Dragonball - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Im On A DragonBall Drawing Spree... Plz Help.
Im On A DragonBall Drawing Spree... Plz Help.

I’m on a DragonBall drawing spree... Plz help.

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6 years ago

I love Gummy (your Majin OC) and her design with that cowgirl look is so good!

Aw thank you so much! Sorry I couldn’t respond earlier, Tumblr notifications just don’t work.

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11 years ago
Android 18, Belated Submission For Dbz Zine. Like A Super Milllion Years Late

Android 18, belated submission for dbz zine. like a super milllion years late

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I think I also want to explain my big bias about romance in epics: a heavily opinionated thread

Keep in mind, I’m not trying to throw shade at any indie creators who do this, just trying to explain my style and why

I really don’t like “Star-Crossed” Lovers and “Love interest to be built up and killed off” tropes. Not sure I ever did honesty.

I get why they work, they just don’t work for me. Unless like Peter Parker they get another chance again.

And three franchises were the final straw for me, and what drove me to go indie along with being inspired by indie works of others

First it was RWBY the tragic end of Arkos and what I feared to be sane of Black Sun among others along with the doomed fate of Oscar Pine

I tried to express my distaste of it on tumblr on my past accounts and RWBY wiki discussion forum(big mistake, I know) and I regretted it so much

I Think I Also Want To Explain My Big Bias About Romance In Epics: A Heavily Opinionated Thread

Never had I met a fanbase so arrogant, self righteous, and sanctimonious about this kind of stuff, going on how amazing these tropes and dark stories like RWBY initially seemed circa V3-Finale along with Madoka Magica and Akame Ga Kill were and sneering at anything even one shade lighter than that

They were either passive-aggressively judging and gaslighting me, or outright lecturing me

How a epic story that has Dork knight and a lonely warrior woman isolated by society crushing on him,  or a unlucky moody girl and sunshine himbo, a doomed hero having a well earned happy ending, especially if it involved resurrection as a good thing was nothing but “pandering”, petty, and worthless and the preference of the weak and cowardly

Even one fan said “people don’t find that interesting, sorry.” And that another fan seemed to stated characters like Pyrrha and Jaune are only fit for tragic endings because “that’s the kind of character she is” both of which these fans spoke as these things were gospel, or they themselves had some kind of storytelling authority

Then I heard about Superman and Lois Lane getting married and having a kid and even Bruce and Selena getting hitched, until hearing both marriages get trashed along with a few others

Along with the defense Dan Didio gave

It was absolutely MADDENING to me

"Heroes shouldn’t have happy personal lives. They are committed to being that person and committed to defending others at the sacrifice of their own personal interests.

That’s very important and something we reinforced. People in the Bat family their personal lives basically suck. Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon and Kathy Kane. It’s wonderful that they try to establish personal lives, but it’s equally important that they set them aside. That is our mandate, that is our edict and that is our stand."

Like, these guys want to hopeful, but only in certain ways the pop-culture/literary ‘intellectuals’ deem acceptable as well as what they deem to be ‘interesting’ and what I had in mind did not only not qualify, it was seen as outright heresy

When I brought this up in my grievances with stories like RWBY, one holier-that-thou jerk supported it because 

“Single Batman and Superman sells well”

After writing my preferences off as “pandering” and only for the likes such as Disney and Marvel,

The Self-Centered hypocrisy was staggering because what he said and his many followers were basically saying this;

“We don’t like it when your niche interest stuff is forced into our stuff, but when the case is in the reverse? We’re totally cool with that, and we hope it keeps happening.”

other fans said what I wanted was only for sitcoms, imposing themselves as gatekeepers of *epic storytelling itself*

From where I was standing, there is a growing hatred of couples in epics go through and making it and even getting married and having children, especially those of certain dynamics all under the guise of “hopepunk” and “The Greater Good.” Or whatever the term is now

Prattled on by conceited fandoms who in my opinion, have become a bunch of literary snobs who think way too highly of themselves

Who go around deciding what ways are legitimate “raised stakes” and “consequences”, 

both which might I add are defined by their *own* standards,

I Think I Also Want To Explain My Big Bias About Romance In Epics: A Heavily Opinionated Thread

along with their own preferences, especially fates for of certain kinds of ships and characters, which they flaunt as “objective” and above those of “the unwashed masses” in order to justify glorifying them as well as themselves for liking them

Which then afterwards these fandoms pressure these standards onto aspiring writers such as myself or be exiled to sitcoms, romcoms, Disney, or Marvel.

Because it’s not “entitlement” if it’s directed at the peasants I guess.

That along with the fact their so insecure and discontent with just being different, they need to feel superior than others for their own preferences

Nor they can’t handle the idea somewhere out there there is story that have characters like the those of the stories they enjoy, but with a different outcome

All epic fiction, its characters, its settings, its themes, its use of its inspirations, the creator’s style needs to begin and end on terms of these self-appointed arbiters who, once again, try to justify by presenting their preferences, tastes, and “personal emotional beats” as objective and superior

And once again: I’m *NOT* saying creators who goes with the tragic romance route are bad or malicious, most of them are just doing their thing

This problem lies with sycophantic individuals among fandoms who appoint their chosen champion’s ways as law and act offended on their behalf, even though they never spoken to these creators personally nor did these creators asked them to pick up a sword in their name and are not held accountable for their behavior

And what’s worse, is that these groups imply epic stories where heroic couples get married and have families are allegedly incompatible outside of Disney or Marvel or else it ends up as terrible story

Which they will imply is the case for stories like DragonBall Z, Sword Art Online, and Naruto/Boruto

But when *their* way of doing things ruins a franchise like DC comics and people complain about it?

It’s the whining of unwashed masses or vocal toxic minority opposed to the enlightened few or informed majority

I Think I Also Want To Explain My Big Bias About Romance In Epics: A Heavily Opinionated Thread

Because *their* way makes everything better and always will

It’s incredibly self absorbed and narcissistic

So that’s why I’ve been so keen on having my heroes find love, get married and having families. Especially ones who’ve been through so much sorrow.

I’m just weary of this and tired of fandoms telling me when I’m disappointed;

“It’s not for you” and implying “nothing should be for you and everything should be for us”

And I’m certain I’m not the only one who feels this way

You don’t have to share my personal tastes and distaste’s in story beats in epics, once again, I just want you guys to understand.

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6 years ago
Goku Progress! I Kind Of Like Where It Is Going, But Give Me Feedback On What I Should Add/take Away

Goku progress! I kind of like where it is going, but give me feedback on what I should add/take away from this image in the comments. 🌟💬 How would you improve it? . . . #goku #fanart #dragonball #digitalart

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this is a young artist who thinks their art is cringe! SHOWER THEM IN COMPLIMENTS THEY DESERVE IT- of course constructive criticism is ok and cool, no one can be the best at everything

BUT i feel like this artist should be brought a little attention, thank you for your time :>

It's Not A Ship! (Sorry For My Bad English If There Is Any Mistake Because I Use Translator). Please

It's not a ship! (Sorry for my bad English if there is any mistake because I use translator). Please don't make fun of me, I can understand that it's cringe, but I really care about this drawing♡.Vegeta is simply my comfort character and all this represents all the times when I was sick and he helped me with his way of I've known him for years and now I'm really fond of him. So please don't insult me, even if it's my oc everyone can identify with the drawing♡Be free to imagine yourself in his big arms👹🩷

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I say we change the image to this

I Say We Change The Image To This
I Showed You My Radish Please Respond.

“I showed you my radish please respond….”

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1 year ago
HOLY SHHHH YESSSS!!! New Vegeta MASTERLISE Ichiban Kuji Dragon Ball: Duel To The Future Coming April

HOLY SHHHH YESSSS!!! New Vegeta MASTERLISE Ichiban Kuji Dragon Ball: Duel to the Future coming April 2024in Japan! 🙏😭🙏😭🙏😭🙏

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1 year ago
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~

Power Outage #84 Hey I’m Just Super Saiyan~

Inspired by something Lanipator said in his and KaiserNeko’s DBZA Commentaries (Specifically ‘Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Episode 30’ at 12:02 -12:04 on YouTube) 


Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~
Power Outage #84 Hey Im Just Super Saiyan~

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1 year ago
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)

Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)

Inspired by something Lanipator said in his and KaiserNeko's DBZA Commentaries (Specifically 'Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary I Episode 30' at 12:02 - 12:04 on YouTube)


Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)
Power Outage #85 Hey I'm Just Super Saiyan~ (Anime Version)

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