Lupusregina Beta - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Hi! I'm Captain Golden Pants. And welcome to my blog!

Please DNI (do not interact) with me if:







Anti Christian

Anti Religious (I mean like posting anti religious stuff, not atheism)

Anti any of my fandoms

Anti Fictosexual

Anti Autistic

You make political posts often

Or if you call people retards or tell them to kill themselves often


My (current) main fandoms


Hazbin Hotel

Helluva Boss

Dead Rising

Dead By Daylight


Metal Gear Solid


Dark Souls


Murder Drones



Monty Python

Pro Wrestling (Especially ECW and older AEW and NXT)


My (current) top five Games

1: MGS:3 Operation Snake Eater

2: Dead Rising 2

3: Dead By Daylight

4: Crusader Kings 2

5: Fallout New Vegas

My (current) top five Shows

1: Hazbin Hotel


3: Helluva Boss

4: TWD

5: MLP

My (current) top five Movies

1: Monty Python and the Holy Grail

2: Monty Python's Life of Bryan

3: Zombie Land

4: Scarface (the 80s one)

5: John Carpenter’s The Thing

Waifu: Lupusregina Beta

Comfort Characters: Lupusregina Beta, Alastor, Serial Designation J

Welcome aboard if you're chill with all this stuff! If not, then I wish your days are many and your woes are few!

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6 months ago

Lupusregina Beta Headcanons!

Lupusregina Beta Headcanons!

She has Wolf Ears. (Not confirmed.)

Great sense of smell. Bloodhound.

She 100% believes in the 5 minute rule.

She can eat like 5 plates at the buffet. Werewolf metabolism, amiright?

Her favorite show would be Happy Tree Friends.

She considers the Pleiades her pack, and makes sure to get her scent all over them to keep them safe.

She noms. Noms things she loves. Noms things she hates.

She likes those weird dog flavor combinations. Like Peanut butter and Gravy Turkey.

Will 100% beg for food. She doesn't need it. She can just order some. But she will use her puppy dog eyes to steal a fry from Yuri.

Has bitten Yuri before.

Pranks random Carne villagers. Like she'll just break into some poor bastard's house and move all the furniture an inch.

Whenever she has a nightmare, she'll ask to sleep with Yuri. She's never refused.

One time she ate one of Yuri's students' homework. No one believed the student.

Protective of her people. Her family and friends are hers!

On a full moon during the day, she gets twice as dog like. During the night, twice as sadistic.

Her love language is touch. Which is why she's always hugging her sisters and Enri.

Has eaten a steak out of the trash before. It was above the rim on top of something.

Her favorite food is American potato chips.

She loves naps.

Lupusregina Beta Headcanons!

Extra Shizu Head cannon!

She's autistic.

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