Louise Bob's Burgers - Tumblr Posts
I headcannon that she eventually came to like reading, probably because of all the Kuchi Kopi books. I think the ending of Old Yeller scared her a bit and it took her a while to get over that, but, like, I get it.

big fan of the fact that louise is the biggest reader in their family :) she's a bit of a bookworm and i truly believe this

Louise and the Chalkboard🍔
I have never ever seen this short before, and now I’m screaming! Growing up the UK, I was very limited with the American shows I could watch as a kid. We had freeview, which meant we had only a few BBC channels to surf through. When I was 13 in 2011, Bob’s came out. We finally had a digital TV system which let us have a wider range of channels to watch. Comedy Central was one of them. They’d have reruns of Bob’s so often, and that’s how I got my fix. I would series-link them so I could watch them after school every day. I don’t think I ever watched the show in chronological order until I got a laptop and found my cartoon websites. I never had any access to Bob’s DVDs in my youth either, so this is a real treat to see.

BOB’S BURGERS — season ten, episode twenty
Guess who's been re-reading Louigan fics
it's me, I'm who

Some louigan fanart inspired by @babsvibes's iconic "Territorial Swisspute" cuz it's iconic
Had to reblog this because it is just so amazing!

scene in my style 🌊
i had a nice time drawing this!! 🌀
What's your all-time favorite Bob's Burgers episode? Like this is YOUR episode? (You can list multiple if you want!)
Oh, wow, thanks for this question because it's a tough one! I have two all time favorite episodes, actually: "Hawk & Chick" and "Fingers-loose"! I think these two episodes both capture the essence of the show so well, both in terms of comedy and emotional depth.
My favorite episode used to be "The Belchies" and it's hard to say its not any longer, because it's just such a classic episode. It will always have a special place in my heart from when I first saw the show.
I'm rambling a bit here, but some other episodes I highly enjoy and would be remiss to go without mentioning are the banger episodes like "Fort Night," "Flu-ouise," "Silence of the Louise," "The Hauntening," "Kids Run the Restaurant," and "Amelia." Episodes that really focus on the emotional depth, trickery, and intelligence of Louise as a character, but have some really good background moments for Gene. As Louise and Gene are my favorite characters. "Taking of Funtime One Two Three" or "Wharf, Me Worry?" has to be the best example of this.
Another episode I hold dear for personal reasons is "Frigate Me Knot." I was in the Navy for nearly nine years and just seeing Teddy and his shenanigans in that episode made me laugh so hard. It's rare we get a good Teddy episode.
There's the essay you didn't ask for, but I love this question, so thank you asking!
This is stunning omg

scene in my style 🌊
i had a nice time drawing this!! 🌀