Love Everybody - Tumblr Posts
Recently found out the OSD creator is transphobic and I’m- upset, to say the least.
As a fellow Christian, I fully understand not wanting to support their ideas, but come ON.
“Oh there’s only two genders” “pronouns aren’t real” well YOU are stupid and YOU should respect THEIR choices and respect how THEY live.
Calcium, I get your point, but you’re also contradicting yourself. I thought one of the biggest things in Christianity is “love others as you love yourself” and “respect everyone” and “forgive everyone, even the evil people, because everyone is human” was important too? Why do we have to cherry pick what part of the Bible we need to believe in?
I am somewhat against the surgeries, but, I cannot stop them. If it’s what makes them happy, and they won’t regret it, then they have every right to do it. It’s their body, not mine. I’m not the one in charge of them, and I can’t control them like a puppet. Every person is their own. Every person has free will, and can say what they want to.
Why is it so hard for people to accept that other people just won’t live like you do? Why do you want everyone to be just like you? Wouldn’t that be such a boring world to live in? You don’t have to hate people for what they like. You wouldn’t like it if others wanted to get rid of the undertale fandom because they’re “ruining the country” and are “going to destroy the world”, would you? No. No you wouldn’t.
Is it so hard to give everyone respect for their beliefs? You don’t have to like it, but really, in my opinion, all that’s needed is an “I don’t believe in what you do, but I can’t, and won’t stop you from doing what you think is right. I respect your choice, and I wish you the best.”
Calcium, will all due respect, I don’t believe you get to pull the Bible on trans people when one of its most prominent messages is to love everyone. Love everyone, no exceptions. Love the sinners, your abusers, your enemies. You don’t have to like them, but they still need respect. You can hate them all you want, but god will still love them regardless. It doesn’t matter if they’re gay, trans, racist, sexist, or anything, God will still love them.
Understand that everyone needs love, even the people you hate.
TL;DR, Love everyone, even those you hate, regardless of their beliefs.
People, let’s stop being dumb and let’s start accepting everyone for who they are.
If u don’t support ace people, or any one from lgbtq+ community, or just hate someone for who they are. Just don’t EVER interact with me. I don’t want to deal with you’re bullshit.
Thank you.

Found this on Pinterest, but count this screenshot as a reblog