehow not really bad.
You can maintain your status, can't you?
And that's exactly what the right-wing parties understand and somehow say that everything should stay as it is. Or best to bring out the concepts of the good old days. With the manslaughter argument (which ultimately says nothing) everything wasn't bad.
Hate as an ideology
You really think that a strong hand can fix everything.
Because they just don't want to take responsibility for their lives. That means they would have to think and deal with all the real facts.
The consumer wants to consume and have a job so that he is well off. What do they care about others from whom they have been torn apart by all the propaganda.
All the others are to blame for the loss of prosperity, but not those who are at the top of the food chain in your country.
People who are so rich that you can't even imagine it. The rich and big companies will be fine with the right wing, they will come to terms with them as they have so often in history. Even benefit themselves.
The only problem is that when the spit is over and social development is in ruins, it really wasn't anyone again.
They will all have run away and confess, as so often in history: we didn't see this coming and if we had known, we would have decided differently.
Eat dust you hypocrites.
Have no backbone, take no responsibility and think you're just a nice fellow human being who only meant well.
Just imagine for a moment that we could all enjoy such a beautiful habitat that provides us with all the resources we need! Unfortunately, there are some people who stand in the way of this wonderful possibility. These individuals have big ambitions and an addiction to meaningless big-manism. But we can overcome them!
What is noteworthy is the tendency to focus on past experiences in a world facing future challenges that can only be addressed collectively.
The increasing nationalism is a clear sign that humanity is ready to not learn from history! It's time to make sure we don't end up in the next catastrophe for humanity.
Please don't say you didn't know or see it – it was right in front of you and you're ready to make a change!
Beware of books by people who forbid books. There was once a book that contained everything, and after the catastrophe nobody wanted to read it.
So read, understand and resist!
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings.
Heinrich Heine
Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
The improbable lies at the edge of the probable—always bear that in mind.
After the First World War, everyone swore never to go to war again!
A capitalism-oriented God's State in the form of an empty democracy hollowed out by corrupt power-obsessed morally degenerate outcasts at the mercy of Trump and his rotten party is a real possibility.
This 4 minute video is a must watch. It explains how Trump will destroy democracy and crush protests once in office.
Chilling! Traction please.
The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.
Alice Walker
Abuse of power
On a global, social and individual level - and in different contexts in each case - abuse of power refers to behaviour that is based on the illegitimate use of power. The term refers to an accusation that is often used in combination with other terms such as corruption, arbitrariness, greed or thirst for recognition, some of which refer to the possible underlying motives. Various academic disciplines, preferably political and social sciences, but also many others such as economics or sexology, and depending on the context, possibly also criminology or police science, deal with the possibly very different consequences of abuse of power. As a rule, however, there is no definition of the term in either a scientific or other context.
Wikipedia more or less
How this picture came together with the gif can be clearly understood from the previous facts.
We have no intention of influencing or even insulting anyone here.
That has probably already been done by the actual facts of the people involved. They insult human rights and don't even apologise, even though they pretend to believe.
Please keep reading this, and if you can, please share this and anything related to this topic, we NEED visibility.
Nicolas Maduro fraudulently won yesterday’s presidential elections, I repeat, NICOLAS MADURO and his allies have committed fraud against VENEZUELA.
There’s just been a day since this was announced and there’s already tons of harmed and killed citizens, OUR PEOPLE IS GETTING KILLED FOR SPEAKING UP, AND THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT.
This is a dictatorship, one that has took the life’s of millions of Venezuelans in the past 25 years.
WE ARE SCARED, i am scared, I want to get out of my house and protest for a better future, for the freedom of my people and for peace to finally win in Venezuela, but I’m scared of getting killed for fighting for my rights. Venezuela right now is dangerous, even staying in your own house is dangerous.
I’m deeply proud of all of those who are on the streets right now, thank you so much for being so brave, and for fighting for this country.
We want to finally have a break, we’ve been suffering for way too long because of this government, this is nothing like what the foreigners think is going on, this is not about the the lack of food, this about that WAY more that half of the country can’t even afford to buy decent groceries with their monthly income (the minimum wage is 3.5$ PER MONTH, and whatever you hear out there where they say that is 800bs is a LIE)
This is not about the inflation, this is about that we have to use a foreign currency, because ours is WORTHLESS.
We are not the country with the biggest oil reserves on the world, the gas on the gas stations in Venezuela is from IRAN, our oil reserves are being STOLEN by the government.
Just by natural resources, we are supposed to be one the countries with the best economies in the world, but we have one of the WORST, because the government and those who are connected to them STEAL EVERYTHING.
We don’t wanna live this way anymore, I don’t wanna say goodbye to another family member, I don’t wanna say goodbye to another of my friends, I want them to stay, to come back, I want to celebrate Christmas with a table full of my loved ones, I want them to be part of my life, I want to be able to go out with my friends in car where there’s no empty spaces, I want to be free.
Please, to whoever is reading this, wherever your Venezuelan or not, please share this and everything related to what’s going on right now, we want this to have visibility, for the whole world to know what’s going on.
Here’s so important information that might help you to understand things a bit better.
And if you wanna know what’s going on the streets and the ATROCITIES this government is doing to Venezuelans, you can check this Twitter/X account. https://x.com/uhn_plus?s=21&t=811ZdyqLhYbY4z4zGa7Qlw