Love And Redemption - Tumblr Posts
@gaywatch It's hard to imagine Cheng Yi's delicate face and appearance is in fact hiding this kind of wild figure, it's a no wonder that he doesn't show it readily now.

Heaven Sent Pt. 5
FemReader x Cyno (Brothel AU)

Previous parts: Pt.4, pt.3, pt.2, and pt.1.
word count: 2.2k (oh waw)
unapologetically not proofread, *evil hamster laughter*
des: A continuation of my on-going series with Cyno and Femreader in Brothel AU. They finally get a slice of peace in this one, yay
warnings: None. Just awkward Cyno and bad attempts of the funny.
it took so long to get this out, lawd almighty...
Nonetheless, I hope you like :>
“Luckily, there’s only a light bruise on her right ankle. So she’ll have to apply this salve for a few days,” the fennec man pulls out said salve that’s in a container, and places it on the nightstand.
“If she does, it’ll heal like nothing had been there in the first place.” He says as he turns to gather his things. The general watched from the doorway, his arms crossed in his usual stern manner.
“Thanks, ‘nari.”
“Of course, so why don’t we talk about it?” He finished packing up and stood to look at him directly. Cyno sighs, his body now leaning by the door.
“Can’t we do that another time? There’s a more pressing matter.”
“Hmm, so pressing that rather than moving onto the next step, you’ve stopped by yet again to check if she woke up. Very pressing, indeed.” He mumbled sarcastically, narrowing his eyes in doubt at his companion, who shrunk a little at his scrutinizing gaze. In doing so, he proved to the foxian that his doubt was not misplaced. Raised brows followed by an even more doubtful ‘uh-huh,’ came from him as he approached the exit.
“You have the audacity to visit multiple times throughout the day, —I know you’re not questioning my medical experience now, Cyno.” He rests a hand on his hip and eyes him again.
“What is with you, nowadays?” He tried to come across as lighthearted as possible, like how any friend would when something raises some concern. However, no matter how he would’ve phrased it –this was obviously a confrontation.
The gray haired man looks pressed at the question at first, not really knowing why he himself is more anxious…more restless these days, either. Just a while ago, he was in the exact state—moving around without settling, going at the racing pace of his thoughts and before he knew it, his feet led him to her. Where he subconsciously waits for her to open her eyes…
Even so, the only thing he could say from what little he could gather for himself —of himself, is “I don’t know…”
A bit of shame came with that feeling of dejectedness at his own answer. But truly, that was all he could sum it as. Crossed arms and heavy sighs, the pair of men resembled each other in the room. Cyno’s days when everything was clear and easy to understand seems blurry now. Seeing how things are, Tighnari decides not to press any further.
With one last heavy sigh, he glances towards him again, eyes much softer compared to moments ago. He figured the last thing his friend needed was more things to take up his well over occupied mind.
“If you’ve spared room for her in that knocker of yours, you won’t have to for too long. She’ll wake up any moment now.” Tighnari places a firm grip on the general’s shoulder, pressing a thin line of a smile, hoping to reassure him. Even if that reassurance could barely be felt, the general could use every ounce he can get right now. He passes him by the door, saying lastly before going,
“You should get some rest too. Nights for us are getting shorter.” Cyno nods, no words needed to be further exchanged. A feeling of gratitude surrounded them briefly. A quick ‘good night’ later and he had gone his way. Leaving him in that pure silence that was unknowingly needed. Why he suddenly felt steady, well, he could owe that thanks to Tighnari for reassuring him that she will be fine now that she’s here, in Aaru Village.
His eyes eventually wander over to the resting village, and the serenity that swept it when night falls. These are times that are rare and worth treasuring. In the days to come, all the amount of work that he and his colleagues have compiled for months will finally come to fruition. Everything has been set into place so…why was there still something to worry about?
He shuts his eyes. Inviting the world around him to reach his ears instead, and potentially aid him in his focus ... .And sure enough, the twinkles of sand falling against the wind, the soft running of water in the laid out pipes lined within the walls can be heard. Along came the lanterns with their fire emitting a slight crackle, and he could practically visualize the flames flickering ever so slightly with the palm leaves swaying in the air…
The sounds of the desert made a symphony to lull his mind, finally enough to calm…
He opens his eyes again, sighing as he does. But amidst the quiet, a gentle rustling of lenin sheets is heard from behind him.
“I’m not dreaming, am I?” Your hoarse voice rang in the ambiance, one that quickly brought Cyno to your side. He moved from the window and towards you, helping you sit up. Your vision was a little blurry of sleep, not so much that you couldn’t tell that the figure in front of you is Cyno, but you couldn’t quite make out the details of him just right so you rubbed your eyes.
After doing so, you took a good look at the figure in front of you and it became increasingly apparent that he looked far more exhausted than when you last saw him.
“General, you should sleep—“ He raises his hand slightly to stop you and opens his mouth, muttering something too soft for you to hear.
“Uh, come again?” You tilt your head a bit to his direction, trying to get a better hear of him.
“Cyno.” He breathes out, eyes drooping slightly as he begins to ease more and more, “Just call me Cyno.”
You couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on your lips, a warm and comfortable feeling invoked at this sincere, albeit, simple gesture.
“Alright then, so now will you rest?”
“I will, since it seems you’re all set for the night.” your brows furrowed, wondering just how long he had been waiting on you.
“Gener-“ you paused before correcting yourself, “Cyno,” you said carefully, “-were you… waiting for me?”
“Ah, so it seems.” He nodded more so to confirm that himself before looking back to you, answering in certainty, “Yes, I was.”
“But there was no need to…” You uttered, becoming a little bashful at the fact.
“That may be true but…” the man in front of you tried to come with a reason but just as before, and with his mind running to exhaustion, nothing came up. Instead he turned away, clearing his throat and looking back to you as if he had forgotten something.
“Right, Candace, the woman from earlier had drawn a bath for you. You should probably take it…” Your lips turned downwards. Had a couple days gone by while you were asleep? If so, did your hygiene really deteriorate to this extent? –you could only frown at the thought and asked, seeking in all honesty,
“…I don’t smell that I?”
Cyno gazes at you in confusion until realizing and internally cringing over his poor choice of words.
“Ah..that’s not what I meant—It’s…” he stops to actually consider what he’d say next, before carefully glancing in your direction, “—you’d feel more comfortable if you did. –In fact, you smell..-fine.”
Not that you could tell, especially with his back turned at you, –the poor man’s composure is shaking at its pillars.
“I’ll walk you there.”
He offers his arm to you, a slight gesture for you to take it and in some unexpected way, you did. A bit entranced —maybe near fond of this charming hesitancy that he was displaying.
Stiffly, he led you from the room and into the evening. A sweet stroll had engulfed you as he set the pace for you both, however awkward it was. But…you didn’t seem to really mind. Well, you couldn’t really put yourself to. Not when the common stars bear witness to your new freedom, not when you can bask in an eve as pleasant as this one, one of thousands that you’ll undoubtedly have, — and most especially in an arm’s length of the one who promised you so…
That in mind, you turn your glance from the floor and onto the one who was exhausted on your behalf, who relentlessly still, watched over you as he acted as your guide. Nothing but the deepest depth of gratitude filled you. As clear as the sky, the exact words you wanted to say resurfaced in your mind, and wholeheartedly you retraced them with your lips–
“Thank you, Cyno…” you softly spoke, sincere as it was from your heart. He however, only answered with,
“I haven’t done nearly enough…”
“What do you mean?” you questioned genuinely, your feet coming to a stop and with him still wrapped to you, he did as well. Red eyes escaping yours, seemingly avoiding your gaze as his words avoid the tip of his tongue. Unreasonable guilt having sit on his lips, leaving you with no answer.
“Do you…even realize how much you’ve done?” He pondered it for a moment before ultimately resigning to just hearing what you had to say,
“Cyno, you’ve given me hope in a place that forced me to abandon it.” You unhooked your arm form his and spaced into the memories of you both, recounting with a gladdened tone–
“You’ve reminded me that I still have strength.” You turned back to him, eyes graciously expressing that gratitude,
”Were it not for you, I wouldn’t have been able to find my way out of that hell…”
“So for you to say you haven’t done enough,” your tone suddenly took a shift, one that went serious as you stared at him, “--are you invalidating what I’ve gone through?”
In both visible and audible panic, Cyno jolted to change your mind, “No–That’s not what I think–”
At his raised shoulders and widened eyes, you did little to fight the snicker that made way across your features.
“Cyno,” You brought up from your chuckles, a lighthearted smile on your face, “I was just pulling your leg.”
You hummed at his blank face, and still with a smile you said, “You’re not the only one who can make bad jokes.”
“Are…my jokes not that funny?”
“Well, I’m sure if you keep trying, you’ll strike a gold one, no doubt.” A sigh escapes your lips, seemingly content with the more comfortable air that surrounded you two. Staring up into the sky with a longing from far away, you spoke with a lighthearted tone to you,
“In all seriousness, I meant what I said earlier. Cyno,” your glance leaves the stars from above and turns to look into those flickering flames for eyes, filled with might for righteousness, and still yet, even they’ve grown tired. In all sincerity, from the depths of your being, you uttered to him, “Thank you. For all that you’ve done.”
“What you have achieved so far, has helped, and will help many more who has walked a similar path of life as I have….so please,”
Your hands found his’ and held them in a firm and warm grasp. Your face illuminated by the bright night lured him out of that senseless guilt.
“-take this much to heart.” The winds, just as before, carried your voice to his ears like an answer to a prayer, and it seeded a way to sooth whatever uneasiness that lay dormant in his mind. It wasn’t a whole lot, but still a start. With that, his only response was a nod to show for his understanding. You yourself weren’t sure if your words carried any weight to him, so at least for now, this much will have to do. You took his arm again, as well as his attention as he glanced to you wordlessly asking what you were doing with him,
“You still have to escort me the rest of the way, right?”
“That’s right. Apologies.” He’s quick to respond and in a shaky manner too, as he tries to stand tall and walk you the rest of the way without shrinking in place. Concern becomes you as you worry over his wobbly stature.
“Are you sure you’re alright? Maybe…it was a bad idea to drag you with me.” Your hold on his arm loosened the slightest and in less than a second, Cyno had gone from weak to stern-sure, his voice coming in like a thunderclap as he spoke solemnly,
“Yes?” you answered in uncertainty, still eyeing him with worry.
“Even if I lost a limb, I’d still be here escorting you.” His brows cast downwards in a manner of seriousness, staring only straight ahead into the distance like a man on a mission. Voice giving anything but silliness.
And yet, you laughed. He turned to you in bafflement, “...what was funny about that?”
“Ah—, sorry—you losing a limb is not a laughing matter at all—It’s just, you say the most out of pocket things..” you giggled, amused by the strange specimen beside you. That apparent seriousness melted away immediately as his face warmed at the sight of you chuckling. Eyes softened as he watched for what you said next, walking beside you arm in arm.
“If people were around to witness, they’d probably mistake us for lovers.” Your little mindless comment echoed in his mind. It was now completely blank up there, and if you hadn’t called his name repeatedly, he’d likely walk you both out to the desert.
A/N: So much has happened in these couple of weeks that has kept me from getting this one out.
I won't delve into it tho, i gotta finish this so i can rant to my mother and commence our ritual nightly watching of cringey ahh chinese dramas.
Thank you a bunchies to those who come back to this little 'ol thing I got going on here :< <3
Stay safe out there and remind someone that you love them <3
Until then,
Love and Redemption – Bailin
Behold! A meta about Bailin from Love and Redemption, if there’s anyone interested. It’s quite long, so be warned...
Many thanks to my dear @nieninque-nyerea for huge help with the translation from my mother tongue - I would never have the mental strength to do it by my self!
Bailin is a complicated character... and that's the reason why it's so sad that all opinions about him are so simplified and can be summed up in three words "he's the worst". Because he isn't... and at the same time, yes, he definitely is. As you can see, the situation is complicated. It's honestly quite surprising how much people want to simplify his actions and character, especially considering the complex psyche of the main trio (or quartet, depending on viewer's philosophy) which makes the whole story so interesting, compelling and surprising (with a help of the wonderful secondary characters, but shh :)). I guess human desire for simple, black and white answers is our greatest superpower…
I would like to start with a small polemic about whether Bailin is a villain. I realize I'm being a bit loose with the terminology here, but I'd argue that he is not a villain. "What?" I hear the indignant voice of the internet – as if we didn't have enough evidence that in the end it was all his fault! (And there really is plenty of evidence.) If I may, I would call Bailin more of an antagonist, someone who is in opposition to the hero – if we consider Si Feng the hero of the story, then completely deliberately, if the hero is Xuan Ji/Rahu Ketu, then Bailin is in opposition which he himself is hardly aware of, or at least does not admit to. As horrible as Bailin's actions are (and they are), what's really interesting are his motivations. So, enough of the quibble – what is really Bailin's deal?
The answer is very surprising in its simplicity – it's all about doing good. That's right - Bailin is unable to see his actions as problematic, let alone evil, because he firmly believes that whatever he does, he is acting in the service of what is „right“. Terrible is the surprise at the end of the story for him and his subjects, who got dragged along by the unbreakable strength of his conviction that what they are doing is right. (Flying Snake is the only exception, and even his dilemma it is not about the goodness of Heavenly Realm, but about the choice of duty vs friends.) It is not unusual in stories that even a completely unadulterated villain, let alone an antagonist, is convinced of the rightness of his behavior and the hero is primary someone who ignores his motivations and constantly stands in his way, and is therefore in the villain's/antagonist's interest to get rid of them. (We could include the relationship between Bailin and Si Feng into this category.) It is considerably less common when the antagonist is not aware of his opposition to the hero, and is even convinced on fundemental level that everything he does is only helping the hero - even if it‘s the very disintegration of hero's personality. And that is exactly the relationship between Bailin and Xuan Ji/Rahu Ketu. When one looks back at all of Bailin's actions, crimes, and even wilful acts it's actually surprising that his plan isn't more sinister and his motivations far darker. After all, Bailin really wants victory over the enemy (in his case, the victory of Heavenly Realm over demons), and in doing so he does not stand out from the ranks of other characters on both sides of the conflict. What makes Bailin truly unique is the radicality and disproportionality of his solutions, which often not only worsen the entire problem, but in several cases directly cause a brand new one. And all of this happens while Bailin is fully convinced of his truth, his rationality and the infallibility of his own decisions.
And that brings us to what is Bailin really like. Bailin does not have to be inherently evil to be destructive - both to himself and to others. He only needs two characteristics to do this, and both can be summed up in one problem - the lack of (appropriate) self-reflection.
These two characteristics are paranoia and lying to himself (especially in emotional matters).
Bailin belongs to that group of people who believe there is someone after them. Who? Everyone, anyone. The world is full of tricks and traps, you can't trust anyone, except maybe those you have authority over, and even there you're on a thin ice. You can't rely on anyone - and trusting someone emotionally is out of the question! It is always necessary to count on the worst possibility imaginable and look for the worst conceivable motive in others. Bailin's decisions in their monstrosity unsurprisingly match this mindset. Why wouldn't he decide for the worst possible solution, when he is convinced that only his own alertness and preparedness prevent others from using similar weapon against him?
To paranoia is strongly linked lying to oneself. In the world as Bailin sees it, is no place for weakness, hesitation, trust, let alone feelings. All of these things make Bailin (in his mind) an easy prey. Feelings most of all – for him to have feelings for anyone would be a tragedy indeed! It is necessary to fight against these things, or rather to deny their existence, not only in front of others, but above all in front of yourself. All unpleasant feelings and unexpected emotions can be rationalized! Woe be him who tries to impose feelings and emotions on you while you are working so hard for the good of Heavenly Realm! The problem is that Bailin is a good liar - he manages to manipulate a number of characters throughout the story, but he doesn't manipulate anyone better than himself.
Such relationship with reality can be deadly enough on itself, but the circumstances of Bailin's life take it to a truly terrifying extreme. Bailin is no nobody, he is the king of Heavenly Realm (I don't know the exact title), and the ongoing war with demons directly affects him. The very necessity of winning would justify a lot in Bailin's eyes. And into that comes Rahu Ketu and the much-hated feelings and emotions. Bailin does not understand himself - or, more precisely, does not want to understand himself. He is in a complicated situation and he knows only two things for sure. First: there is a war that is not going well, and he must win it – but it is the demons who hold all the triumphs in the form of their strongest general. In order for Bailin to win, he will have to get rid of this obstacle. Second: It is the same demon general that he must get rid of, without whom he cannot imagine his life. But Bailin doesn't like to think about that.
Bailin's paranoia does not allow him to accept or even imagine any other solution to their situation than victory, preferably an absolute victory – the enemy cannot be trusted, just as one cannot trust any peace designs, even should the enemy party come up with them. If Bailin doesn't attack first, in the fastest and smartest way, they will definitely lose! Of course, he can't even trust that „friend“ who sits and drinks with him so often, Bailin mustn't be fooled! Although he might wish they could sit together like this forever...
The solution Bailin will choose is a truly horrifying display of rationalized paranoia.
He is not committing a war crime, he is just doing what is necessary for Heavenly Realm to win! (Regarding the war crime: I'm sure poisoning a peace messenger would fall in this category. And yes, Bailin didn't know what message Rahu Ketu carried, but he would have known if he had listened to him. But he won't because he convinced himself such thing is not possible – that it will be either his solution or his loss. But even if we give him the benefit if doubt for not knowing, the attack was still made by trickery during friendly negotiation.)
And it's not like he wants to keep Rahu Ketu with him at all times, so he can never leave him, faithful and stripped of any identity that could possibly cause them to become enemies again! No, he is merely providing a weapon for Heavenly Realm which they never had and that will guarantee their victory!
And he doesn't at all take revenge on all the demons (including Rahu Ketu) when he orders God of War to slaughter her own people and her king. No, he's just making sure the rebellion will never happen again! So what – God of War will never even remember who she is, or realize who she killed, so why would it matter???
All altruistic and selfless reasons! In one move Bailin won the war and got rid of all his enemies. How could that be wrong??
In the same way it is later absolutely necessary that Xuan Ji does not regain her senses - not because she could then fall in love and forever leave Bailin for Si Feng, but because she could then become terrible, evil (or rather rightfully pissed off) demon and destroy the whole world! And if that strategy fails, then it's necessary to get rid of Xuan Ji, Si Feng and Jade Cup, because evil demon, war, and the destruction of the world are all serious problems - they don't necessarily have anything to do with the fact that Bailin really does not want to meet Rahu Ketu again and face him after all the things he had done to him.
From Bailin's point of view all of his decisions seem reasonable and sound. Logical. As if there really was nothing else to do. Of course, the problem is that Bailin's perception of the world is anything but reasonable and sound. It's paranoid and distorted – the demons are asking for peace after all, Rahu Ketu's feelings are sincere and he's not plotting any treachery or attack, Si Feng isn't after him... we could go on. Bailin can pass off his paranoia as rationality only by the force of his will and his own lies. But he indeed has a strong will and had believed his own lies a long time ago.
And so finally, Bailin stands before us as we know him - in his own eyes, and in the eyes of many, the paragon of goodness, purity and fighting for the right thing, especially in a world where the enemy could be everywhere, even (or maybe especially?) among one's closest people. Bailin shines so brightly precisely because he firmly believes that what he is doing is right. He relies on his own abilities and his own judgment, because his suspiciousness does not allow him to trust the judgment and motives of others. He is controlling, dominating even , because deep down he fears abandonment (without acknowledging it) and he is not able in front of himself to call love by its real name - he'd rather dress it up in a guise of usefulness and calculation, because what he fears most of all is to be loved only to be betrayed. If that should be the case, isn't it less painful to betray first?
Rahu Ketu is the person Bailin loves in all his complexity, including the potential danger he represents. God of War is the same beloved person, robbed of everything that could threaten Bailin – loyalty to the enemy, knowledge of her past, awareness of her own self; she is ideal because she is Bailin's and she cannot leave or betray him – she would be leaving and betraying her only identity. (Or rather Bailin thinks she can't, but life sucks...) Xuan Ji, on the other hand, is for Bailin the worst possible version of the same person: she's another erasure, a desperate attempt to recreate the person God of War was before her rebellion. But this time she doesn't know or love Bailin and her will is her own. She is not burdened by Rahu Ketu's consciousness, and yet Bailin has to watch her "worst" instincts win for nine lifetimes. When the tenth life comes, Bailin panics and heads down to Earth to get her back under his control before it's too late. But alas, it's too late already – while he wasn't with Xuan Ji, someone else had been... Bailin has hurt all three versions of his beloved person – denying or trying to deny each of them the right to freedom, an independent life and, what is most painfull, their own identity. Rahu Ketu states many times that he is not Xuan Ji and wants nothing to do with her, even though Xuan Ji undoubtedly is a part of him – but it's the part that was forced on him, that he was bound into, and for that Bailin can't be so easily forgiven... And Bailin, high above everyone in his white clouds but unable to admit the truth, says: "I didn't do anything wrong, just what was necessary!"
So what's the conclusion? Is Bailin really "the worst"? As I said in the beginning – he is, as well as he isn't… but for me Bailin is primarily tragic figure. He is definitely the person whose decision will negatively affect the largest number of people. His decisions are some of the worst. But his motivations... are surprisingly pure, although absolutely misguided. Bailin doesn't want to commit evil – he just hasn't realized that he is doing exactly that. What is worse – conscious malice or a mistaken belief in one's own sanctity, is up to everyone. Bailin's actions and their appalling utilitarianism cannot be very well defended, but I would find extenuating circumstances in his motivations.
And it's not only that - perhaps the most telling part is the end of Bailin's story. Because in the end Bailin submits and admits his fault. Yes, a higher up must appear - Bailin is too convinced that the world, as seen through his paranoia, is the real world so it is impossible for anyone but the ultimate authority to open his eyes - the most powerful one and the one with "the patent for the truth", the one in whose interest was Bailin convinced he has been acting. Metaphorically speaking, Bailin must cry out upwards: I did it all for You and for the sake of Heavenly Realm! And he must hear emperor's „no“ to find humility. But Bailin‘s humility is real - such humility can only exist in someone who was not only truly convinced that he was doing the right thing, but who also sincerely wanted to do the right thing. Bailin's humility is beautiful in its tragedy - although Bailin had a habit of listening mostly only to himself, his ego is not what matters the most to him. The prosperity of Heavenly Realm is what matters the most, so the knowledge of his own failure is therefore more painful to him than any punishment.
Simply put, Bailin has a beautiful “Am I a baddie?” moment, and the most tragic part of the whole situation is that this really is a brand new information for him. What should he do with himself now?
All that remains is to drink the offered cup, resigned to his fate.
It's a different punishment than voluntarily giving up one's powers – that was an acknowledgment of incompetence, of mistakes. I surrender that with which I have done much evil in the name of good. I'm giving up my powers because I can't no longer trust myself.
This is a different kind of punishment - it carries hope. It carries within itself a new chance to get it right.
Perhaps at the very end, Rahu Ketu isn't really asking for a punishment, but for a sign of trust - a sign of the biggest change Bailin will have to go through.
Will you drink? Will you relinquish the control, you've clung to, the one for which you've ruined so many lives? Because of which you ruined my life? Will you overcome your fear and walk with me into the unknown? I already know what it's like to lose control, what it's like to be tossed around by forces more powerful than yourself and don't even know your own name - will you dare? Can you surrender yourself to the world and the people in it with the faith that they won't hurt you?
Will you drink with me?
Love and Redemption Rewatch: ep. 1
I genuinely love and adore this show but with how little content there is for L&R, I had to made some for myself.
Beware of SPOILERS for the whole story! Seriously...
I'm so excited!!! The opening song is still so good and still so full of spoilers. Like really, Si Feng with the wings??? The creators were not afraid... it was a choice.

Who do we have here? Yep, they have shown our bird and our monkey right off the bat.
The whole opening monologue is such a great misdirection! They even say it - one comes after the other! But the viewer expects two players, so this very suspicious setup is completely disregarded.

Wow, they really show everyone, don't they? :)
The concept of soul AND primordial spirit was very hard for me to grasp the first time, but rewatch makes it quite clear.

I swear I have seen this guy somewhere...

Yep, it's this guy from The Journey of Chong Zi.

This is ANOTHER great misdirect because we know that God of War and Star of Mosha are going to be reincarnated at the same time and OF COURSE Si Feng is here... so who could he possibly be, am I right? :)
And another great thing? The demons genuinely don't have the most important information either. :D
I almost forgot that they need Rahu Ketu's weapon to unseal the cup... all these macguffins to keep track of.

And this ist how the story tells us that Xuan Ji and Ling Long are twins... pretty easy to miss.

Ten months?? That's quite post-term!

Ling Long is amazing from the start. Protective older sister is something I need more of... and Ling Long is fierce!

The introduction of Min Yan is also on point: the only one who can keep up with Ling Long and never leaves her, but at the same time is always backed into some corner by her.

He is regretting it already... :D

Ling Long is talking about all these "handsome men" she gets to meet and Min Yan is not amused...

I have questions! Are all of these golden winged birds?? If so, do they really cast out so many potential warriors? To fend for themselves in hostile world without their powers?? That's rough AND wasteful...

I can't decide which picture sums up the Master of Li Ze Palace (does he have a name???) better, but I love him and his terrifying claws.

The bird lantern! There truly is foreshadowing for everything, if you know what to look for!

Yuan Lang's and Wu Zhi Qi's "friendship" is so interesting to me, because sometimes Yuan Lang almost looks like he means it... but the powerplay always comes first.

Wu Tong goes from awestruck to smirking in 0,2 seconds and then proceeds to bully the sister of the girl he likes... it's actually quite realistic.

I honestly can't remember when Si Feng stops stammering... I will have to look out for that.

Ling Long isn't afraid to say it. :D

Min Yan still isn't enjoying the whole "let's look for handsome mysterious guys" vibe, but Ling Long has him figured out.

The relationship between these two is extremely enjoyable right from the start. :)

I think this is the scene that made me definitely fall in love with Ling Long. She is determined, driven, protective and smart, and she is not afraid to use tactics like this - the crying and evocation of their mother is extremely well done and the way she immediately cuts her crying once she gets what she wants is hilarious. No one can mess with her sister, not even their own father!

This is a very specific morning routine. It can't be easy to make your tea from dewdrops fallen from a plum tree... just saying.

This relationship is off to a very bad start.
I already forgot how hostile Si Feng was at the beginning. I would feel bad for Xuan Ji, but she doesn't mind...

Si Feng is repressed and Chuan Ji is absolutely clueless about everything and it's very entertaining to watch. :)
The candle dragon sounds are genuinely scary.

This is a very impulsive decision on Chuan Ji's part and one she should have thought out better. She knows the rules, knows that the mask is important. What is she hoping to achieve by taking it off? It frustrates me a little, this lack of forethought, but the story needs it to get moving.

And here is another clue... wow, that's quite a lot for episode 1.
One episode was enough to rekindle my love for most of these characters... this rewatch could get quite annoying unfortunately . :)
Love and Redemption Rewatch: ep. 2
This rewatch could take a little longer than I expected with how time consuming it is, but here we go...

And so we get our first shred of the Mirror... which really should have been better hidden, if they ever hoped thing such as this not to happen.... The Secret Ground isn't all that secure.

From the start, Bai Lin is extremely determined that some things just Must Not Happen!

This whole "we are deciding Xuan Ji's punishment" situation shows very nicely the priorities and motivations of several characters. Ling Long shows up as soon as the whole berating starts, ready to intervene but biding her time. When the punishment is announced, Min Yan reacts immediately and pleads for leniency (on his knees and all). He doesn't think about it at all. I believe his main motivation is (as always) Ling Long, who, he knows, is extremely unhappy by this development and wants to protect her sister. Additionally, Xuan Ji is his friend and he wants to help her, but his main objective is to make Ling Long happy. Ling Long tries her classic crying act but is immediately silenced and quickly realizes that the situation is too dire to save her sister like this (still she tries one more trick - to appeal to aunt Hong - but this also fails). Xuan Ji doesn't fear the cave because she has no point of reference for pain or discomfort (beeing pampered her whole life) and is by far the most chill with the situation. But she also doesn't have any real regard for the rules of her sect and doesn't get the severity of her transgression. And that isn't because of her non-existent emotions, that is herself. She isn't concerned with rules or great ideals, she lives in the moment. Her biggest concern at the moment is Si Feng's wellbeing as she feels a connection with him. (Lets face it - Si Feng is guilty for trespassing in another sect's Secret Ground just because he needed to find his spiritual beast - Xuan Ji isn't protecting an innocent, she protects the boy she had connected with).
Chu Lei's speech to Yuan Lang has strong "who allowed you to go into my bedroom, the door were closed, bitch!" vibe.

So, this happened 16 years ago, approximately when Xuan Ji was born... but what about in her previous lifes, was the Jade Cup always sealed somewhere nearby? Did I just forget this detail?

Such a clever little misdirection and at the same time a hint...

And another clever misdirection: the show keeps showing us Yuan Lang during Xuan Ji's visions (and sometimes even Wu Zhi Qi) giving audience the impression that THIS is Star of Mosha thatwe are battling. My friend was even confused that there seemed to be more of them as the face and the mask keeps changing! Good job confusing the audience! :)

The "Ling Long tries to teach her sister how to cry" scene is very funny... and adorable... I love Ling Long.

The chilli powder plan is genius... :D In my country we use onion - works every time!

Si Feng is getting flogged as a punishment and the justification is that losing the mask puts everyone from Lize palace in danger... and this is probably not untrue...
Also, Si Feng stammers only in the presence of Xuan Ji.

Bai Lin is here for ten (largely uneventful) years already... he must miss his bed...

It's very sweet how sincerely Min Yan cares about Xuan Ji (even if it is a fertile ground for future misconceptions). Actually Xuan Ji is very loved by her sect brothers and sisters...

Is there some hidden meaning to the fact that taste has been the first sense to be recovered?

As expected, Ling Long's cooking is terrible. And as expected, Min Yan eats it all anyway, because she doesn't want her to be sad. I love these two, but Min Yan is the one who truly treasures his beloved person.

Min Yan's reaction to Ling Long's bitching is priceless...

... OR they want to save their own mask (and skin). One of those options. (Just saying. Si Feng isn't motivated by personal feelings just yet.)

Min Yan can be quite sneaky... and his plan actually worked! Good job, even worth Ling Long's slight disappointment.

And... he isn't stammering anymore, yep... That was quick - must have been the shock in the first place.

When you have the luxury of knowing, this is truly heartbreaking... I must look out for the first tears.

The beginning of a beautiful friendship!
Love and Redemption – Bailin
Behold! A meta about Bailin from Love and Redemption, if there’s anyone interested. It’s quite long, so be warned…
Many thanks to my dear @nieninque-nyerea for huge help with the translation from my mother tongue - I would never have the mental strength to do it by my self!
Bailin is a complicated character… and that’s the reason why it’s so sad that all opinions about him are so simplified and can be summed up in three words “he’s the worst”. Because he isn’t… and at the same time, yes, he definitely is. As you can see, the situation is complicated. It’s honestly quite surprising how much people want to simplify his actions and character, especially considering the complex psyche of the main trio (or quartet, depending on viewer’s philosophy) which makes the whole story so interesting, compelling and surprising (with a help of the wonderful secondary characters, but shh :)). I guess human desire for simple, black and white answers is our greatest superpower…
I would like to start with a small polemic about whether Bailin is a villain. I realize I’m being a bit loose with the terminology here, but I’d argue that he is not a villain. “What?” I hear the indignant voice of the internet – as if we didn’t have enough evidence that in the end it was all his fault! (And there really is plenty of evidence.) If I may, I would call Bailin more of an antagonist, someone who is in opposition to the hero – if we consider Si Feng the hero of the story, then completely deliberately, if the hero is Xuan Ji/Rahu Ketu, then Bailin is in opposition which he himself is hardly aware of, or at least does not admit to. As horrible as Bailin’s actions are (and they are), what’s really interesting are his motivations. So, enough of the quibble – what is really Bailin’s deal?
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Love and Redemption Rewatch: ep. 1
I genuinely love and adore this show but with how little content there is for L&R, I had to made some for myself.
Beware of SPOILERS for the whole story! Seriously...
I'm so excited!!! The opening song is still so good and still so full of spoilers. Like really, Si Feng with the wings??? The creators were not afraid... it was a choice.

Who do we have here? Yep, they have shown our bird and our monkey right off the bat.
The whole opening monologue is such a great misdirection! They even say it - one comes after the other! But the viewer expects two players, so this very suspicious setup is completely disregarded.

Wow, they really show everyone, don't they? :)
The concept of soul AND primordial spirit was very hard for me to grasp the first time, but rewatch makes it quite clear.

I swear I have seen this guy somewhere...

Yep, it's this guy from The Journey of Chong Zi.

This is ANOTHER great misdirect because we know that God of War and Star of Mosha are going to be reincarnated at the same time and OF COURSE Si Feng is here... so who could he possibly be, I am right? :)
And another great thing? The demons genuinely don't have the most important information either. :D
I almost forgot that they need Rahu Ketu's weapon to unseal the cup... all these macguffins to keep track of.

And this ist how the story tells us that Xuan Ji and Ling Long are twins... pretty easy to miss.

Ten months?? That's quite post-term!

Ling Long is amazing from the start. Protective older sister is something I need more of... and Ling Long is fierce!

The introduction of Min Yan is also on point: the only one who can keep up with Ling Long and never leaves her, but at the same time is always backed into some corner by her.

He is regretting it already... :D

Ling Long is talking about all these "handsome men" she gets to meet and Min Yan is not amused...

I have questions! Are all of these golden winged birds?? If so, do they really cast out so many potential warriors? To fend for themselves in hostile world without their powers?? That's rough AND wasteful...

I can't decide which picture sums up the Master of Li Ze Palace (does he have a name???) better, but I love him and his terrifying claws.

The bird lantern! There truly is foreshadowing for everything, if you know what to look for!

Yuan Lang's and Wu Zhi Qi's "friendship" is so interesting to me, because sometimes Yuan Lang almost looks like he means it... but the powerplay always comes first.

Wu Tong goes from awestruck to smirking in 0,2 seconds and then proceeds to bully the sister of the girl he likes... it's actually quite realistic.

I honestly can't remember when Si Feng stops stammering... I will have to look out for that.

Ling Long isn't afraid to say it. :D

Min Yan still isn't enjoying the whole "let's look for handsome mysterious guys" vibe, but Ling Long has him figured out.

The relationship between these two is extremely enjoyable right from the start. :)

I think this is the scene that made me definitely fall in love with Ling Long. She is determined, driven, protective and smart, and she is not afraid to use tactics like this - the crying and evocation of their mother is extremely well done and the way she immediately cuts her crying once she gets what she wants is hilarious. No one can mess with her sister, not even their own father!

This is a very specific morning routine. It can't be easy to make your tea from dewdrops fallen from a plum tree... just saying.

This relationship is off to a very bad start.
I already forgot how hostile Si Feng was at the beginning. I would feel bad for Xuan Ji, but she doesn't mind...

Si Feng is repressed and Chuan Ji is absolutely clueless about everything and it's very entertaining to watch. :)
The candle dragon sounds are genuinely scary.

This is a very impulsive decision on Chuan Ji's part and one she should have thought out better. She knows the rules, knows that the mask is important. What is she hoping to achieve by taking it off? It frustrates me a little, this lack of forethought, but the story needs it to get moving.

And here is another clue... wow, that's quite a lot for episode 1.
One episode was enough to rekindle my love for most of these characters... this rewatch could get quite annoying unfortunately . :)