Mysterious Lotus Casebook - Tumblr Posts

ASDLJDSJHSJTDJN- I AM WHEEZING- I know it's supposed to be sad, but MY DUDE WENT FOR IT
Also, Fang Duobing is baby.

This is exactly how I feel about him.
Listen as much as I love the thought of crying Fang Duobing a genuinely hurting Fang Duobing makes me wanna kms.
And LLH and DFS agree.
Because he doesn't whine or pout when he's upset, he goes silent as he tries to hold himself together even though the tears continue to gather.
Li Lianhua full on panics(inside) not knowing how to fix it and tries to give him space but also because he can't see him like that, it hurts too much.
Di Feisheng does not want to leave Fang Duobing alone in that moment, and wants to keep him in his eyesight.
Just finished Mysterious lotus casebook.
I am okay.
No seriously, I'm completely fine.
Just fine.

Make it stop

我赢了。 I won. - 我与他十年前海上一战,赢了他半招他却死了。 I fought him on the sea ten years ago and won by half a move, but he died. -你说既然笛飞声没有死,那李相夷一定还活着对不对? since di feisheng is not dead, it must mean that li xiangyi is still alive, right? - 我快死了...你不惜一切代价却救不了我。// 好不容易救你出来,你可不能死。 I am have done everything no matter the costs yet you couldn't save me. // I saved you after much difficulty, you can't die. 君武勇之处,世所罕见,心悦诚服。 your valiance is unparalleled in this world. to which I am wholeheartedly convinced.
dihua + a matter of life and death | 莲花楼 mysterious lotus casebook
I would die for Fang Duobing too ;-;

ep 1 i would die for fang duobing thanks

that casebook sure can
That look of realization-
No no
I'm out of here.

Li Xiang Yi. You are prisoned by bicha poison.

"How to Save a Life," The Fray
Fang Duobing & Li Lianhua | Mysterious Lotus Casebook (2023)

Tell him... I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong. ~Andor
Fang Duobing & Li Lianhua | Mysterious Lotus Casebook (2023)
Tag your shows 😂

Do you see my vision
wip wednesday—well, it's still wednesday somewhere.
have a bit of the fic that i'm not writing, which is unfortunately one of only two things my brain is currently willing to produce words for.
Fang Duobing jerks awake into the grey light of morning. In bed next to him, Li Lianhua lies still and silent. His breath isn’t rattling the way it has since they found him on the beach. He’s not shivering. He always shivers. Fang Duobing's hands hover anxiously, and tears spill down his cheeks, because this stillness can mean only one thing; can mean only that after everything, they’ve failed. He’s failed. Li Lianhua died right next to him, pressed against his side, and he didn’t even notice. The feeling catches in his throat and chokes him, and a desperate, gasping sob falls from his mouth. He carefully keeps his hands to himself, burying his face in them rather than stretching them out, because when he touches Li Lianhua, it’ll be unavoidable. It will be real, and he’s not ready to live in that world yet, not when he can cling to this one, tears or not, for even a moment longer. ‘Xiaobao?’ Li Lianhua’s voice is morning-rough but steady, and Fang Duobing discovers that his hands move of their own accord, pawing through the blankets to find Li Lianhua. ‘Xiaohua,’ he gasps, still shoving blankets aside. ‘You’re—’ His hand touches warm skin, and he gives up removing the rest of the blankets and flings himself on top of Li Lianhua, as careful as he can bear to be, but desperate to know that he’s still there. Fang Duobing rests his forehead on Li Lianhua’s bony shoulder. ‘I thought you were dead,’ he says. ‘You were so still; you were so—’ ‘What have you done?’ Li Lianhua cuts him off so sharply that it makes him pull back far enough that he can see more than the shoulder directly in front of him. ‘I was so scared,’ Fang Duobing says. ‘I thought—’ ‘What have you done?’ Li Lianhua asks again, sounding panicked.

Ep.1 "Even if I have to go to the end of the world | Ep.40 "No matter what it takes"
So, let's see what Li Xiangyi leaves for everyone.
To Qiao Wanmian - the sweetness of his youth.

To the Sigu Sect - his leadership will.

To Yun Biqiu - his free life.

To Fang Duobing - his life's work

To Di Feisheng - his broken soul