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Time Doesn't Heal All Wounds Part 1
Narrator: It was a beautiful spring day in England. The Flying Scotsman or Scott as most called him, was up for auction after his previous owner went bankrupt. This is the 3rd time in his preservation that this happened. After securing the necessary funds to make a bid, the National Railway Museum (NRM) had won the right to buy him.
(We cut to the auction).
Auctioneer: Sold to the representatives of the NRM for £2.3 million. As a reminder, they will be getting not only the locomotive, but also his spare boiler, cylinders and a Mark 1 supporting coach.
(The representatives smile as they walked up to Scott).
Andrew: Hello, Flying Scotsman. My name is Andrew J. Scott. I'm the director of the museum, it's an honor to have you with us.
Scott: The pleasure's all mine, sir. I've heard a lot about the museum from my dear cousins. It's been a long time since I've last seen them.
Andrew: Well, I'm sure you would like to see them. But first, we have to see how you run and determine if you're able to pull trains.
Scott: I understand, sir. Will we be able to leave now?
Andrew: Yes, I have a crew ready to get you in full steam. I'll see you in York. Good day, Scotsman.
Scott: Thank you, sir.
(Andrew left as Scott's new crew members arrived).
Gary: Hello, old boy. My name is Gary, I'm your new driver, and this is George, your fireman.
George: Nice to meet you, Scotsman.
Scott: Nice to meet you fellows too. You can just call me Scott.
Gary: Right, well then Scott let's get you in steam. We need to make sure you're able to be displayed for this year's Railfest.
Scott: Ok, Gary.
(The two men climbed into Scott's cab and got him in steam).
Narrator: Once he was in steam, Scott began to leave for York. Then he started to feel awful.
Scott (moaning): Oh, Gary. I'm not feeling very well.
Gary: Hmm, your pressure is dropping. What do you think is happening?
Scott (moaning): I don't know. I don't think I'm going to make it to York. I have to stop.
George: There's a siding just up ahead. We'll stop there, so we can notify the station in Doncaster.
Narrator: They arrived at the siding just in time. Scott had broken down. His boiler tubes were starting to leak.
Gary: My god, I haven't seen anything like this. How are feeling, Scott?
Scott: I don't feel well at all. I feel like something's leaking out. Can you see anything from inside my cab?
George: Sorry old boy, you won't be able to start up again at this rate. Your boiler tubes are starting to leak. We'll have to tow you to York. Just rest for now while we wait for help to arrive.
(Scott nodded as his closed his eyes and eventually fell asleep).
Narrator: While Scott was asleep, he was towed to the repair yards. It was a long journey but they were able to get him to York.
(We cut to the repair yards as Scott wakes up).
Scott: Oh. What happened?
Gary: I'm not quite sure yet. The engineers are still trying to figure it out. We didn't want to put you under until we heard what you had to say. Do you know what else is bothering you?
(Scott thought for a moment).
Scott: I'm not sure. I just feel old and worn out.
Gary: Well, I guess you'll be grateful to have some rest. We'll do the best we can to help.
Scott: I will let the engineers do what they need to do.
(The engineers began to pour the anesthetic).
Scott (feeling drowsy): Thank you, everyone.
Gary: You're welcome old boy. Now you just get some rest.
(Scott closed his eyes and fell asleep).
Narrator: The engineers worked on the Flying Scotsman for weeks. It wasn't until June, that they were able to wake him up.
(Scott begins to open his eyes and sees Gary and George).
Scott (tiredly): Hello.
Gary: Scott, how do you feel?
Scott: Really tired.
George: The engineers kept you asleep for almost a month. You needed your boiler to be completely washed out. There was a lot of boiler sludge that had to be removed. I also heard that a lot of your stay nuts had signs of overheating so those had to be replaced along with the leaky boiler tubes.
(Scott was beginning to doze off).
Gary: I think we just need to let him rest. If his stays had signs of overheating, then he must have been run ragged. He needs as much rest as he can. We still don't even know how he'll run during Railfest.
George: He'll start light duties during charter trains as the Scarborough Spa Express (SSE). Who knows, maybe that was all that was wrong and he'll be running good as new.
(They leave Scott to rest).
Narrator: Throughout the summer of 2004, Scott and his crew spent their time in and out of the works. Originally, 121 tubes were replaced, but then three days after Scott started work as the SSE, he broke down. A crosshead bearing was damaged so that was replaced. Then after five days, he broke down again. Pipework in his oil pump were defective so that had to be repaired. There were also concerns about previous repairs to the crack in his right hand cylinder. It was now September, and Scott had to be taken to the NRM's workshop for more repairs. His cousin Mallard was there.
(Scott and Mallard are both in their human form. While Scott could be described a large, overweight man; Mallard would be described as a man who used to be an NFL QB. No longer star material but still relatively fit. Mallard glares at Scott while he's lying on the couch).
Mallard: You know this is pathetic, right? To think the supposed pride of the LNER has been reduced to a has been engine on their last set of wheels.
Scott: Did you have something to say to me, Mallard? Or did you just come all this way to laugh in my face?
Mallard: I came here to tell that you that you're an embarrassment to the Gresley name. You go flouncing about and cause your owners nothing but financial problems. We all know that your 100 mph record means nothing anymore. There were plenty of other engines that were more useful than you. Quite frankly, I don't understand why you were saved to begin with.
Scott (sadly): I don't know why I was saved either. Not that it matters now. I've been in and out of the works for the past four months. This time, there's so much work to be done, that I don't know when I'll wake up once I'm put under.
Mallard: The NRM should just cut their losses and scrap the whole thing and build a new engine from scratch. They'll lose less money that way.
(Gary and George walk in).
Gary: That's enough, Mallard. If you're not here to be repaired, then leave so you don't get in anyone's way.
Mallard: Well then.
(He leaves as the two men walk up to Scott who tries to curl up on the couch).
George: Don't listen to him, Scott. The NRM would've never bought you if they didn't think you were worth it.
Scott: I know. I just want these repairs done, so I can go back to the engine I once was.
Gary: Don't worry, old boy. We'll do our best to help you.
Scott: What did they say was wrong with me this time?
George: Inner firebox, that cracked cylinder, the air brakes. You know how it is.
(Scott sighs).
Scott: How long will they make me sleep this time, gentlemen?
Gary: I'm not sure, but we'll be here when you wake up.
Scott: And I can't thank you two enough for that.
George: Come on old boy. Let's get you back to your engine. You need to go back under.
Scott: I understand. I'm nothing but thankful for the both of you being here.
Narrator: With the help of George and Gary, Scott makes it back to his engine.
Gary: Steady there. Just dream good dreams and don't let Mallard's words bother you.
Scott: I won't. Thank you. Both of you.
(The engineers walk in and began to pour the anesthetic again).
Scott: I just hope I won't develop a tolerance to this stuff.
(Scott falls asleep after a few minutes).
Tagging: @bluy1206, @werbitssft, @klein-sodor-bahn, and @theyellowroseofsodor.
Thanks for tagging me! The story so far is really good! 👍👍👍
Time Doesn't Heal All Wounds Part 5
(Sir Topham Hatt looks over his schedule to see when he can allow Gordon to slip away to the medical center.)
Sir Topham Hatt: Dear oh dear. We're right in the middle of the summer holiday. Duck and Edward will be busy on their branch lines. Henry has the Flying Kipper for the next two weeks. I suppose the only way to get around this is to run multiple trains. James, Emily and the Scottish Twins will have to relay the express for the day.
(He organizes the timetable in a way that makes sense.)
Sir Topham Hatt: Well I guess this is good enough to send to all of the station masters.
(Sir Topham Hatt's assistant faxes the new timetable.)
Sir Topham Hatt's message: I want all of the stations on the Main Line to share this updated time table. Make sure all passengers going to and from the station are aware of the changes to the express service for the day.
Narrator: After all of the station masters receive the temporary timetable, everyone works to share that information with all of the passengers using the express service.
(It's now the end of the day at Tidmouth Sheds.)
Narrator: Gordon rolls into his shed just as Sir Topham Hatt arrives.
Sir Topham Hatt: Gordon I'm sure you already heard the news, but tomorrow you're going to the medical center. I redid the timetable so you can have the day for yourself and our passengers can still get to their destinations on time.
(Gordon humbly nods.)
Gordon: Thank you, sir. I understand how difficult it would be to replace me. I hope that this would only be for one day.
Sir Topham Hatt: I hope so too. Good night engines.
Tidmouth Shed Engines: Good night sir.
(Sir Topham Hatt drives home for the night.)
Emily: Gordon? What's going on that you won't be able to pull the express all day?
(Gordon sighs.)
Gordon: My brother Scott is in the human hospital. His rebuild is going very poorly and none of the humans know how to treat him.
Edward: My goodness! I've never heard of a rebuild going so poorly that an engine's had to go to a human hospital.
Gordon: Indeed. I believe it shows just how little is known about our human forms. From my understanding, Scott is only stuck in this position because some parts have been woefully delayed. I don't think he even has a boiler.
(All of the engines gasp.)
Henry: What will you have to do?
Gordon: I'm his only living relative. The A4's simply have nothing in common with Scott to determine what would be normal for his human form. As someone who actively pulls passenger trains, I consider myself to be in relatively perfect condition. Yes my age is to be considered, but in spite of that, my health is not a problem. Therefore, I was asked to go to the medical center and do some tests.
Emily: What would happen next?
(Gordon contemplates the possibilities.)
Gordon: If Scott is in a physical state that is completely different than mine, then I have no idea. Our human forms are after all based on the state of our engine. If an important part is missing, a human doctor simply lacks the tools needed to fix it.
(The engines look solemn.)
Gordon: I have no idea if Scott will even make it out of this. I can only hope that my tests will help his medical team find a solution.
(James has a rare look of maturity.)
James: At least you won't have to worry about the express. We'll take good care of your coaches.
Gordon: Thank you. Now I must get some sleep. I believe tomorrow will be a very long day.
(The sun rises for the next day.)
Narrator: The next day, Gordon arrives bright and early at the medical center.
Receptionist: May I help you?
Gordon: I have business on behalf of Scott of the National Railway Museum.
(She looks at her notes and puts in a call. A man enters the waiting area.)
Doctor: Hello Gordon. I'm Dr. Pine. Thank you for taking time to come here today.
Gordon: What do you need me to do?
Dr. Pine: Well we'd have to do some tests to see what would be considered normal for an engine like yourself. I would ask to do a blood test but I'm not sure if you even have blood.
(Gordon thinks about how to answer that.)
Gordon: How would you know if I do have blood?
(Dr. Pine leads Gordon to the lab.)
Dr. Pine: We will have to find a vein and see what comes out. Just have a seat here and we'll start.
(Gordon sits down as the lab worker begins.)
Narrator: Many tests are conducted until Dr. Pine has a thorough idea of what's considered to be normal for a steam engine.
Dr. Pine: Thank you for helping us Gordon. I think we have everything we need now. If we need anything else, we'll contact Sir Topham Hatt.
Gordon: I hope that my tests can help you manage Scott's condition. Can you please provide updates on his condition?
Dr. Pine: Why yes we can. As soon as anything changes, we'll let you know.
(Gordon shakes Dr. Pine's hand.)
Gordon: Thank you for taking care of my brother. I hope you have a good day.
Dr. Pine: Same to you Gordon.
(Gordon leaves the medical center hopeful that the effort put in today helps his brother.)
Tagging: @bluy1206, @werbitssft, @klein-sodor-bahn, @theyellowroseofsodor, @juniebugsss, @tornadoyoungiron, @pxmun,
@nelllia, @pxmun2, @thefedoragirl, @roosinii, @ethereal-capricorns-blog, @jessica-sv509510,
@jayde-jots, @thatcheeseycandle, @jordeynnotgordon, @be-kind-and-rewind-again, @hardchildpainter, @asktheoriginalorder,
@onyx-and-friends, @that-mr-e, @sustysteel198, @monika-396, @fabianvalencia561, @gordon208, @savannahlee-d29,
@bladexjester, @sketalya, @agent-7-at-your-service, @i-heart-ukrain3, and @engineer-gunzelpunk.