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The "best" compliment I've ever received
There's a reason I put "best" in quotes.
At my high school there was a small lounge area next to the cafeteria. It was a popular spot for studying and socializing - that is, when it wasn't closed for repairs after someone ransacked it, which was quite often. In fact, I think it's closed permanently now because of that...
~initializing un-sidetrack~ ANYWAY
A couple of my friends and I were hanging around there, taking a break between classes one day, when two girls came in. I never got to know them particularly well while I attended the school, but I do remember that they were of the spontaneous type. That was particularly apparent here, when they somehow got on the subject of hair... and started sniffing people's hair.
I REALLY don't know why they started doing this. But they went around to each person in the room and smelled their hair, proclaiming what it smelled like. For most, it was the smell of whatever shampoo they had used that morning; for at least one, it smelled a little dirty. This of course creeped my friends and me out, so I pretended not to notice.
I was the last to have my hair sniffed. One of the girls ran up, her friend lagging behind a bit, and stuck her face in my hair. I tensed a little.
"...clean," she said. "It's just clean."
Her friend came up behind, wondering what she meant by that. But she verified it too. "Yeah, just clean. That's weird."
I didn't have anything to say. I just sat there, partially dazed from the shock of "what the heck just happened," but mostly surprised by the outcome. Because what they didn't know is that I hadn't showered for a week.
And that's the anticlimactic story of the "best" compliment I've ever gotten.
We’re all born with scars. From the moment we open our eyes and look at the world we are wounded, and we all share that same mark.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who heard Also Sprach Zarathurstra playing in their head while they watched this...
On a side note, does anyone have the expertise to coordinate the gif with the music, (either altering the music or the image)? That would be awesome...