Master Feet - Tumblr Posts
Have you been a good boy for Daddy today?
Very well.
You deserve your daily hour of bliss, down at Daddy’s feet, staring up at Him. As always, Daddy’s here for you. Only He enables you to lose yourself completely, in unadulterated, frenzied worship, surrendering, and happiness.
Let’s see what today’s menu dictates:
First, Daddy requires you to start by sucking on each of His plump, meaty toes, one by one.
Then, He demands a tongue bath for each and every gap in between them.
Afterwards, you will move onto a sensual and devoted massage, caressing at first His rigid, attention-grabbing tops, then moving onto His perfect, irresistibly high arches.
Then finally, you’ll be permitted to end up at His soles. You may start with gentle puppy licks, but must gradually intensify into longer, more desperate motions. Your only goal by this point will be to coat them entirely in your footbeta saliva. Saliva is THE key for the last, little, extra step.
Only once every single part of Daddy’s magnificent, manly, mighty feet have been completely serviced (as they fully deserve) will His countdown start. Only then will you be able to attend to your own, debauched, foot-obsessed, slave needs. He loves to make you wait, make you beg, and build up all that His feet give to and do to you. He knows the self-fulfilling prophecy, only He can relieve for you.
Don’t worry, boy. Daddy’s got you. Daddy’s got everything you need, crave, and desire. He knows exactly how to make sure He keeps getting only the best out of you through His expertise, control, and undeniably huge experience with weird foot-freaks like yourself.
Only Daddy understands.
Aren’t you the luckiest footboy in the world?

Warning 1: Alpha Daddy Aslan’s soles will immediately enrapture you in just one glance.
Warning 2: When you behold such perfection before you, you’re likely to have a total sensory overload. You’re right to do so. And there’s nothing an inferior footsub like you can do about it.
Warning 3: That beta life of lacking belonging leads to an insatiable yearning to dedicate your existence to the adoration of something and someone, more attractive than you, more successful, more manly, and overwhelmingly more important.
Warning 4: In this all-round superior’s service and devotion you will find what you have been looking for, but there will be absolutely no turning back. Alpha Daddy Aslan will both complete and enslave you.
Warning 5: By getting this far, Alpha Daddy Aslan has already cast the foundations of all that He needs to do for your mind to melt, your resistance to start fading away, and your desire to be nothing but His number one idolator cemented.
You’re blessed to be in the presence of such greatness. There is no parallel for the level of happiness inspired within you. Every atom of your body has become intoxicated with the dopamine that Alpha Daddy Aslan’s soles inevitably and inextricably incite within you.
No need to hide it, no need to fight it, Alpha Daddy Aslan will take over from here.
Good footboy. 🐶 Let it happen. 🍆 That’s it. 🌀 You’re His now. 💦 Aren’t you? 🛐

Aslan admir turkish daddy 👣🔥🔥🇹🇷
I don’t know what’s more mesmerising between the beautiful scenery and the masculine, meaty, male soles.
To live in such surroundings, come home, get underneath those powerful paws, and be able to give them the worship and attention they truly deserve would, indeed, constitute paradise!
🏝️ 👣 👅 🤩 🍆
Yes, Master knows they’re perfect.
Yes, Master knows exactly what effect they’re going to exert immediately over your foot-obsessed, beta-brain.
Yes, Master does expect full and total worship of every single inch.
You can try to deny it, but all you truly desire is to kneel down before Him and beg to be allowed to make those feet sparkle, coated in your inferior sub-saliva.
Will you start by tracing each and every wrinkle with your beta-tongue?
Will you gradually move up to His meaty toes, sucking each one, one-by-one, ending up at the bulbous, juicy big toes?
Will you eventually be granted permission to insert your aching, rock-hard 🍆 in between His superior, high arches, thrusting away, back and forth, up and down, until you cannot take the ecstasy any more and you explode, cementing your status as Master’s number 1 foot-obsessed idolator?
Time to find out…

“H y p n o t i c, aren’t they, boy?”
🌀 🌀
“Totally, Daddy.”
“So masculine. So bone-stiffening. So damn hot.”
👣 🦴 💪🏼
“100 per cent, Sir.”
“Irresistible. Undeniable. And so enslaving.”
😍 🛐
“Absolutely, Master.”
“What are you, boy?”
“The luckiest Daddy foot-slave in the world, Daddy.”
“What completes you, boy?”
“Your soles, Daddy. Your feet. My world.”
“Such a good foot-beta for Me. Just as nature intended.”
“Yessss, Daddy. So, damn, lucky.”
“Now bow down. Put your mouth against My perfect soles. Inhale the scent of My superiority. Savour every, last, goddamn moment. That’s it, My good boy…We’ve begun..
“Keep going…
“Attend to that aching pole…
“Writhe in pure ecstasy…
“Don’t think. Just do…
“You’re at one with My perfect feet…
“Feeling so good, so enraptured, so happy, and so excited…
“Lick. Suck. Jerk. Give in…”
“It’s okay, My good footboy. Keep going. Daddy’s got you right where He wants you, and exactly where you belong…
“Such a good, loyal, loving foot-slave…
“You’re doing such a great job, My soles, your nature, your brain, your body, and you: the perfect union, just so electrifying…
“Feel the waves of pure joy coursing through you. Gosh that beta bone is so, damn hard, and so damn happy!”
“That’s it keep going. Right up to the edge. Let it happen, boy. Go ahead. You’ve earnt it…
“Now explode for Daddy, leak for Daddy’s feet, let those foot-beta juices flow on, and on, and on…
💦 💦
“Look at what My feet do to you. You truly are the best foot-beta any Foot-Daddy could ask for…
“You make your Daddy so proud, my foot-freak, so very proud…Now clean up this mess at once.”

He doesn’t even bother to look at you as you kneel at the other end of the sofa, with your face metres away from His perfect soles. All you can do is wait, drool, and dream about all the ways you want to show His feet pure, unadulterated worship and adoration.
Master will eventually give the sign then you, His devoted footsub, will be allowed to have your way with His meaty toes, His inviting sole wrinkles, and eventually His brilliant arches. He knows the power He has over you and how you will do absolutely anything He says just to be granted mere seconds at His feet.
The more He ignores you and makes you beg, the more you get turned on. He gives the orders. You follow them. Life’s pretty simple within this asymmetrical relationship. And you love it!

Newspaper Reading Time has become a very special moment to start the day off between you and your Daddy-FootMaster-Husband.
You wake up at 7am sharp and go straight to the local newsagent’s where you pick up His favourite broadsheet together with a small bottle of fresh, semi-skimmed milk. You waste no time, pay, and hurry back to ensure His day starts off just as He likes it to.
You go straight to the kitchen, boil the kettle, and pour the water and milk into the cup to make His coffee, just the way He requires and deserves. As you take it into the living room and lay out His paper ready, He comes down the stairs, sits in His favourite armchair, removes His masculine dressing-gown, and kicks off His favourite moccasins. He assumes His position. You imagine Him as a mighty King on His rightful throne.
As He flicks through the headlines and starts sipping his morning brew, you are already kneeling down on the other side of the coffee table, salivating in front of His phenomenal soles, waiting patiently.
As He turns the first few pages, you listen for Him to give you His next commands.
Usually, by the time He gets to page 3 or 4, He is ready to let you start diving in. Today was no exception.
“You’ve got until the end of this section to give My soles the best wake-up, foot massage possible, footslave.” He barks.
You willingly obey. You embrace every inch with your trembling hands. As you rub them, caress them, stroke them in the most fitting way you possibly can, your flagpole awakens and instinctively goes into half-mast almost automatically and instantaneously. You feel alive!
“Good start, slave, now for the Commentaries’ section which means 10 minutes or so of licking and sucking for you, My lucky foot-boy.
Wow, someone’s really digging right in and enjoying himself this fine Saturday morning, aren’t they, foot-beta?”
“Yes, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy.”
“Your welcome, my best boy.” He replies, reaching down to pat your head. You quiver at His touch and then, again, you continue to follow His instructions to the letter.
You trace every beautiful wrinkle with your tongue. You cover His paws entirely in glistening sub-saliva. Then you move onto His plump, meaty toes. One by one, you suck, inhale, and exhale. Then slide down in between. No part is left unbathed. He smiles and carries on taking in the daily articles. He barely looks down but He doesn’t have to. You always know when you’re doing everything just as He likes, requires and wholeheartedly deserves for having the most amazing feet and soles that you have ever laid your foot-obsessed eyes on. This was what heaven felt like.
Your 🦴 was now fully in salute, aching, embracing every moment of your worshipful bliss.
You couldn’t wait to be invited to reach the culmination of this morning’s daily event.
“Oh yes, My best foot-slave, you’re doing such a good job. As you always do. You make Daddy’s feet feel so good. I’m onto the sporting results now, footboy. We all know what that means.” He lowered the paper for a second and gave you a sexy grin from His oh-so-handsome, silver fox face. As He brought the paper back up in front of His eyes, He also moved His soles so that they were together. His incredibly high sole arches made the best hole imaginable. Your 🦴 was leaking.
“Go ahead my best foot-soldier,” he says, “you’ve earnt it.”
And with that, you don’t need to hesitate. You release your 🍆 from your jogging shorts. You manoeuvre yourself just to the place and angle you need to be in. And you begin to thrust. Daddy’s going to get to the last page very soon, so you know you don’t have very long. Your 🦴 is aching with pleasure as it brushes past all His perfect wrinkles, still wet with your spit from moments ago. Waves of ecstasy course through you. You go harder and faster. Nothing in the world could stop you.
He puts His paper to one side. He starts His famous countdown. This was your absolute favourite moment of the whole day.
“10…9…8…keep going strong My dear footboy…7…6…5…I can see just how much you love My perfect Daddy paws, you lucky, lucky boy…4…nearly there…”
You try to hold on. You know Daddy only likes you to release on zero. Will you make it? It was so hard!
“3…hold it My boy, be patient…”
You wanted to please Daddy. You wanted to be His best footboy so badly.
Damn. 🌋 eruption. You didn’t quite make it. 💦
“Uh oh…” Daddy said, with a wry smile.
You were just coming down from your best high possible. You looked up at Him. He was still smiling but He raised His eyebrows in a way only He knew how to do. You knew exactly what that meant.
“Oh dear, my best foot-slave couldn’t quite hold on today. Could he?”
“No Daddy, I’m so sorry. I just can’t help it. Your feet, Your soles, Your energy…everything is just too perfect.”
“I know, boy, I know. It’s okay. Come here.” He said gently but with a hint of sternness. He reached out His arms to give you a cuddle. You nestled into His chest and sighed.
“Let’s see,” He continued, as He stroked your hair and consoled you, “clean me up well, and that might just soften the punishment that your best Foot-Daddy is going to have to administer to you. Can’t say I’m nothing but very generous with you. Can you?”
“No Daddy, absolutely. Thank you so much. I love worshipping You and Your perfect feet so very much.”
“I know boy, I know.”
He finished caressing you and guided your mouth down to His crotch area. You knew what you had to do. As you licked up your mess, your 🦴 started getting semi-hard again. You didn’t look up but you knew that was probably already giving Daddy food for thought again. You winced a little.
Once you stopped vacuuming up every last drop, Daddy moved your head to the side and got up.
“Oh my dear footboy. Daddy’s been treated well. You’re a good boy. Aren’t you?”
“Yes Daddy. I hope so, Daddy.”
“You are, my dear footslave, you are.”
As He spoke these words He moved himself over to the side-cabinet, and reached into the drawer you were dreading He would.
“Daddy’s feeling very generous today, despite that slight premature leakage. So as you only made it to 2, that means just 2 days of being locked away. That’s certainly very fair of Me. Yes, My boy?”
You solemnly agreed, despairing at the lack of self-control Daddy’s feet inspired within you. You were only human. You couldn’t help it. But you winced inside at the idea of 2 days without release. Damn!
“Good boy. You need Daddy’s guiding hand as well as Daddy’s perfect feet. You’ll be the ultimate best foot-slave. Daddy’s determined about that! Now go get yourself cleaned up. I’ll be here waiting. Okay, boy?”
“Yes Daddy, absolutely Daddy.” You replied, stilling mentally telling yourself off but you knew Daddy was the last man anyone could dream of arguing with. In fact it turned you on even more to know He was a proper Master and He knew exactly what He wanted. His high expectations did bring out the best in you. So you could do nothing more than agree.
“That’s my best boy. I’m so proud of you.” He replied, patting your head again and waving the chastity belt in your face. “Daddy has your best interest at heart. Daddy knows what’s good for you. Doesn’t He?”
“Yes, Daddy. Thank you so much, Daddy. You do. I’m so very grateful to have a FootDaddy such as you. I know, I really am.”
“Very good, footslave, very good. Now off you go. Shower-time. I’ll be here. Ready?”
Sidenote: Every now and then you come across the epitome of everything you love in a man’s soles. These ones are particularly perfect - with just the right balance of wrinkles, meaty, manliness, plump toes, so very worshippable in so many ways! If anyone knows who this is or where it’s from, please let me know. 😊
Hope you enjoyed this longer than usual excerpt! Got a bit carried away, inspired by such beauty! 😄

You read, i play😉
“Hey boy. Oh, what’s that? You want Me to squish you like the little bug that you are with My superior, mighty, dirty, virile feet?
Of course you do.
Well okay then. Consider it done.
That’s it slave. Get your inferior face right down there, perfectly underneath them. Inhale. Lick. Lose yourself. Feel Master’s soles, towering above you, dominating you, giving you total utter bliss, just like your pathetic, twisted mind has always craved.
Oh my, someone’s enjoying this just a little too much. Aren’t they?
Again? Really? Okay. Sure. Round two - Let’s go!
👅😵💫🛐 🍆 💦
Yeah. Just as I thought, My perfect, filthy, hooked, little footboy.
Well done. Another one? Wow someone is too addicted and insatiable. But that’s cool. My power over you is textbook. You just know it, don’t you.
Yeah boy! Don’t stop. Let it happen. Such an inferior boy for Master’s feet.
So mesmerised. So obedient. So f***ing aroused. Well, far be it for Me to stop this magic!
Keep going. Master can keep this up ALL day long.
That’s right, My dear footpup.
Just as nature intended.”

“Hey, little guy. Look, it’s time for us to have a talk…
Coach caught you off-guard as you finished up on the weightlifting bench. He had been eyeing you oddly ever since you had set foot in the gym that day. Three weeks since you and your friend had started coming, after the recommendation of his massage therapist. You didn’t know this guy but you had seen him around and he had a perfect, muscly, stacked body from head to toe. So it felt completely natural to follow his footsteps and see what happened.
You expected the coach to say something about your reps. Maybe you hadn’t been pushing yourself as much as he thought you should? So you listened to him speak. He started:
“Ever since you and your friend started coming to My gym, I’ve noticed that you just can’t stop staring at My feet…
Oh shit. That’s not what you expected him to say at all. It’s true that you found him irresistibly sexy, and that something about his energy had made you unable to look away from his 🐾. Being a big, male, foot-fetishist was your biggest secret, after all. But you thought you did a good job of hiding it in general. Had you just been unmasked for the first time ever?!?
He continued:
“At first I figured you were just a bit shy and all considering you kept looking down at the ground. Maybe My big muscles and Alpha attitude made you feel, like, inferior. That wouldn’t be so unusual. Plenty of guys find it hard to look Me in the eyes when they first meet Me. But you, nah, you’re not that way inclined, are you?
You found yourself yearning to reply no, but what came out was actually: “No, Sir. Sorry, Sir.”
He ignored your apology as if it was normal to him. He continued:
“You come, you both follow my training schedule, you’re both losing weight fast and developing good tone, but something strange keeps happening…
“So what is it? Have you got some big, gay crush on MY FEET? C’mon, say something. This is all just getting a bit too hard to ignore. I mean, My feet are perfect, right? Every part of Me is just so masculine. It makes sense.
Suddenly, He pulled out an action figure from His shorts pocket. And He went to sit down on the weightlifting bench that you had just been on, in front of you both. He lifted His feet from the ground, and put this little figure in between His soles! You couldn’t believe what was happening. Had He planned this to the last detail?
He continued saying:
“Look at this little action figure, struggling between My meaty soles. Do you wish that was you, or something?
“I knew I had to grab your attention in some way. Well here it is. Do you crave to be crushed under My virile power? Are you going to beg to be My footslave? You may as well just come out and say it. Somehow I think you’re destined to be My new beta-footlicker. What do you think?
With the surprise of the situation, His undeniable candour, and His own way of speaking so affirmatively, your d**k started reacting in a very unexpected way…
He looked at the effect He, His feet, and His proposal was having on you, and He wasted no time in declaring:
“I can see the effect the idea is having on you. Wow that’s crazy. It’s making you so hard, so aroused. Well there’s no point in denying it further. Get on your knees and beg to My new foot-freak. Go on. We could make this interesting for the both of us. Haha look your friend can see you drooling. How pathetic you must truly feel.
“Let’s go..
With that your new Alpha Coach Foot-Master clicked His fingers and pointed. You moved fast, you lay down on the floor, you stuck your tongue out and you coated His magnificent soles in your beta saliva. Big, long, strong licks, covering every inch of the skin on the underside of His feet. As you did so, you felt incredibly alive. You forgot the unexpectedness and weirdness of Him doing this in the gym, in front of your friend and everyone else around. You could only focus on the fact that you felt like you were in total bliss. Master’s feet engulfed your face. They were controlling you. They made you feel so good. Why had you fought this for so damn long? You were a little male foot-fetishist, you always had been, and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it. The nights you spent jerking off over foot porn, over and over again, followed by shutting down the laptop and carrying on as if nothing had happened. It was damn time you finally got what you knew you truly craved, desired, and needed!
Thinking about your friend watching and discovering your dirty, little secret should have petrified you. But in fact it sent even more waves of joy and pleasure coursing through your veins, your whole body, and your overridden mind.
Before you knew what you were doing, you’d frantically pulled down your shorts, revealing your 🦴 which was in full, uncontrollable salute. Your new Master manoeuvred Himself slightly, leaving one of His mighty soles covering your pathetic beta face. While the other stomped down on your 🍆 area. He was now in contact with your hard, aroused pole. And it felt electric! ⚡️ It didn’t take much for Him to give you a few gentle rubs, and you could hold on no more. You convulsed, you shivered in ecstasy, and you 💦 right there, on the gym floor, in plain sight of your friend and the other guys on the machines. You were from now on a truly outed foot-sub, galore. Master saw through all your pretence and just gave you the sensation of a lifetime…And it felt so right! You moaned as you 💦 some more. You sighed. You breathed fast. And then you felt totally complete.
Master handed you a towel and told you to get cleaned up. Then He said that He wished to have a private chat with you in His office. He was suddenly a lot more matter-of-fact, whereas before He had been a little bit coy when He seduced you with His action-man foot scenario.
You washed away your beta-semen, pulled up your shorts and shifted to get up to follow Him.
As you did, you wondered if the last 15 minutes had been a weird, lovely dream. They hadn’t.
He extended His hand to help you stand. It was as if He was sending a message to everyone around Him who may well be in complete shock at what they had just seen taking place. Your Alpha-Coach-Master was clearly signalling that nobody was to react or find what had just happened at all strange. He was so domineering. So powerful. Nobody seemed to question anything, all because He was who He was. He ran this gym. His clients were all under His powerful influence, clearly.
You could do nothing but bathe in His Alpha glory as He led you into the back. You felt safe and you felt protected. Like He was putting a magic bubble around you, making sure His new little footslave was at ease and ready to embrace his future. You honestly felt like you were floating on air. You were nervous as to what He was going to suggest next. You trembled with suspense and delight. You knew your life had changed irreversibly and forever. You gave a huge grin, and you felt a kind of peace and serenity that you had never experienced even one time before. You knew this was the way it was supposed to be. And you were getting hard again to boot.
What a lucky little footbeta you truly were!

Master’s soles are all you crave.
Master’s scent is all you need.
Master’s feet control you, engulf you, and take away any memories you had of you being a normal, equal man.
You live to worship.
You exist to lick, suck, inhale, worship, and pray.
You are a footslave. Inferior, useless, and happy only when you are down, underneath His paws, and firmly under His perfect, masculine control.
Being there reminds you of everything you never have been, and never will be. He shows you who you really are. His feet are the gateway to realising your true self-purpose and identity.
All you can do is intoxicate yourself with the ecstasy He and His soles give you. All you can do is surrender, worship, stroke, and eventually pray to be given permission to 💦
You can’t hold on much longer. You hope Master’s countdown will come soon. And you hope it won’t be a long one.
You’re so weak…So hard, so aroused, so happy, and so very obsessed.
Good footslave.

The more you stare at Sir’s captivating soles, the harder it gets to look away.
The more you get mesmerised by Sir’s magnificent feet, the more under their and His spell you truly fall.
The more you finally admit that you crave nothing more than to be underneath, the more your 🦴 aches in potential pleasure.
His undeniable arches, His plump, inviting toes, His soft, wrinkled skin. Everything about them and therefore Him makes you convulse with ecstasy.
So just set yourself free, let yourself go, and succumb.
Unzip, free yourself, give in, ogle, stroke, submit, worship, repeat. So, so lost in bliss, and so very deeply aroused.
Keep going, do it again, cover those feet with all your beta saliva. Suck each bulbous toe. Slide your tongue in between as you stroke, rub, and jerk your meat to your heart’s content.
Non-verbally, He promises He’ll take care of you. Something inside knows that you won’t regret it. You’ve been waiting and yearning for this moment for years.
Nothing to do from now on, except obey.
You already know there’s no turning back.
Sir’s soles had you at hello.
Kiss them, look up at Him as He looks down at you, and thank Him. Feel His power, Feel His strength, let His soles’ magic take over. Then explode. 💦
“Good footboy. My good footbetaboy. You’re home now.” He says as He pats you on the head and nudges your face into His arches. He grins, He really appears proud of you, and He utters, “On to round two. Go!”

Sexy grandpa feet
With each long lick, you fall more deeply under Master’s powerful control.
With each long tongue caress, you inhale His scent, intoxicating your beta brain, making you more and more helpless to resist; and why would you when all that happens when you give in is that you get even more deeply aroused?
With each back and forth motion, you are consistently reminded that Master’s feet are all that matter.
Worshipping them is both your absolute purpose in life, and your utter privilege.
The day Master saw who you truly were and put you on your knees, was the day you truly started living.
So keep licking footboy. Keep embracing your best life. Keep reinforcing your lifelong bond to Master’s soles.
Master will reward you as best He sees fit, once He deems that you have earnt it. Until then, don’t stop. Just show him that you know what a lucky footslave you truly are.
Good footsl*t.

Alpha Master seeks worthless beta’s faces to smother with His perfect soles.
He knows what you crave. He understands the relinquishment of power that you yearn to give Him. He will make sure that you become His inferior foot-object.
You will beg. You will worship. You will serve.
You will become nothing more than His welcome mat, His foot-stool, and His foot-obsessed slave.
Let Master remind you how very deeply you love and crave to to feel so little, so unequal, and so helpless to resist, down there, underneath Him.
Master’s feet will become all that matters. Won’t they, foot-boy?
It’s your destiny. Simple as that.
Last month, you listed your spare room in the classifieds. You needed the extra money, because you were saving up for a new car.
You chose to put the ad on a new gay website that your friend had told you about. Who knew? Maybe the man of your dreams would be just around the corner? It was worth a try.
You chose your best picture and put as many key details as you could think of. Good job, good neighbourhood, friendly, sane, sorted, pretty normal guy seeks a reliable lodger. What more could a sensible person looking want?
The guy who responded first was too young, fresh out of college, on a temporary job contract, too unsure of his future prospects. The second was too unfriendly - impolite, no manners, demanding lots of unnecessary information…no; something just didn’t appeal straight away. Then as soon as Number 3 came through, you just knew it had to be Him. His job was just listed as ‘freelance’, but that could mean anything, right? His message was pitched just right, the rest of His profile was too; His tone exuded confidence, without being over-arrogant…and okay…His pictures were nothing short of perfect. He had a stocky build, a devilishly handsome face, and His eyes were captivatingly charming.
You wasted no time, quickly responding, being sure to impress on Him that He seemed ideal. He seemed happy with the reply, and very interested, so you and He arranged for Him to come for a viewing the next day.
You spent the best part of that Saturday cleaning the floors and surfaces, tidying up the general clutter, making the place look the best it possibly could. Then you moved onto yourself, taking a long, hot shower, using your special soap and shampoo, finishing off with a shave, followed by generous sprays of your favourite cologne. You dressed smart-casually. An expensive black polo shirt, coupled with smart but tight-fitting grey chinos. You were ready…
The doorbell rang, and He announced His arrival. His voice was deep, sexy, and undeniably powerful. You buzzed Him in and told Him to come to your floor. You felt nervous but excited. You felt inside that something about this moment was just right.
He knocked, and you ran to the door to open it. “Don’t be too keen. Don’t come across as too needy,” you thought, so you took a deep breath and relaxed just a little. And there He was.
Not too tall, not too short. Button-down, short-sleeved shirt, open just enough to get a good eyeful of the top of His pecs which were encased and bulging out of the well-fitting check material. His biceps filled out the sleeves, and His jeans similarly left little to the imagination! You were noticeably taken aback by this Adonis waiting to walk into your apartment, but tried to remain cool. He didn’t smile but wasn’t unfriendly. He shook your hand, firm grip, decent posture. You introduced yourselves. You signalled for Him to come in and He already said that He really liked the area and that His first impression of your tastefully decorated entrance and living room was exactly His taste too.
You gave Him a tour, explaining this and that. He made the right noises, complimenting your choice in kitchen cabinets, His future mattress, and the stainless-steel rain-shower in His bathroom, to name just a few.
Once His tour was complete, He said He definitely wanted to proceed. You were undeniably delighted, a big smile across your face. You invited Him to take a seat on the sofa, suggesting you could talk a while to get to know each other better, and you offered Him a drink in the process. He gladly accepted and moved over to sit down.
You went over to the kitchen and opened up the fridge. “Beer, wine, or something stronger?” You asked without turning around…“Beer” he replied, no ‘please’, yet not coming across as rude.
You shrugged as you grabbed two and went to the drawer to fetch the bottle-opener. You removed the caps, and turned around…
Whilst you had been busy, He had certainly made Himself at home! His shirt was off and He motioned for you to come over.
Startled, you hesitated slightly. An innocent viewing had suddenly turned into something very different! It had been a long time since a topless hunk had been between these four walls, and such a handsome one, probably never! You took a breath, recomposed yourself, and decided to go with the flow.
You walked back over to the couch, trying your best to keep your calm. You held out His beer, He took it, and you went to sit down on the armchair with yours. As you tried to go over to it, He took you completely by surprise:
“No, listen, I think your place is quite clearly on the floor from now on.”
“What the f**k?” You thought. “What the hell was this muscled stranger on about?”
“Umm…what exactly do you mean?” You replied, trying to sound confident, at the same time also conveying your shock. You presumed He was leading to asking you to give Him head. It was a little bit forward and unexpected. No. You were right to seem surprised.
“What do you mean, Sir?” He replied, a new air of authority enhancing His gruff voice and attitude. “Say it back…”
You looked at Him, perplexed and puzzled. He remained unfazed.
“Repeat after Me. What…do you mean…Sir?” He repeated.
“Was this guy for real?” You asked yourself. It didn’t make any sense. Should you follow His orders? This was far from any male-on-male encounter you had ever known or experienced from hereon in!
He reacted quickly to your lack of understanding: “Disappointing.” He added a look of displeasure covering His face. His eyes looked angry for the first time, and His body language seemed very different all of a sudden.
You decided to ignore the last bizarre few minutes and went to sit in the armchair, as you had intended. You looked at Him, wondering if you had let a perfect psycho into your place, and therefore into your life.
The atmosphere became very awkward. He sat there topless, not saying or doing anything, let alone taking a sip of His beer. His anger had turned into a complete lack of emotion. But damn, He was still so sexy. You felt an urge to break the ice. You spoke:
“Look, I’m sorry. I have no idea what just happened. It makes no sense!”
“You said to have a drink and get to know each other. Well, living with Me, I wanted to give you an idea of how it would be. I’m not kidding around. Don’t you like what you see?”
“Hell yeah. You’re so damn hot. Your body’s fire! And you seem like a great person to boot. I was so happy when you answered my ad and that you seemed to have loved the place. It’s just the last few minutes have been very strange. I have no idea what you mean or want exactly…”
“No, of course you don’t. I went a bit too fast, I apologise. Let’s just carry on with that conversation, for now. Take your shirt off too though. I want to see my new landlord in all his glory, okay?”
That sounded a lot more reasonable. Without questioning it further, you followed His suggestion. It did feel so good to be getting intimate with Him. There was undeniable chemistry, despite the strange moment which now seemed to have passed.
“You’re right, that feels better.” You said, sipping your beer and trying to reinsert a relaxed feeling in the room.
“You’re right, that feels better, Sir.” He replied. “Say it back.”
As he uttered these sentences, He looked directly into your eyes. His were so deep, so mesmerising, you forgot what was going on nearly entirely. It was rare for you to abandon control of yourself, but the authoritative tone, coupled with His Alpha physique, and His arresting gaze, and the effect of the alcohol, all meshed into one and a tangible shift occurred. You could feel it, and you really believed that He did too. Suddenly He softened again, and it was like a weight had lifted. You found yourself saying, much to your disbelief:
“You’re right, that feels better, Sir.”
As soon as the words left your lips, you were dumbstruck. “Seriously, what the F had just happened?” You panicked. He, on the other hand, suddenly had such a handsome grin across His face. As if He had orchestrated the whole damn affair and was taking pure delight in your confusion, followed by your (Freudian?) slip.
“Very, very good.” He exclaimed. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it, boy?”
“Boy?!?” Your mind was lost, listening, but not believing. Had you let a deranged lunatic into your home? What was happening? Trying to fight was met with a weird yet comforting desire to let go. This man didn’t seem like a classic manipulator, nor an evil person. He just seemed to know exactly what He was doing, thinking, and saying.
He looked on as you said nothing and tried to process everything that was happening. He still seemed unfazed. No, in fact, He seemed completely at ease, or even ‘at home’, if you will.
“That’s good, boy. Sir will take care of everything from now on.” He launched in. He clearly felt that His entire grip on the situation was, from now on, in full effect. You felt confused, but not scared, and also unable to do anything but keep listening.
You found yourself nodding, still unaware of what exactly your mind and body was thinking and doing, but equally unable to stop.
“Very, very good, boy. It really is time for you to get on the floor, now.” And with that, He clicked His fingers and pointed at the bit of carpet in front of Him.
It kept on being a blur, but your ability to analyse the craziness of the situation had well and truly been erased, temporarily or otherwise. Before you knew anything else, you got back up from your chair.
“Master is very pleased.“ He continued. “You’ve made the right choice. Good boy.”
When he uttered the words ‘Good boy’ something tingled down your spine. Nobody had ever really shown you such downright praise, in such a pure and frank way. He saw the effect it had on you, and He smiled.
“Come here, boy. Get on your knees.” And you did. “Yes, that’s it. On your knees in front of Me. And look at Me. Look at My Alpha face. Look at My Alpha body. You’re a real catch. But from the moment I read your message, to the moment I walked into the apartment, I just knew, through and through beta energy if ever I saw it. There’s chemistry between us, undeniably. There’s something special. But I am telling you, you’re destined to be with Me, at My feet, and as My sub. Tell me, is this making any sense, boy?”
As He pronounced His words, His gaze bore deeply within you. His eyes drove into yours. His energy transferring from Him to you. The shift in dynamic kept intensifying, and intensifying, and something inside you felt helpless to do more than listen, follow His direction, and agree. So you nodded.
“Yes, Sir. Yes, Master. Yes, Alpha.”
“Wow! You have picked that up tremendously fast, my boy. You knew just what to say without me even telling you any more. I’m so happy right now. You are going to make Me, no, you’re going to make Us, very proud. I just know it. We’re about to enter a relationship that you have probably never experienced before, so I am going to need you to trust me. Can you do that, My good boy?”
“I hope so, Boss. I really do.” You replied. Never in a million years would you have believed that you would be there, in that situation, in your own apartment, agreeing to go forward with a M/s relationship with a near-stranger, centering around such a type of kink that had never even come across your radar before. But here You both were, and here it looked like you were staying.
“Good boy,” He said, patting you on the head. “I promise I will take care of you, and treat you right. Better than anyone else has before Me. This can go really well, if you just do what I say, don’t question, and let yourself go so you can enjoy the ride. Can you do that for me, boy?”
Instead of replying, you just let out a sort of ‘Mmmm’ sound, it felt so nice to let go to this perfect Man, with His perfect energy, and you found yourself nestling into His legs, from down there on the floor, as you did so. It sounds strange but nothing unusual felt like it was occurring within you. In fact, it already felt so normal.
“That’s My good boy. Now go get Master the rest of the pack of beers. Then you can settle down as My footstool while I turn on the TV and relax in My new place. How’s that sound?” As He said these suggestions, He kept stroking you as one would a puppy. He seemed genuinely like a caring Man about the place who knew just what needed to be done. It felt unnatural to do or say anything other than agreeing. So off you went, extracting the rest of the pack from the fridge…
By the time you got back to the sofa again, He had removed the rest of His clothes, all except His underwear. He demanded that you place the beers next time and strip down as well, He would stay in boxers for now, but you would be naked, though you could keep your shoes. With the way this evening had been going, you chose to keep obeying Him, and did so right away.
“Good, obedient houseboy.” He said, more gruffly than ever. “You’re already exactly what I had in mind for you. That really didn’t take long. And that really makes this Alpha Master Boss so happy. All that’s left to do, is to get down on all fours and show Me how much you really are capable of becoming My footstool. I promise you’ll love it. Have I been wrong so far tonight, boy?”
“No Master, no Sir. You certainly haven’t. Thank you for being in Your new home. Thank you for opening my eyes up to new possibilities. I don’t know what’s happening, but all I want to do is obey You.”
“Good boy. I promise that’s exactly as nature intended it. Sometimes Alphas like Me just know when a beta crosses Their path. And with you, I could tell instantly. Anyway, enough talking for now. You’re going to be My little footstool. And objects don’t talk. Haha!” With His chuckle, He lifted His big, manly feet into the air, and was clearly waiting for you to get underneath them.
Without further ado, you got on all fours. From the moment you were down there, underneath Him, something inside felt like it completed you. And from the moment His feet made contact with your back, everything just felt so right. It was incredible to think just how quickly this evening had developed, and just how quickly you had melted into His Alpha gaze. But it just didn’t feel necessary to question anything at all from then on.
What’s more, this decision was doing more than just making you feel comfortable. In fact, it was making you feel so very damn aroused. Before you knew any more, your c**k was growing into a semi. Was your new Master aware? It was pretty hard to hide, given that you were naked in front of Him!
He surely must have been aware because He started rubbing His feet up and down your back. The more friction that took place, the harder your 🍆 became. He still wasn’t talking, instead He kept looking at the TV screen. But He knew what He was doing.
You were there as a human pouffe, so just as He said, you knew better than to say or do anything. You wondered how long He would keep you there, getting harder and harder. You decided to dare a look up at Him. Then you saw that He was just as hard as you were, albeit encased in His tight briefs. And what’s more He was touching Himself. He, the Alpha, was enjoying the special first moment of bonding as much as you, the beta, were also unexpectedly doing so!
He looked down and saw that you were looking at Him. He tutted a bit: “Naughty foot-stool, looking up at Me. You should already know that’s not allowed. My good object boy, already being bad. This won’t do!”
With that He instructed you to roll over so you were on your back. Now you really were scared, and regretted deeply giving into your urge to see what He was doing. However He seemed unfazed still. He was also still touching Himself, as He swigged the last drop of beer from Him bottle. He placed it on the table and proceeded:
“This is what happens when My beta footstool looks at me without asking.”
Now, with you on your back, He placed His big soles over your face. The feeling was utterly sensational. It was one thing having His Alpha paws resting on you. Now here they were, engulfing your face. You breathed in, you smelt His odour. You breathed out, your d**k ached with excitement.
“Look at just how much My beta footboy loves Master’s feet in His beta-face. Sir knew the effect this would have, immediately!” He said, also sounding more intense. Before you knew what was happening, He pulled off His underwear and stood up to tower above you. His erect p*n*s was enormous, Alpha through and through. It was a decent length, but also so girthy. A perfect Master c**k. Full stop!
He kept on jerking and kept pushing His soles into your face. He said he could see how very dearly you loved feeling so small down there beneath Him. He said it turned Him on greatly too. A good Alpha knows just how to make a good beta feel so electric. Having said that, you had just been a bad one, so what was about to happen?
In fact He started a countdown. He said He was getting close and told you to speed up, or else. You once again obeyed. It would have been madness to do anything but. Were you about to orgasm under His feet? With His Alpha soles on your face? Was that His idea of punishment?
10…9…so very hard, Master too…hard to hold on…but you knew you had to.
8…7…being Alpha’s beta was so f**ing good. Wow. What a crazy night.
6…5…Master pumped hard, so did you, the blood was rushing, there was no turning back.
4…3…Master groaned, you moaned, shouted you couldn’t hold on much longer.
“Hold it, foot-beta foot-stool. You must.”
2…I’m trying Alpha, trying so hard…
And then as He uttered “1”, He swivelled His left foot over to your crotch area. He stomped down onto your 🦴 hard, kicking away your hands. He then swivelled His right foot around too so that His c**k was hovering over yours.
The whole thing happened so fast that you had no time to keep up at all. And you were so on the edge that you also didn’t even really care too. You forgot that you were still supposedly being ‘punished’ and just let whatever needed to happen, happen.
As He then shouted “0” He exploded. His Alpha seed went all over your crotch. It was warm, it was runny, it was such an amazing feeling to have His seed go over you. And pretty symbolic that it was over your ‘man’hood.
However, just at the same time as He came, His left foot that was on your p*n*s pushed down immensely hard. You were ready to explode simultaneously with Him, but the force stopped you from doing so. The orgasm you were expecting to experience simply got quashed from riding up. You still came on His left sole, but the pleasure alongside the ejaculatory bliss was stopped from happening, by Him, deliberately. Once or twice you had stumbled across ‘ruined orgasm’ on a porn site, but thought it was just for select kinky oddballs. Haha, clearly not, as one had just been enforced on you!
He laughed as He saw the confusion on your face, turning into realisation.
“And that’s what you get for being a bad foot-stool, my beta landlord footstool!”
Wow, He was actually pretty sadistic alongside having mad designs on His sexual scenarios. But you didn’t care. You had fallen for Him, and you told Him so. You apologised for looking at Him without permission and promised you would ask Sir correctly from now on.
Pleased with your response, and clearly happy with the way everything had gone that evening, He instructed you to clean up His sole as He manoeuvred Himself to dangle it over your mouth.
You were a bit horrified for a millisecond. Prior to tonight, anything non-vanilla would have been a total ‘no go’ for you. But hey, tonight had been so unexpected and crazy, yet so enjoyable, so you said, “Yes, Sir. Absolutely, Alpha.” And proceeded to lick your beta juice off His meaty paw. He said in His gruff tone that you were back to being a good boy again. He stroked your hair, and your chest, and made you feel safe as you licked away.
Waves of pleasure came over you for a second time as you stepped further into being His footstool, and clearly now His foot-licking cleaner too. The surges grew more frequent and powerful. He grabbed your 🍆 and started jerking it vigorously. The arousal level was now totally insane. He knew exactly How to touch you and how to complement His dominant foot position with the expertise of a milking legend. And before you knew where you were, He had started a second countdown. This time just from 5.
Before He even got to 2, your d**k came again, His sole in your mouth, His hands stroking you as His new property. He seemed to take delight in controlling you as His own. And you were helpless to do anything but be His ragdoll or puppet.
His sole was soaked with your saliva, His hand was coated in j*zz. You were both covered in sweat, and you lay there for a moment with Him sitting above you, looking down and on at you. You almost could have called the way He looked at you ‘loving’.
“Right, let’s go and get cleaned up, shall we?” He proclaimed suddenly. Clearly the fun-time was up for now. He decided. You didn’t feel any desire to object.
“Come here now, object. Wash your Master while He gets under the showerhead. As a special treat for the first night, you can sponge yourself with the same sponge and water coming from me after each time you sponge me off. Deal, boy?”
“Oh wow, yes, thank you so much. After what just happened and now this. I feel so damn lucky and happy.”
“As you should, My good boy, as you should.” He replied.
…4 weeks later…
In every room in the house, and during every part of the daily routine you Two developed together, you effectively became His butler, His servant, His footslave in waiting, all the while remaining His willing human furniture too, of course.
It should have been so humiliating, being objectified, owned, and subjugated by your new Alpha owner in every way buf in fact it led to a feeling of such comfort, such safety, such a sanctuary, as if it always was the only place nature had intended for you, a beta, to be.
Comfort and arousal quickly became hand in hand. So comfortable under Alpha’s feet. So damn turned on. Every evening, once He was on the sofa, and you were at His feet, you got so excited and so achingly rock-hard. Your anticipation time dwindled fast. And your 🦴 started prem ejing simply at the mere contact between His soles and your skin.
That’s why He decided to introduce the new chastity rule. You, His beta, shouldn’t be freely erect, freely enjoying yourself, freely being your new, unadulterated self, quite so readily.
He demanded that you become His locked foot-slave. Said He knew exactly what was best for you. And He had been nothing but right so far. So you willingly agreed.
An extra layer to your already completely asymmetrical relationship was added. And lo and behold, He was right on the nail.
So there you were, on the floor, having given up all control of your place to this alleged stranger. You had done so willingly. From the moment you brought Him His beer, everything had changed. You lay there on all fours, considering the last four weeks, you wondered how exactly He had known exactly everything you had secretly craved and desired. And that was it. You loved your new life! No more need to question. No more need to do anything except obey and serve.
From the moment He awoke, you made Him coffee, toast and eggs. You both took a shower together. He waited for you to sponge His godly physique. You washed with the His dirty water. You went to work, He lounged around and then went to the gym when He chose. You came home, He was there waiting for you to get in. His legs were out stretched. You got on the floor. You felt doubly at home within and without. It had all developed so fast, since that initial viewing. Your life changed forever, at that point from thereon in.
Now He controlled everything, He called the shots. Your 🦴 depended on His feet. The M/s relationship was well and truly cemented, and you could do nothing but go further down the rabbit hole. When He chose, you could get unlocked. When He choose you could jerk off all over His feet again, just to lick every last drop up again afterwards. But otherwise, it was all about His pleasure, His ease, making His life better.
Your productivity at work soared, you got promoted and were able to buy that new car. The only difference was that it wasn’t actually for you any more. Nothing was. Your Alpha Master Boss took the driving seat, quite literally, and quite figuratively. And you enjoyed the fruits of your labour in the form of His fulfilment. Some might call it strange, others, even bullying. But this domination, this power exchange, and this surrendering of your own self was all totally different. You were living out a fantasy that you never knew you wanted. You were realising a dream that you never imagined existed. It was crazy, it was incredible, and it was so very real.
At the end of the day, you had never experienced pleasure like that of living to serve your Alpha Male. His body, His mind, His presence. Everything about Him made you feel special, blessed, and so turned on.
Being at His feet, as His footstool, waiting for your next turn to be unlocked. This was a new level of joy, comfort, safety, and bliss. And when you did come, oh my, did you come! The eruption of beta juice cemented everything just as it was supposed to be in place. It signified true ecstasy.

A big beefcake, and hunk of a Man.
But all you can do is stare longingly down at His meaty tops, His bulbous toes, and His inviting arches.
Wouldn’t it be a blessing to know if His soles match the rest of His perfect feet?
Better get on your knees and beg Him to let you have one small glance. If you ask really nicely, maybe He’ll even indulge you and your paltry desires with a little foot-worshipping opportunity.
What wouldn’t you do for half an hour of licking, rubbing, sucking, caressing, and kissing?
The fact is that He is twice the male you ever believe you can be. He can tower over you physically, and make you feel so small and inferior inside at the same time. Something within you craves to be lower down, and underneath such a Real Man. It eats away at you whenever you encounter such masculine energy and power. You NEED to be a foot-beta. You NEED to show a Master just how beneath Him you truly are. You can try to fight it. You can try to deny it. But deep down you know that you are a total, 💯% foot-slave for perfect Alphas and their perfect feet.
The moment you embrace it, will be the moment you finally feel at peace. So just surrender. Stop overthinking it and don’t keep Master waiting.
He promises you won’t regret it. 😈

Men are not created equal.
Nick Pulos knows it. And so do you.
One look at His huge, meaty, masculine soles is all it takes for you to have to admit to yourself that something inside you feels and so is inferior. Even if you would never show it on the outside or admit it to anyone else.
As you see His feet, all you can do is imagine how they must feel, imagine how they must taste, and imagine how incredible it would feel to be permitted to worship underneath them and ergo underneath Him.
You may be sane, sorted, and successful. You may have a very good, ordinary life, a good job, an adoring, handsome life-partner, a decent house, decent holidays. You may have it ‘all’…
But when presented with such Male Excellence, you can but stop in your tracks, look on at that which is greater than you can ever be, and dream of an alternative existence where you live to serve such a FootGod as His adoring foot-beta.
Society tells you that anyone can achieve anything. You wouldn’t want it any differently. But in those small instances of witnessing true, raw, unbridled power it’s okay to give in, it’s okay to get so utterly turned on, and it’s okay to feel unable to resist or control yourself.
His soles are perfect. His body is too. Set your beta 🦴 free, allow yourself the chance to enjoy feeling beneath something and someone better than you. Embrace your arousal, embrace your dopamine kick, let your beta seed give you unimaginable joy and pleasure. Then get on with your day as if nothing strange had happened at all.
Good foot-f*g. 😈

“Aww, man, you want to go again? But you only just worshipped and came over My soles a couple of hours ago. I thought you were ‘spent’ for today, but here you are again!! You really are one horny, twisted foot-sub, aren’t you?! Can’t you see Master is busy right now?”
“Sorry, Master, I just can’t help myself. Your soles are so big, soft, shiny, and masculine. You’re right, I’m so, totally obsessed. I promise I will just rub, caress, lick, and suck them quietly, while You ignore me and get on with your work. Pleeease, Master?”
“Ahh how can I resist those puppy-dog eyes of yours? Well, I guess you have just paid all the rent again. And you did an amazing job collecting My dry-cleaning, ironing My sheets, and cleaning My bathroom. And Master’s followers on the socials keep asking for more footslave ignoring content. So okay, you deserve it, My little foot-pet. Do your best for My perfect soles. Make them feel as good as possible. Worship My feet like the God that I am to you. Press record and let’s go.”
“Thank you, Master. Thank you so much. You’re just so good to me!”
“Aren’t I just, footf*g? Aren’t I just? Enough talking now. I’ve gotta get on with this. Have fun!”
“Yes, Master, absolutely! You’re the best FootGod ever!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Shush now, footslave. Before I change My mind.”
🎥 👣 👅 🙌🏼 😵💫🛐🍆💦💦💦

Ever since you enlisted for the new local adult football team, you felt more inspired than ever to be the best version of yourself possible. Honestly, it had never been a sport that you excelled in before. But from the moment you laid eyes on the poster at the supermarket, scanned the QR code, and signed up for and attended the introductory meeting, you felt like a total pro out on that pitch. The whole team did. You were making quite a name for yourselves and the waiting list for other players from the region who wanted to join was apparently massive.
After each training session, you and your teammates all lined up, one-by-one, to have your personal feedback time with Coach. These would be pretty quick for training. And after each competition, they would extend up to eight to ten minutes each.
You all waited in the corridor without talking. Somehow you all just knew from your induction onwards that this was a sacred moment, not to be disrespected.
Every one of your eyes displayed the utmost amount of eagerness. Some of you fidgeted. All of you adjusted your shorts, unaware that each other was doing the same.
Once your turn arrived, you got into the His office, and the rest of your mind went pleasantly blank. All you knew was that you went in, time passed, and then you came out again feeling motivated, revitalised, and overwhelmingly impatient to come back again the next day. After feedback you went to the showers, and you and the others could do nothing but smile at each other, give friendly hugs, and pat each other on the back as you made your way there. The physical contact represented an undeniable camaraderie. It felt so good to know that you all felt ecstatic to be there together.
None of you realised you were rock hard while doing this. None of you saw the posters in the changing room of the same Coach’s feet you all just worshipped, licked, cleaned, rubbed, and prayed at a few moments ago. None of you knew the group ritual that was then happening as you formed a circle, around the largest image of His godly soles, on the floor of the communal shower area, and jerked off together, in unison, chanting a celebratory phrase, idolising Coach’s soles, pledging allegiance to Him and to them, and vowing to keep trying your ultimate best, to be worthy of staying on the team, excelling in all matches, and earning the privilege of further foot adoration. You all felt the most aroused you had ever done in your lives, as you were so close to true greatness. This circle completed you, the game made you feel alive, and Coach was responsible, it was only right therefore that Coach’s feet receive an offering of your beta-s*m*n. Together as one you came. For Coach.
💦 💦 💦 👣 💦 💦 💦
Elsewhere, your girlfriend said she was the most satisfied she had ever been. And your confidence in all life areas was through the roof.
It didn’t occur to you ever to question why everything suddenly slotted into place. Nor did you wonder what made you came out with an unusual taste in your mouth? Ans that aching 🦴? Or that b*lls*ck that was light as a feather?
Whatever it was, it felt like success. And you felt so satisfied, and with that, so grateful. You just wanted more, more, and more!

You have 3 minutes to make my foot spotless! GO, slave ⏳️ !
Are you ready to enter Daddy Aslan’s Kingdom?
In that case, start taking the first steps to the rest of your beta life.
It starts at His feet. Always down, always underneath Him, looking up. From now on, Aslan is your Daddy, your Alpha, your King, and everything else in between.
You know you are powerless to resist such Masculine Perfection and Power. His raw, devilishly good looks. His hairy, godlike chest. His bulging biceps. His dark, smouldering complexion. Aslan sums up every feature of every Alpha you have ever thought about, seen, craved, and dreamt of serving. He knows it. you know it.
That’s right, just feel any sense of fighting it slip away. Drop to your knees. Put your face in front of His perfect soles. Inhale His Greatness. And wait for His instructions. He calls all the shots, you just wait, listen, and obey.
Admit that this is all you ever wanted. Admit that this is what you are supposed to be. A nobody, idolising at the feet of the epitome of Somebody. Everything you never have been, and never will be.
King Aslan had conducted enough of these beta inductions and initiations to have the ceremony down to a T:
He remained Mighty in His handsome Glory, atop His fitting Throne. He put you on the floor. He took off only His shirt, as well as of course His socks and shoes. You removed all clothing. He let you stay there, allowing you plenty of time to take in His greatness, exchanging no words, just observing your descent into His world, where He alone reigned.
“Are you ready to embrace greatness, beta?” He finally uttered, His voice deep, sexy, and dominant.
“Yes, King Aslan.”
“Good boy.” He replied, a warmth entering His stern demeanour.
“Are you prepared to leave behind your sorry, unfulfilled, prior life, and dedicate the rest to serving Me, in My Kingdom?”
“Yes, King Aslan. It is all I desire.”
“That pleases your new King, beta. But from now on, you are not permitted to refer to yourself as I. That pronoun is reserved for Real Men. From now on, it will simply be referred to as ‘it’. Does it understand?”
“Yes King Aslan. It understands completely. Thank you, Your Majesty.”
“Very good, My new beta slave, catching on so fast. King Aslan thinks it was born to do this. It is pleasing its new Owner enormously already. It has earnt the right to start rubbing the superior soles in front of it. This is all it wants to do, correct?”
“Yes King Aslan, a thousand times, ‘yes’.”
“Very well. It shall begin. Slowly. Taking in every part of the new objects of its desire.”
No need for any further waiting for permission, it got straight down to worship. It had waited its whole life for this moment. It felt so damn good. It was already rock hard to be worshipping such Greatness. It felt honoured, inferior, and so turned on.
As it got to work, King Aslan gave orders, commentating its ceremony, and reinforcing the way life was from now on…
“Yes, beta. Feel My soft skin, underfoot.
“Caress My incredibly perfect arches.
“Place its hands all over My royal foot-skin.
“Massage My toes. Touch in between. Get to know every part of My Alpha Daddy paws.
“Stay at King Aslan’s soles for as long as its heart desires.
“Underneath Me, means underneath My Power, as well as My unbridled love and protection.
“It is doing so well. It’s well on its way to being granted full entrance into the Empire stables.
“It may start licking.
“It may suck My plump, powerful toes.
“It may touch itself.
“It is so hard, so happy, so grateful to King Aslan, for letting it have the best time of its existence.
“It must now place its betamanhood in between its new King’s arches.
“It must now start thrusting back and forth.
“It won’t last much longer. Worshipping a True Man. A Superior. A God. It will struggle to contain its ecstasy.
“It will soon erupt over the Royal Feet in front of it, thus cementing its new position in its new life. It must become who it has always craved to be.
“Time for a countdown…ready, beta?
“10…it is trying so hard to hold on
“9…it wants to make Daddy happy
“8…it feels impossible to wait, doesn’t it?
“7…can it make its Alpha proud?
“6…the struggle, the surrender, its face shows its difficulty
“Uh oh…it seems to have had a premature accident. It tried so hard. Becoming a little in Aslan’s Kingdom was too overwhelming for it, wasn’t it? Oh noooo….”
With its seed spilt all over its King’s feet, it felt both the total high from the intense pleasure that had just played out, but it also felt dread, what happened to betas who couldn’t manage to follow instructions to the letter?
It didn’t have to wait much longer to find out. King Aslan reached over to the table at the other end of His throne, His feet still coated in drying beta seed, its betabone spent and shrinking, still firmly in between His paws.
King Aslan picked up a bell from the table and rang it once, then once again.
What was happening?
On cue, in came another male, probably aged about 40, naked, like it, with a well-sculpted body. This male was also very attractive. And looking down, you couldn’t believe how big this male’s 🍆 was. What’s more, it was as rock hard as its had been minutes ago…
“My King. It’s happy you rang. May I know how long this one lasted?”
“King Aslan is happy to see you too, 1.1. I have found a very pleasing, new beta. Its worship was, indeed, just as it should be. It tried so very HARD to make it. But it surrendered entirely at 5.”
“Very well, My King. It is delighted to know that a new beta has made it into Your Kingdom. From now on, it shall be known as 5.12, in that case?”
“Yes, 1.1. Goodness Me, am I up to 12 already in the fives’ stable? How time flies!”
“Yes, My Lord. 5.11 will be grateful.”
“Won’t it just?” King Aslan replied, with a handsome smirk.
1.1 came over to the floor and got down on its knees next to it.
“Clean King Aslan up, betas, immediately.” King Aslan manoeuvred one of His perfect feet to 1.1’s face, and the other to its own.
“Yes King Aslan,” both betas replied in unison.
And with that both tongues protruded, licking in long strokes all over those Masculine, meaty soles.
Both were now glistening in beta saliva. Neither beta looked up, both lost in their task at hand.
“Very good, both,” King Aslan said after a few more minutes of cleaning. “Their King’s feet are shining in fitting glory. And spotless, as Royal Feet should be.
“1.1, please continue 5.12’s induction ceremony as per the usual routine. This one’s going to be a perfect addition to My Foot Kingdom, I just know it.”
“Yes, My King. Immediately, Your Highness,” 1.1 replied.
What could come next? No idea! Everything that had just happened was already so very perfect.
1.1 turned and said, “it’s time to assume the position of a 5 in our King’s hierarchy, fellow beta. Don’t panic. All will become clear. King Aslan has devised and perfected everything that is about to happen to a T. The next step into beta foot slavery begins now. Come with it and find out…”
As soon as 1.1 had said these words, King Aslan rang the bell five times, then another eleven. Lo and behold the same door that 1.1 had come through opened again, and in came another naked male beta, less sculpted than 1.1, still a decent build, little fat, around 30 in age probably, smaller than 1.1, but most definitely as erect as it!
What could possibly be about to happen next?
“Enter 5.11. Thanks for coming so quickly.” King Aslan smiled for the first time. If it was possible He looked even more beautiful than ever. He was a true Godly King! And then He turned back to look down at it:
“Just wait, 5.12. If the first part of its ceremony made it happy, the next is going to take it to paradise…”
To celebrate reaching 1500 followers, and as a thank you for your likes, comments, messages etc. I decided to start what I hope will become a new series with one of the sexiest Men I have ever seen with some of the best soles I know of. I hope you like it, and please feel free to let me know your reactions, feedback, and suggestions for how this Foot Kingdom could develop…

“Oh, what’s that, boy? You have an instant desire to submit to Daddy’s perfect, meaty, Alpha soles?
“Don’t panic! You’re not the first and you certainly won’t be the last…
“Daddy can’t even begin to tell you how many foot fetishes He has helped unlock within subs over the years…
“I know, I know, you were just cruising for a regular vanilla older man…and?
“Stop trying to act like you’re grossed out. That look in your eyes tells Me, a Daddy Foot Alpha, everything I need to know.
“That’s it. Let it wash over you. Give into your mesmerisation. Let My feet teach you a world of new, unbridled pleasure and wisdom…
“See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it boy?
“Oh wait. It’s so funny. When I said the word ‘hard’, it’s as if something else inside you woke sharply up. Haha.
“My Alpha Daddy Feet have taken over your eyeline, your curiosity, your brain, and now your beta body too.
“Who knew surrendering to Daddy’s feet would feel so damn good? You youth should have more faith in elders. We have been around the block and then some, and picked up a thing or two along the way…
“So where does this leave us now, huh? Where do we go from here? It’s getting so HARD to think straight, isn’t it, boy?
“Let Daddy break down what’s happened, and then what’s going to happen next, okay?
“1. You turned up for a regular, vanilla session with an older man who you found hot so decided to cruise. Correct?
“2. Then you arrived, the door was open, and you let yourself in, as I told you too. See, I was already planting instructional seeds and you were obeying. Right?
“3. You went down the corridor and heard Me tell you to come into the living room. Unfazed so far, you did as I said, came in and found Me with My Daddy paws already up on My coffee table. You saw them before you even looked up to see Me. I had already seen in you, everything I needed to know, so I let you stop in your tracks and take in the scene before you. And that leads us up to now…Are you still following Me boy?
“It seems the more I talk, and the more you stare at My handsome soles, the HARDER and HARDER it gets to look away. Correct?
“Let me explain it to you further, boy. An indelible and irreversible connection has been instilled between My feet, My voice, your eyes, your ears, your mind, and now your 🍆 too.
“You could have taken one look, panicked that I was a weirdo, turned the other way, and run back out that door. But you didn’t do that, did you?
“No, exactly.
“The more you stare at My feet, the more you listen to My words, the more you let Me take over, the better it keeps on feeling. It’s too HARD to disagree now, isn’t it, boy?
“That’s it. You have opened yourself up, you have let Daddy and His Alpha Feet pervade your entire being. It’s only natural now that all you desire is to explore the greatness that Daddy’s soles can keep on bringing you. It’s time to get undressed now, footboy. It’s time to get on your knees. It’s time to make contact with My Alpha Paws. Got it?
“That’s it, good boy. Oh wow, that rock hard 🦴 is so very happy with this new experience, isn’t it, boy?
“You’re so very excited to become one of Daddy’s new footboys. Daddy and His feet are making you feel so good, so happy, so aroused.
“Goooood foootboyyyyy. Keep listening to My words. Keep following My commands. Start rubbing My Alpha Feet. You will feel better than you have ever felt before. Trust Me.
“We’re going to have so much fun today, aren’t we, My best new footslave? That’s right. You’ve done so well to come this far. You deserve these incredible, new, overwhelmingly joyful sensations. You deserve Daddy’s Alpha Male Feet.
“You will rub, you will caress, you will worship. You will lick, you will suck, and you will jerk. Everything is making so much sense now. There’s no need for you to do any more thinking of your own, is there? It feels so very good to give in, let go, stop worrying about the pressures and stresses of everyday life. I’m unlocking your new bliss. You’re so very lucky.
“Such a lucky footboy…”
👣 …👀…😵💫…👂…🍆…⛓️…✋…👅 …🐶…🛐…🍆✋…💦💦…👅😍⛓️