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Jewels of Truth Statement #2,286: "The Wonders of A Miraculous Life Wish"

Hello All, Today's "Jewels of Truth" channeled spiritual wisdom statement from my Angels within will seem woo woo for its topic. By woo woo it's something I've never heard before and for many instances sounds very magical and mystical in a metaphysical order of being. In some relative degrees it challenges us the reader and worshipper of God(dess) regarding the power of miracles. I had inquired with the Angels if I should be sharing this publicly since it sounded like secret knowledge not for the general public. They insisted there is nothing to fear and no wrong shall blow back upon me since this cycle of Earth's history is already tumultuous. Any that recall this lost power of the Soul of God within us can perform a passing miracle before they ascend to the next reality upon their death. We have all heard the common phrase of a "Death Wish". Which is basically endangering oneself by foolhardy behavior that can get one perhaps literally killed. The Angels tell me there is a polar opposite power of the pure and perfect Soul of God in all his enlightened children. It is that of the "Life Wish" as meaning as a person is dying and with their last breath of mortal carnal life they utter a wish for their loved ones, if not the world in general. According to how spiritually mature a person is upon such a trying emotional episode. A miracle can be born as a sanctified holy wish when it is of benevolence. This is all too similar as in the Christian New Testament of Luke 23:46. "Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last." (New International Version) The Angels also go on in all fairness with my curiosity when I asked if their was a evil counter point version. They nodded that would be the literal accursed "Death Wish". Notwithstanding the English dictionary meaning of the word following the same dynamics I outlined above. I just wanted to set up the forthcoming statement I channeled via clairvoyant automatic writing for all of you that happen to come across this missive from the Angels. Life Wish: 2286) Every life has an intrinsic reason for being alive right here and now within this material Creation. There are no accidents plain and simple as to the purpose driven reincarnations of our united souls through the Almighty God. All have elegant meaning and an overriding joy to exist abundantly for the nature of God decrees it so. We are each blades of grass in the fields of a created paradise that expand easily in concentric circles unto great empires out amongst the stars as gigantic civilizations. Not one lifetime is forfeit even if evil has been tainted upon them as errors committed unfairly against their psyche, body, and spiritual nature. As a life is often described as to having a death wish due to fool hardly reckless behaviors. There is a pivotal grace to all that can have equal access to what is known as the supreme Life Wish. A Life Wish grants any wish spoken out loud or mentally shortly before a mortal carnal passing of the flesh. The last symbolic breath of life of any creature that enacts such a holy power. Is akin to the breath of God transcending back onto paradise metaphysically forever from such a divine spirit having a binary primitive existence in a physical form. Just at the eclipse of their mortal event horizon of a physically passing death ultimately reverts back to the totality of God the apex Creator as the First Cause. Once such a soul has lived a devout faithful life in a continual relationship with the Creator. By benevolence their spiritual eternal entity form has boosted strength to have a relatively greater impact with their miraculous Life Wish. The same can be accomplished when lacking a life of faith with the holy realities in the world. By uttering an emotional plea as a supplication with their last breath of physical life to God. Any such declaration that promotes good will have a miracle of good come into the world according to their greatest life wish. The same is also true for a foul death wish from a foreboding soul returning back to God with hatred in their hearts cursing the living world. As many have been oppressed by tyranny in the world by specific people and institutions many have cursed the powerful of the Earth out of spite with a death wish. Not fully realizing the severity of such a metaphysical power at their disposal inherently. Since God occupies our lifetimes equally to all creatures living their own life in the world. To lift any problematic curse in the world no matter its origins it must be met by an equal or superior unconditional forgiving love to cleanse it fully. Only with the mercy of God's perfect compassion can filth be removed spiritually and subsequently from physical causations in the world. As God(dess) is completely supremely neutral as the first enlightened divine being in heaven. God, takes no sides in the mortal battles against itself because of self-inflicted good and evil dramas. As God is neutral beyond good and evil he affords us all with a piece of his life force as an emanation of his purest essence to create like the Creator. With this said our ability to create with a Life Wish as a living miracle of the presence of God is right up all our alleys. It is not the power of our humanity that grants such a miracle upon the dying breath of a person, it is literally God itself in us combined. A parting desire one last time to create greatly as we've all been urged if we have ever been honest sufficiently to listen to the still small voice in our united hearts. A parting prayer becomes fulfilled instantaneously as the angel flies to recover each soul back to the next life in pure spirit. As God breathed life into Adam so does Adam in each of us return his breath back to God with a solemn holy wish of a miracle. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.