Makoto Kagutsuchi - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Surprise surprise! This comes out of nowhere! Listen; the creativity bug bit me this morning and I had the time and motivation to make it into something.

And what is that something? Rain Code fic with the Master Detectives as dragons.

It’s quite fluffy and it’s a one shot. And I hope you all like it!

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1 year ago

Chapter 12 of He Who Defies Death in a nutshell:

Chapter 12 Of He Who Defies Death In A Nutshell:
Chapter 12 Of He Who Defies Death In A Nutshell:

Drawn by @hopelilies

Notes and thoughts under read more.

I’ve been so freaking excited to share this with the community! It’s been ready for so long and the time has finally come to show it off!

As said before, I commissioned hopelillies to draw this around when I first began the fic. When I thought of that particular scene, I instantly thought of that one meme and knew I wanted it illustrated. So thank you so so much for making it a reality! I appreciate you so much!

The support this fic has gotten has been unreal. I appreciate everyone who has given my story a try. I have more planned and am stoked to show you what will happen! So please stay tuned!

Also, here’s the meme for those confused:

Chapter 12 Of He Who Defies Death In A Nutshell:

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1 year ago

Who asked for more of the Rain Code Dragon au!?

No one! But guess what? I did it anyway!

So yeah! Want to read some NDA dragons being protective over their Chief? Well I got something for you! Hope ya like!

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1 year ago

So I’m a little late to the party, but better late than never! This is for @pixelatedraindrops and is a belated birthday gift for her! Thanks for chatting with me, I really appreciate it.

This takes place in my Twin Detectives au. It’s something that would occur close to the end of the au so I’d highly recommend reading the short series first. The link is in my pinned post on my blog! First one is The Masks I Wear.

But yeah, this is a little extra bit for that series. Hope you enjoy!

Makoto sighed in relief as he stepped off the private jet’s steps and onto the runway. Flying was okay, he supposed. But it was always far better to be on solid ground. Perhaps it would be different if he could have flown the plane himself, but the staff at the WDO constantly went on and on about him not having a piloting license and how it was for his safety and to let his mind rest that they had others control the vehicles while he was on the job. Part of him really wanted to spill the beans about his immortality thing but he ultimately decided to just let it go.

But anyways, he was back from an overseas mission. It hadn’t been too hard. It was fairly easy to go under cover with his young face and body. No one ever saw it coming that the petite, innocent looking kid was the investigator they were fearing. And they would never know. He hid his tracks well and completely. Only a few knew his true identity as Number One of the World Detective Organization.

And speaking of that, he was ecstatic that he could finally see one of them again. His only family, Yuma. It had been a few months since they had last met up and he was practically dying to see his brother once more. That thought put a bit of a skip in his step as he dragged his suitcase behind him to the car that was waiting for him. “Take me to the main office,” he instructed the driver. He didn’t have much to do there, just needing to drop off some files and then he could return home.

He drummed his fingers on his leg as he watched the world go by through the car window. He started envisioning all the things he and Yuma could do once he got there. Maybe they could go out to eat. Or a movie. Or a walk in the park. He wouldn’t mind a conversation about work, so long as it was with Yuma. Anything and everything was good to him.

His thoughts didn’t stop even as he did his necessary tasks at the office and hopped into his own vehicle. Despite how much time had passed and how their lives had been, the two still remained close. Yuma looked visibly older than him due to his ability to age. He appeared approximately ten years older, with long lilac hair and a taller body. But inside, the same kind soul resided. The one that had accepted his biological clone for who he was and even considered him family. Nothing would ever break the bond they had, he was sure of it.

His spirits remained high and even grew once he caught sight of the home. He was nearly bouncing in his seat with excitement as he pulled into the driveway and unbuckled his seat belt. He saw his brother’s car so it was clear that he was at the house. So it was perfect!

He grabbed his suitcase and lugged it up to the front door. He slid his key into the lock and pushed the door open. “I’m back!” he cheerily shouted into the house, eagerly awaiting a reply.

But nothing.

“Hmm? That’s strange,” the homunculus muttered. Typically, Yuma would come rushing out to greet him. But not this time. Had something happened?

With a mixture of curiosity and worry, Makoto walked through the house, checking every room. And he finally found his target in the bedroom, though not how he had expected.

Yuma was on the bed with a laptop on his blanket covered legs. That wouldn’t have been so bad, if not for the dark circles under his eyes, the ragged breathing, and the flush on his cheeks. His hair also looked unbrushed, as if he hadn’t had time to take care of himself.

“Yuma. You look like you haven’t slept for days,” he stated bluntly from the doorway.

The other startled with a yelp, looking towards the voice. He relaxed a bit when he saw his brother there. “Oh, Makoto. I didn’t… realize you were here. Welcome back.”

“Yes, I’m aware of that, considering how focused you were on your work. But back to my original concern. You look terrible. What’s happening?” he demanded.

Yuma glanced away. “Uh… well, I’m slated to take over the Nocturnal Detective Agency from the Chief soon and I’ve been… trying to go through the paperwork and understand how to run it.”

Makoto crossed his arms. “How long have you been at this? And how many breaks have you had?”

The lilac-haired man coughed, then cleared his throat. “Uhh… four days? And… maybe a quick snack break once or twice a day?”

“You… are so unbelievable,” Makoto muttered with an unamused expression as he marched forward. He took the laptop away, closed it, and placed it far enough away that it couldn’t be retrieved easily. “What have I told you? That humanity has limits to what they can do! And here you are, pushing yourself over that limit. I might have a heightened immune system, but you certainly do not!” he scolded as he reached into the closet to pull out another blanket. He spread it over top of his brother’s body, tucking it in and making sure it covered him well.

Yuma smiled sheepishly. “I’m… sorry?”

Makoto huffed as he pushed a second pillow under the human’s head. “You better be. Reflect on this and avoid making this mistake in the future.” He stepped away until he reached the doorway, pausing to point a finger at Yuma. “Now stay put until I get what you need. Got it?”

His brother nodded with a tiny laugh which turned into a cough. This motivated the homunculus to get moving and find what he needed. Medicine, a washcloth, apple slices, and a glass of water were retrieved and brought back to the bedroom. It was relieving to see that the instructions had been heeded and no movements had been made. He handed the medicine tablets to Yuma along with the glass of water. “Take these first. Then I need to watch you eat at least four pieces of apple.”

“Alright, alright,” Yuma conceded before swallowing the tablets with a sip of water. He took one of the slices from the plate on his night stand, nibbling it slowly. “At least we don’t burn the kitchen down when chopping up fruits.”

“Yes, that is true.” Makoto sat on the edge of the bed, bringing the damp washcloth over and draping it across Yuma’s forehead. “Hopefully this developing illness of yours will be halted before it can get worse.”

“Oh? I didn’t know you cared so much,” the human joked as he finished his second apple.

“Only for you,” he replied honestly. “Anyone else I would have just recommended things to. But you get my special attention.” He combed his fingers through the messy hair, gently untangling some of the strands. “So I expect you to get better under my care and attention. Family looks out for each other, and I intend to do that to the fullest extent of my abilities.”

Yuma laughed again as he finished the last bite and got comfortable under the blankets. “You know, technically I’m physically older than you and normally should be the one doing the caring. But here we are.”

Makoto raised an eyebrow. “But you forget that I’m technically mentally older because I have your grandfather’s mind. So I can recognize my limits much easier than you can, as I already have a lived life in my back pocket. But those technicalities don’t matter in this instance. You’re sick and need help. I’m here to help. And that’s that.”

Yuma sighed contently while laying his head down on the pillows, the medicine beginning to kick in. “Okay. Thank you, Makoto. I… really appreciate you, you know.”

This made the homunculus smile. “Yes, I do. I appreciate you, too.” He then hopped off the bed and went over to the light switch. “Now get some rest. When you wake up, I’ll check you again and then we can possibly do something fun together.” He flipped the light off, bathing the room in darkness and closing the bedroom door. He quietly walked to the living room, sitting down on the couch and sank into the soft cushions. This hadn’t been the most ideal of homecomings, but he couldn’t complain too much. Perhaps this was good and that it would hopefully teach his brother to not work so hard for so long. He had a feeling this wouldn’t be common, and that eased his mind. So much, in fact, that he was tempted to take a nap, too. He was a bit jet lagged, after all.

So he closed his eyes and relaxed his mind and body. And when he woke back up, he knew he and his beloved brother would be ready to tackle anything the world threw at them.

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1 year ago

Fun fact. Upside down teru teru bozu’s are meant to summon rain. And for Kanai Ward? Pretty fitting.

Also, AHHHHHH SO COOL!!! Thank you for listening to my ramblings and ideas!!! I love this so much!!!

I drew this based on @draconicsparkle idea of drawing the NDA as upside down teru teru bozus and Makoto as a puppeteer who manipulates them. It was fun drawing Kanai Ward out like a little board game and Makoto smiling all knowing like :3

Spoilers: Unmasked Makoto

I Drew This Based On @draconicsparkle Idea Of Drawing The NDA As Upside Down Teru Teru Bozus And Makoto

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1 year ago

It’s the boys!!! Man I missed that AU. Thank you for making this! It’s so cute!!!

Makoto Month

Day 13: AU

This one was inspired by @draconicsparkle s Twin Detective AU I really enjoy this AU. It’s so cute and adorable and it’s interesting to imagine the RC cast in a more modern setting!

Makoto Month

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11 months ago

What’s this? Draconic has started writing another au where Makoto is the main focus character?

Yeah, I know. I be predictable. But am I gonna stop? Oh heck no.

So yeah, another story is now in the works! This time, Makoto as an artificial intelligence program that Yuma must help teach to be human! Exciting stuff!

Here’s the first chapter. I hope you guys will like this new au of mine!

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11 months ago

Taps, my beloved.

So glad people are recognizing him and giving him the love he deserves.

Taps warmup for the day + maskless Makoto

Taps Warmup For The Day + Maskless Makoto
Taps Warmup For The Day + Maskless Makoto

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11 months ago

So @kazinsblog and I had been talking for a bit and we decided that it would be fun to collab on something! So I drafted up a story and she drew a comic based on it! We will link each other’s posts so you can check each other’s parts out. Here’s Kazin’s side!

But yeah! This was a ton of fun! And I hope you enjoy it.

Even CEO’s need TLC

How long had it been since their clash in the Mystery Labyrinth? Days? Months? Years? He didn’t know. And truthfully, he didn’t care to remember.

Ironic, coming from the detective who was an amnesiac at one point in his career.

But it mattered little. All that was important was the here and now. The ‘here’ in question being the grand penthouse suite on the top floor of Kanai Tower, where the CEO of Amatarasu resided. Not many were permitted access to this place. After all, it was the home of the most powerful person in Kanai Ward. But Yuma had… special privileges here, being the original of the CEO and all.

Currently, said CEO was in his room, hopefully getting some sleep. Yuma had returned to Kanai Ward to check on his homunculus only to find him exhausted beyond belief from overwork. Of course, he couldn’t exactly fault Makoto when he himself had been guilty of that exact same situation. So he had simply closed the laptop, and guided the poor homunculus to his luxurious bed, and had turned the lights off.

So now, Yuma was cleaning the penthouse to pass some time. He reorganized the papers and books, tossed the snack wrappers in the trash, and dumped out the old coffee and energy drinks that were scattered around the desk.

Everything had been nice and quiet. A peaceful evening that would hopefully result in Makoto getting a good night's rest.

But those hopes were tested as he heard something concerning. The sound of glass shattering coming from the homunculus’s room.

Yuma dashed over to investigate, slowly cracking the door open and peeking inside. Makoto was sitting up on his bed, panting harshly and staring wide eyed at the destroyed mirror in the room. A small statue was on the ground near the glass shards, the likely candidate to have been thrown to break the mirror.

But the destruction wasn’t the concern at this moment. Makoto looked terrified and he needed to understand why.

“Makoto, what happened?” he asked in a level voice. He kept calm as those fearful eyes shot to him, the rest of the CEO’s body tensing upon catching his original in his sights. “Makoto, I promise everything is okay. Can you tell me what’s going on?”

“No… no more. Please… no more,” the clone whispered desperately, his body starting to shake.

Yuma had a feeling he knew what had happened. A waking nightmare, possibly recalling memories from his captivity at the UG labs. He had read the reports on what they had done to their perfect homunculus, and the only way he could describe it was torture. Makoto had been made to suffer in so many ways for no sensible reasons. And it was clear that his exhausted mind hadn’t been able to handle the memories as well as he usually did. Leading to the mirror’s destruction, likely a defensive reflex from seeing what he perceived to be another person.

But the detective also knew a good way to help. So he slowly stepped forward, his expression calm and reassuring. “It’s okay, Makoto. I’ll help you. I’ll protect you. No one can hurt you anymore if I’m here. Okay?”

Makoto didn’t reply until Yuma had climbed on the bed and sat right next to him. “You… promise?” the all powerful CEO whimpered.

Yuma carefully wrapped his arms around his homunculus, bringing the shaking body in for a comforting hug. “I promise.”

Makoto almost instantly leaned into the hug, burying his face into Yuma’s shirt. The detective rested his chin on top of Makoto’s head, using one hand to stroke the unbrushed hair. He made sure to continue to be careful, as the man was in a fragile state. But he had no intention of going anywhere.

After a minute, he began slowly laying their bodies back down onto the mattress and letting their heads hit the silk pillows. Makoto kept clinging, and Yuma didn’t let go.

Yuma then recalled a song that he had heard Yakou hum on multiple occasions when he had been that helpless rookie sleeping on the couch. A nice tune that helped calm him down despite the constant stress he had felt on a daily basis. Maybe, just maybe, this might also work on his double.

So he began softly humming, continuing to stroke the long bleached hair. He felt the other’s shaking diminish until it stopped entirely. The grip he had on the shirt also loosened, the shaky breathing evening out and quieting as he listened to the song. It must have been a familiar tune to the CEO, as another voice joined in as the song started for a second time.

A good sign, because this meant that Makoto’s mind was focusing on the song more than the memories. So the humming continued, their voices working together to fill the bedroom with their own music. They continued until halfway through the third repeat, when the homunculus’s voice started growing quieter and quieter. Soon, it had disappeared completely.

Yuma let his own voice rest as he peeked down to observe. Makoto’s face was far more peaceful, sleeping without a hint of worry. Good, maybe this time he could stay asleep.

But the detective didn’t let go, continuing to hug his double to his chest as he closed his own eyes. Companionship and accepting help were still new concepts to them both. But perhaps, this night could be the starting point of something. Proof that they could get better.

But those thoughts could wait until the morning. For now, the two could sleep. To rest with the one who they trusted the most.

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11 months ago

This was so fun!!! Thank you again Kazin for collabing with me. It was an absolute blast!!!

Even CEOs Need TLC Comic

This comic is a collab comic I made with @draconicsparkle ! I drew the comic and Kira wrote the fic~ it’s super sweet! Go give it a read! The rest of the comic is under read more~!

Even CEOs Need TLC Comic

Even CEOs Need TLC Comic
Even CEOs Need TLC Comic
Even CEOs Need TLC Comic
Even CEOs Need TLC Comic
Even CEOs Need TLC Comic
Even CEOs Need TLC Comic
Even CEOs Need TLC Comic
Even CEOs Need TLC Comic
Even CEOs Need TLC Comic

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11 months ago

I decided to try something a little different to my typical fics. This one spawned from a dark idea that wouldn’t leave my brain. But it was interesting to try something new!

Yomi manages to say something that really angers Makoto. And this time, there are severe consequences to those toxic words.

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10 months ago

I got a lil something in the mail!!!

I Got A Lil Something In The Mail!!!

They have arrived! The beautiful boys!

I Got A Lil Something In The Mail!!!

Thank you so so much @tukimi-no-tango for both the stand and the adorable art you included with it! These boys will be the death of me.

But for now, they sit atop my Danganronpa shrine.

I Got A Lil Something In The Mail!!!

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9 months ago
@hajihiko Opened Slots For Commissions And I Managed To Snag One. Super Lucky And Im Mega Grateful!

@hajihiko opened slots for commissions and I managed to snag one. Super lucky and I’m mega grateful!

So since Danganronpa and Rain Code have such similar art styles, I was curious what the boys would look like in their style. And they look absolutely amazing!!! Thank you thank you so very much!

Go praise hajihiko and give them love and support. They are such an amazing artist and I love their works!

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9 months ago

I hadn’t expected to get tagged in this but it’s an interesting and fun one! I really had to think on this one. Thanks for the tag @renavi0!

Rules: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone’s favourite.

Here’s mine:

And I’ll tag these lovely folks. I’m interested to see your answers!

@bobasriduur @elina-sakura @pixelatedraindrops @brightstarblogs @snivyartjpeg

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8 months ago

Something for an upcoming project!

What’s the context? You will see!

Yuma Being Feverish And Clingy In The Arms Of Someone Whos NOT Yakou??? Never Thought Id See The Day.

Yuma being feverish and clingy in the arms of someone who’s NOT Yakou??? Never thought I’d see the day. The poor thing needs the support regardless of who is caring for him ;-;

Full image below

Yuma Being Feverish And Clingy In The Arms Of Someone Whos NOT Yakou??? Never Thought Id See The Day.
Yuma Being Feverish And Clingy In The Arms Of Someone Whos NOT Yakou??? Never Thought Id See The Day.

This is an illustration I made as a collab with @draconicsparkle for a future writing project they’re working on. I will say nothing else. Hope you enjoy the art c:

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8 months ago

Time for another fic to begin for Rain Code! Staring our fav silly CEO, Makoto!

But this time, he doesn’t look quite so human. Follow Yuma as he discovers what it’s like to live with a spider cat human hybrid.

(This may be the weirdest au I’ve made for Rain Code so far. But hey! That makes it more fun!)

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8 months ago

So I was incredibly lucky to have been able to participate in the recent @neondownpourzine. It was such a fascinating process and it was a blast getting to see all the in progress pieces on both the writing and art sides. Everyone there was also super supportive! This fandom is full of truly amazing and wonderful people.

Now that it’s been a week since the release, I was able to post my fic on ao3! I was able to collab with @cyanide-drinkerxx and I adore the piece they made for my fic! Like, it’s so cool!!!

But yeah, I hope you liked my piece of the zine! And if you haven’t already seen the zine, I highly recommend you go check it out!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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8 months ago

The bestest boy!!! He’s adorable! Thank you thank you!

If you want a suggestion, I’m more than happy to provide one! Makoto with twin braids, perhaps? He seems silly enough to do that

If You Want A Suggestion, Im More Than Happy To Provide One! Makoto With Twin Braids, Perhaps? He Seems

Cute and silly lil guy

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8 months ago

So I was chatting to @kazinsblog one night about my spider cat boy au Web of Truth and talking about the design and the shenanigans that will eventually happen.

And then to my immense surprise, look what she came back with!

They are all so cute!!! I adore them all!

So I Was Chatting To @kazinsblog One Night About My Spider Cat Boy Au Web Of Truth And Talking About

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