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Lostbelt AU Idea: Egypt
Lostbelt X
Title: 1334 BC, Glory of the Ancient Kings, Kingdom of Sunlight: ATEN
Ok so this is just me throwing idea out here, so please bare with me...
So the concept of this Lostbelt is roughly the same as Götterdämmerung, Yuga Kshetram and the next Lostbelt Atlantis concepts, The Power “Gods” and their role in ruling the natural world of their repective pantheon.
With ATEN, it is basicly the Gods abandon their place in the world that causes the Lostbelt to be pruned from Pan-Human History. People losing faith in the gods and thus the faith turned to the Ruler, who was Amenhotep IV.
The Setting would be like a Futuristic/Alien setting with Ancient Egyptian structure (because of how people often assiciation of Alien and Ancient structure)
Due to this shift, several Pharaoh’s came back and effectively replacing several gods.
This Lostbelt would serve as warning to Chaldea, as this lostbelt will not have a crypter or fantasy tree. it will tell them that the line between Time, Space and Reality are dangerously thin.
As For Ally Servants from previous Singurality/Lostbelt/Event:
Cleopetra, Ozymandias and Nitocris is a no brainer. And maybe Caesar would came as well.
As for Ally Servants from this Lostbelt.
Maybe Moses and Demiservant Anubis(Ryuudo Issei) from the Pan-History? One Can Dream...
Enemy Servants:
Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten (the Ruler of the Losbelt) Class: Ruler
Rarity: 5 star
Card Spread: QAABB
Noble Phantasm: Arts Type (Anti-Country) Akhenaten Akhnaton: Shining Light of the Sun Disk
Hatshepsut (took over Isis role) Class: Caster
Rarity: 4 star
Card Spread: QQABB
Noble Phantasm: Quick Type (Temple) Isis Djeser-Djeseru: Great Holy Temple Blessed with Seven Lights.
Thutmose III(Male) (Bastet and Sekhmet who are Female Dieties)
Note: Thutmose will mostly refer as him/he because he is the dominant personality but will occasionally act flamboyant.
Class: Alter Ego
Rarity: 4 star
Card Spread: QABBB
Noble Phantasm: Buster Type (Anti-Army) Sakhet Bast: The Crimson Star Shining over The Dessert.
Ahmose I (Took Over Thoth and Khonsu) Class: Archer
Rarity: 3 star
Card Spread: QAAAB
Noble Phantasm: Art Type (Anti-Army) Yah Khosus: Radiant Light of the Moon Bow
Greater Enemy:
Horus / Geb & Nut / Apophis as (Beast class or Foreigner)
So That’s all from me... Feel Free to add to this Idea if you want!
Here have my Bunny!!
Pseudo Servant Ritsuka and his Master Ophelia Phamrsolone!
Yes i’m making ophelia a reverse harem prataganist with this entry! and yes i’m making fanfic with this idea because it has not been done!!!
The Audacity! Don’t do this girl dirty, she deserves a harem!
Pseudo-Servant: Ritsuka Fujimaru (Assassin)
This is just a note for now:
1) Ritsuka arrives early like 1 month early, thanks to his Healing magic and Chaldea needed one ASAP.
2) Some of the A Team meets the new recruit?
3) An Emergency Happens, Ophelia and Ritsuka gets caught in it?
4) Ophelia’s protect both them during this time.
5) Ritsuka is still stuck as Ophelia Servant Somehow.
6) Ritsuka can still act as a Master even in this state.
7) Ritsuka is now an honarary member of the A Team.
8) Ritsuka joins the Crypters as Ophelia’s Servant.
9) Gudako(Named her Ritsuna Fujikawa) takes Ritsuka place in Fate Grand Order, But the paroff is the Second Lostbelt will be much more dangerous... because its a Four Way (Or is it a 5 way with Mash?) Husbando War.
Pseudo-Servant: Ritsuka Fujimaru (Assassin)
Spirit Compossed of: Ritsuka Fujimaru, Edgar Allan Poe and Thomas Neill Cream.
Traits: Humanoid, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish, Heaven or Earth, Brynhild's Beloved
Alignment: True Neutral (Ritsuka)
Strength: D
Speed: C
Endurance: C
Mana: B
Noble Phantasm: B
Passive Skills:
Item Construction: C (Increase Debuff Rate by 4%)
- Creating tools and potions imbued with magic is possible. But due to his inexperienced, they always seem to lack something.
Territory Creation: B
- Creation of a "Workshop" becomes possible. While Ristuka isn’t a stellar mage, nevertheless, he is still a mage and thus creating a workshop is still in his talent
Presence Concealment: D ( Increase your Critical Star Drop Rate by 4%)
- Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying. A low ranking of Presence Concealment unbecoming for an Assassin...
Active Skills:
A) Spiritual Affinity (Protection): A (Resistance Up and Defense Up for 3 turns)
- A Skill Posessed by Ritsuka Fujimaru as mage and human, he is immune to the malign nature of magic to the point that possession does not effect him as it should. This cause Ritsuka to be the main/only personality during this period of time, as a Pseudo-Servant.
B) The Poetic Principle: C (Increase Allies Arts Card Effectiveness for 3 turns, Increase Allies NP gain for 3 turns and Fills own NP gauge by 20%)
- A Skill possessed by Edgar Allan Poe, one of the two spirits currently residing and slumbering inside of Ritsuka Fujimaru. This skill represents Edgar Allan Poe literary theory. It is based on a series of lectures Poe had given late in his lifetime.
C) Lambeth Poisoner: D (Remove Buffs from a single enemy, Lowers enemy resistance to Poison for 1 turn and Apply Evade to self for 1 turn)
- A Skill possessed by Thomas Neill Cream, one of the two spirits currently residing and slumbering inside Ritsuka Fujimaru. This skill represents the very nature of the Man known as Thomas Neill Cream, it is the title for the murders that he had commited.
Noble Phantasm: Ritsuka can only access one noble phantasm because of the nature of his status as a Pseudo Servant / all three aspects of the Servant “Assassin” (Parts of Ritsuka, Edgar and Thomas nature are in this NP).
Allegory of Lambeth’s Lament: Corruption borned from hubris!
- Anti-Army: Poison and Curse All Enemies, Remove buffs, NP Locks Enemy for 1 turn. Regen Health and NP Gauge for 3 turns.