das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh - das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh

658 posts

I Am Sorry. I Am A Mess. I Am Pretty Sure @asktheslytherpuff Decided That I Am A Potato. I WAS In Your

• I am sorry. I am a mess. • I am pretty sure @asktheslytherpuff decided that I am a potato. •I WAS in your city. I just didn't know you were there, too xD • true • true • so am I • are you foldable?

Problematic fav for @das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh? (Sorry don't remember their name)



talked with me for a month without realizing that she didn’t followed me yet

is a bean

came to country but not my city

asks to make a thread and don’t have idea of what to do

travels throw the world all the time

i’m jealous girl

at least put me on the bag

  • das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh
    das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh reblogged this · 8 years ago
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    das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh liked this · 8 years ago

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Munchkins, I'm doing the ooc q&a tonight or tomorrow (depending on how long my jetlag lets me stay awake). So come and ask me stuff! I am willing to answer your questions 😉

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It’s entirely your fault. You dragged me onto this sinking merthur ship and made me go down with you! (Please appreciate the pun)

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More Importantly, Colin Morgan Is Beautiful. You Meet Him In Real Life And Think, Yeah, Nice, Sweet.
More Importantly, Colin Morgan Is Beautiful. You Meet Him In Real Life And Think, Yeah, Nice, Sweet.

“More importantly, Colin Morgan is beautiful. You meet him in real life and think, yeah, nice, sweet. But he’s one of those lucky bastards that the camera absolutely loves. All cheekbones and black hair and mmm!” — Russell T Davies 

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Reblog this if its okay for your followers to introduce themselves to you.

Just come to my ask box and tell me stuff about yourself. Your pets. Your favorite music. What you had for breakfast this morning. Literally anything you want, I love making new friends

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I. Am. Crying. 😂😂😂

There is this German comedian who issued a calendar last year with falsely assigned quotes (which was pretty awesome already) He has done another one for 2017. It is translated to 'the awful calendar' It is filled with 365 quotes falsely assigned to Donald Trump.

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I have absolutely no idea how you would have come to that conclusion.

I would give you a potato. A German potato. Oh and the trampoline thingy!!!

((OOC: mhm, wild guess. Is this Sami? 😂))

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