Manato Edgeworth - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
More Oc Scribbles But They're Also Very Scribbly Actually
More Oc Scribbles But They're Also Very Scribbly Actually
More Oc Scribbles But They're Also Very Scribbly Actually
More Oc Scribbles But They're Also Very Scribbly Actually

more oc scribbles but they're also very scribbly actually

explanations + bonus doodle under the cut! :)

a manato outfit concept, along with some small crowd practice! i'm thinking of giving side characters / unimportant characters in crowds just faceless mannequin-esque designs, as i did here, for future reference. :3 i love drawing big, extremely exaggerated puffy sleeves so much!! definitely going to give all of manato's other outfits some sort of motif to that...

more manato!! wahoo!! this one is just random, honestly. a little scribble. a tiny thing. i don't draw proper character designs from the back, so i just wanted to make something a bit different. maybe i'll digitalize this and make it into a proper painting someday!

YEAAAAAH AKIHIRO!!!!! YEEAAAAH !!! i love him so much but i actually detest him but hes so silly abdhfsjska. this was sort of inspired by a screencap from "butcher vanity". as in the song 😭 but i just wanted to make him look bored and annoyed instead. not for any particular reason; i just typically resort to giving my characters' faces annoyed / bored as a default. i really want to digitalize this, too! :P but definitely not right now, lmao.

more annoyed akihiro!! i've been thinking of drawing eyes a bit differently lately, as shown here. he's very judgy in this shot, haha! idk of what, though... 🤔 once again, i just like making my characters pissed off. this one sort of gave me the vibes of old photos where they never smile. and in movies, all of the ancestors' portraits always look stern and annoyed... honestly, i'd be rather angry too if i had to sit still for multiple hours just to have my face painted too, so i can't really blame those guys 💀

More Oc Scribbles But They're Also Very Scribbly Actually

this one was Just Plain Silly. also expression practice!! i liked how this one turned out,,, i had no idea how to make the eyes so i just resorted to anime, lmao. you know how some angry faces in unserious scenes in anime just have the character go like ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)? just big white eyes, and a massive square (typically sharp-toothed) mouth? to express Pure Unbridled Fury? like that. :)

this specific one was just literally based on something that happened a few minutes ago, lmao. just scrolling on tumblr and boom. netflixvania. get out!!!! >:(

also, a similar experience happened yesterday... i remember when i went to hot topic in the mall, as SOON as i turned to leave after i Purchased My Wares, you know how hot topic has all of their t-shirt graphics put into square frames, all over the wall?

yeah as soon as i went to Leave, and (poorly) chose to check out the graphics for a second, you want to know the FIRST god-damned thing i saw? A NETFLIXVANIA GRAPHIC. NO JOKE. now THAT was seriously the straw that broke the camel's back -- I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HOT TOPIC HAD NETFLIXVANIA MERCH!!! .·°՞(≧□≦)՞°·.

BUT I CHECKED THEIR WEBSITE. AND THEY DO. 3 pages worth of merchandise, and IT'S ALL FOR THE SHOW!! i died on the spot. anyway that's all i have to type right now but yeah it Sucked.

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6 months ago

FINE. i'll talk about my STUPID GAY characters. number one + two are manato edgeworth and akihiro black; the protagonist and antagonist, respectively.

note: i do apologize if some things are jambled by the way, like the way i order my paragraphs! i'm trying to explain one thing while explaining the other, so they both make sense consecutively, haha!

Manato Edgeworth hails from a long line of nobles. The location that all this takes place in is called Vermillion (for now. i might change the name later, but vermillion still sounds cool), a fictional region that is inspired by a mix between Eastern / Southeastern European cultures and just fucking Canada. Except it's always fucking snowing. The time period is meant to be from 1700 - 1750. Just without all the atrocities! Anyway, Manato is the youngest heir to the Edgeworth family. This bit will become important later.

The reason why Manato ventured into Castle Black is because of two simple reasons: saving face, and greed.

There have been many counts of mysterious disappearances recently, and people have been gossiping that said missing persons may have something to do with Castle Black. (more on that later, too.) Since the local law deems the case unimportant, considering the people that went missing were "mere peasants", Manato elects to visit the castle himself to make himself look like a brave vigilante. Saving innocent peons from grave danger (and maybe a bit of a reward in it for him doing the deed as well), would make everyone in town absolutely adore him.

So, Manato packs his things and heads his merry way to Castle Black, a massive Gothic castle in the middle of the forest. In the middle of the night. In the middle of a snow-covered, freezing winter. So, obviously, nothing could go wrong!

Anyway, I'm going to talk about Castle Black itself, because that's the very area where all of these damned shenanigans are going to be held.

Castle Black is the result of another noble family called the Blacks, consisting of vampires instead of humans. However, instead of heirs automatically being assumed due to breeding without the lower vampires having a say, the way Castle Black is given to a new vampire heir is a bit strange, to say the least.

I haven't fully fleshed out the details yet, but basically, when an heir reaches a certain level of power, all the lower and higher vampires gather together to discuss the pros and cons of the heir in question. The way it goes is akin to an auction.

Say, there is already an heir, but the lower vampires get to discuss whether they would be a hindrance to the locals or not, and if they should inherent Castle Black. If not, then the vampire does not become the Heir of Black, and a new vampire must be bred and raised. If so, then the vampire becomes the Heir of Black, and they become the lord of Castle Black. In Akihiro's case, however, all the vampires were highly against the idea of him becoming the Heir of Black.

Their reasoning is that Akihiro's main schtick is that he is obsessed with humans and stripping away their humanity through killing them, torturing them, and turning them into vampires just to leave them to rot in the snow. Not in that order; he dabbles between the three. :) Anyway, the other vampires didn't like that much, because an incoherently insane lord isn't much of a lord at all, now, is it?

However, it turns out Akihiro had to become the Heir of Black whether he liked it or not, because no other vampire was a living Black, and no other vampire shared the amount of raw intelligence and power that Akihiro had. How convenient for him!

Now, Akihiro may be powerful and rich and smart, but that doesn't stop the other vampires from detesting him completely. Four other vampires have to live in Castle Black with Akihiro: May Solace, Roland Fujimura, and Leo and Lucien Yokohama. I won't delve deeper into their specific roles in this post yet, but the jist of it is basically that they have to begrudgingly serve Akihiro through means of basic, menial tasks; patrolling the castle and providing food and entertainment, to name a few.

Since I have all that set up, I'll talk a bit more about Manato, and how he and Akihiro meet in the first place. Manato may be an intelligent noble himself, and trained with a sword, but he is also, as aforementioned, going to a big-ass Dracula castle in the middle of the forest, winter, and night. So, a vampire attacks him, knocking Manato out cold and actually turning him in the process. He wakes up in Castle Black, now unarmed, bathed, and in different clothes, with gauze around his neck and fangs in his mouth.

There's a ton more to Manato's turning that I can't mention because it would be spoiling everything, but the general plot after this is that Manato is now slowly going insane and must escape Castle Black to protect his sanity and whatever remaining humanity he has left, before he succumbs to his newfound bloodlust and embraces the cruel inevitable.

so yeah! :3

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5 months ago

Hi do you have silly guys for me to draw if I get bored


Hi Do You Have Silly Guys For Me To Draw If I Get Bored

i highly recommend this arrogant little shit. love to see it. the art's a bit old but yeagh!!!!

also not an oc but:

Hi Do You Have Silly Guys For Me To Draw If I Get Bored

my biological uncle :)

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