Locomotion - Tumblr Posts

11 years ago

Please tell me I'm not the only one who heard Also Sprach Zarathurstra playing in their head while they watched this...

On a side note, does anyone have the expertise to coordinate the gif with the music, (either altering the music or the image)? That would be awesome...

themanfromnantucket - There once was a man from Nantucket...

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11 years ago
Based On The New PLOSone Paper That I Posted About Earlier - For Those Who Havent Seen, There Is A New

Based on the new PLOSone paper that I posted about earlier - for those who haven’t seen, there is a new study that looks at how chickens walk differently when they have a long artificial tail strapped to their butts. The paper comes with a lovely little video of the control and experimental chickens walking. A regular chicken’s locomotion is more knee-driven, while the posterior weight of an artificial tail makes the animal walk with a hip-driven gait instead.

This study has obvious implications for how non-avian theropods walked, so I could not resist doing a quick (1 hour or so) animation of a dromaeosaur loosely based on Deinonychus doing the dino-walk.

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