Lyra Belacqua - Tumblr Posts

3. Lyra
#SixFanartsChallenge part.2

Part.2 of my #SixFanartsChallenge (part.1 here)
Couldn’t make every suggestions you gave me but maybe i’ll doodle the one i didn’t do!
Thanks again and check the close ups on my blog!

We will come back here, though. When we’ve lived our lives. We’ll go through the Land of the Dead…and we’ll tell Gracious Wings everything we’ve done. We’ll find each other. Here.
HIS DARK MATERIALS 3.08 | The Botanic Garden

I don’t believe in ghosts. LILY JAMES as MRS DE WINTER in REBECCA (2020)

Lily James on confidence, criticism and starring in Rebecca | Bazaar UK


I don’t know what happened to Lee, but he was still airborne when I last saw him.
Lyra: *something bad happens* God, is that you?
Asriel, from the abyss: God is not here and never will be and never has been!

full disclosure bc i know tumblr girlies love the show but i am decidedly anti the show bc the costume design is SO boring and i dont like certain cough cough casting choices and certain directorial choices cough cough. anyway

An earlier piece from 2020: Lyra from the His Dark Materials, played by Dafne Keen.
I drew her in 3 variants of clothes from the 1st season and Pan in his ermine and arctic fox forms. I tend to pay attention to costumes in movies, and I love pet companions ^^
I left the drawings a bit loose and sketchy, this is another style I like to work in. I love the story and the TV show, and everything in that. The third season comes in December, can’t wait!

Lyra Silvertounge moodboard