aqziz - Idea, Plotbunnies Or Just Headcanon
Idea, Plotbunnies Or Just Headcanon

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Aqziz - Idea, Plotbunnies Or Just Headcanon - Tumblr Blog

3 years ago
aqziz - Idea, Plotbunnies Or Just Headcanon
aqziz - Idea, Plotbunnies Or Just Headcanon
aqziz - Idea, Plotbunnies Or Just Headcanon
aqziz - Idea, Plotbunnies Or Just Headcanon
3 years ago

Ezra: We need to distract these guys

Chopper: Leave it to me

Chopper: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.

Kanan, Sabine, and Zeb: *Immediately begin arguing*

Hera, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.

3 years ago
aqziz - Idea, Plotbunnies Or Just Headcanon
4 years ago

zenitsu: oh your not single??? woukd you like to be??

shinobu: aggressive divorce attorney advertising campaign

kyojuro: you can do better babe lets mAKE THIS HAPPEN

4 years ago

The last potato

4 years ago

Florida mantries to escape police by jumping head-first through window...

Florida Man Accused Of Trying To Buy Girl From Her Mother At Walmart

“Florida man accused of trying to buy girl from her mother at Walmart”

4 years ago

“Toddlers are difficult even when you’re a cat.”


4 years ago

is this right? asking for a friend. 

Funfact: the Seventh Singularity of FGO is the only Singularity that change it's name from the first arc and the second arc? in this case Gorgon was act 1 (Babylonia) after her defeat, Tiamat awakens thus Arc 2 starts the name changed from Babylonia too Mesopatamia...

Wait, how so? As in like the map theme changed? Cause Camelot's map theme changed as well, albeit the first few notes are the exact same and it's not a huge change

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4 years ago

Sound on


4 years ago

Riolu: *kicking a Legendary in the leg for dragging Ash into their bullshit* When I learn Aura Sphere, it's all over for you fucks! Ash: *making anxious Mama noises* P L E A S E stop kicking the legendary.

Ash: is THIS how Brock feels about me throwing myself in danger in the past??? Because I DON’T LIKE IT-RIOLU DON’T TRY AND KICK MEW!!!

4 years ago

Riolu: *kicking a Legendary in the leg for dragging Ash into their bullshit* When I learn Aura Sphere, it's all over for you fucks! Ash: *making anxious Mama noises* P L E A S E stop kicking the legendary.

Ash: is THIS how Brock feels about me throwing myself in danger in the past??? Because I DON’T LIKE IT-RIOLU DON’T TRY AND KICK MEW!!!

4 years ago

Riolu: *kicking a Legendary in the leg for dragging Ash into their bullshit* When I learn Aura Sphere, it's all over for you fucks! Ash: *making anxious Mama noises* P L E A S E stop kicking the legendary.

Ash: is THIS how Brock feels about me throwing myself in danger in the past??? Because I DON’T LIKE IT-RIOLU DON’T TRY AND KICK MEW!!!

5 years ago

Um so Fire Emblem Tellius Saga with Three House Crest System?

I don’t know it just occured to me. That it would be interesting to see which character would have crest (Major and Minor) and be crestless... so i kind of compiled the Character and crests here... 

Just food for thought thats all.

Note: i’ll be excluding the Laguz from here because of this idea... so please bear with me and my ever jumping active mind. 

also the characters and crest choice are due to the lore of Three houses and background of certain characters, please keep that in mind when you are reading, plus angst and feels... know that i might have missed a few characters here and there. 

Feedback is appreciated aswell!

Note: I fixed and added few things.

Um So Fire Emblem Tellius Saga With Three House Crest System?

Key Notes!

1) Ike and Mist are Siblings with Ike inheriting the Crest.

2) Soren is the abandoned son of a certain king and has no claim to the throne, was taken in by Greil and Elena. 

3) Oscar and Boyd are full blooded siblings (ei: Same crest) but Rolf is their Half Brother. Relationship between the three were not good until recently.

4) Rhys is a runaway noble and met Shinnon and Gatrie on his travels 

5)  Elincia is still a princess of a kingdom, but has doubt of her legitimacy.

6) Sanaki is the heir apparent for her kingdom but is met with vehement protest by a minority of nobles.

7) Tormod is a Son of Noble House raised humbly alongside the normal people but his name would be used to blouster the schemes of the minor nobles.

8) Stefan is both a tentative ally of both Sanaki and Tormod during the chaotic period.

9) Pelleas is still the legitimate heir to the throne of a certain king.

10) Micaiah is an orphan who gives other orphan a home. 

11) Edward is the only child of a declining noble house to have crest.   

12) Illyaana did not obtain her crest naturally.  

13) Levail and Zelgius would eventually ally themselves with Sanaki and Tormod.

14) Teureneo is .... he’s just there, standing menacingly. 

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5 years ago
Someone Please Give The Potato An Intervention

Someone please give the potato an intervention 

5 years ago

I mean was this a secret or something?



every single character in vk: yuki is STUPID. she has NO brain cells. she has SMOOTH BRAIN ENERGY. yuki is the worlds biggest idiot dummy stupidhead. she said NO THOUGHTS HEAD EMPTY.

5 years ago

I Think I’m running  2 Meme Builds For Itsuki...

So yeah... Build 1 


and this is Build 2


... I Have a DC unit but its Legendary Hector... I still waiting for OG Hector to fodder.

Please Pray for me... 

Also fuck the FEH Pass.

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5 years ago

If the CYL 4 Leak is to be believed we might get a Seliph ALT this year... Maybe.

Also while looking at the whole leaked list, Plumeria we might be getting her next...  

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5 years ago

I Know these guys are from Hypnosis Mic... But seriouslt though, the Lady in the Middle reminds me of Eva from Code Vein So Much



probably the antagonists for the upcoming mobile game.. (also the first guy looks like an amalgamation of the other characters lol)

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5 years ago

If you wanna join clap your hands "Claps multiple times to make sure"

Judai: Anyone who wants to join our group chat? By the way, the name is "In This House We Love Tsukipro ♡"

I just can't think of another name for the group chat.... *sheepish*

Reply to this post if you guys wanna join the group chat. I'll send you an invite.


- Judai

5 years ago

Fujimaru: So, what are all your powers?

Gawain: I am invincible during the day.

Lancelot: I’m so good at sword fighting I can beat knights with just a stick.

Tristan: I can shoot down an enemy and play my theme song at the same time.

Mordred: I can shoot red lightning out of my sword.

Bedivere: I can use common sense.

Fujimaru: That doesn’t seem…

Gawain: Oh, no trust us, he is a VERY important member of the Round Table.