Luxury Hotel - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago



💕Pairing: Jimin x Female Reader 

📝Summary: A little piece of smut of a bigger plot/story.

✏Genre/au: Smut, Canon, One night stand, hotel party

✏Rating: 18+, explicit

📝Wordcount: 2766

⚠chapter warnings: explicit smut


Hii! Did you stumble a cross this work? Glad yo're here 😊 Please, let me know your thoughts once you are finished. Feedback keeps me motivated to write 😁

Note that English is not my first language, so please if you find grammar mistakes, let me know. :)


Nothing about today’s schedule told you you were going to end up in a party at the hotel’s presidential suite as a HYBE treat, but you are definitely enjoying yourself after the day’s exhausting filming of ARMY+BTS RUN. The games had been fun but at the same time, it required some extra energy when it was time to run around or think wisely after complicated instructions.

It mostly feels like a few friends having a house party, which is welcomed, but alcohol flows freely and you blame what you see next on it. Lexus has an exchange of words with Jimin that ends with her grabbing the bottle of Jack Daniels sitting on a table nearby and storming out, not visible in her face but obviously pissed. What is alarming about it, isn’t just that reaction from someone who has no habit of drinking but how easily Jimin is on the verge of tears. 

Taehyung is quick to approach him concerned and they have a quick rushed talk where Jimin’s tears almost roll down with only Taehyung’s words containing them, then he leaves too. Jimin moves quickly away from the spot and goes to sit at the window bench where Jungkook was chilling with Taehyung two seconds ago. The maknae manages to make Jimin laugh heartily in no time and whatever was the cause of concern seems to be brushed off. 

As Seokjin serves more shots of Soju, you see Jimin move while seductively dancing to the music player to blast the bop and starts dancing in the middle of the room. The first body roll has you internally screaming but the expression on his face while doing so makes your heart skip a beat. Jimin knows what he’s doing, the smirk he shows when Hobi approaches to vibe with him, reeks of being up to no good. That’s when he turns and starts to saunter your way. Grabbing your hand he pulls you with him onto the dancefloor, biting his lip as he beckons for you to follow his lead. You aren’t as skilled as he is, obviously, but you try to follow what he’s trying to demonstrate and for some moves,  one of his hands ou non de la France et de la France presses against your lower back as the other guides your hip. He tells you how to imitate his steps and although you do try to follow his instructions, the body contact is too distracting to get it right. 

It’s Namjoon’s stare across the room that warns Jimin to put his hands away and you almost want to yell at the group leader. The spots where his pretty hands were a second ago still burn from his touch and you know it’s impossible you’ll forget about it. To your surprise, however, he invites you to get some fresh air on the balcony and puts his hand on the low of your back to guide you. He flashes a smile at you and compliments your skills but you think he’s only being nice. Then he dances his way to the rail before turning around and calling out to you. 

“I miss the house already,” he says with a pout and now you can tell he’s maybe had one too many. “We were able to see the stars there but look at this polluted sky, I can’t see a single one.” he points out. 

“Yeah, it was beautiful but we had fun today, did we not?” you tell him, showing your best smile.

“Yes, Army’s are so funny,” he says, showing his pearly whites too. “Some of the games were difficult though, but Armys played like pros. You guys have no chill
” he said, impressed. His eyes widened adorably. 

“Yeah-yeah, some can never lose, not even playing against you,” you said laughing at your own words, his giggle sounding like music in your ears. Yet when you both stop and your eyes wordlessly, there’s a sparkle in his eyes that you can’t ignore. When his expression goes from sweet to sexy in a second, you feel your balance over your heels in danger. 

“You know what I think would be cool?” he asks you and a shiver runs down your spine. “All of us playing hide-and-seek on this floor.” 

You immediately know what he means. The place is divided by different corridors into different sets of rooms. You nod enthusiastically, excited about whatever it is he has in mind. Because you know, you just know, that’s not all there is to his idea.

He leads you in after holding your gaze just long enough to give you goosebumps and make you feel flustered, thanking the shadows of the balcony for hiding it. From the way his hand rests on your hip, strategically on the waistband of your skirt, you can only guess the kind of mischief he has on his mind. You are into it, whatever it is, you are definitely into it. 

After a few laughs, he manages to get everyone’s agreement to play the game. You move to the corridor where Taehyung and Namjoon are the first ones to hunt. “Hana, dul, set, dasot, yosot
” count both men in their baritone voices, facing one of the walls with their eyes closed and Jimin quickly grabs your hand and makes you follow him as he runs. He takes the corner of the first set of rooms on the left and then turns right, slowing down at the third door of the row that does not have windows. 

Only when he opens it do you see the number twenty-thirteen above the frame. He closes the door and shushes you as he turns on the flashlight of his phone. Then he throws himself over the bed and pats his side for you to come sit down. Even in the dim light, you can tell it has the same decoration as your double room since all of them are copies of each other. But the wonderful difference in this one is that Jimin and you are alone in it.

You sit down feeling slightly shy although you’ve not only talked with him on the balcony earlier but all through the week and you have become very comfortable with each other. Still, it has never been in this kind of situation. You were mostly surrounded by the group or at least someone from the staff. Oddly enough, you had the chance to talk to him for five minutes alone while being in the SOOP, hiding behind one of the vans as you played this exact game. You both got caught that time but you hope you won’t now. There are a total of thirty-nine rooms and two common rooms with views to two different sides of the city on this floor, which means the hunters will have to look through them all one by one as they search for the people hiding in them. 

You suddenly realise that sitting there, you are making the search much easier for the hunters. You stand up, pulling Jimin’s hand and taking him to the bathroom, you guide him inside the bathtub, closing the pearl-white shower curtain around it. You know if someone enters it’s as easy as pulling it open but you still have to try. Jimin uses his kakao to communicate with you just in case you could be heard in the deathly silence that has filled the whole twentieth floor of the hotel. 

It’s as he jokes that you hear the bang of the main door opening and you both jolt, turning off your phones. You guess it is Taehyung searching when he does not turn on the lights, which makes you almost crack until he enters the bathroom and knowing where the bathtub is, turns the water on without a word. You both share a brain cell and manage to keep quiet, which is probably unexpected or the signal Taehyung needs to just turn it off and walk out of the room. 

You are soaked and you immediately panic for your phone. You try to get out of the tub to turn on the light but Jimin holds you still and covers your mouth with his hand before you even have the chance to speak. Then you hear it; Taehyung’s steps as he moves away from the bathroom door’s frame where he has been waiting for any sign of a resilient prey. Then he truly leaves the room and closes the door behind himself. However, Jimin doesn’t let you go with your mouth still covered, until you try to move away from it.

” he whispers in your ear as his digits slide slowly down like a caress across your chin and throat.

“It’s okay,” you whisper, trying your best to hold your sanity in place. The way your back is pressed against his chest makes your lungs scream for air and you hope the touch you feel in your rear isn’t his crotch because you are losing your mind already. But the way he clears his throat as he moves to the side, tells you it’s exactly it. 

He turns on his phone’s flashlight before he speaks, “We should get these clothes off.” he offers with a mischievous look. You are not sure if it is your drunkenness or the accentuated scent coming from his wet body but you feel light-headed. With a giggle, you pull your shirt off, throwing it unceremoniously to the floor. You know you are definitely drunk. 

Returning the giggle after staring at you with shocked eyes for a moment, he imitates the motion and you both stay there looking at each other under the dim light. But then like magnets of opposite poles, both of you move toward each other, lips meeting in a heated kiss. His hands knead your hips as he deepens the kiss and teases with his tongue at the centre of your lips; separating with an open-mouth smirk. His breath slides through the buds of your tongue as he huffs air between his teeth and tongue while he moves it from one of your fangs to the other and again closes his lips with yours. His lips are so plump it feels like nothing you have felt before, his taste flipping your buttons intoxicating you, your fingers going through his hair at the scalp, electrifying through his whole nervous system. 

His hands move from the low of your back to your buttocks, squishing them in his palms while pulling you towards him, the hardness on his lower body printing its shape against the thin fabric of your skirt. Pulling away from you,  he looks you in the eye, searching for something you can only guess is your consent and all you feel is the impulse to keep kissing him which you act on and he takes as an invitation. He walks out of the tub and pulls you to step out, then without warning he carries you and sits you on the counter next to the sink, kissing his way from your neck to your breasts. He unclasps your bra to take in a full view of them. Your pebbled nipples make his mouth water and he quickly takes them in his mouth sucking one first then the other, nibbling all around them, eliciting moans of pure pleasure before nibbling his way to your abdomen.

“I have condoms in my back pocket,” he says, stopping suddenly and raising his eyes as he allows himself to fall on his knees in front of you. “But I’m not into quickies and I can bet we really won’t have time for it,” he says before parting your legs and lightly biting the delicate skin on the inside of your knee before tilting his head to look at you sideways. “However, I do want to see you touch the sky,” he explains nibbling his way up to the edge of your skirt, drawing a circle with the tip of his tongue right where the skirt starts covering your flesh. “May I?” he asks politely. 

You feel slightly apprehensive because you’ve known him in actuality for only a short period. You might have followed him as a fan for a long time, but you remember those video compilations of him poking his tongue out and it makes you press your thighs together.  You nod, giving him an opening. He pulls you to the edge of the counter just enough for him to pull your panties down easily before putting them carelessly folded in his pocket. 

He pushes you back a little bit before lifting your skirt over your hips and looking at you, making you blush. He smirks before he retakes the spot where he marked with his mouth earlier, tracing up until his lips meet your groin and he lightly bites just right before it, making you lean your head against the mirror. Then his mouth closes the last distance to place a gentle kiss with those full lips over your nub before he starts to suck on it and your eyes close, a moan slipping out of your mouth.

He teases its sensitivity, kissing, licking, poking his tongue to flick it then surrounding the whole area with his lips to work with the moisture and wetness of his mouth, giving gentle sucks. Your eyes are already closed and your hand grips the counter and his hair. But when he hits a particular motion at just the right pace, your eyes fly open, astonished as an even louder moan escapes your open mouth. The smirk he makes against your core when your eyes meet, makes you close your eyes again, pleasuring you on a different level and making you focus solely on the work of his mouth.

The world vanishes around you as you feel him drag, circle and suck in patterns that only he seems to understand or you are too high on him to take conclusions from. You open your eyes again, still unaware of where you are the moment you feel the pressure rapidly build and him going harder against your mound.

It almost feels way too fast, your explosion, releasing all the pressure from your body against his still pleasuring mouth, reaching a high-pitched guttural moan of pleasure that resounds against the tiles of the bathroom before he tops it off with a kiss. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before standing and offering you a smile. “Nice, huh?” he says flirtatiously, making you nod through your blurry vision. He lowers to pick up his shirt and puts it back on. “I’ll wait for you in the room,” he says before turning on the light, walking out and closing the bathroom door behind himself.

It takes you more than a minute to collect your thoughts and wash up in the shower, noticing the thick liquid drenching your slit, where you were more than ready to receive him. But you brush it off, finishing the task and drying yourself with one of the clean towels placed carefully over the radiator. It takes you a couple more minutes while searching the bathroom to realize Jimin has your undergarments and you walk out with your hands on the front of your skirt as if it didn’t cover enough, aware of your nakedness underneath. 

You find him sitting at the office desk’s chair scrolling through his phone in the pitch dark room. The light coming from it is the only thing illuminating his face since the one from the bathroom doesn’t do much to brighten up the room. “You have
 my underwear,” you mutter, suddenly feeling shy about it. 

“Oh yeah.” he says pulling it out of his pocket, calmly, “didn’t feel right leaving it lying around,” he says giving it to you before grabbing your hand to kiss, as he places the piece inside your palm. 

“We should get out, apparently we are the last men standing
 I don’t trust it. But we should poke our heads and see if it’s true, just in case.” he dares with a smirk.

It’s then that you put them on and follow him outside, only to come face to face with Yoongi, who frowns for a second and then shushes you silently, shooing you back from where you came; vocalising a, “Not done yet.” That's when you hear someone clear his throat behind you. You turn to see Taehyung with a mischievous look in his eye and the three of you take off running in the opposite direction with excited giggles.


I'm restarting a schedule that I hope will be possible and will bring lots of content to this page.

I hope you enjoyed this JimIN đŸ€­ Let me know your thoughts. See you soon! ~

I want to thank @vintagesunnies-blog for the beta work 💜

© 2021-2022 Cherry Soulth, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.


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4 years ago


Visit from the Ace Spade Rally girls and guys this weekend @ the Esterel Resort Luxury Hotel.

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4 years ago


Now to whom it may concern I'll explain one little thing here; How Tips Work. It's not very complicated, in Québec, Canada, you just give the same amount as the taxes.

This bottle (worth around 40$) and cash (75$) were received as a tip. So that is a very generous pourboire and that kind of situation happens frequently. But hey, who am I to complain about it? Right?

So thank you very much Madame, Sir, and have a pleasant evening.

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