Loki Lives - Tumblr Posts
I agree that suggesting the actor is too old for the role of a literal alien is ludicrous, however I personally really REALLY want Tom Hiddleston to be replaced as Loki, and it’s not at all because of Tom Hiddleston as a person or as an actor.
I think he’s been amazing in the Marvel movies he has been in, and I absolutely love the fact that so many fans have become connected to the character, however I do think that he cannot play Loki forever, partly because it may become stagnant for him, partly for the writers and partly for the audience.
This is why I want him to be replaced with a younger actor (and by that I mean possibly even a child actor for a time), but not necessarily a ‘younger, fitter’ actor. The nature of Loki as a character throughout the comics and films has always been of change and rebirth, being an essential part of the Ragnarok mythos since well before Marvel when the Prose Edda was written, and I think that Marvel has played with that idea really interestingly within their use of the Asgardians, no more so than in the comics, where Loki is continually changing and developing. So, just to prove my point that Loki is by his vary nature ever-changing, and a new actor would mean he doesn’t have to die when Tom Hiddleston retires from the role, here is a brief list of just some of Loki’s forms from the comics :)

Obviously I had to start with the classics. Just another Thor villain with very little depth to him, however overtime he was brought back again and again and he eventually became an extremely popular Avengers villain.

Now, onto a form some of you might have heard of but where he still fulfils the role simply of a great Thor villain. Lady Loki. Specifically when he stole Sif’s body for nefarious deeds. Not all images of a female Loki from the comics are this Loki! But we’ll get onto that next-

Next up we have a different Lady Loki, this is still Loki, just shape shifted when she and her brother Thor visit their estranged sister Angela (Raised as an Angel and replaced and reworked into Hela in Thor: Ragnarok), as only Women were technically allowed to be in the 10th realm and hey, who is she to pass up an opportunity for betrayal and manipulation? Unlike with Sif! Lady Loki, this is still Loki (“First, last and always”) and though it does benefit her in this situation, she isn’t just pretending to be a pre-existing woman.

Before genuine Lady Loki though, one of the Ragnaroks caused all the Asgardians to forget who they were and end up on earth, and Loki became a little French boy but his old mind was also stored in a Raven called Ikol because of course it was, and then through a series of convoluted events, he ‘murdered’ the boy and stole his body, but really their minds merged somewhat. Kid Loki would be something really interesting to explore in the Loki series or afterwards as a result of it!
He was with the Young Avengers for a while who he teamed up with and many of whom are already in the MCU (if anyone wants me to do a rundown of who is and isn’t and some speculation, comment and I’ll post the note I already wrote on them!)

Next up, possibly my favourite Loki run of all time, Agent of Asgard Loki. He tricks Wiccan (Billy Kaplan (Wanda’s kinda-alternate-universe son)) into aging him up into a self proclaimed Harry Styles look-alike, and through a series of events, end up working for the All-Mothers of Asgard.

(Above: Here he is talking to OG!Loki and Kid!Loki in some sort of spirit realm thing (the raven was there too 😌) because of course, this is Loki)

In the middle of the Agent of Asgard run we see the Axis Event Loki (a Comic-wide event where essentially for an issue Loki was a hero through ✨magic✨😌), which was unexpected, but the fallout was really the most heartbreaking, (Bellow) and it was a really interesting ‘what-if’?

Which leads us perfectly onto; King Loki- Agent of Asgard Loki’s ‘frightful future,’ trying to ensure Loki becomes him and sits atop a mountain of skulls at the end of time, what fun!
Now, before we get onto possibly my favourite Loki Marvel Comics incarnation that I’ve read, some honourable mentions for both that time he ran to be President of the United States with the tag line “I’m going to lie to your face and you’re going to like it.” (Nice bit of political satire there Marvel, also was referenced in the Loki trailer and I squealed when I recognised the pin-) and that time he was sorcerer supreme.
So, finally (MORE SPOILERS FOR THE AGENT OF ASGARD COMICS ARC) Loki, God(dess) of Stories, the moon Queen, the Magic Theatre (who knows what all of that means 😂😅)

After confronting King Loki and being eviscerated, they’re essentially reincarnated as a barefoot genderfluid badass with powers of 4th wall breaking who I just want to see in the MCU because I love them, and after a dramatic monologue on the nature of change and stories, they simply walk off into the plain white void of a blank comic panel, accepting the fact that the nature of Loki is the nature of change and interpretation which will be different from ever author and artist.

To conclude, I think that the Character of Loki to me is much more important that simply a ‘hot actor,’ as I think there is so many interpretations that can be made of them, and by keeping simply 1 actor you stagnate the story of a fluid and ever changing character (both in Marvel and in the history of the mythological Loki and how and what we know about him) and limit options to explore these really interesting other ideas that have been suggested over the years as versions of the character, and I don’t think fans should be limiting the writers and creative team behind the films and shows with pressure to keep a fan favourite actor until we all get sick of him and he gets sick of the character, rather encouraging them to take full advantage of this deep well of interesting character stories for an extremely interesting character. All I hope is that if they do replace him with another version of Loki, the fans won’t be up in arms about something that could be really meaningful and interesting.
Tom Is Too Old?
Ok, listen guys, I’m fuming over whats been circulating Tumblr the last few days about Tom Hiddleston getting to old to play Loki.
I just need to get this out, so here it is.
Tom Hiddleston is perfect the way he is. Yes, he is getting older, that doesn’t make him any less attractive what so ever.
It is completely fucking ridiculous to get rid of such a well loved, popular, money making character in the Marvel universe because the actor is ‘getting too old’. You know what my take on that statement is? The Russo brothers want some excuse to justify a bad plot line in relation to Loki and his death. They know people are angry and want him to come back, so they come out with something like this and it stirs the pot. It gets us all talking about it, such is probably what they want. Because any attention media/attention is good.
It is so pettyand small to make such comments about one of the best actors in the franchise. I know the fans couldn’t see anyone else playing Loki and here is it, on a silver platter for you. Without Tom Hiddleston’s brilliant acting skills and flawless portrayal of Loki, maybe the Thor franchise would not have been so successful.
So just know this Marvel. You’ve pissed off a lot of fans and you think we’ve not going to rally together and stand up for Tom and Loki. Well think again.
Oh my gods I needed this!!

We all know he lived. By the way, this is available as a print on my new shop!
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