atrayo - Atrayo's Oracle
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Is a humble blog site for my recently posted Inspirational Angelic Heavenly channeled psychic ability. Via Clairaudience and Claircognizance offering inclusive spiritual wisdom, metaphysics, and mystical "Jewels of Truth" topic statements. Copyright © 2005-2024 All Rights Reserved

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Jewels Of Truth Statement #2,286: "The Wonders Of A Miraculous Life Wish"

Jewels of Truth Statement #2,286: "The Wonders of A Miraculous Life Wish"


Hello All, Today's "Jewels of Truth" channeled spiritual wisdom statement from my Angels within will seem woo woo for its topic. By woo woo it's something I've never heard before and for many instances sounds very magical and mystical in a metaphysical order of being. In some relative degrees it challenges us the reader and worshipper of God(dess) regarding the power of miracles. I had inquired with the Angels if I should be sharing this publicly since it sounded like secret knowledge not for the general public. They insisted there is nothing to fear and no wrong shall blow back upon me since this cycle of Earth's history is already tumultuous. Any that recall this lost power of the Soul of God within us can perform a passing miracle before they ascend to the next reality upon their death. We have all heard the common phrase of a "Death Wish". Which is basically endangering oneself by foolhardy behavior that can get one perhaps literally killed. The Angels tell me there is a polar opposite power of the pure and perfect Soul of God in all his enlightened children. It is that of the "Life Wish" as meaning as a person is dying and with their last breath of mortal carnal life they utter a wish for their loved ones, if not the world in general. According to how spiritually mature a person is upon such a trying emotional episode. A miracle can be born as a sanctified holy wish when it is of benevolence. This is all too similar as in the Christian New Testament of Luke 23:46. "Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last." (New International Version) The Angels also go on in all fairness with my curiosity when I asked if their was a evil counter point version. They nodded that would be the literal accursed "Death Wish". Notwithstanding the English dictionary meaning of the word following the same dynamics I outlined above. I just wanted to set up the forthcoming statement I channeled via clairvoyant automatic writing for all of you that happen to come across this missive from the Angels. Life Wish: 2286) Every life has an intrinsic reason for being alive right here and now within this material Creation. There are no accidents plain and simple as to the purpose driven reincarnations of our united souls through the Almighty God. All have elegant meaning and an overriding joy to exist abundantly for the nature of God decrees it so. We are each blades of grass in the fields of a created paradise that expand easily in concentric circles unto great empires out amongst the stars as gigantic civilizations. Not one lifetime is forfeit even if evil has been tainted upon them as errors committed unfairly against their psyche, body, and spiritual nature. As a life is often described as to having a death wish due to fool hardly reckless behaviors. There is a pivotal grace to all that can have equal access to what is known as the supreme Life Wish. A Life Wish grants any wish spoken out loud or mentally shortly before a mortal carnal passing of the flesh. The last symbolic breath of life of any creature that enacts such a holy power. Is akin to the breath of God transcending back onto paradise metaphysically forever from such a divine spirit having a binary primitive existence in a physical form. Just at the eclipse of their mortal event horizon of a physically passing death ultimately reverts back to the totality of God the apex Creator as the First Cause. Once such a soul has lived a devout faithful life in a continual relationship with the Creator. By benevolence their spiritual eternal entity form has boosted strength to have a relatively greater impact with their miraculous Life Wish. The same can be accomplished when lacking a life of faith with the holy realities in the world. By uttering an emotional plea as a supplication with their last breath of physical life to God. Any such declaration that promotes good will have a miracle of good come into the world according to their greatest life wish. The same is also true for a foul death wish from a foreboding soul returning back to God with hatred in their hearts cursing the living world. As many have been oppressed by tyranny in the world by specific people and institutions many have cursed the powerful of the Earth out of spite with a death wish. Not fully realizing the severity of such a metaphysical power at their disposal inherently. Since God occupies our lifetimes equally to all creatures living their own life in the world. To lift any problematic curse in the world no matter its origins it must be met by an equal or superior unconditional forgiving love to cleanse it fully. Only with the mercy of God's perfect compassion can filth be removed spiritually and subsequently from physical causations in the world. As God(dess) is completely supremely neutral as the first enlightened divine being in heaven. God, takes no sides in the mortal battles against itself because of self-inflicted good and evil dramas. As God is neutral beyond good and evil he affords us all with a piece of his life force as an emanation of his purest essence to create like the Creator. With this said our ability to create with a Life Wish as a living miracle of the presence of God is right up all our alleys. It is not the power of our humanity that grants such a miracle upon the dying breath of a person, it is literally God itself in us combined. A parting desire one last time to create greatly as we've all been urged if we have ever been honest sufficiently to listen to the still small voice in our united hearts. A parting prayer becomes fulfilled instantaneously as the angel flies to recover each soul back to the next life in pure spirit. As God breathed life into Adam so does Adam in each of us return his breath back to God with a solemn holy wish of a miracle. Amen.                                                                              ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statement #2251: "Why Horror in the World Elicits the Divine To Act From Within"


Hello All, The world is a lovely ancient planet alive as a whole intelligent organism with its own meta soulful grace. Aside from this we as its inhabitants from generation to generation of humanity are the immature children. This can include entire societies with weak governance well into sporadic acts of violence indicative of a greater cancer spreading in our mundane midst. Up close there can be made very little sense to understand the chaos that is happening in our societies well into internationally. The greater population on this planet of our human species the more infighting will occur. Due to overcrowding and the poor resource management of our finer assets of this world. The violence and political bickering is the symptom of an ever widening dilemma facing not just America, but the world as each society defines it with their own cultural bias. I always channel from the Angelic Host of the heavens. However I usually receive inquiries from others fearful perception of how do I know I'm channeling the benevolent Angels? A valid and straightforward question akin to kicking the tires to see if the car is sturdy enough to be driven. My response is that these angelic entities have taught me how to Love Unconditionally in the world and have taught me the power of forgiveness. Do recall I have a relationship with the Angels since 1989 as a psychic-medium so it's been 27 years of my life. When I first started off I was like any young adult foolish and lacking maturity of not just spirit, but of the world. I have been groomed by the love of heaven and in the process I have been transformed. Having revealed my own divine nature in the role of my dharma in service to others. Today's "Jewels of  Truth" spiritual wisdom statement #2,251 was channeled via clairvoyant automatic writing just yesterday. It's on the topic of Transformation in spite of the ugliness of the world encountered through victimization by seeking empowerment to heal our lives. May you find understanding and compassion not just for your own lot in this primitive world. But the grace to awaken from this evolutionary illusion of reality and regaining your dignity to turn it around into a world worth improving together. Amen. Transformation: 2251) Every victim can cry out to the Lord God for salvation in terror by wailing what has befallen their life in utter disgust. In that instant moment little does it mean of sanity and logic as to their predicament. For the unease of a loathsome fear has overtaken their hearts and minds in one fell swoop. The brilliant innocence from their eyes fades like a rotten realization of injustice. After repeated abusive strikes against their dignity such a spirit dies each time leaving a disaffected cold stare of nothingness. A catatonic state in spirit is the least of their problems for the futility of their circumstances overshadows their faith in a Loving God in existence. Such a barren resolve of ones such suffering hearts isn't lost to the compassionate mercy of the Angels. Be they caring souls on this Earth and certainly within the endless spiritual Heavens. By appearances sake when all seems dire indeed as destroyed lives outnumber functioning benign lives in the world. To even allow the Light of God to shine within them seems like a mere nonsensical fantasy. These scarred people may seem like empty husks existing just to get by for they have no other purpose, but to survive for its own reason for being. To God and the holiest ones do not look with the appearances of this binary viewed reality. The spiritual forces of grace are always moving forward marshaling to heal what was once beautiful in spirit. Each soul has a core vibrant essence in spite of what happens to us in the world be it good, benign, to utter evil. That essence is the presence of the Creator aware of whose life it is touching simultaneously ad infinitum. One brilliant prayer as a cry for help can change one's reality for the rest of their life on Earth. Be that prayer a blood curling scream or a humble supplication for a gentle mercy to occur. Such a personal surrender away from the horrid mess their flawed nature has struggled to cope with in the world. Can give way to a self-realization of a greater will that is divinely perfect from God within. All manners of dis-ease and poisons once allowed into a person's spirit gradually can heal by willful permission granted to the heavens. This initial wondrous personal upheaval occurs with compassion, but no soul is meant to skip the hard work it takes to overcome. Just the initial barrier of perdition in their lives has been lifted in spirit. What lays ahead is the daring adventure with the Holy Spirit of God. To regain or remember one's divine role with all that is sacred and holy in the world. Do not be deceived by the transitory nature of one's wrongs committed and obstacles that lay ahead. With forgiveness of one's past actions and inactions the slate begins to clear such a person's psyche to surmount what remains of their life here on Earth. These wrongs of the world aren't tests from paradise or God and no one is being penalized from another lifetime due to reincarnation. The world is primitive and unfair in order to achieve beyond the stalemate of failure one has to reach beyond the world into God within their spirit. To utilize what is often termed the Paradox of Grace to dream a new reality opposite for what has gone so horribly wrong just before. Not in denial, but reclamation of one's role as predator or victim to undo what does not belong by the Will of God alone and not one's egocentric response. To envision not just a new tomorrow at a indeterminate future, but to envision a renewed present forever "Now" moment. For now is the only moment you can influence to change your hearts from harm to one of strength of moral character to heal yourself and many others. To love unconditionally without limits by cultural bias or religious indoctrination the excludes goodwill due to faulty rationale. All transformations begin from within and hopefully they occur in union with God awakened in your spirit now and forever. Amen.                                     

                                                                 ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month


Hello All, This is my favorite time of the month in posting all at once a trio of oldies of the channeled "Jewels of Truth" series on spiritual wisdom. Noting that this month's trio are on the topics of: Travelers, Suicide, and Politicians. In the numeral long hand count of #1,116-1,119. These 3 statements were originally written back in March 2011 with some revisions most recently. Since those of you whom are my regular readers (thank you by the way) you'll see my long hand count in the 2,200's plus currently. Again as a refresher to any new readers I channel via clairvoyant automatic writing since the year 1995. The "Jewels of Truth" inclusive multi faith non denominational spiritual wisdom statements. The spiritual guides, teachers, scholars, and protectors I channel from are the various holy Angelic Host. Always teaching and loving me by faith never to condemn anyone since my ego does act up. In the process of writing this series for 21 years time it has transformed me from within by grace akin to a journeyman sage of sorts. My dharmic role or passion in life as aided by the angels is to be a Mystic Sage Visionary with channeled content. Be it with spiritual material or futuristic innovative conceptual design solutions for the next society to come built by the millennials. This 2nd Gilded Age will change hands when they become the 30 to 40 somethings in age. To undo the wholesale sell out that the baby boomers and my generation X'ers have accomplished to date. As you'll notice the varied nature of the topics of these spiritual wisdom statements. May they uplift your spirits and touch your hearts for those open enough to listen to your deepest sacred truth. Amen. Travelers: 1116) As living souls we are mighty spiritual beings through the very heart of the “Spirit of God(dess)”. Be it in every form of Creation to be had in union with the endless heavens. As mortal beings living a primitive sentient human experience we age together in tandem to journey through present moments for a limited comprehension. To eventually experience the passage of bodily death into our purest spiritual form with God thereafter. Yet it can be seen and felt from our ageless perfect highest self that in the Holy Spirit we have come as One meta form to inhabit our individual physical incarnated lifetimes. Not to experience mortality as mere bystanders and passive witnesses, but to enact all manner of positive and at times negative alterations into Creation. We came not to tame this physical universe, but to venture forth as guests and travelers to experience every form of wonder imaginable. To stand in awe to the majesty of life in its plural expressions out of curiosity and genuine appreciation. For all these works come from the Mind of God and the handiwork of the Angels fashioning created Universes as eternal past times of sheer delight. We honor ourselves when we worship God and adore the Angels. For the beautiful encounters we all share together as one celestial macro family in a united spirit of love. For we have never left heaven in spirit and in our physical mortal bodies. This material Garden of Eden can be ruined by the will of humanity or it can be restored for the better than how we have inherited it from our forebears. As a blessed gift for our hopefully well lived lifetimes as people in our mortal short window of time that we came together to love again all that is of God(dess). Amen.                                                                 ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Suicide:

1117) For those of you who are seeking to end their precious humanity through suicide. When you are fit and trim in life and not infirmed with an incurable disease riddled with bodily pain. Be you a youth or even an elderly person feeling abandoned by peers that have sojourned back to God before your time. I sense your anguish for I have lived with so called mental health issues as a youth well into adulthood. My mental and emotional pain was that of clinical depression and generalized anxiety followed by obsessive compulsive disorder. Were it not for my inner spiritual awakening decades ago I would have lived a miserable wrenched existence as a shadow of my human self.

I implore you do not take your precious life by means of suicide! This may seem a selfish request to make on my part, but certainly there must be loved ones as family or friends that love you dearly? Even if you have abandoned them in your mind listen past the tears of your heart to recall the love they have for you. For the only time suicide is noble is in the course of warfare to sacrifice your life in saving those of comrades and civilians alike. For even “Jesus the Christ” beseeched God in the Garden of Gethsemane not to turn himself in to the Jews to be executed by the Romans. The Christ had an opportunity to flee, but that pathway was never taken for it was his day and hour to return back to God in the Holy Spirit. None have a similar choice in life for this was a rarity as historical sagas are remembered in devotional faith.

Take your emotional and mental anguish and share it with caregivers be they family or professionals. Do not become consumed by misery for such is the way to cheat yourself and your loved ones of blessings. In a life you’re meant to experience in your personal future timeline together. Please do not sabotage your grace just to find permanent release from the whirlpool of torment that you are drowning within. Implore all that is sacred in prayer for mercy to befall you. Do allow with your unconditional permission by your holy free will to be helped by God, the Angels, and your blessed ancestors in spirit.

All lasting healing is always from within and so begin again 70x7 in forgiveness. Towards yourself and to any others whom have harmed you in life. Reclaim your personal power that you have allowed to be bled dry from others and do start off small in a gradual incline with your dignity intact. Find people who you can trust to counsel and guide you away from the cliffs of despair. As your pain has accumulated in years, it will take years for your pain to be converted into personal strength of character honorable in scope. For this is a renewed beginning as a pivotal turning point in your life. A trek like no other, if you do give yourself the break you so desperately need with personal compassion by a gentle, but truthful wisdom.

What will follow will be walking away from the valley of your own created hell into the wastelands of foreboding. Afterward you’ll journey into the rustic forests of confusion reversing the path you took originally to almost destroying your precious beauty as a man or woman. From such a thicket you’ll come into the valleys of self-renewal by returning to the streams of eternal life in spirit. Past this most find their way back to what gives them the greatest joy in living by passion or hobby. Most stay here all except the brave and pure of heart go further inward to begin their own pilgrimage back to Heaven on Earth. This last leg of the inner journey takes more than courage, but a faith and trust in the unseen metaphysical realms of a bona fide grace. Which can last the rest of one’s entire human remaining years on this Earth. However the Glories of God encountered are more than magical to the point of being reborn in spirit within your lifetime not once but many times over with faith. Amen.                                                                                                                                               ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Politicians:

1118) Where politics intersects with how laws are written by a legislative body of elected or appointed officials makes a world of difference. In such a light partisan motivations will curtail legislation that has a lasting bite to affect a robust positive change. This is short of any glaring oversight fixed at a later point that short circuits the intent of the law by dysfunctional expressions as consequences of the enacted reforms.

When controversial topics are deliberated in the halls of power be sure who are the ones seeking to derail it, and which are the leaders to keep it alive. For the law smiths be they lobbyists with congressional or parliamentary oversight will stand at the wings to nip and tuck any bill into a suitable form. Not all politicians are stewards of the general public many are beholden to special interests be they ideological or pertinent financial backers of their past and future election campaigns. This is crucial to realize for within the guts of any bill destined to become law. Here lays the often hidden rotten sausages of pork barrel kickbacks and partisan poison pills in small print to derail its forward progression by cowards and misfits in the legislative process.

After all is said and done with the ulcers created and dissolved comes the test of time. To witness if a new law codified as part of the public trust is worthy of the society it shall serve as a whole venture of alleged good will. A good rule of thumb in such norms for the demos of any society is when the law can have a fair enough impact to build upon as a fresh layer of enforceable measures. Short of this the people will demand changes and if not ignore its presence by either absorbing its role or outright not enforcing it amongst the common public at large. Not all political makings spell’s paragons of virtue to rule the land and its people. It is rather the exception to have righteous souls leading from the front instead of bickering from the rear aisles of power and authority. Public servants are either highly praised or deeply despised with hardly a remark for moderate success in service. Much like all other sectors in a society, but here they rule for better or for worse for all of us in time.                               ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Those who drink of the water that I will give them will never by thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.                                                                         ---John 4:14

Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.                        ---Matthew 7:24

When in doubt just do the most loving thing.  ---Mpho Tutu Van Furth. (Daughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu)

No one is as capable of gratitude as one who has emerged from the kingdom of night.                                                                   ---Elie Wiesel. 

When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms. ---Majayasati.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month


Hello All, This month's "Jewels of Truth" Intuitively channeled spiritual wisdom is in the series of #1,119-1,121. On the topics of: Law's, Highest Self, and the Soul within our divinity. On the topic of Laws it seems to be timely due to the organic occurrences of racism in America and French penal corrections system. Here in the States the racism of minority groups especially Afro-American Blacks having a disappropriate representation of incarcerations is in part due to lack of upward mobility and poverty in civil society. (ie the Jim Crow sinful legacy) In France it is far worse the racism against the muslim populations from the children's children of the former colonies of North Africa and the Middle East. The lack of civil society integrating such once immigrant populations now as full native French born citizens of the Grand Republic. Has caused a dysfunctional backflow with society criminalizing the muslims for nearly the exact reasons the Afro-Americans in the United States are experiencing to date. God, is truly great that in spite of these atrocious terrorist acts with hate-laced muslim heretics in Europe. That the vast populations of oppressed muslims are law abiding although facing horrendous poverty and lack of social cohesion in France. May you find today's trio of spiritual wisdom statements interesting as well as enlightening. Blessings! Laws: 1119) The “Will of the People” shall define in any intent how a law will be approached and in regards enforced as a consequence upon the Nation State. This holds only to be true mostly within a sound democracy as a governing system that oversees the issues the demos shall face together. If indeed a passed law is unjust in its representation in spirit and in the letter of the fine print. It shall only proceed eventually by the consent of the people as to how it shall be enforced. All pertinent changes must be enacted through the civil chambers of justice within the courts and not just the streets of the court of public opinion. The legislators can only uphold their convictions and bias due to political favoritism no matter how true or corrupt their stances are in reality. The “Check” in regards to balance will not come from the government in eventuality, but from the masses bemoaning with outcries for positive change. Without civic engagement a Nation State soon becomes hollowed out by the technocrats serving their elitist constituency above all others. Truth may become unsightly when the “Will of the People” is also warped by discriminate practices. Be on guard for those that are marginalized by an unjust law enacted no matter its original intent. It is only when a society realizes the errors of its ways can compassion alleviate otherwise injustice by the courts and elected officials. Goodwill without the enforcement of peace means a lackluster conviction not just of the people, but as the Institutions of the State itself.                                                                                                             ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Highest Self:

1120) Our “Highest Self” as it has been described when attributed to our shared souls through God. Is an aspect of our solidarity upon the totality of all life here on this Earth or elsewhere that we may inhabit as our blessed home. Many have prescribed to the notion that our “Highest Self” is our celestial link to the Divine itself in all of Creation. That the “Highest Self” is the chief purveyor next to God and the Angels of all that is best for us combined. By knowing beyond the conscious confines of our human limitations as people much less any other intelligent life out upon the cosmos. What this causes as the intention of our bodily minds is a reconstitution of our spirit interfaced with the flesh of the body. Allowing for many that heed such a call to steer clear of wrongdoing or danger to one’s own well being. 

This “Highest Self” is where our inner most intuitive faculties are housed and accessed within the temple of our holiest soul. This “Highest Self” is none other but the portion of God(dess) in us that adheres to all inclusively as itself in absolute vital truth. The very spark of Life first envisioned by the Mind of God resides here made manifest in our heart’s desire to exceed our mortal handicaps of our physiology. That constant urging in many ways is to express not just our best human nature, but that of our spiritual underpinnings of God’s nature in us. Through our “Highest Self” we are God sent to recall our divine heritage as the Infinite Eternal and Constant essence of God given bodily form. We are well within the confines of the godly children of God’s immaculate perfection because of the sheer “Will of God” entrusted to all keepers of the sacred heart to beget more heavenly life. Our “Highest Self” is the reflection of God’s spiritual gaze back onto his created children within their glorious biodiversity. How we act in his omnipresence and how we treat each other no matter our scale of importance can be our eternal gift back to God(dess). Amen.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


1121) The perfect and pure spiritual essence of who we are is none other than how we are recognized on this Earth and within any other heaven. This can be said to be our own soul’s name upon the mightiest everlasting ethereal Creation. And yet this is also incomplete if we only were to consider our essence as a simple name or designation in order to be fully identified. Our spiritual essence is but one aspect of ourselves that makes us both pristine and unique in our divinity.

We are part of the macro whole of God’s Master Divine Plan for all of his Creations. Our part may be pre-ordained, but it isn’t without freedom of choice and presence of personal willpower in the Holy Spirit. Our grace is interwoven into our humility of stature or scale of spiritual life as entities in contrast to that of the wholeness of God. Our everlasting godly essence or the soul by any other marker is our own personal signature that from a distance can blind temporarily any mere mortal that approaches unprepared. In paradise names are unimportant how we recognize each other is by our dearest loves in regards to our soul based maturity on the scale of the godly. Names are of the ego carnal bodily mindset laden with all manner of definable limitations with separation. Here in heaven such limitations do not apply there can be very little to none of such definable traits to recognize one another in our purest spiritual soulful forms. Names also apply to thought forms and for godly divine beings it is more so a matter of illumined presentation of our divine glimmer or shimmer of the holy lights within. As we literally shine by our gestures for lack of a better word is how we instantaneously communicate with one another soul to soul. All of Creation sings by its vibrational harmonies including humans on a wavelength of mortality. You are alive on Earth multi-dimensionally as we are alive multi-dimensionally in heaven and we celebrate this union of our combined souls constantly. Amen.         ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

It is not what you gather, but what you scatter, that tells what kind of life you have lived.                                                                  ---Anonymous.

Just to be is a blessing, just to live is holy. ---Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.

In the darkest hour the soul is replenished and given strength to continue and endure.                                                                         ---H.W. Chosa.

There are many tenets of whole heartedness, but at its very core is vulnerability and worthiness; facing uncertainty with exposure, and emotional risks, and knowing that I am enough.                                 ---Brene Brown.

Be content to progress in slow steps until you have legs to run and wings with which to fly.                                                                       ---Padre Pio.

Every being is an abode of God, worthy of respect and reverence.                                                                                  ---Hindu Scripture.

There is an endless net of threads throughout the universe. The horizontal threads are in space. The vertical threads are in time. At every crossing of the threads, there is an individual, and every individual is a crystal bead. And every crystal bead reflects not only the light from every other crystal in the net, but also every other reflection throughout the entire universe.            ---Rig Veda. 

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statement #2308: "The Wonder of God's Image and Likeness as Glorious Majesty"


Hello All, This month's 1st "Jewels of Truth" inclusive spiritual wisdom statement #2,308 on the topic of the "Image and Likeness of God(dess)". Comes with a twist since it dovetails into faith on Earth in how humanity has worshipped the Creator for eons. The Angels as I channel them via automatic writing don't hold back in how they explain humanity's role in worshipping God or the gods of other faiths be they now mythologies to us or very much alive in practice. You see just as God creates infinite times over we as souls and as people on a subliminal basis also create in our own mortal sandbox of this Earth. The thing is humanity has created religions and spiritual traditions as bridges to reach the divine and to worship God. Meaning we as humanity have created in our own flawed carnal image cracked vessels to worship the Creator. Glady God has no favoritism whatsoever giving him/her/itself unconditionally anywhere and everywhere in the Holy Spirit. The Infinite Face of God occupies every religion and spiritual tradition be it a monotheist or polytheist faith. God is an equal opportunity Creator and lovingly assumes his role in our faith traditions with kindness, love, and gratitude to us in how we worship him/her/it. So below in statement #2,308 you'll read what the Angel explains humanity's role in how it has created religions, spirituality, and philosophies to reach the divine. May you find it intriguing even if the premise may seem unsettling to you at first glance. Be well. Image & Likeness of God 2308) As God has created much in its own perfect Image and Likeness from an absolute Love for all kinds of entities as its laborious fruit. So does all his creative heirs as esteemed holy children of God(dess) create in their own imperfect mortal image and likeness on a subliminal basis. Humanity for its own part like any sentient species in the cosmos will create spiritual traditions in great untold numbers. Like the Earth has experienced to date in all the plethora of languages and subsequent dialects. As humanity creates all manner of ideologies in its flawed imperfect carnal image and likeness. So will men and women create cracked vessels of faith in worship to the perfect holiest one God as one or an assortment of god's and goddesses akin to a pantheon of deities. As the children of God create the rich firmament as spiritual movements of mass public appeal. So will the Infinite Creator God pour out its essence upon the masses. Into these very much cracked vessels of the Earth fashioned by the aspirations of men, women, and children of this or any other world unto Creation. Much like how a child gifts a piece of clothing to a parent like socks or a necktie. And so God dons these traditions out of an abiding joy that knows no end. All combined faiths of this fragile world are worn by God proudly from the gift of his holiest children incarnated in Infinite number across all Creations. God never condemns any of these holy gifts of numerous faiths. By his cherished anointed children that have fashioned these articles of faith with their hearts, minds, and souls. Although truth be told his incarnated mortal children have slaughtered each other in his name due to a macro sibling rivalry of faiths. The Lord of Hosts understands this and is displeased by the vanity of humanity to deem any of his children are favored in a pecking order. All Wars in God's Name is Untold Endless Blasphemy! For God adores all his Infinite child souls equally without favoritism period. Be not victims of wolves disguised as pious people in sheep's clothing that manipulate ideologies of faith to their flawed assertions. God is inclusively Infinite in all benevolent faiths as religions, spiritual traditions, and even in humane secular philosophies. Where only goodness is adored as a prevailing grace of the Most High. Amen.    ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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8 years ago

"Atrayo's Oracle" Blog Site Celebrates 11 years Online!


Hello All, Who would have thought another year has gone by and I'm still accomplishing my labor of love. "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site to the day of July 24th celebrates it's 11th year anniversary starting back in 2005. With a combination of the "Jewels of Truth" series of channeled spiritual wisdom of and by the angels via clairvoyant automatic writing. Including the other series of unique original (as far as I know in good faith) innovative conceptual designs as potential solutions for an undetermined future. In what I call "Gems of Opportunity" and by opportunity I mean creative potential, and not being an unscrupulous opportunist like what Wall Street calls as "Vultures". This is a humble out of the way virtual oasis meant to inspire, uplift, and heal our combined spirits. Since it's inception here at Google's Blogger service I have posted over 500+ "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statements. With another 200+ "Gems of Opportunity" innovative solutions based conceptual designs for the next potential society to come. All for Free! Of course I do welcome those to support my work by buying my books at Amazon. Or at any other online major book or ebook seller. I would typically start to list all of my places I'm present on social media. However since last year I now have my own website where you can find all those links. It's: Jewels of I like how the domain extension of .us (which stands for United States) at least to me reminds me of my blessed union with the Angelic host. As "Us" whom I channel as a dharmic devotion in my life. Now without just sharing this once in a year announcement (Yes, I know that was tacky). I wanted to share with you a bonus "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement #2,279. Written two days ago on the topic of "Healing Prayer". Since I also have the divine gift of what they call praying at a distance, which means healing through praying. I seldom talk about it because I find it very taxing on my will power although that's due to my spiritual muscles needing to grow. Much like our human biological muscles if you don't use them they go flabby. So in equal parity if you don't use your God given spiritual soul body ethereal muscles they'll go flabby as well. In this statement you'll learn about the praying for healing technique I use channeled by the angels within. Blessings! Healing Prayer: 2279) When our human bodies begin to fail us due to an ailment or an injury of some sort. There is a spiritual modality of healing prayer coupled with scientific contemporary medicine that can be practiced. This becomes a devotion to the holiest divinity with your presence of God within you clearly activated. As the best of the spiritual and material realities combined in a synthesized expressive manner as a united front. To utilize only one avenue and not the other becomes a disservice towards yourself, and for the recipient whom you are praying on behalf for a healing. First, Is to know your whole body in physical and spiritual combined is the God Temple of the Most High. The unique infinite, constant, and eternal aspect of God in you. Isn't trivial it is the majestic available to you whenever, wherever, however you need him to be, period. We are each the living keys of the Kingdom or Queendom of God(dess) come alive! In the flesh beyond the mundane personalities in biological meat and bone suits. We are living Nodes to the afterlife none come before us but God as the unifying factor that is the only linchpin within totality. Second, be aware that your spirit has each been extended that your consciousness is shared with other portions of your eternal soul. By this we mean as your human psyche thinks and feels it is at 100% control of your biological form. You are mistaken. What science has come to call the subconscious or subliminal mind is rather an extension of your spirit. It is equally alive albeit unacknowledged for entire lifetimes by people. When you pray, meditate, and even contemplate think of it as your terminal station or switch board to your soul as the dispatcher. It is you, but in a shared intelligence that is no way less than this is you keeping the lights on in your spirit and human body. So do please acknowledge this powerhouse aspect of you by giving it a nickname if you wish. Never insult it, for if you do you'll be ultimately punishing yourself by means of masochism. Now come away with this understanding that you have been anointed by God through your shared holiest divine inheritance. Live this sacred beautiful sublime truth by developing your relationship with God the Creator foremost. All other entity souls as your celestial family share will appear in divine order perfectly be it the: ancestors, saints, prophets, angels, fairies, and so forth. All are your family through and only because of the supreme truth of God(dess) as the grandest unifier. Be grateful by means of unconditional love for all that was, is, and will be in God's glorious good news. Third, invite all these heavenly souls into your prayers and meditations to share in God's glory in your life right here and now. For this bolsters that impact of your prayers succeeding. Due to the blending in Oneness of all Immaculate souls in God's equal Image and Likeness. Only pray for what is in the righteous "Will of God" for anything short of this and you may get what you seek, but as a costly karmic lesson in humility instead of dignified grace. Fourth, Imagine visually with your eyes closed that your soul body is activated like a beacon shining through your human body out into the world. It is a marvelous brilliant white light that can blind anyone not in sync with your divinity. For you have begun the journey in mindfulness of activating the switch to your spirit or soul body within. What this accomplishes is the visual and emotional link bonding your spirit as an anchor in heaven and on Earth simultaneously. Now if anything hinders your concentration forgive the issue be it with yourself or with another that you hold ill will towards. Forgiveness is the medicine of the soul much like gratitude and good laughter heal the spirit within. Condemn no one as you forgive not yourself or any offending persons or groups. Just surrender them back into the light of God with peace. Finally, you have entered the crossroads of the here of infinity and the now of eternity. This is where you begin praying to whom you seek to heal or bless in life continuing to focus on broadcasting unconditional love into the world. Narrow the focus through your 3rd eye chakra or mind's eye as you visualize whomever is to be blessed completely. Now do this for 5 to 10 minutes a day for 8 weeks time and you'll notice changes occurring within you and the one whom you are praying for earnestly. Sometimes you may skip a day in such prayer devotions that is fine just as long as you keep the practice alive day in and day out. This daily practice strengthens your spiritual centers as the muscles of your soul body with God(dess). You'll hear by means of the Holy Spirit how your prayers are impacting by means of coincidences. Never doubt or fear as you pray just love in moderation without ceasing. Give your worries over to the all absorbing presence of God within you. Trust this process by having faith and gratitude that you are constantly loved by God through the heavens you have activated within your divine being here and now. Affirm in positive statements as what you seek has been accomplished as totally complete. Skip to the good part of the final results in your visualized matrix of what God will accomplish for himself through another soul. Now awaken your eyes and surrender the prayer request to the angels for their blending to perfect and purify the prayer request within their joyous genius. Amen.                                                                                                                 ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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