MARRON - Tumblr Posts
I love k18 so much, but soooo much, that i Want to give marron a Oc brother! Oh wait
Cute 😸🫶🏽
A mother's hug is always welcome 🫂💙. It looks like me and my mother 🫶🏽

I need her to always keep doing this no matter how big she gets
I want to make a child (Marron's older brother) with Kurinin and 18 just because I love them so much! 🌞. And also, because it would be cool to see an older brother for Marron, he would be very protective of her.
What if... He was an Android, with DNA from Icejin (Frieza's race), Cyborg and Draconicjin (He would have forms inspired by Lava and Obsidian), and he would be like a copy of Android 16... Wait... Would this work? :0 Surely Android 18 and Kurinin would accept him and take care of him with great affection, especially since he would remind them a little of Android 16 (Because he has love, with nature, Fighting, Training, by his adoptive parents, his uncle 17 and his little Young sister). I thought about him having a name, like for example, Topaz, or Kokuyō(From the word, obsidian in Japanese).
He would have Lava Blue eye color (Color code: #2d5069), his skin color, I thought sepia brown, his hair color, I thought orange (because of Android 16). He would be about 6 years old when he was adopted by Kurinin and 18 (He will participate in the tournament of Power, he goes in Tien's place when he Became older). He is at a level of power, as a bio android, at the level of Cell (in his second form), but his potential is unknown.
Whis trained him, so that he could become a little stronger, as Whis saw potential in him, With training, he reached the Obsidian form (which is on the level of Goku's Super Saiyan 2 Full Power).
In Future Trunks, he was, so to speak, reconfigured by Future Bulma, so that he would serve as a younger brother to Trunks.
Due to his characteristics, several girls are attracted to him, but for now he is not interested in romance, he is only thinking about becoming a martial arts fighter and protecting his family. (In the near future, he will probably marry Erasa and Sharpner daughter, she is the same age as him, and she is obsessed with fighting too, like her Aunt Videl and Uncle Gohan)
His personality is: Calm, Observant, Protective, Affectionate (with his sister and family), reserved, intelligent, and a little sarcastic (in fights).

** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their page too **
Artist : しぃの実

i have the brainpower to think of 16 k18 reunion but not the ability to draw hugs
Traditional Kids - Kids Room

Inspiration for a large timeless boy medium tone wood floor, brown floor and tray ceiling kids' room remodel with gray walls