Lobotomy Corporation Spoilers - Tumblr Posts

Whenever sth happen in the City

how unoriginal am i
Darkness as a corrupting horror: oh cool
Blinding light as a corrupting horror: OOOOOOGGGGGHOODSHITOOHOOHOOHOOHEHEHE
Canto IV was really good
Project Moon does a cool thing that I really like with their stories, which in theory isn't really anything special, but I see so few stories do this that it really does single Project Moon out in my mind.
Each Project Moon game is in a dialogue with itself, having a discussion about politics and philosophy and society in general. They universally present the status quo as Not Great which is... evident for anyone living in the real world, but importantly to me, they do not present any proper answers to this.
This isn't to say that Project Moon stories are fence sitting nonsense that call for the importance of meeting in the middle, that's your own decision on whether you think that's worthwhile. And Project Moon DOES express opinions in the world they have created, so they're not cowards in that sense either. It's pretty clear, at least to me, that they believe things in our world do have to change, that the vision of capitalism that exists in the City is horrendous, and that we in the real world are on a clear trajectory toward the world of the City if action is not taken.
However, the way they frame the two opposing sides of each argument they present is important. And key to that framing is that in every game you play antisocial, morally dubious murderers. This is a constant. The people you're fighting aren't the good guys, but hey, neither are you.
In Ruina, when it comes down to the final confrontation with the Reverberation Ensemble, you are presented with two opposing ideals. Carmen and the Ensemble would love nothing more than to see the world torn down in its entirety, built back up in their own imagining of an ideal society. The Librarians, on the other hand, are there to fight against that notion, that the world they have as it is can be changed.
And while I definitely fall on the side of "maybe there's hope to be had in this dying, hellish apocalypse" I do GET where the Ensemble is coming from. I GET what Carmen's trying to do. It's a naive and childish attempt at creating a better world from the ashes of the old, an idea whose inevitable result is tyranny, but to someone who's already experiencing tyranny, tyranny but this time you're on top seems appealing. And I also understand that, for the Librarians, even if the ultimate goal here is to create a better society without that sort of tyranny, well you're kind of murdering people to achieve that.
And I think all this plays into why I enjoyed Canto IV so much. First off, the main conflict in Canto IV isn't between Limbus Company and another group, it's the conflict between K Corp and the Technology Liberation Alliance, which can be further distilled down to the conflict between Dongrang and Dongbaek.
In the case of K Corp, they're a bunch of utilitarians, people who say that even torture is acceptable if it leads to lives saved. And they quite literally do this, torturing the Tearful Thing in literally every possible way, just to produce the tears needed for regeneration ampules, forcing it to cry for the sake of others. Dongbaek doesn't even fully refute that this might be useful, but she does assert that if you're going to go to these lengths, there better be a foreseeable end to it, you better be curing EVERYONE.
And then we have the TLA, a bunch of anprims who aren't exactly wrong in the assertion that the way technology is used within the City causes immeasurable harm, but do come to the wrong conclusion that ALL tech needs to be incinerated. And, for them to come against K Corp specifically is significant, because sure, K Corp literally tortures people to produce their ampules, but the results are tangible. Lives are, in fact, saved, even if we discount the K Corp Security that will cut their own limbs off just to get healed.
And where Canto IV manages to stop saying "both sides bad" is in bringing Limbus Company back into the equation. A third party, who doesn't adhere to the ideals of either side.
Does Limbus Company have perfect answers to resolve this conflict? No, you're still a bunch of murderers. But they do present a third perspective, that instead of looking only at total harm done and coming to the conclusion that torture is acceptable, and instead of looking at all the injustices caused and coming to the conclusion that the entire world needs to be reset, through exploring the fathoms of Yi Sang's EGO, we can come to consider the possibility of caring for the individual. That yes, this world is fucked up and living in it can itself be considered a crime against humanity, but that doesn't mean you can't help someone in a way that doesn't hurt someone else. Yi Sang went from being horribly depressed with nothing in this world, someone who desperately wanted to die and couldn't even be afforded that mercy, to someone who finally smiled. The world is still fucked up, and we don't really have a solution to that, but we at least made it a little bit brighter for one person, and in the future, we can keep doing that.
And also? Canto IV introduced Alfonso so really it's just the best chapter.

i love you angela project moon

every time i feel too emotional i draw them and every time i draw them i feel too emotional

i can close my eyes, and let the things i can't change stay that way.

hot single disembodied voices near you

cw! eyestrain
this is the light we use to feed the sun!
the City setting in Project Moon's works is great because it starts you off with a bunch of fantastical monsters and then it goes surprise! it was all science fiction this whole time! and gives you fucked up scifi explanations for all of it (specifically referring to abnormalities being drawn from the collective human subconscious here instead of actually coming from the places their observation logs say they do) and then it's just like haha we've tricked you again there are actual vampires in the city. the dark forest with the apocalypse bird trio is a real place. the healing technology is nanobots? wrong! it's actually tears we got from this giant crying eyeball. how did that eyeball come into existence? some guy wished upon a star. with the AI Ethics Amendment and the thing about all non-humans being banished to the Outskirts I mistakenly drew the conclusion that "non-humans" just meant "artificial intelligence" but nah they straight up got gnomes out there. also airplanes don't exist
this game is great
(he is stuck in the doors)
update: advice isnt needed anymore :3 i managed to do it (it was painful)
Anyone have advice for hod meltdown?? I’ve got a lot of X-stat or higher abnormalities in my department and I have committed The Biggest Sin (I got attached to my agents :( some of them at least)
My biggest problem so far is the sheer number of Abnos I feel I can safely take care of now because of having Y Stat, but Hod’s whole thing is taking that and going “nope”.
I don’t want to unlock the next floor before getting at LEAST Hod’s done. I haven’t done Malkuth or Yesod’s yet, either, and I maybe should?? (At least do Malkuth’s so I can avoid the issue w/ Crumbling Armor).
Facility layout below read more. abnormalities in bold require a stat to be Y or higher, or they require a stat to be Y or lower, or both (LOOKING AT YOU, BUTTERFLIES)
Malkuth — One Sin, Fairy Festival, Crumbling Armor, (Behavior Readjustment)
Yesod — Wellcheers, Bald, Der Frei, (Mirror of Readjustment)
Netzach — Schadenfreude, Void Dream, Ppodae, (Heart of Aspiration)
Hod — Old Lady (the grandma w/ stories), Red Shoes, Singing Machine, (We Can Change Anything)
Tiphereth 1 — Laetitia, Teddy Bear, Today’s Shy Look, (Luminous Bracelet)
Tiphereth 2 — Firebird, Child of the Galaxy, Burrowing Heaven, (Shelter from the 27th of March)
Gebura — Little Prince, Don’t Touch Me, Judgement Bird, (Backwards Clock)
Chesed — Procubus, Funeral of Dead Butterflies, Big Bird, (Old Faith and Promise)

Anyone have advice for hod meltdown?? I’ve got a lot of X-stat or higher abnormalities in my department and I have committed The Biggest Sin (I got attached to my agents :( some of them at least)
My biggest problem so far is the sheer number of Abnos I feel I can safely take care of now because of having Y Stat, but Hod’s whole thing is taking that and going “nope”.
I don’t want to unlock the next floor before getting at LEAST Hod’s done. I haven’t done Malkuth or Yesod’s yet, either, and I maybe should?? (At least do Malkuth’s so I can avoid the issue w/ Crumbling Armor).
Facility layout below read more. abnormalities in bold require a stat to be Y or higher, or they require a stat to be Y or lower, or both (LOOKING AT YOU, BUTTERFLIES)
Malkuth — One Sin, Fairy Festival, Crumbling Armor, (Behavior Readjustment)
Yesod — Wellcheers, Bald, Der Frei, (Mirror of Readjustment)
Netzach — Schadenfreude, Void Dream, Ppodae, (Heart of Aspiration)
Hod — Old Lady (the grandma w/ stories), Red Shoes, Singing Machine, (We Can Change Anything)
Tiphereth 1 — Laetitia, Teddy Bear, Today’s Shy Look, (Luminous Bracelet)
Tiphereth 2 — Firebird, Child of the Galaxy, Burrowing Heaven, (Shelter from the 27th of March)
Gebura — Little Prince, Don’t Touch Me, Judgement Bird, (Backwards Clock)
Chesed — Procubus, Funeral of Dead Butterflies, Big Bird, (Old Faith and Promise)
lobcorp question: if i have an agent in the safety team, i do the meltdown (which kicks them out), and i plop them back into safety w/o ever putting them on a seperate team, does their continuous work streak resume? not safety team specific but im doing netzach meltdown right now
disciplinary team captain & newbie for reference

some quotes from me and Pancake (my roommate) during netzach meltdown
"I hate the Mirror of Reassignment. ... Me when the Mirror of Gender Reassignment Surgery." -Me
"this sounds like that one caretaker song." -Me "A burning memory. To be fair hes really out of it." -Pancake
"I cant believe clerks killed the red shoes employee." -Me "Good for them! I dare say, let's go clerks. That ranged red damage is good for something!" -Pancake
"'Why are you prolong', but I edit it to say 'Why are you so long' and I edit it over judgement bird." -Me
"Please don't be indigo noon again." -Me "(attempts at sweeper sounds)" -Pancake "Why is donald duck a sweeper?" -Me
"Now the issue is no one fucking healed, because Netzach is a bitch." -Me

"GUESS WHAT NOON IT IS~ (slurp)" "blue" "(slurp)" [me, pancake, and me again]
"YOOO angel just gave me 20 on Big Bird." -Me "Out of?" -Pancake "20." -Me "YOOOO. they went dap me up." -Pancake "And Big Bird did it!" -Me
(Talking about married couples) "Cause you're an angy little pissbaby who can't emote." -Me
"The whole 6 years of memory being deleted. C-- *dies laughing* Lies about Cathy." -Pancake
(Talking about Singing Machine) "Music make you lose control music make you lose control." -Pancake
yesod really do be deepfrying my glasses huh
"red is purple which means blue is red" and other shit that malkuth meltdown makes you say