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Someone drew or made a meme with Jaken holding the baby twins saying “I've only had Sesshomaru-sama's daughters for a day and a half but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself “...?
Today I was thinking about Miroku's reaction about Hisui having a crush on Setsuna and I feel that he would be proud of his son because he inherited his good taste but also "you are a foolish with a death wish" because, of all the ladies, Hisui fell in love with the daughter of Sesshomaru.
You know, it isn't a surprise that Setsuna is the one that most resemble Sesshomaru. If she was training with her father all this time between the events of the forest fire and prior the events Yashahime...It's have sense she would mimitic her father's behavior, specially if that would makes her stronger.
Of course, with this I don't mean "Sesshomaru is a bad parent. He teach Setsuna to keeping her feelings for herself!!!".
I want to clarrific it since sadly it's pretty commun to blame parents and end the discussion there without looking at both sides of the coin 😶.
1) If this was part of Sesshomaru's plan or doesn't change the fact that his family is "broken". I don't think he wasn't affected in someway.
2) He can't be soft with his only remain daugther. If he does, she wouldn't survive in this word. Unirronically, it isn't a fairy tail. If he didn't propely train her she would had die.
3) Unlike Inuyasha and Kagome that had allies (actually friends) in which they could trust....Sesshomaru have no one. I mean, aside of Jaken and Rin, he only “trust” Inuyasha and his friends...but they were involved too and probably out of the village. They couldn't take care of her and I don't think Sesshomaru would leave Setsuna in such vulnerable state in a human village.
OOF, this post become longer than what I expected. Anyway, those are my thoughts right now. I can't wait to have the whole picture about Setsuna's childhood...and I'm sure I'll cry.
Honestly, I can't stop of look at the new opening. It's amazing in all sense and a big improved if you compared it with the previous one. Personally, I didn't like the first one because it's feel too much empty, maybe because they wanted to avoid spoilers or lack of time? idk...but this new opening it is what i was expecting as opening for a sequel of Inuyasha.
The scene previous and post the birth of our beloved twins made me really happy. Not just because we finally have solid answer about it and Rin is FINALLY confirmed as their mom but also I loved to see that Sango and her children were with her in such important moment.
I mean, Sango almost sacrificed/killed Rin for the sake of Miroku in the original serie and even if Sesshomaru spared her life and Rin seems to don't remember anything about it, she isn't the kind of character that would forget about it so easily or don't feel gulty at all.
So, I like the idea of Sango (and her family) being there for Rin and her babies.
So, since this episode made a lot of emphasis in the fact that the pearls are made from "sad tears".
1) Moroha's red pearl come from Kagome's tears?
2) If the gold and silver pearls are Zero's tears then...she fell in love with a yokai (probably Inu no Taishou?)? she fell in love with a human? or she lost someone that was important for her?
3) What about Riku's pearls?
This last episode was pretty good, I loved how they handled the relationship between Shiori and Setsuna (and the other two kids). It was really cute.
Being honest (and keep in mind this is my personal opinion and experience with the anime), it was a lot better than how they handled Moroha and her teacher. Maybe it was because I felt it too rush and (unlike with Shiori) we meet her teacher in the same episode that died...but i felt nothing djoasoidsa while with Shiori the episode leave the feeling of "i want to see them reunited someday".
I'll never understand certain people that says "sauce and nardo are gay // nardo love sauce" but at the same time deny that Gon and Killua loves each other.
I just realized that two of my favourite baby girls are both cinnamon rolls with christmas tree hairstyle.

If you though I stopped of being annoying about the Kidou and Miyabino. No, I didn't. I'm just enjoy other stuff that makes me happy too.
Me: More than 3 years has passed since the revealed that a Kiriko is posing as Gotoh to keep the secret from Killua. It's can't hurt me anymore.
Me, after seeing that scene once again:

Haters: Killua can’t be gay! He is a kid, you gross!!

Torakichi: *exists* Ojo White Knights:

You know what is sad? That even if we had this beautiful scene between Killua, Nanika and Alluka...

...even if Alluka and Killua treats Nanika as her own person and it's so obvious that Nanika isn't just "a weapon without feelings"...even if the message was so f*cking obvious...there are people that keep treating Nanika as "Alluka's asspull / Alluka’s nen ability”.

are you telling me boy gen, after feeling a bit relieved that his little lie didn’t hurt/kill taiju...some chapters later, they killed him in front of his eyes...??? while taiju was trying to protecting him (and the kingdom of the science ofc) ???

me: *get stressed over the 10 ask i still have on my fudou & shirou blog cause even if ppl don't care anymore i still care*
also me: ok but a killugon fam and kdfd fam ask blogs would be cool-
Just saw the raws of the new chapter and...this is what i was waiting since last year and even more. Bless this manga.