Marsh - Tumblr Posts
I don’t share my paintings here often. I really loved my back yard on the marsh over the years.
Nothing like the coast back home.
Lowcountry Live Oaks. I love you.
The marsh during high tide. Only the tips of the spartina grass showing. Give it 6 hours and all the water will be gone.
Picked up my paint brush today for the first time in a while.
Egrets are my favorite bird. It’s always been a joy watching them catch fish in the marsh during my afternoons walks. When I visit home, they are always the first thing I look for, and they’re always in the marsh to greet me. I’m excited to live near all my coastal birds again.
This trail is directly out my back door at my new apartment. I use to walk and bike this all the time. If I turn the other direction, I am 1 mile from the ocean. Everything is back to normal again.
I’m back around a landscape I love and inspires the artist in me.
The marsh is constantly changing shape, but it always stays familiar.
I got a lot of bird pictures to share. Starring my favorite bird, the Egret. In the second photo is an Egret sharing a dock with a muster of storks.
The Egret will forever be my favorite bird.
I love this home of mine.
He was posing for me.
Wood Storks hanging out at Huntington.
A foggy day along the Waccamaw Neck. The first picture was an incredible view. Driving above a thick cloud hovering over the Winyah Bay in Georgetown. Pictures can’t really describe how vast and strange this phenomenon felt.
Then a beautiful view of that fog over the marsh lands spanning from the Waccamaw. Crazy that I can casually grab lunch somewhere so beautiful.
Nothing feels quite like home to me more than the marsh creeks.
Birding adventures. This time I got to picture this beautiful Bald Eagle at Huntington Beach State Park. What a treat!
A break from snowy mountain posts to appreciate early spring along the Lowcountry Coast.
Since my move back in September, my life has been moving 90 mph. I obviously enjoy the beach during my work days, which is awesome. But for almost 6 months I have had plans, functions, trips and the like planned for 95% of my weekends. While my day-to-day life has been extremely more peaceful - I have been absolutely exhausted.
I took full advantage of enjoying Colorado, but I was SO excited to come home. BECAUSE I have no more weekend plans until the end of May. So I get to fully enjoy rest this spring at home. I get to enjoy my vegetable and herbs on my patio and I can start living slllooowww.
Here’s to days just walking along the shores with no weekend responsibilities above watering my plans and feeding Ophelia. I feel so rested today.
Found this old pic from many many moons ago.