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1 year ago

Can you do a part 2 of forgiveness??

Can You Do A Part 2 Of Forgiveness??

Forgiveness pt.2

Bucky Barnes x fem!reader

Part two of "Forgiveness." You have forgiven Bucky and the two of you have become friends...or have you...

Angst, Bucky and reader are on better terms, fluff, slight sexual themes. Reader comforts Bucky.

It was bitterly cold as you strolled through downtown New York. You had bundled yourself up in preparation for your outing. However, despite the endless layers, the chill still nipped at your body. You were on your way to a bar that you and Bucky would meet at occasionally. It had been nearly two years since he had knocked on your old apartment door. He had made quite the effort over the last two years to make up for what he did to you. Despite you already giving him your forgiveness a few times. Bucky would go above and beyond making up for it by giving you flowers twice a week, taking you to dinner, lots hangouts, and he even bought you a nice penthouse with the money that he got from being an avenger. You could say that you had developed a little crush on him, but was way too nervous to ever tell him. Your past with him was mended, but you still had fear of the future, even though the two of you are now close friends.

As you arrived at the door you were met with beautiful blue eyes and a million dollar smile. Bucky's face lit up when he saw you as he opened the door so that you could enter the warm bar.

"Hey there Y/N." Bucky welcomed you.

"Hey Bucky, how are you doing?" You asked walking through the door making your way to the bar.

"I'm all good, how about you Darling?" He asked as you both took your seats.

"Same here, just cold." You told him as you rubbed your hands together gathering the warmth from the bar.

"Yeah, cold doesn't bother me much now with super soldier serum." He spoke casually as though that was the most normal thing in the world.

"Yeah, lucky you." you laughed grabbing the menu.

"Yeah I guess." He laughed coping you. "Watcha thinking of getting?" He asked looking your way.

"Not sure, not really feeling alcohol but food sounds nice." You mumbled. "What about you? Same old same old?" You asked Bucky giving him a cute smile.

"Yeah you know me." Bucky chuckled

The bartender then came up to the two of you, asking for your orders. You ordered F/F and F/D. Bucky ordered the same thing he always does: beer and pie. After the two of you chatted for awhile, your food came out piping hot. You both thanked the bartender and ate your food. It was warm and delicious and it's not surprise that this is the place you and Bucky like to go to for food or drinks.

"So when is your next mission? You asked as you took a bite of your food.

"Actually I'm taking a little break from the Avengers for a while." He said with sadness lacing his tone.

"Why is that?" You asked putting your hand on his shoulder giving him a conforting squeeze.

"I just need a break honestly, the last mission we went on really fucked with me and I lost focus. I realized that I've been distracting myself from the things that really matter." Bucky told looking in your eyes as he did so.

"That's understandable, Bucky. Even Avengers need breaks sometimes." You reassured him as you put your head on his shoulder giving him an awkward but loving hug.

"Yeah, I agree." Bucky responded wrapping his arm around you as the two of you settled into a comfortable hug. You then broke the hug as you paid attention to the meals in front of you with furious blushed on both of your faces.

Bucky paid insisting that since he was the one who asked you out that he should pay. You've learned to just roll with that as there is no way you can convince him that you can pay. You left the tip which made Bucky whine a bit, but he let you knowing that's what would make you happy. On your way out of the bar, Bucky once again opened the door for you. To which you gave him a gracious smile and thanked him for the meal and the time you had with him.

"Hey, you wanna hang out at my place?" You asked him feeling jittery from excitement and nerves.

"Sure thing darling, I've got time." He told you grabbing your hand. He then leaned down to whisper something in your ear. "May I hold your hand y/n?" he asked standing back up. You then leaned up to his ear and whispered too.

"Only if I can hold yours, darlin." You teased grabbing his gloved metal hand in yours as you began making your way to the penthouse pulling Bucky behind you.

After about a twenty minute walk through the shivering cold, you and Bucky had arrived at your penthouse. You reached your gloved hand into your left pocket grabbing your keys and unlocking the door. Both you and Bucky walked in and both made an audible sigh to the warmth of your home.

"Make yourself at home. There's booze in the firdge and snacks if you're still hungry." You told Bucky as you began stripping the warm layers off your body leaving you in your t-shirt and pants. Bucky copied you leaving him in a long sleeve shirt and a pair of navy blue jeans.

Bucky made his way to the couch making himself comfortable by spreading out his arms and legs. You followed him sitting next to him in a similar manner taking in the comfort of your couch that Bucky also happened to pay for. You remember at the time refusing all of the expensive things he wanted to get you as you could afford it yourself. However, he kept insisting and told you that he had nothing else to spend his money on and that you were more than deserving of nice things. You chuckled at that memory which caused Bucky to raise his eyebrow at you.

"Whatcha laughing at?" He questioned turning his body to face you more.

"Nothin." You teased coping his movements

"Been a while since I've been here. It looks nice I can tell you've put a lot of love into it. How's treating you?" He complimented

"God this place is nice Bucky" you sighed "Thanks again for getting this place for me." You told him putting your hand on his.

"Anytime doll, you know every time we see each other you thank me for this place." He teased moving so that his hand was on yours.

"And you always apologize every time we see each other." You teased back not realizing that you accidentially made Bucky feel bad.

"Yeah, well I've got a lot to be sorry for y/n. And I've got a lot to make up for." He spoke and you could tell he was about to cry.

"You aren't that guy anymore and I'm confident you never will be." You told him squeezing his hand sofly.

"I'm not so sure Y/n..." He whispered as a tear left his right eye.

"What do you mean?" You questioned

"I messed up real bad on the mission and went too far." He told you looking anywhere but your face.

"What do you mean, if you're not okay telling me than please don't." You told him trying your best to not make him uncomfortable.

"No, its okay i trust you." Bucky spoke sincerely. He paused for a minute, turning his head away from you. Bucky then sighed deeply rubbing his eyes before turning back to you. It was clear he was nervous and based on the past you both had together, he was scared that he would make you not want to be around him. He thought that maybe if he was honest you would turn away in disgust and be frightened again. However, he also thought that maybe you'd understand that the past was truly mended as you told him. Sighing once more he jumped the gun and told you. "The mission was a success and we saved everyone. We took out the bad guy," He breathed sharply rubbing his palms nervously. "The person we were after had the ability to mind control people. He decided to use his powers on me." Bucky pause once more examining your eyes but was met with kindness which gave him the confidence to proceed. "I attacked Sam and hurt him pretty bad. Somehow he managed to knock me out after a while and redwing shot him with a tranquilizer dart. But I kept going, I couldn't stop. I felt like how I did back then only this time I was aware of who I was and I had no control over my own movements. God I thought I was gonna kill him." Bucky told you looking the wall in front of him as tears fell down his cheeks. After a moment he looked at you. Just as he did you wrapped your arms around him, locking him in a tight hug.

"Bucky none of that was your fault. Like you said it was the work of the guy with those weird powers. You are not at fault." You expressed to him scratching the back of his head softly. You weren't scared of him and you haven't been in a long time. You knew that he was a good guy and you could feel your anger bubbling out because of what that guy did to Bucky. You kept your cool knowing that it wasn't what he needed right now. Your heart ached for him and all you wanted was for him to be safe and happy.

"But I hurt Sam I hurt him so had. He said that he wasn't mad but he hasn't really talked to me. Y/n I'm so scared-" Bucky rambled but was stopped when you suddenly kissed him. To say he was stunned was an understatement. He then grabbed your face recriprocating the kiss, leaning forward to capture your lips better. It was a sweet and gentle kiss. When the two of you broke the kiss, you stared at each other not knowing what to say in that moment.

Bucky knew he liked you but was too afraid to let you know, his feelings out of fear you would reject him. However, to him it felt like his whole body was erupting in fireworks. He decided to kiss you again only this time with more passion, making sure that he didn't go too far. You moaned into the kiss, feeling the passion on your lips from his. You pulled him closer making both of you backwards as you laid on your back. You then grabbed the hair on the back of his neck making him grunt as he pulled on your waist so that your chest was pressed against his. Bucky pulled away with a huge giddy smile on your face, panting as he did.

"I'm guessing you like me back?" He joked kissing you sweetly on the forhead.

"How could I not?" You told him sincerely caressing his cheek softly.

"Y/n, why do you?" Bucky asked sitting up looking at you as you followed his movements.

"Simple, you're a good person that has put in a lot of work in getting better. You have taken care of me and have been my dear friend for two years now. You handsome, charming, and kind. Bucky I really like you and I've liked you for a long time now and I have forgiven you for the man that you use to be. Because that man was not who you really are." You spoke honestly grabbing his hands in yours.

"God I love you." He whispered before realizing what he said. You made a shocked face but then smiled and kissed him multiple times on his soft lips.

"Well good thing I love you too Bucky Barnes." You spoke in between kisses.

You both ended up cuddling on your couch talking more about your lives and the fact that the two of you were now dating officially. You talked for hours but the just seemed to pass by like minutes. The night ended with the two of you fast asleep happy with the current state of your relationship.

Can You Do A Part 2 Of Forgiveness??

Thank you so much for reading part 2! Many thanks to the person that requested this I hope you liked it!đź’ś

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•I do NOT own any characters except y/n and any original characters•

(Part 1) (Part 2)


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