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Are you ready to enter Daddy Aslan’s Kingdom?
In that case, start taking the first steps to the rest of your beta life.
It starts at His feet. Always down, always underneath Him, looking up. From now on, Aslan is your Daddy, your Alpha, your King, and everything else in between.
You know you are powerless to resist such Masculine Perfection and Power. His raw, devilishly good looks. His hairy, godlike chest. His bulging biceps. His dark, smouldering complexion. Aslan sums up every feature of every Alpha you have ever thought about, seen, craved, and dreamt of serving. He knows it. you know it.
That’s right, just feel any sense of fighting it slip away. Drop to your knees. Put your face in front of His perfect soles. Inhale His Greatness. And wait for His instructions. He calls all the shots, you just wait, listen, and obey.
Admit that this is all you ever wanted. Admit that this is what you are supposed to be. A nobody, idolising at the feet of the epitome of Somebody. Everything you never have been, and never will be.
King Aslan had conducted enough of these beta inductions and initiations to have the ceremony down to a T:
He remained Mighty in His handsome Glory, atop His fitting Throne. He put you on the floor. He took off only His shirt, as well as of course His socks and shoes. You removed all clothing. He let you stay there, allowing you plenty of time to take in His greatness, exchanging no words, just observing your descent into His world, where He alone reigned.
“Are you ready to embrace greatness, beta?” He finally uttered, His voice deep, sexy, and dominant.
“Yes, King Aslan.”
“Good boy.” He replied, a warmth entering His stern demeanour.
“Are you prepared to leave behind your sorry, unfulfilled, prior life, and dedicate the rest to serving Me, in My Kingdom?”
“Yes, King Aslan. It is all I desire.”
“That pleases your new King, beta. But from now on, you are not permitted to refer to yourself as I. That pronoun is reserved for Real Men. From now on, it will simply be referred to as ‘it’. Does it understand?”
“Yes King Aslan. It understands completely. Thank you, Your Majesty.”
“Very good, My new beta slave, catching on so fast. King Aslan thinks it was born to do this. It is pleasing its new Owner enormously already. It has earnt the right to start rubbing the superior soles in front of it. This is all it wants to do, correct?”
“Yes King Aslan, a thousand times, ‘yes’.”
“Very well. It shall begin. Slowly. Taking in every part of the new objects of its desire.”
No need for any further waiting for permission, it got straight down to worship. It had waited its whole life for this moment. It felt so damn good. It was already rock hard to be worshipping such Greatness. It felt honoured, inferior, and so turned on.
As it got to work, King Aslan gave orders, commentating its ceremony, and reinforcing the way life was from now on…
“Yes, beta. Feel My soft skin, underfoot.
“Caress My incredibly perfect arches.
“Place its hands all over My royal foot-skin.
“Massage My toes. Touch in between. Get to know every part of My Alpha Daddy paws.
“Stay at King Aslan’s soles for as long as its heart desires.
“Underneath Me, means underneath My Power, as well as My unbridled love and protection.
“It is doing so well. It’s well on its way to being granted full entrance into the Empire stables.
“It may start licking.
“It may suck My plump, powerful toes.
“It may touch itself.
“It is so hard, so happy, so grateful to King Aslan, for letting it have the best time of its existence.
“It must now place its betamanhood in between its new King’s arches.
“It must now start thrusting back and forth.
“It won’t last much longer. Worshipping a True Man. A Superior. A God. It will struggle to contain its ecstasy.
“It will soon erupt over the Royal Feet in front of it, thus cementing its new position in its new life. It must become who it has always craved to be.
“Time for a countdown…ready, beta?
“10…it is trying so hard to hold on
“9…it wants to make Daddy happy
“8…it feels impossible to wait, doesn’t it?
“7…can it make its Alpha proud?
“6…the struggle, the surrender, its face shows its difficulty
“Uh oh…it seems to have had a premature accident. It tried so hard. Becoming a little in Aslan’s Kingdom was too overwhelming for it, wasn’t it? Oh noooo….”
With its seed spilt all over its King’s feet, it felt both the total high from the intense pleasure that had just played out, but it also felt dread, what happened to betas who couldn’t manage to follow instructions to the letter?
It didn’t have to wait much longer to find out. King Aslan reached over to the table at the other end of His throne, His feet still coated in drying beta seed, its betabone spent and shrinking, still firmly in between His paws.
King Aslan picked up a bell from the table and rang it once, then once again.
What was happening?
On cue, in came another male, probably aged about 40, naked, like it, with a well-sculpted body. This male was also very attractive. And looking down, you couldn’t believe how big this male’s 🍆 was. What’s more, it was as rock hard as its had been minutes ago…
“My King. It’s happy you rang. May I know how long this one lasted?”
“King Aslan is happy to see you too, 1.1. I have found a very pleasing, new beta. Its worship was, indeed, just as it should be. It tried so very HARD to make it. But it surrendered entirely at 5.”
“Very well, My King. It is delighted to know that a new beta has made it into Your Kingdom. From now on, it shall be known as 5.12, in that case?”
“Yes, 1.1. Goodness Me, am I up to 12 already in the fives’ stable? How time flies!”
“Yes, My Lord. 5.11 will be grateful.”
“Won’t it just?” King Aslan replied, with a handsome smirk.
1.1 came over to the floor and got down on its knees next to it.
“Clean King Aslan up, betas, immediately.” King Aslan manoeuvred one of His perfect feet to 1.1’s face, and the other to its own.
“Yes King Aslan,” both betas replied in unison.
And with that both tongues protruded, licking in long strokes all over those Masculine, meaty soles.
Both were now glistening in beta saliva. Neither beta looked up, both lost in their task at hand.
“Very good, both,” King Aslan said after a few more minutes of cleaning. “Their King’s feet are shining in fitting glory. And spotless, as Royal Feet should be.
“1.1, please continue 5.12’s induction ceremony as per the usual routine. This one’s going to be a perfect addition to My Foot Kingdom, I just know it.”
“Yes, My King. Immediately, Your Highness,” 1.1 replied.
What could come next? No idea! Everything that had just happened was already so very perfect.
1.1 turned and said, “it’s time to assume the position of a 5 in our King’s hierarchy, fellow beta. Don’t panic. All will become clear. King Aslan has devised and perfected everything that is about to happen to a T. The next step into beta foot slavery begins now. Come with it and find out…”
As soon as 1.1 had said these words, King Aslan rang the bell five times, then another eleven. Lo and behold the same door that 1.1 had come through opened again, and in came another naked male beta, less sculpted than 1.1, still a decent build, little fat, around 30 in age probably, smaller than 1.1, but most definitely as erect as it!
What could possibly be about to happen next?
“Enter 5.11. Thanks for coming so quickly.” King Aslan smiled for the first time. If it was possible He looked even more beautiful than ever. He was a true Godly King! And then He turned back to look down at it:
“Just wait, 5.12. If the first part of its ceremony made it happy, the next is going to take it to paradise…”
To celebrate reaching 1500 followers, and as a thank you for your likes, comments, messages etc. I decided to start what I hope will become a new series with one of the sexiest Men I have ever seen with some of the best soles I know of. I hope you like it, and please feel free to let me know your reactions, feedback, and suggestions for how this Foot Kingdom could develop…

“Oh, what’s that, boy? You have an instant desire to submit to Daddy’s perfect, meaty, Alpha soles?
“Don’t panic! You’re not the first and you certainly won’t be the last…
“Daddy can’t even begin to tell you how many foot fetishes He has helped unlock within subs over the years…
“I know, I know, you were just cruising for a regular vanilla older man…and?
“Stop trying to act like you’re grossed out. That look in your eyes tells Me, a Daddy Foot Alpha, everything I need to know.
“That’s it. Let it wash over you. Give into your mesmerisation. Let My feet teach you a world of new, unbridled pleasure and wisdom…
“See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it boy?
“Oh wait. It’s so funny. When I said the word ‘hard’, it’s as if something else inside you woke sharply up. Haha.
“My Alpha Daddy Feet have taken over your eyeline, your curiosity, your brain, and now your beta body too.
“Who knew surrendering to Daddy’s feet would feel so damn good? You youth should have more faith in elders. We have been around the block and then some, and picked up a thing or two along the way…
“So where does this leave us now, huh? Where do we go from here? It’s getting so HARD to think straight, isn’t it, boy?
“Let Daddy break down what’s happened, and then what’s going to happen next, okay?
“1. You turned up for a regular, vanilla session with an older man who you found hot so decided to cruise. Correct?
“2. Then you arrived, the door was open, and you let yourself in, as I told you too. See, I was already planting instructional seeds and you were obeying. Right?
“3. You went down the corridor and heard Me tell you to come into the living room. Unfazed so far, you did as I said, came in and found Me with My Daddy paws already up on My coffee table. You saw them before you even looked up to see Me. I had already seen in you, everything I needed to know, so I let you stop in your tracks and take in the scene before you. And that leads us up to now…Are you still following Me boy?
“It seems the more I talk, and the more you stare at My handsome soles, the HARDER and HARDER it gets to look away. Correct?
“Let me explain it to you further, boy. An indelible and irreversible connection has been instilled between My feet, My voice, your eyes, your ears, your mind, and now your 🍆 too.
“You could have taken one look, panicked that I was a weirdo, turned the other way, and run back out that door. But you didn’t do that, did you?
“No, exactly.
“The more you stare at My feet, the more you listen to My words, the more you let Me take over, the better it keeps on feeling. It’s too HARD to disagree now, isn’t it, boy?
“That’s it. You have opened yourself up, you have let Daddy and His Alpha Feet pervade your entire being. It’s only natural now that all you desire is to explore the greatness that Daddy’s soles can keep on bringing you. It’s time to get undressed now, footboy. It’s time to get on your knees. It’s time to make contact with My Alpha Paws. Got it?
“That’s it, good boy. Oh wow, that rock hard 🦴 is so very happy with this new experience, isn’t it, boy?
“You’re so very excited to become one of Daddy’s new footboys. Daddy and His feet are making you feel so good, so happy, so aroused.
“Goooood foootboyyyyy. Keep listening to My words. Keep following My commands. Start rubbing My Alpha Feet. You will feel better than you have ever felt before. Trust Me.
“We’re going to have so much fun today, aren’t we, My best new footslave? That’s right. You’ve done so well to come this far. You deserve these incredible, new, overwhelmingly joyful sensations. You deserve Daddy’s Alpha Male Feet.
“You will rub, you will caress, you will worship. You will lick, you will suck, and you will jerk. Everything is making so much sense now. There’s no need for you to do any more thinking of your own, is there? It feels so very good to give in, let go, stop worrying about the pressures and stresses of everyday life. I’m unlocking your new bliss. You’re so very lucky.
“Such a lucky footboy…”
👣 …👀…😵💫…👂…🍆…⛓️…✋…👅 …🐶…🛐…🍆✋…💦💦…👅😍⛓️

“All you need to do is focus on My Feet now…
“Nothing else in the world matters but My Master Feet…
“Stare at Master’s incredibly powerful soles…
“Take in Master’s big, plump, suckable toes…
“Admire Master’s perfectly-sized arches…
“Wonder what it would be like to touch and lick Master’s sole wrinkles…
“Glare at Master’s Feet in all their Beauty and Glory…
“There really is nothing wrong with falling for Master’s Superior Feet…
“Don’t be embarrassed about that massive 🦴 that Master’s Feet are giving you, either…
“All you dream of doing, from now on, is worshipping Master’s Masculine Soles…
“All you crave is inhaling Master’s Masculine Scent…
“All you desire is to show Master’s Feet just how much you’ve fallen in love with Them…
“That’s it, footboy, give in to Master, surrender to His Perfect Feet, let His Mighty Paws take over all your waking thoughts…
“Exist to serve, live to worship, make Master’s Perfect Feet your reason for being…
“It just feels so good to be able to admit that, finally, you are nothing but a foot-beta, doesn’t it? A little, foot-obsessed slave, willing to do anything to be able to spend time at and under Master’s Soles, Master’s Toes, Master’s Feet, Master’s Arches…Master’s control.
“There’s nothing to feel ashamed about. Your 🍆 tells you everything you need to know. Life is better when you stop pretending, stop fantasising, and start living your truth.
“Make Master proud. Show Him just how grateful you are to have the privilege and honour of being His foot-beta, His Foot-slave, His Feet’s property. Yes. Oh yes.
“You’re doing so well, My good footboy. Keep on going. That’s it. Lose yourself in Master’s Alpha Foot Worship. Allow yourself to enjoy every caress, every lick, every little moment of sucking. Make those Feet glisten with your beta saliva. And maybe, just maybe, when you have been a really good foot-slave, Master will let you coat Them with another beta-liquid. Okay? How does that sound?
“Oh, your mouth is too busy and too full to talk? Your nodding and your 🪨 hard 🦴 say it all, don’t worry, little Foot-pet. You’re doing so well!
“Keep it up. Keep going. You got this. You deserve this. And Master’s got you…
“Such a lucky, little, footslave, aren’t you? Making Master so very proud of you. Life led you here, and now you are Mine.
“From now on, you are eternally bound to Master and His Perfect Feet…and it’s all you ever really wanted. Master’s going to go quiet for a while now. But you just keep on worshipping, okay?
The more Master ignored you, the harder you got, and the better you felt. Even more in the place you always knew, deep down, that you needed to be. Master was entirely right. This really was all you ever secretly prayed to become. How long you had spent, pretending you were like others, trying to fit in with a vanilla-obsessed world?
But no. You’re not that, are you?
You truly are just a pathetic, little footslave.
Master finally came into your unfulfilled life and allowed you to realise your dreams, your duties, and your destiny. Finally!
The more you lost yourself in worshipping His Perfect Feet, the greater the connection between you, the foot-beta, and Him, the ignoring Alpha Master became.
Oh god, you were so hard, so aroused, and in such bliss.
Master told you, if you were very good for long enough, maybe He would grant you permission to unload, release, and cement your new life in the clearest way possible. You could not imagine anything more perfect.
All thoughts needed to fade away now. All you needed to do was stay down there, at Master’s Perfect Feet, worshipping, making Him happy, making Him proud.
He decided from now on. You obeyed.
His Feet were all that mattered.
They were so damn perfect. And they did things to you that nobody or nothing had done before.
Falling deeper and deeper under Master’s Feet, and under Master’s control.
Being ignored.
Fulfilling your destiny as Master’s Number 1 Footslave.
Letting all other thoughts and feelings fade away.
Becoming the new you.
“It’s time, footboy.”
👣 🍆 💦 💦 💦

Look up at your perfect Master.
Thank Him for giving you the privilege of worshipping at His meaty soles, His mighty toes, His sexy feet.
Look down again.
Hope He gives you permission.
“It’s time, footboy!”
Fireworks go off in your brain.
You smile, you look up, you thank Master.
“Touch yourself,” says Master - and you do.
“Keep worshipping. And jerk,” says Master - and you do.
“Keep caressing. And jerk.” You do.
“Keep licking. And jerk.” You do.
“Keep sucking. And jerk.” And you do.
Masters commands keep coming. You keep obeying. Your 🍆 pulsates every time He speaks, you listen, and you do exactly what Master tells you.
“Let Master’s soles, toes, and tops invade your mind, take over your senses, and become your destiny.
“Overwhelmingly aroused.”
“Desperate to please Master.
“Desperate to obey.
“Feeling your own thoughts fading away.
“Allowing Master’s power to control everything you think, say, and do.
“Keep worshipping.
“Keep jerking.
“Lose your mind.”
“Embrace your inner voice, the one that has always told you that you’re nothing but a little beta footslave.
“Master opened the door, you went inside.
“Thank Master for being so powerful, so generous to let you be at His feet, and so very hot.”
Wait some more. Lick some more soles. Suck some more toes. Caress some more arches.
Here come the magic words.
“Good footslave. You continue to make your Alpha FootMaster very happy and proud, indeed.
“Go ahead now.
“Shoot your beta seed all over the object of your idolatry.
“Show them, and Me, who you truly are.
“That’s it. Coat them in your white, creamy 💦
“Wow you just can’t stop, can you, footboy?
“Master’s delighted to see just how much His perfect Feet, Soles, Toes, Wrinkles, and Arches get you off!
“You’re a very good boy, slave, a very good footboy for Master. Say it back.”
You repeat back His words as you finished up with your unloading.
You look up at Him. You smile. He smiles back. Then He clicks His fingers and points.
No further communication needed.
You get to cleaning up your beta mess.
Long, languishing licks, all over every inch of His perfect Feet, Soles, Toes, Wrinkles, and Arches.
“I want them sparkling, My good footboy. That’s it. Very good. Good boy.”
With that, Master leans down and pats you on the head. He continues to tell you what a good boy you are, and you feel incredible. There’s nothing quite like being owned by such a mighty, handsome, perfect Alpha. Everything just feels right in the world, you down here, Him up there.
“The hierarchy is real. Say it back.”
“The hierarchy is real, Master. Thank you for everything. You are incredible.”
“You’re welcome, my best footbeta. Master is very proud of you.”
With that sincere praise, His deep, manly voice, and His gentle taps and rubs of your head and hair, you started to get hard again. You blushed.
“Ah,” says Master, “My best footboy really is just insatiable, isn’t he?”
Master chuckles. You know what’s next. You squirm.
“Relax, my good footbeta. There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. You know it’s for your own good. You’ve had your reward. Now it’s back to your cage. You know that you need it. You know it keeps you focused, makes you into an even better footslave, and helps you concentrate on serving Me, your best Foot Alpha…”
“Yes Master, of course Master, You are right, You’re always right.”
“Good footboy.”
And with that, Master produces your cage from the table next to Him, and He beckons you to stand up and come closer to Him.
“There we go. My best footboy. Going back into chastity. Where it knows it belongs. Master decides when it gets to have fun times, doesn’t He?”
“Yes Master, absolutely Master, Master says and it obeys.”
“Yes it really does. Good slave. Now back to its work and chores. Master’s got stuff to do, and so has it.”
“Yes Master. Of course, Master.”
“Good boy.”
Master kisses you on the forehead, pats you on the cheeks, and sends you on your way. You feel a jolt of arousal pulse through you. Your cage restrains your aching 🦴. There’s nothing to it. You have to earn your way to your next worship session and eventual beta unload. You have to obey and please Master and wait patiently for your next reward. It’s how life is now.
Further pulses of joy course through you as your carnal desires battle internally with the acceptance of your controlled, beta life. The inner conflict further subjugates you, further humiliates you, and then weirdly, also arouses you further. This state of frenzy and subduing at the same time lead to balance which lead to calm, peace, gentle waves of bliss, and the desire only to focus, concentrate, work, please Master, and wait for more and more bliss.
What a lucky footslave you truly are, boy!
Just to say apologies for the lack of posting atm. I have started a new job and it’s full on! I’ll try to do 1-2 a month but it may be less regular than usual while everything settles down. Thanks for sticking around, liking, messaging, and commenting guys. Always means a lot!

Master contemplates the inferior version of a ‘man’ kneeling beneath His perfect, meaty, masculine soles.
You wait patiently to be granted permission to begin.
You, being who you truly were, are and always will be: a servant, a beta, and a worshipper of the feet of all Men so superior to you.
You could never even imagine what it must feel like to have been born in a real Man’s body, with real Men’s attitudes, real Men’s confidence, and real Men’s effortless pizazz.
In normal life: at work, in the street, out shopping, at the gym - anywhere outside really - you learnt to put on this massive front. Years of experiencing disdain from everyone around you made you harden up. It was the only option to avoid ridicule, suffering, and hate.
The constant and unnatural hardening up had scrambled your brain cells, but weirdly also naturally started to lead to physical hardening alongside the psychological and emotional. It was as though your mind was naturally compensating for what your body had to do, be, say, think, and pretend, every day.
To fit in, you wore these masks, but inside you felt and knew you were trying so much to be someone you just weren’t. Every time you admitted it to yourself in private, you were rewarded with ecstasy beyond your wildest dreams. Stimuli representing your true self took over. Outside you exacerbated inside you, which consequently became fetishised, reinforced, and then indelibly unlocked within you forever more.
Everything every atom of your being felt inside was forcibly silenced as soon as you stepped out of the door and until you returned again. The dilemma was troubling, the troubling intensified, and then went full circle to private unspeakable bliss.
So here, now, everything was finally different:
No, nothing about you both was the same.
No, nothing about you both was equal.
Yet yes, here you were; you getting yours, Him getting His.
Dialogue was sparse. Talk was cheap. Actions spoke for themselves. As did meanings.
The scene playing out in Master’s garden meant that Nature was being respected, time was being dedicated to what It intended, and space was being used as It knew it should be.
Everything aligned, you were hard AF, and Master was just so fulfilled to be fulfilling His role as an overseer of subordinates just like you.
Thus the scene was set and the break from modern-day reality was such a relief for you both. The pleasure this gave both of you was inexplicable and undeniable. It felt so right, so good, and so special, just to give in.
The ‘real you’ inside of you, that you had learnt and worked hard to hide all these years could just be set free for a moment or two. Being yourselves was unimaginably easy. Feigning otherwise was so draining.
Now show that Man your true self. Bury your face into the bottom of His feet. Show him how grateful you are to be there, at His soles, underneath Him and therefore also His clan, His leadership, His protection.
Lose yourself in this perfect moment. Coat His paws in your beta saliva. Make His feet feel so damn good with your licks, caresses, and rubs.
Surrender to that yearning inside. Be a ‘good boy’. Let yourself become harder than hard can be. Nature wanted this all along. And It will reward you both with the best feelings any Man or man could ever experience.
You both just know, without even having to think about it, that it’s exactly what you are supposed to be doing, at exactly the right time, in exactly the right place.
👑 👣 > 👁️ 🌀 > ✋🏼 👅 > 🪨 🍆 > 🤯🥵🫠 > 💦 💦 💦 > ☮️ in 🛐
Happy Alpha Men = happy beta boys.
Just as Nature intended. 😉

Daddy contemplating the grovelling wreck that His powerful, strong soles have turned you into.
Hmmm 🤔
What do you have to say for yourself, footsub?

In the blink of an eye, you’re captivated.
In the beat of a heart, you’re hooked.
Something changed within you, the night that He moved in.
An irreversible loss of self-restraint.
An undeniable urge to do anything He said.
Whenever evening fell, and the working day was done, your adjusted self came alive.
He ate the dinner you prepared. He chose what you both watched as you ate it. He checked His socials as you looked on in desire. He felt the fatigue after the day working in His high and powerful job; your energy, on the other hand, was just starting to pique. His eyes started to close, and yours lit up.
You knew it would soon be time to let loose.
He clicked and pointed at the floor by His feet. You moved into position. He started drifting off. You never knew if He deliberately chose this moment to switch off completely. Whatever it was, He never chose to be alert while what happened next, happened next.
He looked as though He’d dropped into slumber. You knew this was your best moment. His meaty, masculine soles took over. You placed your face directly in front of them. You inhaled His superior scent. You indulged yourself in His presence. You held out your arms and started lightly caressing the underneath of His paws. He did not stir.
You massaged gently and a feeling within you stirred. Pleasure. Pure pleasure. To be at His feet, giving them the attention they deserved. You wasted no time in starting to lick. And yet still, He remained asleep.
Long, lascivious licks, coating both His soles in glistening saliva. You felt alive. The smell, the taste, the warmth. Everything seemed to slot into place.
You lost yourself with your mouth. Thinking stopped. Outside world problems abated. All that mattered in that moment was pleasing the resting Man in front of you. Underneath His feet, you felt at home, at peace, at one. And clearly so did your body. 🍆
Taking great care not to wake Him, your worship continued, unbridled and unashamedly. The link between mouth, mind, and body took over. The only important thing right now was His feet. 👣
Steadily, as time went on, the 🦴 in your pants started aching. The throbbing sensation was all-consuming. The more you worshipped, the better you felt. The better you felt, the more you lost yourself.
This twisted cycle boxed you in. Master all the while seemingly (😉) unaware. You kept going, and going, and going.
Nothing else was necessary. Nothing else made you care. But His feet. His mighty, masculine soles. And doing to them what they deserved, and in turn what He did too.
Minutes passed. How long it had been was not known or even necessary to know. All that remained were His feet, you, and your 🍆.
Here it came now. Your mouth remained firmly planted on the underside of His feet, but your hands passed down to your crotch area. Suddenly your jerking became more and more unstoppable. Still frightened to wake up the Male object of your idolatry, you made sure you stayed quiet. But the back and forth motion, coupled with contact with such greatness, led only to sensations otherwise unknown.
Every inch of His feet had been serviced. Every toe had been sucked. Every wrinkle had been licked in between. Every part of His arch had been touched by your tongue.
Satisfied? Hell yeah!
It was time.
👣 ✋🏼 👅 🍆
👣 🚼 🛐 🦴
💦 💦 💦
🌀 🌀 🌀

“That’s right. Just look. Just stare. Just DROP.”
🌀 🌀
“Oh wait. Suddenly all you want to do is worship my soles?”
“Funny that.”
“Oh, yeah, you’re on your knees.”
“Oh, yeah, you’re begging to lick.”
“Oh, yeah, you’re Master’s good little foot-boy?”
*Pants, drools, waits*
“Well go on then.”
👣 👅
“Good footsub.”

The pinnacle of masculinity.
The epitome of your demise.
The meaty toes, the wrinkled soles, the oh-so-f*ckable arches…
…all attached to someone more Alpha than you’ll ever be.
A real Man.
He makes you feel little.
He makes you feel weak.
He reminds you of everything you’re not.
He makes you want to worship Him more than anything else in your small, unfulfilled life.
One glance at the underside of His dominant paws 🐾 is all it takes to get you hooked.
Time to get on your knees, foot-boy.
Stay right there, foot-slave.
Master will just fetch your new collar…

The only place worthless maggots like you belong is under an Alpha’s huge sole, looking up at Him, slowly surrendering to the fact that He is everything that you will never be. Don’t you agree, foot-boy?
No need to reply.
Your 🪨 hard 🍆 tells the universe everything it needs to know.
Now let’s let your crushing commence.
Oh f**k. You’re just so little, down there, being smothered, as though your whole existence was just disappearing into nothingness. And yet you’re bloody loving it. Aren’t you?
Yeah, it just feels so damn good to be who you really are, finally. Doesn’t it?
No more pretending. No more wearing of that mask that you never truly manage to pull off anyway. No more imitating your Alpha superiors at all.
All you need to do from now on is just be you. An object. An inferior. Just lying there, on the floor, underneath Master’s gigantic paws. 🐾
Yes. That’s where you belong. Isn’t it?
It just feels so damn amazing.
Good footslave.
💦 💦 💦
Well…that didn’t take long now, did it?
Another owned beta for His stable.
Another “Man”, or so everyone thought.
It just comes so naturally to Him…and to you…
This blissful subjugation. This ying and yang perfection. The asymmetrical beauty of an Alpha, His feet, His soles, His property…
His 👣 your 🌀
His 💪🏼 your 🛐
His 💬 your ☑️
Good boy.

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or soles?