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10 months ago

20 Questions for Fic Writers!

i was tagged by @2lim3rz but the og post was getting pretty big, so i remade it!

1. How many works do you have on Ao3?

30! soon to be 31 😎

2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?

1,166,343. 😳 woah

3. What fandoms do you write for?

mainly skyrim! it's my most beloved, my bread and butter. however i recently also wrote for one piece, dragon age, spiderverse, and some older stuff for jojo's and star trek!

4. What are your top five fics by kudos?

1. apocrypha

2. dragonmark

3. smut drabbles (not really a fic but im lazy)

4. break of dawn

5. sic parvis magna

5. Do you respond to comments?

ALWAYS‼️ i love love LOVE commentors and do my best to respond within 1-3 days!

6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?

UGH i wish i could but i don't often do REALLY angsty endings. so this would probably have to be dragonmark, since it ends with tharya and miraak quite estranged from one another and quite a frosty exchange of dialogue, as well as setting up for the next fic (which ends a teensy bit angsty as well, but not really)

possible runnerup to this is from the new world with love, since it ends rather ambiguously on what happens next.

7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?

easily revenant. it's a rollercoaster of a fic, approx 40 chapters iirc, but ends with the thing i set out to do when i initially started writing the first & last series :3

8. Do you get hate on fics?

NO, but i have gotten bot comments! i'll take it as a mark of fame 💅 lmao (jk i have no allusions of grandeur)

9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?

YES. YES. YES. i'm probably a boring smut writer bc i kinda just write tharya and miraak over and over and over and over and over. but i do enjoy experimenting with them!

10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?

not really - though i did write a dragon break fic once and asked a few other writer friends to lend me their characters for it.

12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  

nope! would be cool!

13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?

also not really, but for that same dragon break fic i had those writer friends write scenes and brainstorm with me to fit everything together! so in a way, sort of :)

14. What’s your all time favorite ship?

god....would it make sense to say even though i write, i'm not very active in fandoms? i've never really considered myself well and truly a PART of a fandom (aside from skyrim), just someone who likes to orbit the fandom and extract ideas from the source content. so i don't have many fandom/canon ships i like. can i say my own characters instead??? if so. my ldb/miraak 10000000%

15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?

hmm....well, it was arms of chaos before i gave up and deleted it. i have two longstanding WIPs (jojo fic and miguel fic) but i'm in love with their content and ideas, so i do have full intentions to finish them both! might just take a while

16. What are your writing strengths?

i would say putting emotion and description into my work. i LOVE trying to perfectly capture emotions as i feel them, even if that sometimes means the way they get written can be unorthodox. and, ofc, im obsessed with describing stuff all. the. time.

17. What are your writing weaknesses?

description is a double edged sword LMAO😭 sometimes (most times) i go way too overboard or in depth. i also have a hard time writing kids 💀 and am not the best at writing normal fluff, i always need some kind of emotion or drama or problem/underlying plot to latch onto. i really wish i was, bc then i could write the cyrodiil vacation fic i've been dreaming of for two years

18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?

supporter! i do it occasionally with miraak and tharya. the original shōgun miniseries from i think the 80s is what first showed me that not all dialogue needs to be understood by the audience - in fact, it can be a powerful plot device when it isn't. so i'm a big fan of untranslated dialogue (in moderation) when it serves a purpose. otherwise i just denote the dialogue is in a different language after writing it in english.

19. First fandom you wrote for?

god....probably transformers (i've gotten over that shame and am now in love w transformers again)

20. Favourite fic you’ve written?

i often say revenant because it is in a way my crowning glory. but it's also stuck in my old style of writing (which is not bad, just less matured imo, and more flighty). but revenant is probably my fav ever content for a fic, it's something i wanted to write for like 4yrs before i did - from the new world with love is the only fic currently completed in my newer, aged wine style, and i really enjoy that one as well!

((but my coming soon fic is probably gonna take the cake whenever it drops))

i'll tag @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @nuwanders @elventhief @nusaran and absolutely leave an open tag for anyone who wants to do it :) tag me so i can see it!

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