Locomotion - Tumblr Posts
Please tell me I'm not the only one who heard Also Sprach Zarathurstra playing in their head while they watched this...
On a side note, does anyone have the expertise to coordinate the gif with the music, (either altering the music or the image)? That would be awesome...

Based on the new PLOSone paper that I posted about earlier - for those who haven’t seen, there is a new study that looks at how chickens walk differently when they have a long artificial tail strapped to their butts. The paper comes with a lovely little video of the control and experimental chickens walking. A regular chicken’s locomotion is more knee-driven, while the posterior weight of an artificial tail makes the animal walk with a hip-driven gait instead.
This study has obvious implications for how non-avian theropods walked, so I could not resist doing a quick (1 hour or so) animation of a dromaeosaur loosely based on Deinonychus doing the dino-walk.