Malu - Tumblr Posts

• I am sorry. I am a mess. • I am pretty sure @asktheslytherpuff decided that I am a potato. •I WAS in your city. I just didn't know you were there, too xD • true • true • so am I • are you foldable?

Problematic fav for @das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh? (Sorry don't remember their name)



talked with me for a month without realizing that she didn’t followed me yet

is a bean

came to country but not my city

asks to make a thread and don’t have idea of what to do

travels throw the world all the time

i’m jealous girl

at least put me on the bag

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This photo needs to burn.

Heyyyy :c)

1. First impression: Damn! That’s such an awesome Walburga! Slay!
2. Truth is: you’re the coolest person ever and needs to come to Brazil again! I want to meet you.
3. How old do you look: 24
4. Have you ever made me laugh: oh I still have the photo of you with the wig cap on your face😂 so that’s a yes 
5. Have you ever made me mad: nope 
6. Best feature: hair!
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: no
8. You’re my: awesome friend 
9. Name in my phone: Samiiiiii!
10. Should you post this too? If you want to

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