Male Foot Dom - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Your obedience is required. Your arousal inevitable. You are such a sl*t for your dominant Alpha’s soles. You crave nothing more than to cover them in saliva while your pathetic beta-d*ck becomes rock hard in your small, apologetic underpants.

You will beg to do this all day, every day. Your Alpha will use it against you, making you into His total foot-b*tch. Ergo you’ll be His man-servant, His PA, His cleaner and His rent-payer.

You’ll do anything within your power to please your magisterial ruler. You will devote your entire existence to His happiness, and His alone. You had no idea how life got you to this point, but the time for overanalysing passed years ago.

So sit back, relax and let His paws take over your heart, your mind, your crotch and your wallet.

Such a good little foot-slave for your superior, straight Alpha. You knew were being completely taken advantage of, manipulated and overruled…and yet you did not care one bit!

Embrace it, footsub. Make your dreams come true!

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1 year ago

Everything you see before your blesséd eyes is superior to you. The more you stare, the weaker you become. The more you resist, the harder it is to crave anything other than to pronounce your unworthiness before becoming completely His, forever more under His magnificently dominant spell.

What’s done is done. There’s no turning back now, muscle-beta, and number one Alpha muscle sole and foot-slave. Beg to get underneath them. Give your pathetic existence some meaning and just maybe, He’ll turn you into what you have always craved to be.

Now massage, caress and worship Him from head to toe. Do as you’re told. No more thinking from you please. Brain switch off-time. There, doesn’t that feel better? Your Alpha is proud of you. So, very proud. What a perfect new muscle and foot-worshipping toy He has transformed you into, and all that in just a matter of seconds.

You should be ashamed, but instead you’re hard as a rock. So…get on with it now, footbeta! Don’t keep Him waiting. Obey. Goooood boyyyyy.

sole-observer - Underfoot Fantasies

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1 year ago

Daddy Renato knows your dirty, little secret, footboy.

And he’s going to use it to get exactly what He wants out of you.

You can try to fight it, but the power of His perfect, slightly wrinkly and highly lickable, Daddy soles is undeniable.

He demands that you get on your knees and beg to worship.

You’re powerless to do anything but obey.

He will put you in your foot-beta place in seconds and you will thank Him for gracing your inferior, pathetic, twisted existence.

Doesn’t it feel better to surrender underneath Him and sucCUMb underneath them?

Of course it does, foot-slave.

Instantly owned.

Good boy.

I Want To Be Daddy Slave
I Want To Be Daddy Slave

I want to be daddy slave

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1 year ago

You came back from the bathroom and into your mature, muscle, Alpha’s bedroom. He was sitting there, waiting, dressed as scantily as His Grindr profile pic indicated when you reached out to Him.

He beckoned you over, invited you to sit down next to Him and pulled out the exact same photo on His phone that had made you immediately message Him and ask to come over…

“What do you like most about Daddy’s sexy af picture, then boy?

Is it My handsome, virile, Alpha’s face?”

“No, Daddy.”

“Is it My bulging pecs, gigantic arms and thick, dominating thighs?”

“No, Daddy.”

“Is it My tight, short, boxers, probably encasing one of the most beautiful, big, Alpha 🐍 you have ever seen?”

“No, Daddy.”

“Then what is it about My picture that made you stop scrolling, stare for so long and beg to come over then, son? Tell Daddy.”

“It’s embarrassing Daddy. Please. I’m worried what you will think of me if I tell you.”

“Aw, My boy, don’t worry. Nothing you say will freak me out. I’ve been around the block and seen and done it all. Go on. Tell Daddy. That’s a demand.”

His profile said He was handsome, rugged and stood for no nonsense. It wasn’t a lie!

“Ummm…okay. Here goes nothing…It’s that slight glance of an ever so perfect ankle and, most importantly, Alpha male Daddy sole, Daddy…I know, it’s weird. Please don’t hate me. It just looks soooo meaty and perfect. All it makes me want to do is get down on my knees in front of You and beg you to let me worship your feet. I want it so badly.”

Daddy suddenly looked very bemused and didn’t reply for a good couple of seconds. He rubbed His handsome goatee a little and seemed to be computing and pondering this new information.

You started blushing. You were very worried Daddy would have nothing but judgement and shame for the confession that you had just made of the footslave beta self you really were…You felt worried and chastised yourself mentally. Had you completely blown it?

“Sorry, Daddy. I know it’s really weird, and probably not what you were expecting at all. I’ll just go…”

Still Daddy sat speechless, just thinking and twiddling his masculine, Alpha facial hair. You reached for your bag on the nightstand and started making movements to run away from this awkward and embarrassing situation.

But all of a sudden, you heard Daddy’s deep, gravelly voice:

“Look son, this is extremely unexpected. And nothing I ever thought I would hear. Most beta men your age want to worship My perfect, Alpha, muscle Daddy physique. They can spend hours rubbing, caressing, massaging, kissing and licking. And believe Me, Daddy loves feeling it. Above all, His power over weaker men. Just as His profile stated…muscle worship subs…But My meaty, smelly, wrinkly Daddy soles. Is that what you want all over your handsome boy face? Really?”

“Haha…umm yes Daddy. What can I say. I am a number one foot obsessive. Have been all my life. And from what I can just about make out from here…well, Yours look absolutely perfect!”

“Haha…well what can I say? Who should I be to deny you this mighty privilege? And what exactly do you want to do with Them? Tell Daddy your deepest foot fantasies…Go on. I’m all ears.”

“Um well all I want to do, like many of the others in this narrow, little publicised niche (hence why it’s not mentioned on my Grindr profile, I keep it strictly vanilla there) is to get right underneath Them, lick Them, kiss Them, love Them and look up at You in Your Alpha superiority as I do it.”

As you poured out your innermost desires, Daddy could see that you were already getting hard as a rock. Your Aussiebums didn’t leave much to the imagination at the best of times!

“Oh wow! Okay. Well. I can tell you know exactly how you want this to go. And you won’t be going anywhere near My perfect face, perfect torso, perfect legs or perfect 🐍? Really?”

“Umm no Daddy. If that’s okay with You. I just want to feel uncontrollably aroused under Your beautiful feet. Play with myself. Maybe You will tell me what a good, worshipping footbeta boy I am. And I will try to last as long as I can. But it won’t be long. With perfect Alpha soles like Yours. I am already in ecstasy, even just thinking about it and knowing You’re open to letting me try. Thank You Daddy.”

Daddy started stroking your head and hair.

“It’s okay boy. I’m going to call you my new footson from now on. Let’s go down this new path together. Daddy loves making His boys feel, understand and obey His power. I just never expected it would be My old, tired, smelly feet that someone would want…no, need, to use to get him there! Hahaha. Hey. Who am I to judge? Let’s see where this takes us.”

And with that Daddy beckoned for you to come closer and pointed down at the floor just by Him off the bed.

You got down onto the floor, underneath Him and He hovered His huge, meaty, perfect soles above your face. You couldn’t believe this was actually, really happening!

As He kept His incredible feet dangling above your face which was beaming in a huge, hungry smile, Daddy spoke again:

“Don’t expect Daddy to be too gentle with His words as you embrace your new place as His inferior, pathetic, new, beta, adoring foot-sl*t though okay? Just saying. It’s weird and Daddy intends to look down on you while you have your sordid way with His superior soles. He’s intrigued and questioning your twisted mind for wanting to worship, well, These…(He pointed to His soles and started wiggling His plump, masculine toes) over all His other ripe, Godly, domineering qualities…haha. Is that gonna work for you, My sole-pet?”

“Oh my God, Daddy, yes. Yes! That’s absolutely perfect!”

You couldn’t believe how quickly this perfect, Greek statue-like beefcake of a Daddy got the mental space His amazing Alpha soles put you in.

“How did You know so quickly what filthy, inferior footbetas like me crave from someone so statuesque, handsome and muscly, as Your Godly self?”

“Let’s just say SoleDaddy has realised He is able to be more on your wavelength than you thought. Haha.”

He chuckled and gave his beard another rub.

You looked puzzled.

He inched His soles ever closer to your face. You wanted so badly to stick out your tongue but you had to ask:

“Oh wait, what. So You knew all along, Daddy?”

“Haha yes, My new footslave. Let’s just say 0000 as a passcode on someone’s phone makes it not exactly the hardest to crack. Maybe Alpha Daddy had a quick check on your Twitter as you were in the bathroom? Or maybe…maybe you strategically left your phone easy to find, easy to open and magically left it right on the page of another handsome foot Daddy’s feed who seems to be doing this for a living…hahaha. Am I wrong?”

“No, Daddy.” You blushed. “Absolutely not! Oh my God…”

“Hahah…well Daddy aims to meet all His lucky slaves’ needs. This is going to be some fun. Let’s begin.”

“Really, Daddy? You really want to do this for me?”

“Yes, footboy. You’re home now. Under Alpha muscle Daddy’s soles. Right where you belong. Now get worshipping…! That’s it. I want Them absolutely glistening with your saliva…

Oh wow, I didn’t know sole and toe baths were going to feel this good. You seem to know exactly what you are doing, footsl*t. Something tells Me you have been waiting to do this all your life…

Oh yea, right there boy, keep sucking. In between those toes. Oh, wow, you’ve got Daddy’s flagpole in full, erect salute. Daddy is loving just how into His rank soles and smelly toes His new, twisted footboy really is…

Oh yes, Daddy’s feet now own you. Daddy’s feet control you. Let Daddy’s soles engulf your beta face and invade your sick, foot-obsessed mind…

Keep going. Daddy is going to tell you exactly what to do. From now on, Daddy’s feet control you. You’re going to live for doing this every, single day. Aren’t you a lucky boy. My Goood boyyyyy. My new footbeta boy. Oh yeahhhh….”

Both of you felt the electricity, the synergy and the excitement of the asymmetrical relationship that was being established with every sole lick, every toe suck, every tongue wiggle in between His incredibly masculine toes. Oh and His arches. They were so damn perfect. You were in ecstasy. And clearly so was your new Alpha, muscle Daddy. You could really get used to this!

It didn’t take too much longer before Daddy started counting down:

“Oh my gosh, footsl*t. You’re too f*ing good at this. You’re making Daddy such a proud footslave owner. I’m not gonna last much longer. Let’s go…”

You were both so erect. So aroused. So connected. You both started rubbing harder, faster and then some…


“Oh my God Daddy, I don’t know how much longer I can hold on…”

“I know footson. This is absolutely f*ing amazing…

“Keep going boy. Don’t stop…

“7…6, 5, 4…fuck boy you’re making Daddy soooo proud, such a good pet for Daddy’s soles, aren’t you…”

“Yea Daddy, oh my God Daddy, I love being Your number one footslave. Fuuuu****…

“Good footsl*t….Myyyy new footsl*t….3…2….anddd…

👣 👅 👅 🍆 🍆 ⚡️ 🔥 💦 💦


TOUGH DUDES Rafael Enrique

TOUGH DUDES — Rafael Enrique

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1 year ago

“That’s it, footboy. Keeping staring at Daddy’s soles and looking up at Daddy’s mesmerising eyes. Feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper into Daddy’s irresistible control.

“As Daddy’s toes wiggle, up and down, side to side, let your gaze look where it wants to look, without even trying to think about it.

“Daddy’s soles are the best. Daddy’s eyes make you feel good. No need to worry any more. Daddy’s got you, footboy. Just relax, breathe and come take your place underneath Daddy’s perfect soles. There, doesn’t that feel better, my good footslave?”

“Yes, Daddy, it feels amazing and so magical. Just seeing Your soles, listening to Your voice, staring into Your eyes, and feeling completely helpless to do anything but obey.”

“Good footboy. That’s exactly what Daddy wants to hear and see. That’s it. Get underneath Daddy’s paws. Inhale and exhale through them. You know this is what you were born to do.

“Oh and I can tell another part of you is equally as excited about everything that’s going on between us. Doesn’t it just feel soooo goooood to give in and let Daddy’s feet take their rightful place, above you, footboy?”

“Sooo goood, Daddy. You and Your feet are the best thing, ever.”

“Absolutely, my best footboy. Just keep submitting, and keep letting all parts of your body embrace their full surrender. Do as I say, and everything will be fine from now on. No more worries, just Daddy, Daddy’s feet and Daddy’s coaxing eyes. All You want to do is listen, obey and feel the ecstasy that comes with that. Don’t you, my good footsub? Understood?”

“Yes, Daddy. Thank You so much for offering me such an overwhelmingly sweet experience. I feel so much better, just to give in and let You and Your feet take over. I don’t know what to say.”

“Then stop talking. There’s nothing left to say. Just breathe, lick, caress, adore and feel the effect of Daddy’s perfect power. Good boy. No more talking now. No more thinking now. Listen, worship, and do as I say. Good boy. That’s it my best footboy. Whoa! Steady! We don’t want a beta-load explosion just quite yet, do we? Haha. Slowww down, relax, and just do what Daddy wants and tells you. You’re His now. You belong to His perfect feet. And you loooove it. Don’t you, my best footsub?

“Oh yes, I just know you do. No more worrying. No more overanalysing. Just Daddy, Daddy’s perfect eyes, Daddy’s perfect words, and Daddy’s perfect paws. What more could a helpless footbeta ask for? Haha. Oh yes, my best footboy. You just know exactly what to do in this amazingly sweet surrender. Keep going. Relax. You’re doing so well.”

sole-observer - Underfoot Fantasies

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1 year ago

Every time Master raises His smooth, meaty, masculine, and irresistible soles, you have no choice but to confess: You’re a successful, sorted, sane guy, but Master and His soles have total erotic control over everything you think, say and do.

From the moment you laid eyes on Him in the gym showers, you realised that He had the best confidence, power and mental and physical strength that you had ever witnessed, not to mention the sexiest feet you had ever had the fortune to observe.

The shift in the universe at that moment was undetectable to others, but undeniable within every atom of your own inner being and the subsequent update in dynamic that was established between you both was instantaneous.

He knew exactly what had happened. He saw your longing gaze and He immediately sensed that he was in the presence of the biggest, secret footbeta imaginable.

He told you to get dressed. He instructed you to take Him back to your house. He wasted no time in stripping down to only His underwear. You were stunned into silence, shocked into submission and powerless to do anything other than what He commanded.

You also undressed, the pole in your own boxer shorts, now on show, impossible to hide. He smiled. He knew He had achieved total success in owning you within milliseconds. You got down on the floor and stared up at your new FootMaster. You felt happy, you felt good, you felt completely powerless to resist. All you wanted from now on was to serve and earn the best male feet you had ever witnessed.

The past ended: The years of endless scrolling, dreaming, yearning, fantasising but always feeling unfulfilled.

The future began: A future of dedicating yourself fully to your new perfect Master and His perfect soles.

He moved in the next day and assumed the position of total Alpha male.

You looked after Him, you let Him take the reins. You prepared His meals, you did His chores, you ensured He was permanently totally at ease, and you forgot what it was like not to be living in the presence of an indestructible, Alpha FootMaster.

“Was this what other people called love?”

In return He let you worship Him every morning and every evening. You started sleeping at the foot of your bed, Him at the top, His soles firmly planted all over your face, all night long. You inhaled His scent every moment possible, both during your sleep and during your free waking hours. You licked His feet, you sucked His toes, and you massaged His perfect paws whenever you got the chance. He relaxed, He did whatever He wanted and you could do nothing but remain in a permanent state of arousal, bliss and subservience. The power He had over you felt so natural, so easy and so right.

To everyone else on the outside, it just seemed as though you had a new, handsome housemate. They guessed you two had just become new, very good friends, who spent all their free time together.

They noticed how much happier you seemed. They commended your new, better physique because you two had started going to the gym a lot more frequently. In the office, you worked even harder too, yearning to be the best version of yourself in order to provide everything necessary for your new foot Adonis.

Little did others know, what your life had actually become. Nobody else needed to know, in fact that what had come about, was everything you had silently ever dreamt of.

sole-observer - Underfoot Fantasies

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1 year ago

He casually dangles His irresistible, manly sole over the arm of the sofa and orders you to fetch Him a beer from the fridge, pointing without even looking up at you (no, Master only ever looked down at His favourite footsub).

He understands the power He wields via His virile, superior, Alpha feet. He knows the way He can get you to do anything He pleases.

You feel inferior, you feel weak, and you feel incredibly turned on.

“Yes, Master. Right away, anything for You and Your perfect paws.”

“That’s a good footbeta. You treat Your Master well, just as nature intended it.”

“Yes, Sir. I can’t help it. I’m obsessed with following Your orders and worshipping Your might.”

“I know you are, footslave. Master is very happy with how far you have been coming along. Once you get back, Master is going to bless You with the honour of being under His feet for as long as it takes Him to enjoy His cold beverage and you to carry out your business.

“I’ll leave you with that thought and that prospect as you go to the kitchen. Oh yes, Master can see that the desired effect is already taking full shape…


“My good footbeta. Go along now. Don’t keep Your Master waiting.”

“Yes, Boss, absolutely. One beer coming right up.”

You sigh with delight as you quickly make your way to the fridge. Your pole is in full salute. You feel so happy and so fulfilled. All that mattered was pleasing Your FootGod. It’s just how it was meant to be. You pop open the bottlecap, grab some salted pretzels from the cupboard, put them in a small bowl and rush back to the living room. What a good Alpha footservant you truly were. You feel so proud to be able to make Your Master happy.

“Good footslave. As promised, now you get everything you ever needed and desired as well.”

With that, Master clicks and points down. You waste no time in burying your face right where it belongs. Not an atom separates you and Your object of pure, blissful idolatry.

“Thank you, Master, thank you so much,” you utter as you let out further groans of ecstasy, “what You and Your amazing soles do to me. It’s total unadulterated pleasure. Thank You, Boss.”

“I know my good footslave, I know.” Master replies, patting you on the head and giving you a sexy and cocky grin.

“Now lose yourself. Go on. Cover My soles in your beta spit, make them glisten. Don’t forget to suck each and every Masterful toe, too. And the in between bits. Oh yeah, that’s your tongue’s absolute favourite resting place. Isn’t it, my best footboy? Your Alpha Master is just sooo good to you. You lucky, lucky foot freak. You have My permission to do whatever You need to do. Now go!”

👣 👅 🤚 🍆 💦 🤩

sole-observer - Underfoot Fantasies

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1 year ago

Daddy made you stop scrolling, didn’t He? 😏

Daddy’s soles immediately caused an uncontrollable twitching downstairs, didn’t they? 👣 🍆

Daddy knows everything you secretly need and crave, boy. Doesn’t He? 🛐

Don’t try to fight it. Daddy’s here to fulfil all your debauched, dirty, footbeta desires. He’s got you and there’s no turning back. 🔥 🔥

Don’t keep Daddy waiting now. He’s indicating exactly where your footslave face needs to be. ⬇️

Down on your knees. There’s a good footsub. Now beg. Beg to be allowed to worship, caress and then coat Daddy’s magnificent soles in your beta drool. Do it, footboy. Do it now. Lose yourself, surrender, and feel Daddy’s perfect sole power. 🌀 🌀

Good footboy. 💦 💦

You made Daddy very happy and proud. 🥰

Owned by Daddy’s perfect feet. Exactly where you have always longed to be. Ecstasy.🦶 ⛓️

Daddy Is Waiting!

Daddy is waiting!

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11 months ago

Yes, Master knows they’re perfect.

Yes, Master knows exactly what effect they’re going to exert immediately over your foot-obsessed, beta-brain.

Yes, Master does expect full and total worship of every single inch.

You can try to deny it, but all you truly desire is to kneel down before Him and beg to be allowed to make those feet sparkle, coated in your inferior sub-saliva.

Will you start by tracing each and every wrinkle with your beta-tongue?

Will you gradually move up to His meaty toes, sucking each one, one-by-one, ending up at the bulbous, juicy big toes?

Will you eventually be granted permission to insert your aching, rock-hard 🍆 in between His superior, high arches, thrusting away, back and forth, up and down, until you cannot take the ecstasy any more and you explode, cementing your status as Master’s number 1 foot-obsessed idolator?

Time to find out…

sole-observer - Underfoot Fantasies

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10 months ago

“H y p n o t i c, aren’t they, boy?”

🌀 🌀

“Totally, Daddy.”

“So masculine. So bone-stiffening. So damn hot.”

👣 🦴 💪🏼

“100 per cent, Sir.”

“Irresistible. Undeniable. And so enslaving.”

😍 🛐

“Absolutely, Master.”

“What are you, boy?”

“The luckiest Daddy foot-slave in the world, Daddy.”

“What completes you, boy?”

“Your soles, Daddy. Your feet. My world.”

“Such a good foot-beta for Me. Just as nature intended.”

“Yessss, Daddy. So, damn, lucky.”

“Now bow down. Put your mouth against My perfect soles. Inhale the scent of My superiority. Savour every, last, goddamn moment. That’s it, My good boy…We’ve begun..






“Keep going…

“Attend to that aching pole…

“Writhe in pure ecstasy…


“Don’t think. Just do…

“You’re at one with My perfect feet…

“Feeling so good, so enraptured, so happy, and so excited…

“Lick. Suck. Jerk. Give in…”

“It’s okay, My good footboy. Keep going. Daddy’s got you right where He wants you, and exactly where you belong…

“Such a good, loyal, loving foot-slave…

“You’re doing such a great job, My soles, your nature, your brain, your body, and you: the perfect union, just so electrifying…

“Feel the waves of pure joy coursing through you. Gosh that beta bone is so, damn hard, and so damn happy!”

“That’s it keep going. Right up to the edge. Let it happen, boy. Go ahead. You’ve earnt it…

“Now explode for Daddy, leak for Daddy’s feet, let those foot-beta juices flow on, and on, and on…

💦 💦

“Look at what My feet do to you. You truly are the best foot-beta any Foot-Daddy could ask for…

“You make your Daddy so proud, my foot-freak, so very proud…Now clean up this mess at once.”

sole-observer - Underfoot Fantasies

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10 months ago

He doesn’t even bother to look at you as you kneel at the other end of the sofa, with your face metres away from His perfect soles. All you can do is wait, drool, and dream about all the ways you want to show His feet pure, unadulterated worship and adoration.

Master will eventually give the sign then you, His devoted footsub, will be allowed to have your way with His meaty toes, His inviting sole wrinkles, and eventually His brilliant arches. He knows the power He has over you and how you will do absolutely anything He says just to be granted mere seconds at His feet.

The more He ignores you and makes you beg, the more you get turned on. He gives the orders. You follow them. Life’s pretty simple within this asymmetrical relationship. And you love it!

sole-observer - Underfoot Fantasies

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8 months ago

Master’s soles are all you crave.

Master’s scent is all you need.

Master’s feet control you, engulf you, and take away any memories you had of you being a normal, equal man.

You live to worship.

You exist to lick, suck, inhale, worship, and pray.

You are a footslave. Inferior, useless, and happy only when you are down, underneath His paws, and firmly under His perfect, masculine control.

Being there reminds you of everything you never have been, and never will be. He shows you who you really are. His feet are the gateway to realising your true self-purpose and identity.

All you can do is intoxicate yourself with the ecstasy He and His soles give you. All you can do is surrender, worship, stroke, and eventually pray to be given permission to 💦

You can’t hold on much longer. You hope Master’s countdown will come soon. And you hope it won’t be a long one.

You’re so weak…So hard, so aroused, so happy, and so very obsessed.

Good footslave.


sole-observer - Underfoot Fantasies

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7 months ago

Alpha Master seeks worthless beta’s faces to smother with His perfect soles.

He knows what you crave. He understands the relinquishment of power that you yearn to give Him. He will make sure that you become His inferior foot-object.

You will beg. You will worship. You will serve.

You will become nothing more than His welcome mat, His foot-stool, and His foot-obsessed slave.

Let Master remind you how very deeply you love and crave to to feel so little, so unequal, and so helpless to resist, down there, underneath Him.

Master’s feet will become all that matters. Won’t they, foot-boy?

It’s your destiny. Simple as that.

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7 months ago

Ever since you enlisted for the new local adult football team, you felt more inspired than ever to be the best version of yourself possible. Honestly, it had never been a sport that you excelled in before. But from the moment you laid eyes on the poster at the supermarket, scanned the QR code, and signed up for and attended the introductory meeting, you felt like a total pro out on that pitch. The whole team did. You were making quite a name for yourselves and the waiting list for other players from the region who wanted to join was apparently massive.

After each training session, you and your teammates all lined up, one-by-one, to have your personal feedback time with Coach. These would be pretty quick for training. And after each competition, they would extend up to eight to ten minutes each.

You all waited in the corridor without talking. Somehow you all just knew from your induction onwards that this was a sacred moment, not to be disrespected.

Every one of your eyes displayed the utmost amount of eagerness. Some of you fidgeted. All of you adjusted your shorts, unaware that each other was doing the same.

Once your turn arrived, you got into the His office, and the rest of your mind went pleasantly blank. All you knew was that you went in, time passed, and then you came out again feeling motivated, revitalised, and overwhelmingly impatient to come back again the next day. After feedback you went to the showers, and you and the others could do nothing but smile at each other, give friendly hugs, and pat each other on the back as you made your way there. The physical contact represented an undeniable camaraderie. It felt so good to know that you all felt ecstatic to be there together.

None of you realised you were rock hard while doing this. None of you saw the posters in the changing room of the same Coach’s feet you all just worshipped, licked, cleaned, rubbed, and prayed at a few moments ago. None of you knew the group ritual that was then happening as you formed a circle, around the largest image of His godly soles, on the floor of the communal shower area, and jerked off together, in unison, chanting a celebratory phrase, idolising Coach’s soles, pledging allegiance to Him and to them, and vowing to keep trying your ultimate best, to be worthy of staying on the team, excelling in all matches, and earning the privilege of further foot adoration. You all felt the most aroused you had ever done in your lives, as you were so close to true greatness. This circle completed you, the game made you feel alive, and Coach was responsible, it was only right therefore that Coach’s feet receive an offering of your beta-s*m*n. Together as one you came. For Coach.

💦 💦 💦 👣 💦 💦 💦

Elsewhere, your girlfriend said she was the most satisfied she had ever been. And your confidence in all life areas was through the roof.

It didn’t occur to you ever to question why everything suddenly slotted into place. Nor did you wonder what made you came out with an unusual taste in your mouth? Ans that aching 🦴? Or that b*lls*ck that was light as a feather?

Whatever it was, it felt like success. And you felt so satisfied, and with that, so grateful. You just wanted more, more, and more!

You Have 3 Minutes To Make My Foot Spotless! GO, Slave !

You have 3 minutes to make my foot spotless! GO, slave ⏳️ !

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6 months ago

“Oh, what’s that, boy? You have an instant desire to submit to Daddy’s perfect, meaty, Alpha soles?

“Don’t panic! You’re not the first and you certainly won’t be the last…

“Daddy can’t even begin to tell you how many foot fetishes He has helped unlock within subs over the years…

“I know, I know, you were just cruising for a regular vanilla older man…and?

“Stop trying to act like you’re grossed out. That look in your eyes tells Me, a Daddy Foot Alpha, everything I need to know.

“That’s it. Let it wash over you. Give into your mesmerisation. Let My feet teach you a world of new, unbridled pleasure and wisdom…

“See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it boy?

“Oh wait. It’s so funny. When I said the word ‘hard’, it’s as if something else inside you woke sharply up. Haha.

“My Alpha Daddy Feet have taken over your eyeline, your curiosity, your brain, and now your beta body too.

“Who knew surrendering to Daddy’s feet would feel so damn good? You youth should have more faith in elders. We have been around the block and then some, and picked up a thing or two along the way…

“So where does this leave us now, huh? Where do we go from here? It’s getting so HARD to think straight, isn’t it, boy?

“Let Daddy break down what’s happened, and then what’s going to happen next, okay?

“1. You turned up for a regular, vanilla session with an older man who you found hot so decided to cruise. Correct?

“2. Then you arrived, the door was open, and you let yourself in, as I told you too. See, I was already planting instructional seeds and you were obeying. Right?

“3. You went down the corridor and heard Me tell you to come into the living room. Unfazed so far, you did as I said, came in and found Me with My Daddy paws already up on My coffee table. You saw them before you even looked up to see Me. I had already seen in you, everything I needed to know, so I let you stop in your tracks and take in the scene before you. And that leads us up to now…Are you still following Me boy?

“It seems the more I talk, and the more you stare at My handsome soles, the HARDER and HARDER it gets to look away. Correct?

“Let me explain it to you further, boy. An indelible and irreversible connection has been instilled between My feet, My voice, your eyes, your ears, your mind, and now your 🍆 too.

“You could have taken one look, panicked that I was a weirdo, turned the other way, and run back out that door. But you didn’t do that, did you?

“No, exactly.

“The more you stare at My feet, the more you listen to My words, the more you let Me take over, the better it keeps on feeling. It’s too HARD to disagree now, isn’t it, boy?

“That’s it. You have opened yourself up, you have let Daddy and His Alpha Feet pervade your entire being. It’s only natural now that all you desire is to explore the greatness that Daddy’s soles can keep on bringing you. It’s time to get undressed now, footboy. It’s time to get on your knees. It’s time to make contact with My Alpha Paws. Got it?

“That’s it, good boy. Oh wow, that rock hard 🦴 is so very happy with this new experience, isn’t it, boy?

“You’re so very excited to become one of Daddy’s new footboys. Daddy and His feet are making you feel so good, so happy, so aroused.

“Goooood foootboyyyyy. Keep listening to My words. Keep following My commands. Start rubbing My Alpha Feet. You will feel better than you have ever felt before. Trust Me.

“We’re going to have so much fun today, aren’t we, My best new footslave? That’s right. You’ve done so well to come this far. You deserve these incredible, new, overwhelmingly joyful sensations. You deserve Daddy’s Alpha Male Feet.

“You will rub, you will caress, you will worship. You will lick, you will suck, and you will jerk. Everything is making so much sense now. There’s no need for you to do any more thinking of your own, is there? It feels so very good to give in, let go, stop worrying about the pressures and stresses of everyday life. I’m unlocking your new bliss. You’re so very lucky.

“Such a lucky footboy…”

👣 …👀…😵‍💫…👂…🍆…⛓️…✋…👅 …🐶…🛐…🍆✋…💦💦…👅😍⛓️

sole-observer - Underfoot Fantasies

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6 months ago

“All you need to do is focus on My Feet now…

“Nothing else in the world matters but My Master Feet…


“Stare at Master’s incredibly powerful soles…

“Take in Master’s big, plump, suckable toes…

“Admire Master’s perfectly-sized arches…

“Wonder what it would be like to touch and lick Master’s sole wrinkles…

“Glare at Master’s Feet in all their Beauty and Glory…


“There really is nothing wrong with falling for Master’s Superior Feet…

“Don’t be embarrassed about that massive 🦴 that Master’s Feet are giving you, either…

“All you dream of doing, from now on, is worshipping Master’s Masculine Soles…

“All you crave is inhaling Master’s Masculine Scent…

“All you desire is to show Master’s Feet just how much you’ve fallen in love with Them…


“That’s it, footboy, give in to Master, surrender to His Perfect Feet, let His Mighty Paws take over all your waking thoughts…

“Exist to serve, live to worship, make Master’s Perfect Feet your reason for being…


“It just feels so good to be able to admit that, finally, you are nothing but a foot-beta, doesn’t it? A little, foot-obsessed slave, willing to do anything to be able to spend time at and under Master’s Soles, Master’s Toes, Master’s Feet, Master’s Arches…Master’s control.

“There’s nothing to feel ashamed about. Your 🍆 tells you everything you need to know. Life is better when you stop pretending, stop fantasising, and start living your truth.

“Make Master proud. Show Him just how grateful you are to have the privilege and honour of being His foot-beta, His Foot-slave, His Feet’s property. Yes. Oh yes.


“You’re doing so well, My good footboy. Keep on going. That’s it. Lose yourself in Master’s Alpha Foot Worship. Allow yourself to enjoy every caress, every lick, every little moment of sucking. Make those Feet glisten with your beta saliva. And maybe, just maybe, when you have been a really good foot-slave, Master will let you coat Them with another beta-liquid. Okay? How does that sound?

“Oh, your mouth is too busy and too full to talk? Your nodding and your 🪨 hard 🦴 say it all, don’t worry, little Foot-pet. You’re doing so well!


“Keep it up. Keep going. You got this. You deserve this. And Master’s got you…

“Such a lucky, little, footslave, aren’t you? Making Master so very proud of you. Life led you here, and now you are Mine.

“From now on, you are eternally bound to Master and His Perfect Feet…and it’s all you ever really wanted. Master’s going to go quiet for a while now. But you just keep on worshipping, okay?


The more Master ignored you, the harder you got, and the better you felt. Even more in the place you always knew, deep down, that you needed to be. Master was entirely right. This really was all you ever secretly prayed to become. How long you had spent, pretending you were like others, trying to fit in with a vanilla-obsessed world?

But no. You’re not that, are you?

You truly are just a pathetic, little footslave.

Master finally came into your unfulfilled life and allowed you to realise your dreams, your duties, and your destiny. Finally!


The more you lost yourself in worshipping His Perfect Feet, the greater the connection between you, the foot-beta, and Him, the ignoring Alpha Master became.

Oh god, you were so hard, so aroused, and in such bliss.

Master told you, if you were very good for long enough, maybe He would grant you permission to unload, release, and cement your new life in the clearest way possible. You could not imagine anything more perfect.

All thoughts needed to fade away now. All you needed to do was stay down there, at Master’s Perfect Feet, worshipping, making Him happy, making Him proud.

He decided from now on. You obeyed.

His Feet were all that mattered.

They were so damn perfect. And they did things to you that nobody or nothing had done before.










Falling deeper and deeper under Master’s Feet, and under Master’s control.

Being ignored.



Fulfilling your destiny as Master’s Number 1 Footslave.

Letting all other thoughts and feelings fade away.

Becoming the new you.


“It’s time, footboy.”

👣 🍆 💦 💦 💦





sole-observer - Underfoot Fantasies

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5 months ago

Master made you stop scrolling.

His abnormally high, so f*ckable arches made you stay.

His captivating wrinkles, His bulbous toes, and most of all, His manly, meaty soles.

Yes, everything about this Alpha arrests you in your tracks, and makes you crave so much more.

Admit it, you’d do *anything* to serve at Master’s feet. You’d do anything to worship Master’s paws. Being underneath Master is where you belong.

Say it back.

sole-observer - Underfoot Fantasies

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5 months ago

“That’s right. Just look. Just stare. Just DROP.”

🌀 🌀

“Oh wait. Suddenly all you want to do is worship my soles?”

“Funny that.”


“Oh, yeah, you’re on your knees.”

“Oh, yeah, you’re begging to lick.”

“Oh, yeah, you’re Master’s good little foot-boy?”

*Pants, drools, waits*

“Well go on then.”

👣 👅

“Good footsub.”

sole-observer - Underfoot Fantasies

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