Life Takeover - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Smoke trail

Part of a prompt-based writing challenge, hosted by @max-the-many I might not be able to make 30 stories, but I might make a few.

Body a day - #1: Smoke

Smoke Trail

He extinguished the cigarette as soon as I came outside.

“I thought you said you were going to quit smoking, if I helped you out with your new apartment,” I said with clear disapproval.

“Yeah, but I found out I got few packs left, so I’m going to smoke those first, then I’m quitting.” my son said halfheartedly. That was my son in a nutshell; unreliable, lazy, always taking the easy route, wasting his life. And I was sick of it… But my plan actually was set into motion months ago, so it’s not like that remark was the final straw, today was the conclusion. Helping my deadbeat son with packing all his stuff in his old apartment, so that he could move to a new city across the country, where he didn’t know anybody.

An hour later I had pulled on his skin and his clothes, taking his life and identity as my own. And I was going to live a much fuller and richer life than him.

I was ready to greet the movers, when they came to pick up the boxes, I told them, we also had to drop by my dad’s place and pick up some extra boxes. It was actually my own stuff, now that I had a new life waiting for me, I had to pack up my old one. Most of my son’s stuff was going to go to the incinerator plant anyway, going up in flame and smoke. As I left my son’s apartment, I noticed the cigarette butt on the wet pavement outside the building. His last mark on this world, the trail of smoke already long extinguished.

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1 year ago

A real footballer

Body a day - #7: Football

Ashton: “Do I look like a real footballer now, dad?”

A Real Footballer

Coach: “Yes, you do Jere–, I mean Ashton.”

A: “Ashton Jenkins… it will take some time getting used to, da– I mean ‘Coach’.”

C: “Yes, you probably shouldn’t call me ‘dad’ any more.”

A: “This is so surreal, I can’t believe you’d do this for me.”

C: “I’m sorry for the things I said, son. You’ve got a good head, but you were never much of a jock.” A “I wasn’t a jock at all…”

C: “It’s absolutely criminal that a guy like Ashton could get such a great scholarship, just by being good at sports, and you, despite all your intellect could barely get something mediocre. But if this is the length I have to go to to secure your future, then so be it.”

A: “I can’t thank you enough, da– Coach!”

C: “We still need to see if it’s working completely as intended. There’s only a few practices left before term ends, then it’s summer holiday and after that, you’ll be starting your new life at university…”

A: “I think it will, I feel stronger already, and I think I can launch a football with ease now.”

C: “That’s the kind of confidence, I always wanted to see you have. Make me proud.”

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1 year ago

Done my homework

Body a day - #11: Studies

Done My Homework

”It was true, when I said that the last year I’ve been busy with my studies… I’ve been studying you, brother. Learning everything there was to know about you – your friend Tony even helped me out, installing a keylogger on your computer, so I could access all your files and everything, and providing heaps of information about you and your life, I've done my homework.

You look surprised? Tony had a crush on you for ages, did you really not know that? Hah! Now I can be the boyfriend, he always wanted, he’s a lovely fellow, and without him, I’d never have come this far. Is that the look of betrayal on your face? Or are you just getting cold? Well, I had to see if your clothes fit me, and they do, don’t they? But sure, we can go back inside your roomy penthouse – I mean ’my’ roomy penthouse apartment. You can stay in the study, whilst I figure out what to do with you, brother.

Three months ago you didn’t even know you had a twin, and now you’d probably wish you had remained blissfully unaware. Is there anything you need? Are the ropes tight enough? And the gag isn’t bothering you? Good… Then I better call Tony, and tell him the plan worked like a charm.”

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1 year ago

Pack of six

Body a day - #12: Six

Pack Of Six

”All right, Jeremy, you promised, you could keep a secret.” Jeremy’s uncle said as they headed into his basement. Jeremy had just told his uncle, that he had become keen of getting a motorcycle license as a birthday present to himself. He knew his uncle would understand, unlike any other in the family, but he was turning twenty-six, he could make his own decision. His uncle had driven motorcycles as long as, he could remember, and now Jeremy wanted to follow that path of adventure and oneness on the road.

His uncle unlocked one of the basement doors, containing tons of motorcycle equipment, Jeremy had a faint memory of seeing this room long ago, but there was way more equipment than he remembered. His uncle approached a rack containing six awe-inspiring Dainese suits.

”Six suits – each containing the essence of its former owner. Put one on and you can draw upon it to become them. The effect is however only temporary, if you take off the suit, it will eventually wear off and you’ll revert back to yourself…”

”That’s…” Jeremy couldn’t finish the sentence, but he was elated. Amazing, unbelievable, incredible, none of those words seemed strong enough to express the feeling of desire towards that prospect. ”Can I – Can I try one?” Jeremy asked nervously. His uncle smiled; ”Of course, you can, I actually wanted you to try them all, and see which one you like the most, then you can keep that as a birthday present.”

Jeremy’s jaw dropped; ”Seriously?!” ”Yes, of course, six is plenty already and I need to get some of the old ones out if I want to make new ones,” his uncle replied.

”What happened to the suits’ owners?” he asked. ”well, if you really wanna know…” his uncle said and guided him towards another room. Jeremy froze, when his uncle opened the door – he felt horrified and yet strangely aroused. ”This is where I usually keep them, when I’m having visitors over.”

Pack Of Six

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1 year ago

A nickle or two

Body a day - #13: Money

Another story inspired by the awe-inspiring @2xskin, this time Seanday Gym: A picture or two

A Nickle Or Two

I don’t exactly remember how I fell into conversation with Ross, but he was a great guy, a little intimidating at first, with his big muscles and vicious look, but a great guy – particularly he was a good and non-judgmental listener. Though he was young, he was unusually patient and insightful, which was quite unexpected, when you look at him.


After having being fired from my job, I hit a downward spiral, blaming everyone and everything for what had happened to me. To be fair, I think my grudge was justified, it wasn’t so much my boss firing me, it was more him ’throwing me under the bus’, that was the reason for my bitterness towards him.

I had a hard time finding a new job – and money was getting tight. The only time I really left the house was to go shopping. I subscribed to Regan’s gym, basically to make sure I got out every now and then, but also to at least get just a bit of exercise.

I met Ross here, he was together with his friend, Curtis, a real pretty-boy with long brown hair, who seemed eager to get as big and muscular as Ross.

A Nickle Or Two

As I said before, you wouldn’t believe it at first, but Ross was a surprisingly good listener, whilst training I told him about my life and my situation, and Ross paid close attention to everything I said, even when he was bench pressing. He seemed genuinely interested and wanting to help.

A Nickle Or Two

One day, when I came to the gym, Ross came over to me in the free weights section, his usual domain, and very directly stated; “I think, I can help you get revenge.”

Hearing the word: revenge, coming out of Ross’s mouth, sent a chill down my spine, I was actually a little afraid of him now. “Ross,” I had to quickly interrupt him, “you don’t actually mean you’re going to hurt or threaten him, right?” Ross chuckled; “not at all, but you said he had a son, right? A really spoiled brat with expensive habits...”

”Well…” I began reluctantly, it was true that my boss’s son was living a good life, I wasn’t quite sure whether it was my boss, who liked to spend money on his son, or if it was the kid who was demanding. I was however well aware of all the money, he was spending on him. My boss usually talked about, how he had gotten this and that for his boy, it was actually getting boring at length.

”Then I guess his son is the key to get to his money,” said Ross confidently. I shuddered… Ross wasn’t thinking… I dared not even think the word… Kidnapping? ”Ross, please, you really shouldn’t – I mean – you are not planning to do anything illegal, right?”

Ross smiled, “it’s not legal, but it isn’t illegal either. Just leave it to me, and you’ll be set for the rest of your life, well, at least for years to come.”


A week later I got a call from Ross, he wanted me to come to Regan’s tomorrow evening. I was still jobless, so it’s not like I had much else to do.

When I came to the gym, it was scarcely populated, but Ross and Curtis were there, alongside Calvin, my boss’s son.

A Nickle Or Two

Ross was busy spotting Calvin, so Curtis came over to me instead. “Hey,” Curtis said with a smile, “good you came, Ross has a surprise for you.” I was surprised enough to see Calvin here being spotted by Ross, but I failed to see the surprise, I mean, what could Ross actually do, if he wasn’t going to hurt or threaten Calvin? I barely even knew Calvin.

“Just do your routine, and wait for our signal… Just stay close to the locker rooms, okay?” Curtis said, punched me in the arm and walked away. I had no idea, what Curtis meant, but I did as I was told, not understanding anything of what was going on. On his way back to Ross and Calvin, Curtis ceremoniously snapped a picture or two of himself, his massive arms and firm chest. He seemed very content with himself, and I had to admit I was a little envious, not only at him, but also at Ross. To have such incredible bodies and looks.

A Nickle Or Two

A quarter had passed, when Ross, Curtis and Calvin headed for the locker room. I had not noticed any signal. Twenty more minutes passed, were they taking a piss at me? then Curtis popped his head out and waved at me. I got up and hurried to the locker room. And my jaw hit the floor.

Ross sat on a bench holding a spray can in his hand, next to him sat a clearly unwell Calvin. Ross put the can down and lifted Calvin by the neck, it was like there were no bones inside him. “The spray has done its work,” said Ross. “Get in him!” he said with a laughed and threw Calvin at me.

Curtis stretched out Calvin’s mouth; “you are going to love it, take off your clothes, and let’s get you inside.” I happily obliged. It was a bizarre yet exhilarating experience. Curtis and Ross helped me feed my body into the teenager, slowly bringing him back to life. I was deeply entranced by the process, how Calvin's smooth, tan skin began to shape my body, first the feet, then the legs, then the torso. Pushing my arms inside Calvin’s, I suddenly felt a pain as if thousands of tiny needles drilling into my skin, hurting at first, but slowly feeling more pleasant. “Now comes the hard part,” said Ross, “it’s going to feel a little rough, but trust me, it’s worth it.”

“Hell yeah!” I replied at the prospect of becoming Calvin irreversibly, “Let’s do this!” With one last pull, Ross stretched Calvin’s head over mine and everything was engulfed in darkness. I could feel the needles in my face, but I could also feel what I assumed were Ross's and/or Curtis’s hands pushing Calvin’s features into place. The eyelids, the nose, the ears, the lips. Then it felt like I was beginning to burn, and indescribable heat was burning me from the inside, I felt woozy and weak, Ross was not kidding, it felt like my organs were being rearranged, in the midst of the pain and unintelligible pictures flashing through my mind, I could feel four firm hands keeping me upright and steady. Then the pain disappeared and I opened my eyes, staring at Calvin in the mirror. I grinned.

“I think this fixes your money problem,” Ross laughed, punching me in the arm. “Wait – are you both…” I began, for the first time hearing Calvin’s smooth voice coming out of my mouth. They both laughed, “Yeah,” said Curtis whilst flexing his chest, making his pecs swell, Ross did the same, “we both went through this transformation, feels good now, right?”

I smiled Calvin’s smile and nodded. I soon left the gym with Ross and Curtis with a renewed confidence. Before we went our separate ways Ross placed a hand on my leather-clad shoulder, and winked at me; “now bleed him dry.”

A Nickle Or Two
A Nickle Or Two


And Ross was right, that is exactly what I’m going to do, dad.

A Nickle Or Two

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1 year ago

Mason and the golden skin

A special thanks to @dulafer, who helped me come up with the idea after having hit a minor writer's block Body a day - #14: Battery

Mason had been envious of his classmate Chris since the first day he met him at Colchis University, so much so, that it had become an obsession. He envied him, he envied him so strongly that all he could think about was becoming him. Every thing about Chris, he desired and longed for, so much so that it became unbearable.

Mason And The Golden Skin
Mason And The Golden Skin
Mason And The Golden Skin

One of Mason’s former highschool classmates, Jed, was also studying at Colchis, studying both neurology and engineering. When Mason confessed his feelings towards Chris, Jed became lost in thought. The silence was eerie, but Jed was definitely contemplating Mason’s thoughts.

“If you really could switch places,” Jed said after the very long pause, “would you?” “Yes!” Mason blurted without hesitation. “Even if it meant giving your life to him?” Jed asked. Mason was a bit more reluctant this time, he hadn’t actually considered that, but if he had to swap places with Chris, it made sense, that Chris had to be somewhere else. But there would be no way, that Chris would ever accept that. “I’m sure, I’ll manage…” Mason said nonchalant.

Jed seemed very interested in the conundrum, but more out of curiosity than envy nor desire.

“If I come up with a solution – I want you to do something for me…” Jed said looking up at Mason. “What do you want?” Mason asked. “I want you, or rather you in Chris’s body as my boyfriend.” Mason blushed, “you have a crush on me?” “Maybe,” Jed answered clearly embarrassed and uncomfortable, not even looking at Mason anymore.

“Hey,” Mason began softly, breaking the awkward silence, he walked over to Jed, then pushed Jed’s chin up so that they had eye contact. “If you are really willing to do this for me… Then you might as well call me your boyfriend already,” he said, touched by Jed’s sentiment.

Two semesters later they came up with a prototype for a body-swapping device, technically it was a mind-swapping device. It would carry the full neurological pattern between two brains within a very short distance. Mason had to get Chris somewhere secluded, so that no interference was possible, and he had to take a clean shot. Jed was confident, it would work, but there were many potential risks. The device looked similar to a tablet with a camera attachment, except for the fact that the tablet part mostly consisted of batteries in a series. The device took an unbelievable amount of power, 75% of the device’s weight consisted of the batteries powering it.

Jed somehow managed to arrange a meeting with Chris at a remote part of campus. Mason wouldn’t have been successful if he had tried, after all Chris knew him, but Jed didn’t actually tell Mason, exactly how he managed to convince Chris to turn up at that place. But he did, and armed with the tablet-camera-thingy, Mason was prepared to welcome the unsuspecting Chris, who arrived on his bike.

Mason And The Golden Skin

“What are you doing here?!” Chris drawled as he noticed Mason, “is this some kind of joke?!”

Mason was nervous, almost afraid, but still infatuated and smitten with Chris. Mason let his envy consume him, he took some big steps directly towards Chris, aimed the device at his face, and pressed the button. There was a blinding light, and they both felt like they had been electrocuted, their bodies were shaking, but they couldn’t see anything.

Then Mason could see again, no longer blinded by the light, he could see himself, but from a taller perspective. He wasn’t looking in a mirror, the device had worked.

Mason’s body was still dazed and confused, the device fell out of his hand and hit the ground.

Mason was in awe. Chris’s body was all his, this perfect body was all his. He didn’t get to enjoy the moment for long however, he was ripped out by his stream of consciousness, when he heard his old voice shout at him: “What the hell have you done?!”

Chris had apparently already figured out exactly what had happened, there was a look of pure hatred in his eyes.

Mason’s body picked up the device. “You aren’t getting away with this. I’m gonna take my body back, and then… And then you won’t even live long enough to regret this!” Mason’s voice snarled, his words dripping with loathing and vindictiveness. Mason had a feeling something was wrong, he could smell burnt ‘something’, rubber or plastic maybe, the smell definitely came from the device, it was about to break down. Even a single use had put massive strain on the batteries, the device couldn’t handle another swap.

Mason in Chris’s body froze, blinded by the bright light, but also something else, it was like his mind was clouded by all sorts of unrecognisable impressions.

Mason’s body fell unconscious to the floor, but Mason was still looking at it from Chris’s perspective, he felt a bit of satisfaction seeing his former body collapse. But to make sure nobody would accuse him of anything, he picked up the foul-smelling device and stuffed it in Chris’s bag, then he begrudgingly called an ambulance. Then he went over to his unconscious body and more by instinct than choice began to perform CPR on it, then it dawned on him… He did not know, how to perform CPR, but Chris did. The faulty device must have transferred parts of Chris’s consciousness to him. He was still Mason at heart, he knew that much.

Mason And The Golden Skin

Mason’s body was taken away by the paramedics, as Chris explaining something about having witnessed Mason having a heart attack or something. With the ambulance gone, Mason could finally wrap his head around the other dramatic events. The faulty device had transferred Chris’s memories to him, he wouldn’t have any problem fooling everyone, he didn’t have to pretend to be Chris, he was Chris.

Mason And The Golden Skin

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1 year ago

Worn to a shadow

Huge shout-out to Max steel leather boy, wherever you are. Max has made these awesome leather biker suits for dolls, and acts out action-packed sequences with them. The bikers would almost always lose, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but the leather suits were so often going to waste rather than claimed by new and worthier wearers.

Body a day - #16: Shadow

There are many dangers that lurk in the shadows, just out of sight, unnoticed most of the time...

Worn To A Shadow

At 19 years old, Jake was just a happy-go-lucky guy, who enjoyed the simple things in life. Particularly his motorcycle, dressing up from head to toe in black leather made him feel sexy and desirable… and granted, it did work, when he walked and drove about dressed like that, he caught attention.

But he had unfortunately also attracted the wrong kind of attention. Jake hadn’t noticed, but he had been followed. Stalked like a prey from the shadows.

Worn To A Shadow

Hitman Alexander Mann had noticed the young biker, he knew Jake’s identity would be the perfect cover. He was stealthy and swift, and before Jake even noticed Mann’s approach, he felt the hitman's strong arm around his neck.

Worn To A Shadow

Jake gagged, frantically trying to struggle against his unknown assailant. Mann had done this numerous times, he just held on, knowing that it wouldn’t be long before the teenager lost consciousness.

Worn To A Shadow

The hitman pulled Jake down as he collapsed on the floor. Still breathing though, after all he wasn’t Mann’s target, just the means to getting to it. Mann began to undress the young man. First pulling off his brand new AlpineStars boots. The kid’s got good taste in gear, he thought to himself. He stripped Jake out of the leather suit, it was still warm and damp on the inside, it reeked of teenager. While he usually had to remain calm and collected, Mann couldn’t help feeling excitement with the prospect of taking this identity. Especially with that sweet leather gear that came with it.

Worn To A Shadow

With a final pull, Mann got the motorcycle suit off the young biker. He chuckled, when he saw that Jake was going commando under the suit. The kid’s got guts, he thought. For a moment he admired the slick black leather suit, smooth, shiny and creaky. “Nice suit. Very nice…” Mann muttered to himself as he slipped on the teenager’s leathers.

Worn To A Shadow

Mann felt himself getting aroused as he pulled on the suit. “Heh… No offence, but I actually think it looks way better on me, kid,” he whispered gloatingly as he zipped the suit all the way up. The teenager didn't respond. He stepped into Jake’s boots, they were also nicely warm and damp, and they were a perfect fit. He grabbed Jake’s helmet resting on the motorcycle, the masquerading almost complete, with the helmet and the leathers nobody would know he wasn’t Jake until it was too late. “Now I’ll just take those gloves, kid, and I’ll be out of your hair,” Mann whispered, bending down to claim the last of Jake’s possessions.

Worn To A Shadow

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1 year ago

Airing laundry

Body a day - #21: Electricity

Part 2 of Dirty Laundry #8

Airing Laundry

My friend looked desperately at me, whilst struggling against the ropes. I quickly knelt beside him and managed to remove the gag. ”He assaulted me!” he cried frantically as soon as I removed the gag, ”he took the mask and the suit!” ”Who was it?” I asked as I tried to untie him, it wasn’t easy as my hands were shaking and the knots were tight. ”I don’t know who he was, he wore a mask – a ski mask! He jumped at me, tasered me and tied me up! Then he just put on the mask, stuffed the suit in my bag and left...”

”But how did he know?” I asked rhetorically, I dared not think the thought, but our secret was no longer safe, whoever that assailant was… they had uncovered our secret. “What do we do?” my friend then asked. “What can we do?” I replied hopelessly, “nobody was supposed to know, it’s not exactly like we can report this to anyone, he left the house almost 20 minutes ago, I don’t think we’ll be able to catch him, especially when he has suit.”

My friend was in complete distress, but I didn’t know how to comfort him, nothing I could do nor say could make things better.

Months passed, and we still had no clue, who the guy in the mask was, nor what happened to him. My friend and I had decided to move to another town, we no longer felt safe in our old house, especially since we didn’t know how much that intruder knew. Did he know I was wearing a bodysuit too? Would he come after that too?

The uncertainty was certainly the worst, but then around spring I made a shocking discovery.

Airing Laundry

It was Matt! The name of my friend’s bodysuit, his persona. Matt was performing at a concert, the clip had apparently gone viral, and somehow ended up in my feed. I had to watch the clip several times, as well as check the linked social media profiles to be absolutely sure… And sure enough, it was the Matt suit alright. I went back through the history… On the very day back in November, when he attacked my friend, he was posting his first picture, wearing both the mask and the suit.

This new ’Matt’ had quite a history, incredibly active on social media from day one, and it seemed he had became a musician, he composed and sang songs, and apparently he had risen to fame in the short amount of time since he stole the suit. When I showed my friend, he completely lost it.

”That m**********r! On the day he stole it, he started wearing it!” he raged. “Well, he was already wearing the mask…” I replied quietly, the thought was sickening, but at least now we knew where the mask and the suit were.

The Matt-suit or Coltrane as this imposter apparently called himself was apparently a rising star in the music industry, having launched multiple hit singles in only a few months, gone viral and become very popular and adored. Again, it was sickening. But it also gave me an idea, if we could reclaim the suit and mask, then my friend could take the imposter’s life, fame and fortune for himself. My friend was obviously all-in, a spark had reignited within him. He was ready to reclaim what was his.

My friend was studying Coltrane’s music, videos, pictures and profiles intensively, I could feel a glowing dedication fuelled by a desire for revenge. Meanwhile I tried to think of a way to get to Coltrane, but it wasn’t easy, we had a vague idea of the area he lived in, thanks to his media. But I thought that the best opportunity we would get, would be at one of the many festivals and concerts Coltrane was scheduled to perform at during the spring and summer, if only we could get back stage.

It took some meticulous planning, I got in touch with an old high school acquaintance, who was working as a technician at one of the festivals Coltrane was supposed to perform at, they helped me become a volunteer back stage (which unfortunately meant I had to go without my facemask for a whole weekend). But if everything went right, I should be able to corner Coltrane and get the suit back, then let my friend take his place. It was risky, but it just might work.

For good measure I even began to studying electric wiring and installations, in case I needed a distraction, a power outage might be the most convenient distraction at a concert or festival.

The day for the concert at the festival arrived, and my friend and I were all set for hunting down the impersonator, and reclaim what he stole. My friend attended as a regular guest, while I helped out backstage, moving stuff about, fetching stuff, nothing too exciting, but at least I could put my bodysuit’s muscles to good use. I quickly managed to find the imposter’s caravan in the backstage district, I passed by as many times as possible, surveying the area, I even saw the imposter on a couple of occasions, seemingly enjoying himself, unaware of my presence and my plans. Turns out it was even easier, I hadn’t actually needed to study electrical installations, there was one thick long cable running to the imposter’s caravan. All I did was just pull it out, then knock on his door to hear, if he had any issues with his electricity.

Airing Laundry

He hadn’t noticed anything, he admitted, then he tried to flick a switch, and saw that nothing happened. “Can you try some of the others?” I asked innocently, surprised he hadn’t recognised me, granted I had altered my looks a bit, “some of the others having issues said it was only some of the plugs, that weren’t working. The imposter went deeper into the caravan, I followed him and shut the door behind me. I pressed a rag covered in a sedative against his face, he struggled, and while he had my friend’s bodysuit’s muscles, I was able to overpower him with mine.

Triumphantly I began to undress him, a devilish satisfaction in finally getting revenge coursed through my body and mind. I chucked all the clothes in a pile, then began to pull off the sweaty bodysuit. Finding an edge at the neck, I managed to get my fingers under the facemask, so I could begin stripping him off my friend’s skin. It was as sweaty on the inside as the outside, and although it still stuck to the imposter at places, I managed to pull it off, revealing a skinny body beneath.

I pulled off the mask to reveal the culprit. It was just some guy, approximately 30 years old, short hair, pale and honestly very inconspicuous, I didn’t even know him, I recall maybe having seen him around town, where we used to live. But to think that this guy had been plotting against us was surprising. I tied him up, tight and thoroughly, then placed him in a cupboard.

I quickly pulled on the Matt-mask as well as the imposter’s clothes. It had been a long time since I’ve worn Matt’s face, my friend and I didn’t swap bodysuits as often as we used to. But I only had to play Matt/Coltrane for a few minutes. I texted my friend, telling him I was successful and to come to the back stage entrance, I’d then be able to let him in. To say my friend was happy to see me was an understatement, but to the security guard who let him in on my request, he was just a crazed fan, who finally got to meet his big idol. We went back to the trailer, where I showed him the unconscious thief in the cupboard. “We’ll need to find out, what we are going to do with him. He’s a threat to us,” I said coldly having pulled off the mask, as my friend with great satisfaction reclaimed his bodysuit. “We’ll figure something out,” my friend answered with an equal level of animosity, “let’s just keep him here, then smuggle him out later.”

“How do I look?” my friend asked me, having fully reclaimed the bodysuit, his lean, athletic build, his smooth, flawless skin, his confident, strong vibe. It was like falling in love all over again. He pulled me in towards his naked lean body, looking like this he had no problem not wearing clothes. As we held each other I smelled his neck, there was something strangely arousing about the new musk, the suit had absorbed from the other guy, not that I wasn’t plenty aroused already. “Now let’s get the face back where it belongs,” I said with a grin and handed him the mask. He grabbed it eagerly and pulled it over his head, that familiar face I had looked at every day for almost half a year was now replaced with another familiar face. He pushed the features into place, smoothed the edges around the neck. Matt was back!

“’Sup!” Matt said with a cocky grin. “Good to have you back, stud!” I said, pulling him towards me. “Hell yeah, I finally feel like myself again!” Matt replied with his reclaimed voice, his confidence had returned. “We better get you prepared for your concert, Coltrane, your fans are waiting for you.” I said with a laugh, Matt laughed as well. “Yeah, they are really in for a show, my big comeback!”

“Ha! Good one, but don’t forget you’re Coltrane now, just like you were this morning.” “Of course, I don’t think it’ll be any problem taking his place. I’ve done my homework,” Matt winked at me. “I can’t believe, I’m dating a rock star,” I joked, as I helped Matt/Coltrane dress in the imposter’s stage clothes. “I know,” Matt replied, zipping the leather jacket, completing the look.

Airing Laundry

“This wasn’t exactly, what we had planned for our future, but I’m sure, we can make it work. Use the next couple of years raking in some serious money and experience the glamour of the musician lifestyle.”

Airing Laundry

I don’t know how Matt/Coltrane did it, but he pulled off that performance like it was second nature, he sure had done the homework. I watched him from behind the scenes, he was even better than the imposter, and he seemed to be at home on the stage, celebrating our triumph in front of the oblivious crowd. The atmosphere was electric.

Airing Laundry
Airing Laundry
Airing Laundry
Airing Laundry

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1 year ago

The ski instructor

Body a day - #26: Ice

Martin Ziegler went out for early morning skiing. He did that quite often, and he enjoyed having the pistes to himself before starting his job as a ski instructor at the Richter Ski Resort.

Cruising through the quiet ice-covered forest in the early sunlight, with fresh untouched snow under your feet was truly magical.

But Martin didn’t see the tripwire barely visible in the frost, he tripped and fell, fortunately not too hard, but as he got back on his feet, brushed off the snow, and went back to see, what he had tripped over, he was hit from behind with something heavy and knocked unconscious.

The Ski Instructor


He should be thankful I was turning him into a bodysuit, otherwise I could just have taken his clothes and left him to freeze in the snow. A wig, a false beard and a bit of makeup should make a pretty convincing disguise, but this was on a whole other level, his skin was going to be my disguise, a perfect disguise.

In hindsight it was probably not the best place to assault this guy, changing down to my birthday suit in the middle of cold icy forest probably wasn’t the best idea, but it was my best chance to get him to myself. But it was going to be worth it, to get a new ‘birthday suit’.

I pulled off the instructor’s, what appeared to be, brand-new ski suit, it looked really good on him, and it was going to look even better on me. Having stripped him off his ski-suit and all the other layers of clothes, I could finally take a close look at this fine body. This guy was fit, had a strong body, a handsome face and a nice beard, and as a ski instructor at the Richter Resort, one of the most luxurious and exclusive ski resorts in Switzerland, this identity could be very profitable and worthwhile.

Full of determination I began to strip, my resoluteness and desire being the main things preventing me from turning into an icicle as I threw my clothes in the snow. Finally I could start squeezing my naked body into his, and it had to be quick. Fortunately I slid right on in, and settled quite easily and comfortably in the ski instructor’s skin, but it was a cold experience, I could feel goosebumps on my new exterior. I quickly put on his sweat-soaked ski-underwear, before delightfully slipping on his still slightly warm ski-suit. Zipping it up, emphasizing that this body, this identity, this life was now mine. I checked his belt bag, everything was there, keys, phone, wallet, ID and staff member-card. It was perfect, everything I needed to play Martin Ziegler.

I buried my old clothes in the snow, then stuffed the rest of my belongings in my bag, before making my way back to the resort. I could really use some warmth before ‘starting my job’.

Several hours later I was back outside, it was time to meet the first of my 'clients'.

A well-off gentleman accompanied by two teenagers, one eager, one rather sulky, approached me.

”Hello, Austin Devons, Executive Vice President, EIS Group, this is my son Damian and daughter Lucille...”

I shook his hand with a firm grip, smiled and said: ”Hello there, Martin Ziegler, ski instructor.”

The Ski Instructor

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1 year ago

Becoming whole

Body a day - #28: Whole

Becoming Whole

This feel so right, I finally feel whole.

You lacked the brains, I lacked the brawn, but you were going places, I wasn't.

When I pressed my lips against yours, it wasn't a declaration of love, quite the contrary. You began to fade, while I became more real. I needed you to complete me.

I sucked everything that is you, right out of your mouth; Your strength, your confidence, your courage, your charisma, your looks – everything, until I had drained it all, and what remained crumbled to dust.

Your sculpted body will change my life, our lives. With your body shaping me, I’ll be taking your name as my own, as well as your clothes and all your other belongings.

For what it's worth I am sorry, but this world eats nice guys like me for breakfast, it's survival of the fittest, with your body and my mind I can get really far.

I am finally whole.

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1 year ago

A bargain and a deal

Body a day - #29: Ancient

“Hi. I’m here for the suit.” “Yes, come inside, I have put it out for you, if you want to look more at it and try it on.” The young guy went into the older guy’s house, the motorcycle suit, he had seen on a second-hand site, was hopefully everything he had dreamt of.

It was a nice suit and in perfect condition, the young guy seemed quite satisfied.

“So why were you selling it again?” he asked. “It needs to be worn,” said the older guy, “there’s a mirror over there, so you can see, if it fits.”

The young guy took off his hoodie and dropped it on the floor. The older guy left him alone in the hallway. If he was really cheeky, he could just have put on the suit and left.

Having wiggled into the leathers, the young guy zipped the suit, he admired himself in the mirror, grabbing his phone, snapping a few pictures.

A Bargain And A Deal

He then felt a sudden pain rush through his body, like something small and sharp was poking him in the back, but there was nothing to see. His phone fell out of his hand and landed on the floor, but he could not bend down to pick it up.

He couldn’t even lift his arms, looking down, he watched in horror, how his hands and feet deflated and shrank, seemingly disappearing into the suit, the suit was consuming him. He felt his head collapse and slowly being pulled into the neck opening, disappearing into the darkness.

Having heard the ’clunk’ of the leather suit hitting the floor, the older guy opened the door to the room to find it empty. The leather suit laid zipped, but vacant on the floor. He walked over to the unoccupied leathers, and picked it up, then unzipped it, it was still warm inside. “I hope you are satisfied”, he said, as he pulled out the youth’s sweaty clothes from the innards, a t-shirt, a tank top, a pair of meggings and some boxers, all soaked in sweat, but otherwise nothing suggested this had just been worn.

The older guy then stripped himself naked and began to pull on the leather suit himself, zipping it. “Alright, now it’s your turn,” he said, then immediately felt a warmth spreading through his body. He took a deep breath, then moaned as he felt his muscles expand ever so slightly, he felt the suit tightening, creaking loudly as it adjusted to his size, his skin smoothed regressing signs of ageing, his hair grew darker, it would soon begin to grow lusher and fuller too, and he felt energy and strength surging through his body, as the last occupant’s essence were pumped into him.

”Hell yeah, this guy had plenty to give. How about we take the bike for a spin?”

A Bargain And A Deal

The suit was the current vessel of an ancient spirit. Several years ago its partner had it posses this motorcycle suit, instead of its former vessel, so it could more easily devour its victims. He would provide it with a meal/sacrifice every now and then, having them wear the suit for the spirit to consume, and in the return the spirit would rejuvenate him with the leftover essence of its victims - an uneasy alliance, but both seemed content for the time being.

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1 year ago

Final Goal

Body a day - #30: Pecs

The final entry in @max-the-many's challenge.

Final Goal

“Paul? Why?” those were Lucas’s last words before he collapsed on the floor, his hand still pressed against his throat, his gaze becoming vacant. I chuckle, “you really haven’t figured out yet? I’m not Paul,” I pinch my cheek and pull, making my face distort grotesquely as Paul’s face detaches from my own underneath. I let go and Paul’s face snaps back in place, restoring my disguise. There’s a brief expression of soul-crushing horror on Lucas’s face, but then it disappears as the sparks in his eyes fade.

“Paul was a really nice disguise, as was your other friend, Stefan, but they were just the means to an end,” I say gloatingly to the unconscious hunk on the floor, kneeling to stay level with him, “you were always my final goal!”

Final Goal

There’s no response, Lucas seems to be well on his way in the conversion, soon he’ll be ready to wear.

“All it took was a couple of bodysuits to get close to you, your friends will become part of my collection, but you – you are the crown jewel.”

I begin to undress, taking off Paul’s bike leathers, his undersuit and the rest of his motorcycle equipment.

I place my hands on Paul’s forehead and begin to push it backwards, causing his mouth to expand for my own head to poke through it. Feeling the air on my original face feels strange and weirdly unfamiliar, but I’m not staying like this for long, once I’m inside Lucas, I’ll never take him off again.

Slowly I squeeze out of Paul’s skin, struggling to get my body out of his. It isn’t exactly a graceful transition as I clumsily pull out of Lucas’s biker friend, then again nobody is going to know.

I let go of Paul’s skin, letting it collapse on the floor as I eye up my new possession: Lucas Wilson.

He’s ready. I lift up the hollowed-out skinsuit, that used to be Lucas. I was aroused and excited with making this my new permanent body, but I wanted to savour the moment. I strip Lucas, pulling off his clothes piece by piece, placing them in a neat little pile, smelling them as I remove them – it’s a musk, I can’t wait to make my own.

Stripped naked like myself, I admire Lucas’s beautiful and sculpted body, those gorgeous muscles, especially those pecs. And they are all mine!

I carry the Lucas-suit into his bedroom, technically it’s my bedroom now – almost. I place it on the bed, even when deflated and visibly hollow, this body still looks amazing.

I run my fingers gently across his impressive chest, his defined abs, (they aren’t exactly rock-hard, but they will be, once I’m inside,) his well-endowed… his thick thighs and calves. I also run my fingers down his massive arms, from his broad shoulders, to his toned biceps and triceps and big hands. Finally I run my fingers across his angelic, handsome face, distorted by the lack of a skull, but still beautiful. I’m insatiable and feel like I’m about to burst with excitement, I can’t delay this any further.

I grab Lucas and stretching his mouth wide open, I begin to slither in. It’s always such an indescribably arousing feeling to pull on a bodysuit. It’s warm, smooth and squishy inside, and I slid my feet in like I had done a few times before taking my time to get the toes in. I pull Lucas up around my legs, his muscular legs now back to life. I slip his ass over mine and I slip my own meat into his; and like pulling it on like a condom, it springs to life, perfectly reflecting how aroused I am.

I pull Lucas’s mouth further up my torso, making my flat and featureless stomach disappear, and be replace with Lucas’s sculpted abs. I keep pulling, so that I can get the pecs almost in place, then I plunge my hands into Lucas’s impressive arms. Stretching out Lucas’s mouth wide enough to pass my shoulders, I finally get the upper torso into place. Running Lucas’s finger across my wide shoulders, muscular arms and perfect pecs, I smile to myself, before I flex hard, the muscles respond flawlessly. They are ready to serve their new master. I look at my reflection, seeing my face one final time, I must admit, that this pristine body suits me, but I want it all. I then stretch Lucas’s mouth one final time to stretch it over my head, then I let go with a snap. It’s dark for a moment, but I soon open my eyes and see the room again through new eyes.

The second-to-last thing I have to do is to push Lucas’s facial features into place. Staring insatiably as my handsome features fall into place, the facial massage has done it’s trick, I pull a few faces, it’s perfect. “Looking good, Lucas, looking really good,” I say to the stud in the mirror with my new voice.

Final Goal

I rub my new pecs, I’ve dreamt of rubbing hands my hands all over them since I first saw them on Lucas’s social media, and now they’re all mine! I twist the nipples, each placed on a big slab of muscle. My muscles!

Finally I inject myself with another syringe, I am making this process irreversible. I am Lucas, now and forever. I have never tried this injection before, but it feels like I’m bubbling inside, binding with my new skin, I can feel my senses sharpen and I feel ‘more real’ than ever.

Final Goal

Looking at myself in the mirror, I laugh, a fiendish laughter expressing my sheer delight of my accomplishment. I rub my nether regions, not able to contain myself any longer and a chill rushes through me, down my spine as I climax satisfyingly. Not bothering to clean up the stains right now, and done with what would only be the first of many sessions of self-gratification, I walk out of the bedroom, where I left the Paul-bodysuit. I smirk to myself, then I grab Paul’s motorcycle leathers, the ones I arrived in, and begin pulling them on my naked body. I’m now bigger and stronger than Paul, so the suit is going to get tested to see if it can contain my new muscular frame. I had no reason to worry, the suit is a perfect fit. It looks even better on Lucas me, than on Paul. Lucas doesn’t have a lot of motorcycle gear, but I’ll make sure to change that, in the hallway I find Lucas’s own motorcycle boots and gloves, well, my motorcycle boots and gloves, both several sizes bigger than what I wore before, but now they fit perfectly on my feet and hands. Riding a motorcycle as Paul was incredible, but going as Lucas is going to be many times better, but it’s going to have to be a short ride for now, there’s so much else I have to do - to put this new body to the test. Pecs and everything!

Final Goal

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1 year ago

The parody

The Parody

His name was Johnny Zest, born John Landgraab, but that wasn’t a name he used anymore. His family disowned him years ago after he skipped out of school. Johnny wasn’t academical, at all, he was the class clown, and boy did he make them laugh.

Johnny was funny, and he was good at it, so he wanted to work on that instead. He wanted to be a comedian. And that is what he eventually became, much to his family’s disapproval. Not anything big, but enough to make ends meet, and usually just at the local comedy club. One thing he was particularly good at was parodies. Given a little time, he could change his voice quite convincingly. People were amazed with his parodies. He nailed it, they told him.

The Parody

After a show one evening, a guy approached him by the scene after his performance, as the next set was being set up.

“Great show, dude” he said with a big smile. Johnny thanked him for the compliment.

“Do you think you could make yourself sound like me?” the guy asked. “Well, I’ll need a little time to see how your face moves when you speak, and of course get to know your voice…” Johnny began to explain, but he was cut off before he could elaborate further.

“Heh, it would be great, if you could. I could put you on my channel, you'd get tons of attention." The guy kept talking, but Johnny was beginning to zone out.

Then it dawned on Johnny, who this guy was… He had to be some sort of influencer.

Johnny didn’t recognize him, the guy probably wouldn’t like the fact, that Johnny had no idea who he was. And this guy seemed to be the kind of person, who wanted to be recognized.

So Johnny just played along, after all, acting was what he was good at.

"Hey, let’s take a selfie together, I’ll post on my channel. Then maybe you can get me some free tickets for your next show. Then you can show your impression of me." It wasn't until the guy had taken his selfie and shown the uploaded result to him, that he actual figured out his name: Jackson Ready.

The Parody

His meeting with Jackson had made him realize something, he wasn’t just good at parodies, he was great at it… Maybe it was time to put it to use…

He began studying Jackson’s posts intricately, trying to absorb as much knowledge about him as possible. Learning all about his hobbies, interests, and most importantly; his behaviour. He had to admit that Jackson was pretty generic, nothing really set him apart. He just filmed other people doing stuff, and then made it all about himself. Johnny couldn’t see any justification in this guy’s popularity, but he wasn’t going to complain, after all he was planning on using it.

He practiced extensively Jackson’s voice and behaviour. He also spent hours on makeup to make himself look just Jackson; they were quite similar, which made it easy, and Johnny wanted to be sure, that he nailed it. In the following weeks, he did everything to try and become just like Jackson, and he was getting more and more accustomed to it.

Thanks to a shady individual from Strangetown, Johnny had come into possession of the device, that was going to subdue Jackson and take him out of the picture. With that he was now all set to put his plan into motion. His last show on stage. The prelude to his greatest performance yet.

He sent a message to Jackson, of course with a free ticket attached, as well as asking him to meet him backstage after his performance.

Johnny managed to get through the show. Jackson was sitting front row… and Johnny had kept a good eye on him, this was going to be wild.

The Parody

“Hey, dude, you were great tonight - freaking hilarious.”

“Thanks,” Johnny said, his pulse was rising, he knew his window of opportunity was small, and it will appear in just a moment. “So did you think you could make an impression of me?” “Yes, I have been practicing quite a bit.” Johnny said as he led Jackson to the backstage room. “Cool, we can do a couple of short recordings, then I can post in on my channel.” “Excellent, dude!” Johnny said imitating Jackson’s voice. Jackson was visibly surprised. “Woah! You sound just like me, but wait till I have started recording.”

The Parody

“Oh okay…” Johnny said with his regular voice. Having hid a little tube device in his hand, Johnny anticipated the moment. Jackson was way to occupied looking at his phone screen, seemingly trying to get a good angle as well as light. But his inattention was just, what Johnny had waited for.

Johnny injected the tube into Jackson’s neck, Jackson yelped almost inaudibly, before he dropped his phone and collapsed on the floor.

The Parody

Not wasting any time, Johnny quickly pulled off Jackson’s boots, socks, suit, watch, cap and underwear, stripping him completely naked. Jackson had a nice body, Johnny already knew that obviously, but seeing it in real life was something definitely more satisfying.

He went over to the mirror table pulling off his fake soul patch, without it his chin was as smoothly shaved as Jackson’s. He then grabbed the wig and quickly put it on. It looked pretty convincing, but Johnny was intending to dye his hair as soon as possible, so he wouldn’t have to rely on the wig. He put in the contact lenses, he knew Jackson used them too, so nobody would notice. Then he began to apply the makeup, he had prepared in advance. He knew exactly what to do to make the disguise flawless. He admired the result in the mirror, his Jackson face was spot on.

The Parody

He began to undress and threw all his old clothes into his “prop box”, there were actually no props inside the box, the box itself was the prop, but as long as everybody thought it was filled with props Johnny could carry out his plan with little worry.

He stuffed all his old clothes into the box, then dragged it over to the unconscious Jackson.

He lifted him with surprisingly little effort, he wasn’t exactly sure, what that injection had done to him, but he quickly folded Jackson in half and placed him in box, then he shut it.

He then looked at the pile of clothes, that was all that remained of Jackson. He put on Jackson’s damp boxers, keeping his arousal in place. Then the t-shirt and socks, also damp, Johnny enjoyed how they smelled strongly of Jackson, he could get used to that scent.

Then he grabbed the weird suit Jackson had worn, Johnny wasn’t exactly sure, what kind of motor sport you’d wear it for… if any. But Jackson didn’t do motor sports, Johnny knew that much. Nevertheless he thoroughly enjoyed slipping into the suit, it was warm and slick on the inside, it creaked softly as it covered his body. His hand slid down the inside of Jackson's suit, he pulled a couple of times, his arousal was growing. He needed to remain focused, time was of the essence. He wiped his hand off on the leg of the suit. There would be plenty of time for that later. He had to complete his transformation. He slipped on Jackson’s boots, they fitted perfectly. He slipped on his watch and finally he placed the cap on his head… backwards, just like Jackson had worn it.

The Parody

He now looked just like Jackson did as he entered the backroom just a few minutes ago, nobody would be able to tell the difference, he looked at himself in the mirror, it was breathtaking.

He placed the box on its wheels and quickly left unseen via the back door. He retrieved Jackson’s car key from the inner pocket of the suit. He unlocked Jackson’s car and stuffed the box in the trunk.

The Parody

The perfect act, from the world’s greatest parodist.

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11 months ago

No April Fool's Joke

No April Fool's Joke

"Yeah, okay Joey, I think the joke has gone on long enough. Can you untie me now?" laughed the champ, "we got work to do." "Not quite," said Joey the crewmember. Joey had been onto him for some time now, he already knew his secret, and what he wanted to gain from it. Joey rubbed the back of his hand against the tied-up champ's face. The champ seemed almost nervous, up until now he had been taking it as a harmless joke.

Joey reached for the champ's throat, digging his hands into his skin feeling for a fold around his neck, and eventually he found one. With a swift move he yanked the champion's face off. Joey now stood with the champion's lifeless face in his hand, and his suspicions confirmed.

Now the leather-clad biker appeared to be a pale and sweaty man, who looked frantically and frightened at Joey. "I can explain everything," he yelped instinctively. "Not necessary," Joey replied and pressed a rag against the stranger's face till he lost consciousness.

Joey then quickly untied the champ or whoever he was, then stripped all his leathers off him. Excitedly Joey put on the mask as well as the champ's gear right down to his sweaty undersuit. Once all the gear was in place from the mismatched leather boots to the Monster baseball cap, Joey immediately left for the track with a satisfied grin on his face, he was ready to take his career and life to the next level, and had no reason to look behind him anymore.

No April Fool's Joke
No April Fool's Joke

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11 months ago

A career in music

“Hi Sebastian, sorry if I’m late.” I said entering the music room. I’ve had a busy day, with it being my final day of teaching.

A Career In Music

The young man looked up from his guitar and smiled.

“No worries, teach, I’ve just been sitting jammin’ a bit while waiting.” Sebastian said innocently.

“Well, I’m not a teacher much longer,” I replied as I closed the door.

“Does it feel strange to have your last day today?” Sebastian asked curiously.

“Sort of… But it’s a great opportunity. I still wanted to talk to you about the strings, I’ve been pulling.”

“Yeah?!” Sebastian eyes lit up, he sat up straight, eager to hear, what I had to tell him.

“I’ve been talking to a producer at Alpha Centauri and showed him some of your music, and he is considering you-”

“What?! Are you fucking serious?! They really are going to let me-”

I had to cut off the excited young man, I handed him my phone; “Here, you can read the mail, he sent me, yourself.” He smiled a million dollar smile.

A Career In Music

I handed him my battered old phone and pretended to be reading over his shoulder, as Sebastian excitedly read the quite long e-mail.

Unfortunately for Sebastian the mail wasn’t real, as a matter of fact, I had written it myself, but I just needed to be very close to him and have him be distracted. Then I jabbed the syringe into his neck.

The young man immediately lashed out, falling off the chair and dropping the phone in the process. He looked up at me with a shocked, but already somewhat vacant expression.

I immediately sat on top of him, pinning him down, pressing one hand against his mouth, whilst holding his right arm down against the floor. He was no doubt much stronger than me, but with the drug debilitating his body, it was much easier than expected.

“I’m sorry, Sebastian,” I said with apathy, “but this is the opportunity, I’m talking about.”

He tried retaliating with his left arm, but soon appeared to lose control of it, causing it to flail around randomly until the drug really kicked in.

When he stopped struggling, I got up and checked the door was locked, and then quickly took off my clothes, stuffing it into a plastic bag.

Sebastian was completely unconscious by that time, so I could take off his clothes with ease as well. His naked body was a sight to behold – young, strong and handsome, except slightly twisted as his insides had decayed.

I laid on top of what remained of Sebastian to squeeze out all the air and gunk still trapped in his body. It was like lying on a deflating balloon, a visible vapour left every orifice, and soon he was completely flat and empty.

“I’m done with teaching, now it’s time to take what should have been mine.” I monologued, as if Sebastian could still hear me.

I picked up Sebastian’s skin, shook it a little and marvelled at the result. Not hesitating any further I stretched his mouth wide and began slipping my feet inside. It was a struggle to get inside, but eventually I got my foot all the way down. The next foot was easier, and as soon as I could wiggle my toes within Sebastian’s feet, I could easily pull his strong legs into place as well.

I fed my dick into his hollow shaft, and it sprung to life, after which I could pull his gaping mouth over my butt. I pulled the stretchy skin further up my body, my own gut being replaced by Sebastian’s flat stomach.

“You’re by far the most talented musician I’ve ever taught, and I’m sick and tired of teaching, now I’m getting the music career, I always dreamt of when I was your age.”

It wasn’t getting any easier, but I was so close. Getting my arm inside his mouth, whilst being stretched around by abdomen was more difficult than anticipated, but I eventually managed to get one arm in, and the result spoke for itself. It was smooth, tan, strong… and mine! I flexed it a couple of times, and even stroked my arousal a couple of times… It was perfect.

After a little more struggling, I could plunge my other arm into his, and that was the last major obstacle.

With a simple movement, the chest and shoulders slid into place, and with only his vacant head dangling behind mine like a hood, I was almost done.

I gently ran my new hand over my new firm chest, feeling my pecs, both slabs of smooth and strong muscle.

“Just imagine how far the two of us can go together as one. I want the fame, the money, the-” I paused, that would be the last time, that I would hear my own voice. It was time to finish.

I stretched Sebastian’s mouth wide one last time, so it could swallow me whole. A tingling sensation rushed through my body and mind, as Sebastian’s mouth snapped shut around mine.

The sensation of darkness and unintelligible pictures and thoughts rushed through me, but suddenly there was light and clarity.

A Career In Music

“FUUUUUUUUCK!” I growled triumphantly. Looking down my new body, I was beyond satisfaction. I instinctively looked up at the clock over the door. I had been here longer, than expected. I needed to slip into Sebastian’s routine, there would be plenty of time for self-gratification later, though I had to strongly repress the urges.

I put on Sebastian’s underwear, socks, t-shirt, pants, his signature necklace and wristbands. There was something particularly pleasing about claiming these personal keepsakes as my own. Finally, I slipped on his biker jacket, it was a perfect fit and still smelled strongly of leather and the sweat of the young man.

A Career In Music

I picked up his guitar and the plastic bag with the last remaining traces of my old self.

I quietly left the room, wanted to head outside to get some fresh air and sun.

A Career In Music
A Career In Music

Everything seemed brighter and lighter outside the classroom as I stepped into the hallway.

But after having only walked about 200 metres, I felt unwell, as if the hallway was spinning. I needed to sit down, so I sat on the stairs leading to the upper floors. I suppose the transformation wasn't completely done yet.

A Career In Music

As I sat here, waiting for the dizziness to go away, I decided to put this new body to the test. I strummed the guitar like it was the most natural thing in the world, and I could feel both my and Sebastian's talent streaming through my fingers and the notes they produced.

It was almost an unreal sensation. I was better than my old self, I was better than Sebastian, I was on a whole other level. The dizziness had precipitated, and I got back on my feet. A couple of girls passed by in the hallway, they had noticed my music, they smiled at me, and I flashed signature Sebastian’s grin right back at them. Once they were gone, I burst into laughter.

A Career In Music

I grabbed my phone and gave a call to NewU Records, who were the ones I had actually gotten an agreement with, and they were going to make me their new star, all I had to do was give them a call.

Everything was set up for Sebastian. Record deal, new apartment and future career, all set up by me. From my savings I've even bought a white convertible, which I think would go extremely well with my new identity.

A Career In Music

I took it for a spin later that night, like a totally insufferable, self-absorbed and enviable celebrity with the world at his feet. It feels so good, it feels so right. This is going to be sweet.

A Career In Music
A Career In Music
A Career In Music
A Career In Music

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10 months ago

In the saddle

In The Saddle

I’m glad I could help you, I’m glad I could encourage you. I’ve watched your progress as you pushed yourself to the limit. I always knew you’d be a great triathlete. You had guts and potential and ambition.

I was never good at swimming, nor cycling, nor running, but as you I got the full package.

Now that you’ve made all the preparations for me, I’m sure, I’ll get a good time at the triathlon this weekend. I want to get the best out of all your hard work, bearing the fruits of your labour, like you always did back when we were co-workers.

This body is fit and strong, and destined for something greater – and it looks good in lycra. There’s no way I’m giving this up. Now I’m in the saddle.

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10 months ago



“Are you going to sit there all day, Rick?” the trainer asked his best rugby player, who sat almost motionlessly on the bench. “Yeah, I’m sorry” he replied trying to sound unwell, but not too sick either.

“My stomach has been acting up all day,” he lied trying to get the nosey trainer to leave him alone. He tried his best to look like he really wanted to be here, whilst being too unwell to actually participate. Practice had just started, there was about one and a half hour to go, and the waiting time was making him anxious.


He had prepared everything, signed up for an activity before the rugby team arrived to have access to the same locker room, replaced Rick’s water bottle with an identical one, but with the bodysuit serum and an acute laxative added, even made copies of the bathroom key and written the whole meticulous plan down in every detail to make sure nothing was overlooked. But if he thought that slipping on Rick would be a piece of cake, he was sorely mistaken. For all his planning he had forgot to account for the size of the bathrooms.

The bodysuit serum had done his trick by the time he let himself into the bathroom with the unconscious Rick, and he had managed to separate Rick’s head from his body, so he could slip into him, but crammed into the tiny bathroom, that just wouldn’t work.

He needed more time... and space, but he couldn’t risk anybody walking in on him. He carefully unlocked the bathroom door peering into the empty locker room. He had an idea, hopefully it would work, he obviously couldn’t afford to mess this up.

Rick’s teammates had already called for him, and he had been in the bathroom for almost 15 minutes, he needed to get out there, before they became suspicious.

Jolting out of the bathroom, he headed straight for Rick’s bag and rugby gear, from the bag he pulled out Rick’s sub suit as well as his socks and boots. He retreated to the bathroom with it, and it was much easier to pull on. The baggy suit would be the best way for him to hide his body, whilst he pretended to be Rick.


He slipped into the slightly amorphous suit, zipping everything, then quickly pulled on Rick’s socks and boots. The socks obviously hadn’t been washed since last practice, but he didn’t mind at all. That aroma would belong to him soon enough. He then grabbed Rick’s lifeless face and slipped it on, and he needed to do it quickly. Plunging his head into the hollow throat, he soon found the eye-holes and from there, he could begin to adjust the mask, making sure eyes, nose, mouth and ears all were aligned properly.

From any outside perspective he looked exactly like Rick, and as long as he kept the suit on, nobody would know. Checking if the coast was clear again, the Rick-imposter left the bathroom. He stuffed the headless Rick-suit into a locker and locked it, he would have to retrieve it after the game. He checked himself one last time in the mirror, the face was animate, Rick’s charismatic face moved as if it was his own. But he did not feel safe yet, if anybody saw the unfit body underneath…


With everything securely zipped, he made his way to the field outside, but headed straight for the benches. Now all he had to was to be patient and wait, it would be so worth it, once the waiting time was over. And although he was nervous, it did feel good to finally be in the position, where people saw him as Rick, being dressed in his clothes, seeing the world through his eyes. Soon the rest of the athlete’s body and life would be his. He just needed for practice to end, and for everybody to go home. Then he could take the final step.


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