Life Path 1 - Tumblr Posts

As a life path 1, Taika Waititi’s major life lessons are ruled by the planet of the unconscious personality. Within his chart: the Sun is in the sign of self-expression.
The placement of his planets are evenly scattered, with no major stelliums... there are four air sign placements, and also four fire sign placements, out of the eighteen total. Which signals to passion of communication through his life purpose.
The Sun naturally rules Aries, and directs the Crown, while this chakra is also influenced by Uranus. This chakra is very prominent as the center of our human condition. It’s the pillar of our personal expression, as we develop a healthy ego. A pronounced Crown introduces a strong sense of self, which allows one to form concrete ideologies. The abilities of this chakra allows you to foster claircognizance, or clear knowing.
People with predominant masculine placements (Air+Fire) tend to struggle with objective perspectives. Our spiritual autonomy grows as we explore personal or subjective beliefs, by defining them out in the world. When we neglect to realize our individual beliefs, we would confuse the context of our socialization, which means struggling to form a real identity. A shallow identity would be one that does not reflect true beliefs, therefore the purpose of self-expression should be defined by the intention to become an authentic person.
Within his Vedic chart, Taika’s Jyestha nakshatra symbolizes unfavorable misgivings in connection with household tradition. The Goddess Jyestha was born within a cosmic ocean as counterpart to her younger sister, Lakshmi. While her sister embodies beauty and fortune, Jyestha is to exemplify the exact opposite. She is said to dwell among sinners, as the symbol of sloth, she brings sorrow and causes poverty. I see that this reflects the pressure of traditional roles within family, or within career. It allows me to guise the acute attachments of social normality which can pressure toward certain ideologies.

In Nayeon’s case, her placement of the Sun in Virgo highlights self-awareness as the method of progress into wholeness. The Violet aura resonates within abilities of the Crown chakra, which rules Aries energy. In Nayeon’s chart: the Moon is placed in Leo, which reveals the nature of insight that is being absorbed.
This energy leak takes away from the quality of her intuition, which is a vital source of her personal strength. She’s meant to grow into her emotional guidance and allow that to serve as reference within the relationships that matter to her most. However, her ability to identify what people want can feed into the compulsion to please others-- by maintaining a certain image. If she could develop her level of insight, she would realize harmony between the contents of her desires and the types of people she deeply connects with.
I designed this birth chart style to visualize the energy of the chakra system which corresponds to their ruling planet.

In Joy’s case, her placement of Sun in Virgo highlights self-awareness as the method to progress into wholeness. The Violet aura resonates within abilities of the Crown chakra, which rules Aries and Leo. In Joy’s chart: Saturn in Aries could reveal where the main obstacles in her life are rooted, while Black Moon Lilith in Leo speaks to the depth of how that affects her character.
The energy leak takes away from the quality of her bright personality which is a huge point of magnetism in her life. She’s meant to draw in the right people who share the same work ethic. However, her ability to enjoy the work she does may be thwarted by her ideals and expectations.
I’m getting that she is overwhelmed by coworkers and employers because of inconsistent communication. Stress around those situations goes straight to her head if she’s unable to express her thoughts candidly.
I designed this birth chart style to visualize the energy of the chakra system which corresponds to their ruling planet.

In Nayeon’s case, her placement of the Sun in Virgo highlights SELF-AWARENESS as the method of progress into wholeness. The Violet aura resonates within abilities of the Crown chakra, which rules Aries energy. In Nayeon’s chart: the Moon is placed in Leo, which reveals the nature of insight that is being absorbed.
This energy leak takes away from the quality of her intuition, which is a vital source of her personal strength. She’s meant to grow into her emotional guidance and allow that to serve as reference within the relationships that matter to her most. However, her ability to identify what people want can feed into the compulsion to please others– by maintaining a certain image. If she could develop her level of insight, she would realize harmony between the contents of her desires and the types of people she deeply connects with.
I designed this birth chart visualizer to show the energy of the chakra system as they correspond with a ruling planet. I’m practicing CHAKRA DIVINATION an intuitive reading system found and taught by Naomi Goldrich.

In Joy’s case, her placement of Sun in Virgo highlights SELF-AWARENESS as the method to progress into wholeness. The Violet aura resonates within abilities of the Crown chakra, which rules Aries and Leo. In Joy’s chart: Saturn in Aries could reveal where the main obstacles in her life are rooted, while Black Moon Lilith in Leo speaks to the depth of how that affects her character.
The energy leak takes away from the quality of her bright personality which is a huge point of magnetism in her life. She’s meant to draw in the right people who share the same work ethic. However, her ability to enjoy the work she does may be thwarted by her false ideals and expectations over others.
I’m getting that she is overwhelmed by coworkers and employers because of inconsistent communication. Stress around those situations may go straight to her head if she’s unable to express her thoughts candidly.
I designed this birth chart visualizer to show the energy of the chakra system as they correspond with a ruling planet. I’m practicing CHAKRA DIVINATION an intuitive reading system found and taught by Naomi Goldrich.