Lucifer Morningstar Imagine - Tumblr Posts

50 and 42 with Lucifer :)

Devil May Care

50 And 42 With Lucifer :)

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Warnings - Murder, dead body.

Prompts - 42 - “Look, I haven’t slept in twenty four hours, I got fired, and almost got shot today. I’m in no mood for your shit” & 50 - “Don’t give me that puppy dog face.”

Being a detective was a difficult job, you always knew there was that large chance you could die on the job but you still did it because somebody had to. You wanted to help people and make sure that the criminals were punished, it was one of the many reasons Lucifer had started to orbit closer to you. It’s not that you didn’t like Lucifer, the guy was actually pretty nice once you got past the whole Lucifer persona but sometimes he interfered with you work, wanting to skip ahead to the punishing aspect of the job and not, say, the paperwork aspect of it. 

Sometimes on the job there wasn’t enough evidence to tie a criminal to the crime but you knew they were guilty. The case you were currently working on, and the case that Lucifer had wormed his way into, was a shooting that you were convinced linked with a gang you had spent months looking into, if you were right then this would be your big break. You received a call early in the morning calling you in, it was a short ride to the scene of the crime and definitely not what most people would want as a morning wake up.

The victim had, clearly, been shot but there were other injuries on his body. You saw Ella with her camera assessing the wounds as you made you way over to her. 

“Got anything yet?” You asked her, taking in the scene as you did. You were in the Willowbrook area, some back alley that was perfect for a shooting. 

“Hey, morning! Yeah actually, so the victim’s name is Reggie Sanchez, he’d just turned 19 a few days ago and as you can see the victim was shot, I’d put time of death at around 4:28AM.” You registered the information she had given you as you crouched down next to the body, eyebrows knitting together as you felt something wasn’t right but you couldn’t place your finger on it. Something about this murder seemed familiar.

“So cause of death was the bullet? What about the other injuries?” You asked, gesturing to the bones that were popping out of the young man’s legs and the carved out chunks of skin on his arms and chest. “Whoever wanted him dead really wanted him to suffer.”

“That’s what I thought but turns out these wounds and broken bones, not done until after he was dead. See the cuts, the blood pattern is different to how it’d be if he was alive.” That’s when it hit you, you knew exactly who was responsible for the death of Reggie Sanchez. The gang you were looking into used this method of death when someone betrayed them or wanted out. Before you could say anything you were interrupted. 

“Ah Detective Y/L/N, Miss Lopez. Beautiful day for a murder!” Whilst Ella welcomed Lucifer warmly you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, taking a deep breath you stood and turned to face the uninvited Devil.

“Lucifer what are you doing here?” He turned to look at you with a wide smile and God, how were he and Ella so damn happy this early in the morning.

“Well Detective Y/L/N, I’m a civilian consultant so I’m here to assist. That and I enjoy spending time with you.” You liked Lucifer, you really did, but this was your first, and maybe last chance for a long time, to catch ‘The Men’. Creative name for a gang who consisted of, as the name would suggest, only men, sexist men at that. The only time a woman is even near the gang is for sex. They were sneaky and their operation ranged from drug dealing to murders. You had first discovered them when somebody had been shot in broad daylight, the victim staying alive long enough to tell you he wanted out of the gang but they refused. 

“Lucifer as much as I appreciate you wanting to help, this case is really important and I need a partner who is going to stick with me for the whole case, not just someone who comes and goes when it gets interesting.” The thought of dealing with Lucifer going off on his own after The Men after you’d spent so long tracking them filled you with dread. At least he had the nerve to look guilty. 

“Y/N, I promise you have my full attention on this case. I’ll follow your lead. Devil’s word.” You debated it for a few moments before giving in, maybe Lucifer could be of some help.

“Fine, fine, but the moment you stray you’re off the case.” He quickly agreed and before long you were finished at the crime scene and heading back to the lab to go over facts whilst waiting to see if forensics found anything, not that you thought they would considering you knew their work and it seemed they knew how to hide any scrap of evidence that linked back to them. 

“So, I think that this was a hit by The Men, a gang that know how to commit crimes without leaving prints. As far as I can tell they smuggle drugs in and sell them as well as murder. So far I’ve seen four murders, not including this one, that look like they could link to the gang, same injuries, same bullet type. I even managed to talk to a victim before he died, he wanted out of the life but they weren’t having it.” As you paced the room, files upon files of information you’d collected spread out on the table in front of you, you missed the fond smile etched onto Lucifer’s face as he watched you run a hand through your hair and your eyes light and wide at the thought of finally taking this gang down. 

“But if there’s no prints how can you link those murders, and this one, to them?” Lucifer asked you causing you to look at him, head tilted as your brows knitted together. Lucifer’s smile grew even wider as he saw the exact moment you got an idea, he watched you rummage through the files before pulling one out and sliding it across to him.

“The gang is strictly men only. However, they buy prostitutes!” You exclaimed, Lucifer looked at you confused.

“Detective Y/L/N, how on Dad’s Earth is them buying prostitutes a good thing?” You rolled your eyes but smiled at the reference to God being his father and continued.

“That’s the way in. Face it, we’d never be given a warrant to search their property and the Lieutenant would never allow it without firm evidence, such as fingerprints or DNA. I have to catch this gang Lucifer and this is the way in!” You’d had a plan for a while but the thought of going over your superiors head filled you with dread, if you came up with nothing you risked losing your job, hell if you did find something you still risked losing your job.

“OK then Y/N tell me, what’s this devilish plan of yours?” Smiling you told him how you knew where they were getting prostitutes from, you would go undercover and get into their property, from there you would try and find even a slight bit of evidence that would prove they were connected to the murder. It’d be risky as you wouldn’t be wired up and the only person who would know was Lucifer. 

“My, my Detective Y/L/N, look at you breaking the rules. But the plans far too dangerous, I simply can’t allow you to do that.” Rolling your eyes you look at the files in front of you and knew what you had to do.

 “Good thing I’m not asking for your permission then Satan. Listen, I’m doing this so it’s just a question of whether you’re going to let me go in there all alone or if you’re going to be near to help out if needed.” You knew exactly what Lucifer would do, no way was he letting you go in without him being on hand. When he relented, with an over exaggerated sigh, you grinned up at him. 

“If you get fired just remember I tried to talk you out of this.”




Lucifer’s whistle when he saw you had you blushing head to toe, you felt exposed and not just because you were wearing next to nothing, no you felt exposed because you had no gun, no wires, nothing. You were going in vulnerable but you needed this. 

It wasn’t long before you were in, shooting one last look over your shoulder at Lucifer who sat, warmer than you, in his car. The place you were led to was as sleazy as the men who occupied it, women in your state of dress, and less, were dotted around the room on the laps of the men. The room was a large open space, you saw stairs leading to upper floors and a few doors located on the floor you were on. You saw weapons were just abandoned were they lay and thanked God that you had a decent chance of grabbing a gun if it came down to that. 

You were led over to what looked like the man in charge which you were thankfully, though slightly fearful, for. He looked you up and down before standing, pulling you over to him.

“Hmm Baby, follow me.” Barely resisting the urge to roll your eyes you followed him as he led you up the stairs. Perfect, you thought now you just had to get away from him and start snooping.

Before you knew it, you were being pinned to the wall, a gun resting against your temple. You tried to push him away but he held you in place, choking you as his arm pressed into your neck. Your fingers pried at his arms but little good it did. 

“Don’t think I ain’t seen you before, cop! Seen you snooping around crime scenes talking to dear ol’ Frankie ‘fore he died. Look at ya know though, no weapon and no wires. How were ya plannin’ on callin’ back up eh?” You felt yourself losing consciousness but fought against it, you needed evidence. When he relieved some pressure from your neck, not enough to push him away but enough to talk you gasped for air.

“There’s no back up, the department doesn’t even know I’m here. Let me go and I’ll drop the case I’ve got against you.”

“Please, you ain’t got nothin’ against me otherwise you’d come in here with your fancy warrants.” Fuck, you needed Lucifer or some sort of miracle to get yourself out of this alive and that’s when you heard it, the S.W.A.T team could be heard from where you two were, your face paling as the man holding the gun turned from the noise back to you.

“Oh you bitch.” Heavy footsteps could be heard running up the stairs and he bolted but not before pulling the trigger, gun pointed at you, when he was a safe distance away to pause for a second. A hand tugged you, causing you to narrowly miss the bullet that would have been fatal. 

Turning you saw Lucifer, he looked as pale as you did, worry swimming in his eyes. No words were spoken as he rested his forehead against yours before pulling you into a tight hug. The hug was broken by your name being shouted, turning your saw your Lieutenant, face scrunched together in anger. Before you could go over to her, Lucifer tugged you so you were facing him again and kissed you. This wasn’t the first time the pair of you had kissed, there had always been something between the two of you but you never acted on it outside of what you shared. Pulling away you smiled at him weakly, watching as he pulled off his blazer and handed it to you, allowing you some modesty, before facing your boss.




“Reckless.” “Irresponsible.” “What sort of image does this present to the public regarding the LAPD?” Were some of the many statements you had heard whilst standing in the Lieutenants office. You knew what the outcome of this meeting would be but still hearing that you were fired crushed you. You knew you were a damn good detective and sometimes that meant following your gut but you knew you’d gone around it the wrong way. Even if they found some concrete evidence in the property it wouldn’t matter.

Walking out of the office you went over to your desk to find Lucifer stood with a sheepish grin. You were not in the mood to deal with Lucifer at the moment, all you wanted to do was go home and get in bed, not realising how tired you were until now. You stayed up all day and night yesterday going over every aspect of this case for nothing now.

“Look, I haven’t slept in twenty four hours, I got fired, and almost got shot today. I’m in no mood for your shit.” You told him pushing him off your desk as you started tidying up, you noticed a box on the desk and glanced at Lucifer.

“I apologise Y/N. I had a bad feeling about your plan and just wanted you to be safe. I never wanted you to lose your job because of me.” He told you, a sad look making its way onto his face.

“Don’t give me that puppy dog face.” You say with a smile, “trust me, it’s not your fault. I’m glad you called for backup because I truly believe he would’ve killed me. Help me pack up?” You asked and he immediately started helping.

Once you were all packed you couldn’t help the slight sting you felt in your eyes, you scrunched them together before opening them again, seeing Lucifer open his arms for you. You stepped into them immediately, resting your head on his shoulder as he held you tightly whispering sweet nothings as he did.

“Considering how bad your day has been how about we try and make it a bit better?” He asked into your hair. You rolled your eyes, as much fun as adventures with Lucifer were you just wanted to go home.

“Luc, I’m tired and just want to go to sleep. We’ll do something fun another time.” 

“Yeah that’s not what I was talking about actually. Now may not be a good time, or it may be as good a time as any, but seeing you nearly get shot today made me realise how fragile your lives on Earth are and how I should make the most of my time with you, value every moment. Linda would probably say I’ve made progress. Anyway, Y/N, what I’m trying to say is I like you a lot and want to at least give being your boyfriend a try, if you’ll let me?” Grinning, you leaned up and kissed him, the kiss lasted for a few moments before he pulled away and rested his forehead on yours. 

“I’ll assume that’s a yes?” He asked you with a soft smile.

“Yes Lucifer, it’s a yes.” You said before he pulled you into another kiss. 

It had been a long exhausting day but at least something good had come from you nearly being killed. 

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10 months ago

Lucifer Morningstar Being Loud in Bed

Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!Reader

Tags: nsfw, smut, loud sex, creampie, slight breeding kink, demon form!Lucifer

A/N: I'm uh... I'm already having Hazbin Hotel yearning. Season 1 has made me not normal.

Lucifer Morningstar Being Loud In Bed

Seriously it's not only that he talks a lot in bed, being addicted to giving praise and teasing you, that you can handle

Another story with how damn loud he is about it

Like he wants all of Hell to know that he's having sex with you and enjoying it

That's where his sin of Pride really shows itself

And in the toothy grin he thows your way when you grab his horns and pull him into a kiss

In your best effort to quiet him down all you do is make the thrusting, slapping, squelching noises more intense

More ways then one to be loud in bed or did you forget cause you can't focus on anything other then the way Lucifer's cock hits your weak spot

You never really give him a hard time when he angles your hips upwards, your legs over his arms, fingers intertwined and hot semen fills your pussy

He has his ways to make you a good girl and let him be as loud as he wants

And that is to make you just as loud

Those sounds he made... you'll make them too, you will tell the King of Hell how much you want him to make you pregnant

Every moan and whine is an admition, every flutter and tremble is an plea for more cum in you

You can both get louder still

Come on, scream it, scream his name so even God himself hears it, because He will hear Lucifer screaming yours

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10 months ago

How Lucifer Eats You Out

Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!Reader

Tags: nsfw, smut, cunnilingue, fingering, clit stimulation, grinding, handjob, cum marking, Lucifer's wings

A/N: This one picture... he is a man who EATS and EATS good.

How Lucifer Eats You Out

Always acts like ot his last first and last time getting to do it

Not at all sloppy, he's got skills with that tongue that go beyond singing

You can tell he really gets into it when his wings pop out

Holds your hips so you don't squirm away from him

Long tongue, he can get very far in your pussy

Always stimulates your g-spot when he's tongue deep inside you

Writes both your names on your clit with his tongue, you're together forever after all

Fingers you with his ring finger but without the ring on of course, he has to give your pussy walls something to clench around while his mouth is busy sucking your clit

Likes to hum songs

Which makes his tongue almost vibrate

Kicks his feet when he has his mouth on your pussy because he's so happy he gets to do this for you

His hums slow down the louder you moan, he wants to hear you perfectly

Jerks off when he can't handle how hard his cock got becsause of you

Doesn't stop eating you out though, he can go both at once

You can squeeze your legs around his head when you come, he doesn't mind being suffocated by your thighs and pussy

He doesn't wipe your cum of his face, he wears it with pride

But he wants to give you his cum to, right over your stomach, right over your womb, to mark you as his woman and hopefully put a baby in you some day

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10 months ago

I wanna sit on Lucifier's face. I love him so much! I will never understand why Lilith left him.

I don't think she had a choice honestly, that face was her throne.

Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!Reader

Tags: nsfw, smut, cunnilingus, tongue fucking, flirting, tail use, face riding, coming in pants, Lucifer is indeed the Sin of Pride

Word count: 0.6k

A/N: I won't get into why she had to leave but I love the idea of Lucifer getting face ridden by her. Those are some THIGHS.

I Wanna Sit On Lucifier's Face. I Love Him So Much! I Will Never Understand Why Lilith Left Him.

"You keep looking at me like you want something. Don't be shy now, what can the King of Hell do for you?" Lucifer smirked at you as he leaned closer, completely forgetting about the movie you were supposed to be watching.

You caught his tongue moving as he spoke, staring, intrigued.

"I... want to ride your face." You learned early on that with Lucifer it was best not to play games. You had to be honest and blunt.

His eyes widened and he turned off the TV immediately. Sheepishly he scratched the back of his head, his posture stiff. Oh no. Did you make him uncomfortable?

"Haven't worked my tongue like that in a bit... Fuck. But hey! I'll never know if it works unless I try it again." Lucifer leaned in close his tail and horns emerging as his hands pushed up your legs. "Don't let the sharp teeth fool you, darling. I'm really gifted." His growled at the end, making a flood in your panties.

You were more nervous than he was, as you straddled his face and his hands pushed your dress up. A small noise of surprise was heard from below you, then a chuckle before you saw him wiggle his eyebrows at you. So you wanted to make things easier just in case he said yes, so what?

"Dripping on my face already. You should have asked me sooner." Lucifer's long tongue pressed from your entrance to your clit, vibrating as he moaned at the familiar yet new taste.

He raised his hips of the bed so his tail could reach around your thigh, keeping your legs spread on each side of his head. Moving a bit down his eyes fluttered closed, tongue pushing in to taste you properly. You groaned, "Oh God." He stopped, eyes narrowing but not opening. Why did he... oh. "Lucifer." You moaned again.

Humming in a pleased tone he flicked his tongue upwards, rewarding you. Of course the Sin of Pride didn't want you to moan someone else's name.

He was the one tongue deep inside you, he was the one whose face you were riding, he was the one who had his tail wrapped around your leg, he was the one bringing you closer and closer to an orgasm.

And himself too from the sound of the bed.

You felt almost bad that he had to hump air but you couldn't do anything from this position. Lucifer didn't seem to mind too much, focused on your taste, your walls tightening around his slippery tongue with every roll of your hips.

"Lucifer, I'm so close." Searching for anything to grab onto for balance your hands wrapped around his horns.

That triggered something in him. He growled your name against your cunt, the sound traveling all the way to your clit, his tongue curling faster and faster, assaulting that same vulnerable spot inside of you.

With the moan of your name you heard the bed creak once again, and again when you came around his tongue. Lucifer's head feel backwards, tongue slipping out of you, his lower face completely soaked in your juices.

"Golly." He chuckled, "No one's done that in a while." His joyous laughter filled the room. "Warn a guy before you touch his horns."

"S-Sorry. I thought I was gonna fall." You felt your whole body flush hot.

"I would have caught you." Lucifer nuzzled his cheek against your inner thigh, letting out a sound that reminded you of a purring cat. "I still got it!"

Sin of Pride indeed. It didn't matter that his face was wet and underwear creamed, he was nothing if not boastful about it. And about how hard he could get again, very quickly.

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10 months ago

I don’t know if you’ve done this before, but can I have a cumdrunk Lucifer. I am DOWN-BAD for this man it’s embarrassing 😭😭

It's never embarrassing to be downbad for the King of Hell.

Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!Reader

Tags: nsfw, smut, cunnilingus, thigh kissing, biting, tail shenanigans, licking, marks, horns, Lucifer's wings

A/N: If no one was downbad for Lucifer this reality would be broken.

I Dont Know If Youve Done This Before, But Can I Have A Cumdrunk Lucifer. I Am DOWN-BAD For This Man

Actually acts loopy when he licks up too much of your cum and starts slurring his words

Mostly because his face is still pressed against your pussy

Often rests his cheek against your thigh to catch his breath and rest but his tongue still flicks over your clit because the man cannot keep still

Eats you out like his very life, and yours, depends on you having an orgasm

His long tongue is fully in your pussy, licking up against your g-spot to make it very hard for you to form any words, or even a thought

And yes, he does take pride in that fact

Lucifer will back away if you push him away but won't stop fully

Will leave your pussy and clit alone for a time, and for that time he will focus on his own pleasure, his cock in his hand, or wrapped in his tail, being rubbed up and down until he comes over your pussy

He can't help that you look good in white

Licks up every bit of cum, your own and as well as his

Never minds the tastes mixing

Playfully bites at your cum covered thighs and sucks on them like he's sucking out snake venom from you but he is just leaving bite marks of his own

In guise of cleaning you up but you know full well what he's doing

Whines when you grab his horns to move him around, he does enjoy it as long as you don't run your hands up and down

It feels too much like a handjob when he's in such a horny state

His wings flap happily behind him after you suck his cock and then pull him down for a kiss

There's so much of his cum dripping down both your chins and he uses it as lube to make his cock slide into your pussy easier

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