I Need Friends - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I need a good friend, someone to talk to no judgment whatsoever. I just need someone to be my friend and tell me that it’ll all be okay. So please

I Need A Good Friend, Someone To Talk To No Judgment Whatsoever. I Just Need Someone To Be My Friend
I Need A Good Friend, Someone To Talk To No Judgment Whatsoever. I Just Need Someone To Be My Friend

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8 months ago

Hello please reblog this if you’re okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better

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Sup y’all! Kinda new on this platform. Just looking to chill and browse around here. Might do some random posts here and there. Might sometimes take requests idk. I just write what comes to mind really. Do share your ideas though! So, yeah! Pleasure to be here! (Requests closed)

Here’s a master list of my stories if y’all r interested. Have fun! 🙃

Genshin Impact master list


Sup Yall! Kinda New On This Platform. Just Looking To Chill And Browse Around Here. Might Do Some Random

Y’all can show your love and support by buying me a kofi (ă€‚â€ąÌ€áŽ—-)✧ !

Ciao for now! ✌

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10 months ago

Ugh. Quick lil rant, I'm so bored and lonely nowadays :( why is it so hard to make close friendshipsss. Like it's hard to find people who gave interests like meee đŸ˜« does anyone still play games or like anything I just need people to talk to outside of school tbh. Ugh I just feel so stressed out and I wish certained relationships didn't happen or else I wouldn't have be so awkward and closed off🙃🙂 Anyways thanks for listening to my annoying Ted talk sorry for wasting your time.

Ugh. Quick Lil Rant, I'm So Bored And Lonely Nowadays :( Why Is It So Hard To Make Close Friendshipsss.

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2 years ago

Does someone mind writing me via chat or something? I honestly need more friendsđŸ€šđŸ˜­

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5 months ago

Ű§Ù†Ű§ Ù…Ű­ŰȘŰ§ŰŹÙ‡ ۔ۭۧۚ لول

Ű§Ù†Ű§ ŰČÙ‡Ù‚Ű§Ù†Ű© ۏۯۧ و ŰčŰ§ÙŠŰČŰ© ۔ۭۧۚ

_rainy.day_ Ű§ŰłÙ…ÙŠ Űčلى ŰŻÙŠŰłÙƒÙˆŰ±ŰŻ هو

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10 months ago

Need me an IRL who will wear silly childish outfits with me and play pretend. We can play with Barbies, NERF guns and we can mix stuff we find in the bathroom with some grass and flowers to make perfume.

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algĂșn dĂ­a pasarĂĄ? o tendrĂ© que seguir buscando una maldita manera en la cual pueda soportar el dolor dĂ­a a dĂ­a?

algĂșn dĂ­a pasarĂĄ? o tendrĂ© que vivir tomando antidepresivos para evitar un caos de por vida?

algĂșn dĂ­a pasarĂĄ? o tendrĂĄn que seguir controlando cada recaĂ­da de mierda y los ataques de pĂĄnico, angustia y ansiedad?

algĂșn dĂ­a pasarĂĄ? o tendrĂ© que seguir preguntĂĄndome toda la vida el Âżpor quĂ©?, Âżpor quĂ© a mĂ­?, Âżpara quĂ©?

algĂșn dĂ­a pasarĂĄ? o este dolor en mi pecho y alma me seguirĂĄ hasta la eternidad?

algĂșn dĂ­a pasarĂĄ? o mis pensamientos suicidas no se callarĂĄn ni se irĂĄn jamĂĄs hasta que lo concrete?

algĂșn dĂ­a pasarĂĄ? aprenderĂ© a vivir con esto?

algĂșn dĂ­a pasarĂĄ y serĂ© al fin libre (de mi) y feliz?

algĂșn dĂ­a pasarĂĄ? o seguirĂ© siendo prisionera de mi propia mente hasta el Ășltimo de mis dĂ­as?

algĂșn dĂ­a pasarĂĄ? o jamĂĄs podrĂ© dejar atrĂĄs el acariciar mis brazos y piernas con cuchillas?

algĂșn dĂ­a pasarĂĄ? o la comida va a ser para siempre mi enemiga?

algĂșn dĂ­a pasarĂĄ?.. no tengo ni la menor idea,,, espero que la respuesta sea un sĂ­, pero si es un no, entonces significa que el dĂ­a en el que deje la vida, serĂĄ el dĂ­a en el que al fin podrĂ© estar para siempre en paz, sin dolor alguno y feliz.

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6 years ago

Oh yeah it's my birthday

Happy birthday to me

Oh Yeah It's My Birthday

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6 years ago

Yo I’m so bored and lonely please be my friend

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2 years ago

mental breakdown

I cant believe im telling my problems on the internet, but is it just me that gets a little jealous when her best friend starts to get other friends and a boyfriend? Like, i feel left behind...

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2 years ago

I just want my found family trope in the forest with sunny days and a cute home TT is it that difficult?

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6 months ago


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6 months ago



I see men I make gay it’s that simple-

anyway go play Star Wars: Hunters I need more friends to play it with


I gave my own personal faces to Aran Tal (the Mandalorian) and Sentinel (stormtrooper) and they hate love each other

already have an HC that Aran was the one to crack Sentinel’s helmet- and I would like to offer BloodSent (Tal means blood in mandoa) or SenTal as ship names

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1 year ago

I want some Michael Afton/Glamrock Freddy/GlamMike simp mutuals to fangirl with.

I like them, I love them, I'm obsessed with them, I feel happy looking at them. Where my fellow simp mutuals at???

I Want Some Michael Afton/Glamrock Freddy/GlamMike Simp Mutuals To Fangirl With.

I Want Some Michael Afton/Glamrock Freddy/GlamMike Simp Mutuals To Fangirl With.


I Want Some Michael Afton/Glamrock Freddy/GlamMike Simp Mutuals To Fangirl With.

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5 months ago

I need fwends:3

Reblog if you’re bored and you want anons.

Reblog If Youre Bored And You Want Anons.

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4 months ago


My first time having a blog, so as an introduction, in this house we love -

Science - understanding how the world works, asking and answering questions

Books - fiction, mostly fantasy, adventure etc - I’m a maniac about them. Words are my love language. True crime, history, horror, trivia, current affairs - anything’s good to discuss!

Memes. I shouldn’t have to say this.

I’m a writer, and I am currently involved with Hindu mythology- including the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and all the lore we’ve grown up hearing. *My views are modern, and if you disagree with them - we can politely debate and grow our knowledge, or if you are incapable of that - just ignore and move on. Do not treat my stories as factual material to educate yourself on the scriptures. Any sort of discrimination is wrong and unacceptable. *also I develop random obsessions. Bear with me.

My Pinterest account - Archpoet

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