Lisa The Hopeful - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
sketches and drawings of my Lisa RPG character called Frank "No Name" who is a poncho wearing chainsaw wielding joy addict with a joyboy mask
a image of a person with sunglasses judging the viewer but with colours edited on to make it look like the Lisa The Hopeful character Beltboy

Lisa RPG character I’ve been trying to make, they are a joy addict of course what else would they be in the apocalypse

yogurt enjoying horror movie geek just like me if only i had a chainsaw, i could totally be trusted with a chainsaw, defiantly

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11 months ago
character sketches of the three main characters of a game called Lisa The Painful, which is a fan game of another game called Lisa The Painful, the characters from left to right are Beltboy, Lanks and Cyclops
character sketches of the two main characters of Lisa The Timeless, which is a fangame of a game called Lisa The Painful, the bigger one is Berny and the other is Elton
A coloured drawing of Bo Wyatt, a companion character from the game Lisa The Painful, he is sitting on a stool whilst holding his one stringed (assumably) acoustic guitar, this guy doesnt even know he's part of a thing he dislikes kind of silly billy of him

me when i by accidentally end up posting every two-three months cough:

here’s some sketches and drawings i made of some more lisa rpg stuff, I like them all but im pretty proud of the Bo Wyatt one that’s some pretty cool colouring in my eyes at least, Bo in all his yeehaw swag IN colour! for the whole family to enjoy

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11 months ago
A coloured drawing of Five, a character from fangame lisa the hopeless and hopeful
A side profile sketch of Brad armstrong from the game Lisa the painful, he is not wearing his poncho
A three panel small of two Lisa the painful characters sitting around a lit campfire at night, the three characters are Brad Armstrong, Jack and Fly. Jack in panel 1 says "So why did you join brad's gang-thing?" (directed at Fly), Fly reply's with  "I am going to fucking kill him I hate him so MUCH I swear he has ruined my life and my one and only dream, I FUCKING HATE YOU BRAD RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH", Brad does not speak at all in any panel

Five is so cool (that short two panel comic has been sitting in my ipad for like three weeks waiting for me to make two more drawings so i can keep making posts with three images)

Brad is fun to draw but i think most times i have by accidentally changed how i draw him slightly

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1 year ago
LISA Has Very Good Fangames! Play Them!
LISA Has Very Good Fangames! Play Them!
LISA Has Very Good Fangames! Play Them!
LISA Has Very Good Fangames! Play Them!
LISA Has Very Good Fangames! Play Them!

LISA has very good fangames! Play them!

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9 months ago
Mains Characters From Lisa Hopefull And Goodra With Hello Kitty Bow.
Mains Characters From Lisa Hopefull And Goodra With Hello Kitty Bow.

Mains characters from Lisa hopefull and Goodra with hello kitty bow.

First fanart was should crossover Kuromi's band and them.

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