Male Barefoot - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

In the blink of an eye, you’re captivated.

In the beat of a heart, you’re hooked.

Something changed within you, the night that He moved in.

An irreversible loss of self-restraint.

An undeniable urge to do anything He said.

Whenever evening fell, and the working day was done, your adjusted self came alive.

He ate the dinner you prepared. He chose what you both watched as you ate it. He checked His socials as you looked on in desire. He felt the fatigue after the day working in His high and powerful job; your energy, on the other hand, was just starting to pique. His eyes started to close, and yours lit up.

You knew it would soon be time to let loose.

He clicked and pointed at the floor by His feet. You moved into position. He started drifting off. You never knew if He deliberately chose this moment to switch off completely. Whatever it was, He never chose to be alert while what happened next, happened next.

He looked as though He’d dropped into slumber. You knew this was your best moment. His meaty, masculine soles took over. You placed your face directly in front of them. You inhaled His superior scent. You indulged yourself in His presence. You held out your arms and started lightly caressing the underneath of His paws. He did not stir.

You massaged gently and a feeling within you stirred. Pleasure. Pure pleasure. To be at His feet, giving them the attention they deserved. You wasted no time in starting to lick. And yet still, He remained asleep.

Long, lascivious licks, coating both His soles in glistening saliva. You felt alive. The smell, the taste, the warmth. Everything seemed to slot into place.

You lost yourself with your mouth. Thinking stopped. Outside world problems abated. All that mattered in that moment was pleasing the resting Man in front of you. Underneath His feet, you felt at home, at peace, at one. And clearly so did your body. πŸ†

Taking great care not to wake Him, your worship continued, unbridled and unashamedly. The link between mouth, mind, and body took over. The only important thing right now was His feet. πŸ‘£

Steadily, as time went on, the 🦴 in your pants started aching. The throbbing sensation was all-consuming. The more you worshipped, the better you felt. The better you felt, the more you lost yourself.

This twisted cycle boxed you in. Master all the while seemingly (πŸ˜‰) unaware. You kept going, and going, and going.

Nothing else was necessary. Nothing else made you care. But His feet. His mighty, masculine soles. And doing to them what they deserved, and in turn what He did too.

Minutes passed. How long it had been was not known or even necessary to know. All that remained were His feet, you, and your πŸ†.


Here it came now. Your mouth remained firmly planted on the underside of His feet, but your hands passed down to your crotch area. Suddenly your jerking became more and more unstoppable. Still frightened to wake up the Male object of your idolatry, you made sure you stayed quiet. But the back and forth motion, coupled with contact with such greatness, led only to sensations otherwise unknown.

Every inch of His feet had been serviced. Every toe had been sucked. Every wrinkle had been licked in between. Every part of His arch had been touched by your tongue.

Satisfied? Hell yeah!

It was time.

πŸ‘£ βœ‹πŸΌ πŸ‘… πŸ†

πŸ‘£ 🚼 πŸ› 🦴


πŸ’¦ πŸ’¦ πŸ’¦

πŸŒ€ πŸŒ€ πŸŒ€


sole-observer - Underfoot Fantasies

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9 months ago

10/10 would sniff🀀🀀

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8 months ago

I’ll give him my hand in his foot, and then my mouth πŸ‘£

When The Overnight Charge Nurse Asks You To Give Him A Hand... Heh-heh

When the overnight charge nurse asks you to give him a hand... heh-heh

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8 months ago

Thick arms, thick delicious feet. What else might be thick? πŸ† me want all of itπŸ‘£πŸ˜

onmyfacenj - Untitled

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8 months ago

I would have been all over those feet the moment they came close to me!

#10 β€”Colt

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7 months ago

I volunteer!

When Your Buddy Sees You Coming Over To The Park Bench Knowing The Both Of You Will Be Alone For A Bit

When your buddy see’s you coming over to the park bench… knowing the both of you will be alone for a bit before your other friends show up, you see him prop his foot up on the table. He loves getting his feet worshipped and always makes you do it whenever the chance arises. You get closer and he points to his bare foot. You sit down and immediately bury your face into the bottom, inhaling his addicting foot odor. You start licking his foot up and down, getting between his toes, totally enjoying it. You do the same to his other bare foot and press your face firmly into both soft soles, breathing them deeply. You both hear a car approaching and he removes his feet, slipping his boat shoes back on. He has you kiss the bottom of his Sperries and tells you that his feet might need more attention during the party later on.

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7 months ago

They should make an amazing pillow to lay on and inhale

Really Need These On My Face

Really need these on my face 😍

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7 months ago

These soles are pure perfection. I need to slowly sniff them, place them on my face, get marked by their scent, then feel them press hard against me until I am totally intoxicated. Then start the licking and eating, and massaging! I am in love πŸ‘£β€οΈ

onmyfacenj - Untitled

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