Bucky X Black!reader - Tumblr Posts

your meet-cute with Bucky but it's just him streaking and being chaotic

Your Meet-cute With Bucky But It's Just Him Streaking And Being Chaotic
Your Meet-cute With Bucky But It's Just Him Streaking And Being Chaotic

Pairing: Bucky x reader

Warnings: None.

A/N: Drabble, do not copy, rewrite or repost. I may turn this into a whole one shot someday but not today!

You honestly forgot about the ad you made at 10pm. The night before your sister's wedding.

The entire ordeal has been a nightmare, she was already a horrid person but she dialed it up to a thousand when she got engaged.

You're more than a little wine drunk from having to deal with your sister screaming at you because the shoes you bought were a shade too light. "This is lavender and I said light pastel. Pastel. What is so hard about choosing-."

You don't remember the rest of her rant, you managed to zone out right around the time she pulled out a color chart.

You do remember that it never ended. The idea came to you when she leaned in and poked your forehead with her sharp nail. It festered and grew with each glass of wine you downed, unable to completely ignore her shrill voice

By the time she left, you were tipsy and aggravated. You grabbed the neck of the wine bottle and emptied the rest before slamming it down beside your laptop. Ten minutes later you hit post and were knocked out on your couch.

You woke up the next morning, bleary-eyed and with a throbbing headache that made you want to cry and go back to sleep. Each step of the wedding process was worse than the last, at least the Motrin you took with a glass of juice was starting to kick in.

You escaped the dressing room full of her friends, needing to touch some grass and breathe air that doesn't smell thick heavy perfume. Leaning against the back door of the church, your phone dinged.

I'm here

You furrowed your brows at the unfamiliar number. Typing back.

Who's this

You stared at the dots on the screen.




"What the hell?" You muttered, holding your screen closer to your face. You blinked when the screenshot of your ad popped up. Hazy memories of you cackling in your living room flashes in your horrified brain. "Oh. Fuck. Me."

Its a little cold

gonna be much longer

"Fuck. Me." Your finger rests on the keyboard ready to tell whoever jbb107 is to please go home when the window above your head screeches open.

"Get your dumbass up here and help me!"

Fuck. You.

You text back with the first real smile on your face in over a month.

30 minutes.

got it

25 minutes later you're standing at the altar, discreetly searching the woods for your guy. You switched out your lavender pumps for a pair of sneakers and you had your car ready to go with a change of clothes for Mr. Jbb107. He said to call him Bucky and you weren't sure which nickname was worse.

The plan was for him to hop in your backseat after the inevitable chaos and you would take him to his car he left a few blocks away.

He has perfect timing, just as your sister started her overly dramatic walk down the aisle, you saw a flash of skin darting from your left. Oh he's big, you thought when he ran past you, his wink making your mouth dry. You almost lost your train of thought when you saw his tattooed chest and arms, his ass jiggling a little when he jumped over a chair.

In the midst of everyone screaming and running around, you slipped past the crowd to your car. You grabbed the clothes from the back seat and listened as your sister yelled. Starting the engine, your eyes widened when you saw Bucky being chased by the groomsmen. You pushed open the door, screaming for him to hurry.

He skids to a stop and gives you another heart-stopping wink. "One second, doll." Doll. The way he said it, out of breath and yet so sweet, made you smile. You can get used to that. You laughed, hiding behind the steering wheel when he ducked and dodged the bulky men, causing them to fall onto each other.

He jumps in your passenger seat, taking the shirt from your hand and placing it on his lap. You take off, still laughing as the church faded into the distance.

You glance at him from the corner of your eye, he's openly staring at you with a wide smile. His eyes holding a hint of admiration but it's the way they drift down and snap back up that has you shifting in your seat. It's been a while since anyone has given you that look.

"You always go around streaking?"

He snorts, "you always pay to ruin weddings?"


A comfortable silence fills the car, the hot summer breeze drifting through the open window. He wiggles into the clothes as you turn down the next block. You're already missing the very chiseled, sexy view.

"So." He says, leaning back in his seat. "What if instead of you paying me, I take you out for dinner?"

You shake your head. "I don't even know you."

Bucky tilts his head with a smirk, pretty blue eyes gazing up at you. "Really? You've already seen me naked. I met the family. We're practically on the fifth date. What's a little dinner going to hurt?

You shrug, muttering true under your breath.

He closes his eyes, placing his arms above his head. "I get the feeling we're going to have fun."

"Me too."

Tags :
1 year ago

Can you do a part 2 of forgiveness??

Can You Do A Part 2 Of Forgiveness??

Forgiveness pt.2

Bucky Barnes x fem!reader

Part two of "Forgiveness." You have forgiven Bucky and the two of you have become friends...or have you...

Angst, Bucky and reader are on better terms, fluff, slight sexual themes. Reader comforts Bucky.

It was bitterly cold as you strolled through downtown New York. You had bundled yourself up in preparation for your outing. However, despite the endless layers, the chill still nipped at your body. You were on your way to a bar that you and Bucky would meet at occasionally. It had been nearly two years since he had knocked on your old apartment door. He had made quite the effort over the last two years to make up for what he did to you. Despite you already giving him your forgiveness a few times. Bucky would go above and beyond making up for it by giving you flowers twice a week, taking you to dinner, lots hangouts, and he even bought you a nice penthouse with the money that he got from being an avenger. You could say that you had developed a little crush on him, but was way too nervous to ever tell him. Your past with him was mended, but you still had fear of the future, even though the two of you are now close friends.

As you arrived at the door you were met with beautiful blue eyes and a million dollar smile. Bucky's face lit up when he saw you as he opened the door so that you could enter the warm bar.

"Hey there Y/N." Bucky welcomed you.

"Hey Bucky, how are you doing?" You asked walking through the door making your way to the bar.

"I'm all good, how about you Darling?" He asked as you both took your seats.

"Same here, just cold." You told him as you rubbed your hands together gathering the warmth from the bar.

"Yeah, cold doesn't bother me much now with super soldier serum." He spoke casually as though that was the most normal thing in the world.

"Yeah, lucky you." you laughed grabbing the menu.

"Yeah I guess." He laughed coping you. "Watcha thinking of getting?" He asked looking your way.

"Not sure, not really feeling alcohol but food sounds nice." You mumbled. "What about you? Same old same old?" You asked Bucky giving him a cute smile.

"Yeah you know me." Bucky chuckled

The bartender then came up to the two of you, asking for your orders. You ordered F/F and F/D. Bucky ordered the same thing he always does: beer and pie. After the two of you chatted for awhile, your food came out piping hot. You both thanked the bartender and ate your food. It was warm and delicious and it's not surprise that this is the place you and Bucky like to go to for food or drinks.

"So when is your next mission? You asked as you took a bite of your food.

"Actually I'm taking a little break from the Avengers for a while." He said with sadness lacing his tone.

"Why is that?" You asked putting your hand on his shoulder giving him a conforting squeeze.

"I just need a break honestly, the last mission we went on really fucked with me and I lost focus. I realized that I've been distracting myself from the things that really matter." Bucky told looking in your eyes as he did so.

"That's understandable, Bucky. Even Avengers need breaks sometimes." You reassured him as you put your head on his shoulder giving him an awkward but loving hug.

"Yeah, I agree." Bucky responded wrapping his arm around you as the two of you settled into a comfortable hug. You then broke the hug as you paid attention to the meals in front of you with furious blushed on both of your faces.

Bucky paid insisting that since he was the one who asked you out that he should pay. You've learned to just roll with that as there is no way you can convince him that you can pay. You left the tip which made Bucky whine a bit, but he let you knowing that's what would make you happy. On your way out of the bar, Bucky once again opened the door for you. To which you gave him a gracious smile and thanked him for the meal and the time you had with him.

"Hey, you wanna hang out at my place?" You asked him feeling jittery from excitement and nerves.

"Sure thing darling, I've got time." He told you grabbing your hand. He then leaned down to whisper something in your ear. "May I hold your hand y/n?" he asked standing back up. You then leaned up to his ear and whispered too.

"Only if I can hold yours, darlin." You teased grabbing his gloved metal hand in yours as you began making your way to the penthouse pulling Bucky behind you.

After about a twenty minute walk through the shivering cold, you and Bucky had arrived at your penthouse. You reached your gloved hand into your left pocket grabbing your keys and unlocking the door. Both you and Bucky walked in and both made an audible sigh to the warmth of your home.

"Make yourself at home. There's booze in the firdge and snacks if you're still hungry." You told Bucky as you began stripping the warm layers off your body leaving you in your t-shirt and pants. Bucky copied you leaving him in a long sleeve shirt and a pair of navy blue jeans.

Bucky made his way to the couch making himself comfortable by spreading out his arms and legs. You followed him sitting next to him in a similar manner taking in the comfort of your couch that Bucky also happened to pay for. You remember at the time refusing all of the expensive things he wanted to get you as you could afford it yourself. However, he kept insisting and told you that he had nothing else to spend his money on and that you were more than deserving of nice things. You chuckled at that memory which caused Bucky to raise his eyebrow at you.

"Whatcha laughing at?" He questioned turning his body to face you more.

"Nothin." You teased coping his movements

"Been a while since I've been here. It looks nice I can tell you've put a lot of love into it. How's treating you?" He complimented

"God this place is nice Bucky" you sighed "Thanks again for getting this place for me." You told him putting your hand on his.

"Anytime doll, you know every time we see each other you thank me for this place." He teased moving so that his hand was on yours.

"And you always apologize every time we see each other." You teased back not realizing that you accidentially made Bucky feel bad.

"Yeah, well I've got a lot to be sorry for y/n. And I've got a lot to make up for." He spoke and you could tell he was about to cry.

"You aren't that guy anymore and I'm confident you never will be." You told him squeezing his hand sofly.

"I'm not so sure Y/n..." He whispered as a tear left his right eye.

"What do you mean?" You questioned

"I messed up real bad on the mission and went too far." He told you looking anywhere but your face.

"What do you mean, if you're not okay telling me than please don't." You told him trying your best to not make him uncomfortable.

"No, its okay i trust you." Bucky spoke sincerely. He paused for a minute, turning his head away from you. Bucky then sighed deeply rubbing his eyes before turning back to you. It was clear he was nervous and based on the past you both had together, he was scared that he would make you not want to be around him. He thought that maybe if he was honest you would turn away in disgust and be frightened again. However, he also thought that maybe you'd understand that the past was truly mended as you told him. Sighing once more he jumped the gun and told you. "The mission was a success and we saved everyone. We took out the bad guy," He breathed sharply rubbing his palms nervously. "The person we were after had the ability to mind control people. He decided to use his powers on me." Bucky pause once more examining your eyes but was met with kindness which gave him the confidence to proceed. "I attacked Sam and hurt him pretty bad. Somehow he managed to knock me out after a while and redwing shot him with a tranquilizer dart. But I kept going, I couldn't stop. I felt like how I did back then only this time I was aware of who I was and I had no control over my own movements. God I thought I was gonna kill him." Bucky told you looking the wall in front of him as tears fell down his cheeks. After a moment he looked at you. Just as he did you wrapped your arms around him, locking him in a tight hug.

"Bucky none of that was your fault. Like you said it was the work of the guy with those weird powers. You are not at fault." You expressed to him scratching the back of his head softly. You weren't scared of him and you haven't been in a long time. You knew that he was a good guy and you could feel your anger bubbling out because of what that guy did to Bucky. You kept your cool knowing that it wasn't what he needed right now. Your heart ached for him and all you wanted was for him to be safe and happy.

"But I hurt Sam I hurt him so had. He said that he wasn't mad but he hasn't really talked to me. Y/n I'm so scared-" Bucky rambled but was stopped when you suddenly kissed him. To say he was stunned was an understatement. He then grabbed your face recriprocating the kiss, leaning forward to capture your lips better. It was a sweet and gentle kiss. When the two of you broke the kiss, you stared at each other not knowing what to say in that moment.

Bucky knew he liked you but was too afraid to let you know, his feelings out of fear you would reject him. However, to him it felt like his whole body was erupting in fireworks. He decided to kiss you again only this time with more passion, making sure that he didn't go too far. You moaned into the kiss, feeling the passion on your lips from his. You pulled him closer making both of you backwards as you laid on your back. You then grabbed the hair on the back of his neck making him grunt as he pulled on your waist so that your chest was pressed against his. Bucky pulled away with a huge giddy smile on your face, panting as he did.

"I'm guessing you like me back?" He joked kissing you sweetly on the forhead.

"How could I not?" You told him sincerely caressing his cheek softly.

"Y/n, why do you?" Bucky asked sitting up looking at you as you followed his movements.

"Simple, you're a good person that has put in a lot of work in getting better. You have taken care of me and have been my dear friend for two years now. You handsome, charming, and kind. Bucky I really like you and I've liked you for a long time now and I have forgiven you for the man that you use to be. Because that man was not who you really are." You spoke honestly grabbing his hands in yours.

"God I love you." He whispered before realizing what he said. You made a shocked face but then smiled and kissed him multiple times on his soft lips.

"Well good thing I love you too Bucky Barnes." You spoke in between kisses.

You both ended up cuddling on your couch talking more about your lives and the fact that the two of you were now dating officially. You talked for hours but the just seemed to pass by like minutes. The night ended with the two of you fast asleep happy with the current state of your relationship.

Can You Do A Part 2 Of Forgiveness??

Thank you so much for reading part 2! Many thanks to the person that requested this I hope you liked it!💜

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•I do NOT own any characters except y/n and any original characters•

(Part 1) (Part 2)


Tags :
1 year ago

Promise Me || Bucky x Black Reader

Synopsis: This occurs maybe about a year after the events of Captain America: Civil War. The reader is a black woman and should be imagined as such :) Bucky is 37, and the reader is ideally 32/33.

Very angsty (reader and bucky are getting a divorce). Not edited at the moment. First non-BTS imagine/fic so I'm super nervous. I love Marvel too <3

I didn't think forever for us would end so soon. Four years seemingly going down the drain. Two years of dating, eight months of engagement, and barely a year of marriage. I felt like I was giving up. Quitting. Like I wasn't honoring my vows.

Til death do us part.

But when I took those vows I believed I was giving them to James Buchanan Barnes. Who I lovingly refer to as Bucky. A man a slightly older than me, but didn't look a day over thirty. He was the man that I envisioned as a little girl marrying.

A man who was tall, easy on the eyes, with a look of danger, but a heart of gold. Bucky had the perfect mix of both. A veteran turned firefighter. He risked his life daily, saving those in a life-or-death situation. He was second chances, personified for these people. He was a light of hope in the darkness of succumbing to a burning fate. He was a hero.

A hero.

A hero more in the literal sense than what I could have possibly imagined.

Bucky Barnes wasn't a thirty-seven-year-old man who was technologically challenged. Not a man who liked listening to music artist from the 1930s. He was sophisticated and romantic.

Doll was his favorite name to call me. Initially, I thought he was just trying to hard not to use generic pet names like 'baby' or 'bae'. Or that maybe his fascination with the olden days carried into his pet names for his girlfriends. But now I wish the truth was that easy and simple to understand. It didn't involve decades of high-profile assassinations and the bringing down of governments.

One man could bring down an entire government regime.

And that man, is my husband?

My James?

My Bucky?

The man sitting across from me in this stuffy monochrome conference room. Well the conference room was quite large. It's just the tension was sucking out any air circulation.

When I took my vows to James Barnes, I hadn't realized I said them to this 'Winter Soldier' to. A man wanted by hundreds of countries for international crimes that date back to the Kennedy administration. A man hunted down by the Black Panther for killing the king of the most powerful nation.

No, surely there was a mistake.

But I would be foolish to argue with evidence. Pictures of his stalky figure I curled up to several times at night. Blue eyes were the portals to his true thoughts. Shoulder-length hair I raked my fingers through mindlessly when listening to him recount his twelve-hour shift at the station. His wardrobe wasn't anything special, which explains why he could slip under the radar for so long.

That was him. He was responsible but not at the same time. Fourteen hours after being interrogated by Maria Hill, I better understood the double life Bucky The Winter Soldier had been living. Believed to be dead by the Allies, he was held hostage by Karpov, who brainwashed him and tortured him until he became the Winter Soldier. Breaking his mind, and piecing him back together to become he perfect killing machine in human form.

Helmut Zemo managed to get his hands on the book containing the words that activate the Winter Solider. He awakened the monster and manipulated him into the bombings that killed King T'Chaka. He used the Winter Solider to effectively divide and dissolve the Avengers. Zemo was responsible for taking away the Bucky that I knew. The hero.

"I'm glad you and your client could be civil and agree to our demands." Your lawyer, Jennifer Walters, spoke. You and Bucky's lawyer had been talking for twenty minutes, but you couldn't focus on their legal jargon. You were tuned out, tracing your steps on how you and Bucky were sitting in this office. On the opposite end of the table, staring at each other as if we'd become opponents. No longer players on the same team.

Bucky's eyes dragged across to scan Jennifer's face. In his heart he held no misplaced hatred for the woman. She was a professional doing her job, representing the interest of her client. He didn't spend long reading the lists of things that you wanted from the marriage.

The house was yours, he wouldn't dare try to live in that house if you weren't there. It wasn't good for him to stay in open spaces, for too long it freaked him out.

Most of your demands were reasonable and he put up no fight. He didn't want to fight with you. When he finally got his head on straight, he wanted to explain his disappearance. He wanted to be the first person to tell you about the Soviets and the Winter Soldier Program. He wanted to tell you about the bad things that he's done, but his memory was a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. He wasn't sure if you would believe him, until he had all the pieces. When he did come across a piece, he was scared that it would show more harm than he did.

Confirming his belifs that he wasn't worthy of a second chance. That he could find happiness living a solo mundane life. Even with his slow aging, he could blend in his environment and live a good life. He would keep intact what little of his humanity he had left. But after Zemo got his hands on him again that little sliver of his humanity was gone. He was a tool designed for slaughter and destruction. Becoming a firefighter saving people wouldn't undo all the lives he took. Marrying you, the love of his life, wouldn't give him the normalcy he sought. He was reminded of that every time he looked down and saw the metal arm. The brute strength granted him the ability to kill with ease. The same metal arm that would now be a reminder of everything he was getting ready to lose with his wife.

The lawyers summarized the documents, and everything signed up to this point. The deed to the house, papers to change your last name, insurance paperwork, everything was discussed. Bucky even took it upon himself to hand you his 401k from firefighting.

Never had the lawyers seen a divorce proceeding go so smoothly. Usually, they have to clear out the rest of their calendars for divorce calendars. Would today be the day that they get out before the late lunch rush? Oh, let it be true.

Jennifer was smart in her word choice. Avoiding the emotional minefields that the couple has. The room was somber, as you shared your emotional hardships. Dealing with the sudden disappearance of your husband. Preparing for a funeral without a body, dreading adopting the label as a widower. Becoming behind on the mortgage and personal family issues flaring up.

Even though it was emotionally heavy, it was easy to formulate the words. You thought long and hard about what you wanted to say. However, you didn't truly have the words for the physical hardship, which was much more challenging to hide. Your right wrist in a sling. A fracture of the ulna and three smaller bones. The one place Bucky has been fighting with himself not to look.

From an instance of right place, wrong time. It would be your first time revealing the details of your broken wrist out loud. Even when Jennifer asked, you were short with your explanation. But looking at Bucky for probably the last time, you were moved by emotion. Emotions of hurt, frustration, and sorrow.

"I see that you haven't signed the restraining order." You gathered your tone to sound as unemotional and far removed as possible.


"I'm not signing it."

The tension in the room deepens as this is the first time you have directly spoken to Bucky. Your lawyers were doing a lot of the communicating for you.

He didn't want to word vomit his emotions and potentially mispeak. Widening the divide between the two. So he opted to sit in silence, letting his heartbreak in silence. Divorce from the only woman he ever loved was going to take a lifetime to heal. On top of that, a restraining order would send him to an early grave.

"What? I thought you agreed to all of our terms."

"That's why I wanted to talk in person. I cant get myself to agree to this. I can't."

Bucky sat across from you with a plea in his eyes. He didn't want to let go of the connection he spent four years building with you. His heart and mind fought each other for days when he got the divorce paperwork. His heart wanted to fight for the marriage. Fight for the sacred union yall made in front of your friends and family. Fight for the love he knew deep down that you still had for him. But his mind hit him with the harsh truth. You weren't safe around him. Having all these enhanced abilities, having this metal arm could protect you. That it wasn't a curse, but a blessing in disguise.

But that wasn't true. And his brain reminded him of that fact with a mental image of your arm in the sling.

It was before Steve managed to track down Bucky's coordinates to that apartment building. When he was still hiding in plain sight. You just happened to be there. Browsing different vendors, as it was the city was hosting a market.

Bucky was right beside you, you knew his scent from anywhere. And the fact that his head slightly turned in your direction, upon calling him confirmed it.

"Buck is that you?"

You raised a hand to touch his face. "It's me. Remember?" His metal hand gripped yours tightly. His hand clapped down on your wrist, leaving you at the mercy of his strength.

You attempted to snatch your hand back. Eyes swelled with tears, as the pain was escalating. Buck remained silent, as he twisted your wrist, to an almost 180 point.

"STOP IT! JAMES STOP!" Your shriek brought unnecessary attention to him. In a frustrated grunt, he huffed before completing the snap. He walked off into the crowd without looking back at you. Those eyes that were the portals to reading his mind was closed. There was nothing behind those eyes. Even in the presence of his wife, his eyes didn't change. I was a stranger. A stranger that he could very easily hurt with little provocation.

Holding onto your broken wrist you were soon comforted by a stand manager. He got you up on your feet and walked you in the direction of the nearest medical aid.

"Please, Bucky. Let this be a clean break. It's for the best."

"The best for who?" His voice a mixture of frustration and vulnerability. "I've been through a lot. We've been through a lot. I want to fight for us. This restraining order snuffs out any chance of us rekindling this."

"We've changed Bucky. The world has changed. I need a fresh start, and I think you need one too."

"You are my fresh start. Don't you see!?" Bucky couldn't go into much detail. His lawyer was unaware of his assassin's past. He was more skeptical than ever about what details he shared about his personal life. Lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist or not. There could be more Zemo's looking to play puppet master with his mind.

"Think about your safety."

The lawyers attempt to mediate. They could sense that something was being left out of the conversation. Something that was connected to your arm in the sling. You were standing firm in your position to sever any ties to Bucky. This was the best decision for the both of you.

Bucky didn't have to worry about his superhero work trickling into his personal life. Not having to worry if some vengeful villain would come searching for you, and harm you to even out the score with Bucky. It was just another concern that didn't have to cloud his mind.

While you wouldn't have to worry about Bucky not coming back home. Getting the news from SHIELD agents that Bucky had died protecting the world from some global threat. The heartache would be too much.

"This is getting us nowhere. Did you and your client really come here to waste our time?"

"Mr. Barnes is just as entitled to getting all of his demands met.

The lawyers started bickering. The couple with actual grounds of argue sitting in silence. You spoke up first, your raised voice silencing the room.

"I'm not asking you to change who you are. I know you've been through a lot. And it is a lot." You reached your hand out to grasp his. You wanted to convey that your heart was full of love for Bucky. You could see a broken and scared man in front of you. A man with more skeletons in his closet than you would like to imagine. But you loved him. And with that love, you had to make the tough choices for both of you.

"You need space and time to collect yourself. Fight those battles in your mind. Get better and heal."

A singular tear runs down your cheek and hits the wooden table as you continue spilling your heart out.

"I love you. I love all of you, and I forgive you. You were unwell and need true help. As much as I want to remove that pain from you, I know that I can't. My love isn't enough. Sometimes love requires letting go. Let me go. Please."

"Even when I was sick, I still had dreams of you. I couldn't make out your face, but I found myself reliving our dates. The time I took you to the drive-thru movies. You said I made you feel like you were in high school again. Or the time I accidentally used all your leave in conditioner on wash day.

Then I started dreaming of a family with you. Raising mini versions of ourselves away from the chaos my life brought. The woods were our backyard, and we were happy. With you I was happy. I still want to make that dream a reality. I'm willing to give up anything to ensure our future."

You listened to his plea. You could tell he was genuine. He would if he could give up his enhanced abilities to be with you. No doubt about it. However, you knew that Bucky was meant for something greater. When he was a soldier who fought the good fight. He was destined to be a hero. A would-be alongside Captain America, fighting threats the world doesn't know about. Ensuring that we live in a world, where us regular people wouldn't have to.

"I can't be the reason you give that up, Buck." You said gently. "It's a part of who you are. Even when you've made mistakes, I've seen you try to right your wrongs. That's the Bucky I know, the hero."

The room was silent again filled with emotion. Bucky had to come to terms that yall were on different paths. Two paths diverged into a left and right. That even under the premise of love, you were right. Bucky was too vulnerable. It wasn't the first time something like this had happened. The Winter Soldier was an ugly part of him that he had to live with. He has to make room for that identity instead of pretending it never existed.

He would be working with Steve and Sam Wilson on hunting down any of the remaining Winter Soldiers. He was thrusting himself into danger. Danger that he didn't want you to be apart of, danger that he felt responsible to end.

You leaned over to whisper in Jennifer's ears. Maybe the restraining order was too much. You were making a rash decision that you may come to regret in the future. Jennifer following the request of her client, placed the restraining order papers in the shredder.

"My client had a change of mind." She stood up packing up all the signed papers in her briefcase.

"Well all the paperwork is signed, our work is done here."

The divorce meeting came to a close and both parties went their separate ways. There you stood discussing the next steps with Jennifer. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Bucky alone. He waited at the bottom of the stairs.

Jennifer took her cue to dismiss herself. With your eyes low, you carefully walked down the courthouse steps to stand before Bucky.

"Promise me we will find a way back to each other."

"I can't promise that Bucky. And you shouldn't make promises you can't keep."

"I would keep that promise. I would stake my life on it." He brought your left hand to his chest. Your wedding ring still on your finger. You hadn't thought about when you would take it off.

"Promise me." His lips were a few inches away from yours. Your eyes were conversing in another language of their own. Saying their goodbyes, and final 'I love yous.'

You brought Bucky into your arms. Arms wrapping around his shoulder as you cried silently to yourself. Bucky tightened his arms around you, his warms rubbing circles in your back. A hypnotizing pattern that would put you to sleep. It was settling over the both of you that this could be the last time that you held one another like this.

You let go of the hug first. Your hand on his chiseled face again. This time not worried that he would harm you again.

"I love you." You laid a tender kiss on his lips. Capturing your affection and goodbyes.

"Promise me." Bucky spoke during the kiss. "Promise me Doll."

You placed your thumb over his lip. You looked deep into his eyes. He was hanging onto every word that you said. Bucky's phone rings, breaking the staring contest you had. To no ones surprise, Steve was on the other end. A bitter reminder of the double life that Bucky was apart of.

"I need to hear you say it."

"I promise."

Bucky leaves a passing kiss on your lips before walking away from the courthouse. He picked up the phone, walking with haste. In a few short seconds, a red-headed woman joined him on his side.

My hero.

My Bucky.

Promise Me || Bucky X Black Reader

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3 years ago

confession. I have this whole story I’ve been writing and working on featuring Bucky barnes and a fleshed out O/c; my opinion of course. Nevertheless, I’ve been uploading on wattpad and I’m not getting the response that’s motivating me to keep going. Should I post on here? It’s Bucky barnes x black o/c.

Their ship dynamic is to the right btw.

Confession. I Have This Whole Story Ive Been Writing And Working On Featuring Bucky Barnes And A Fleshed
Confession. I Have This Whole Story Ive Been Writing And Working On Featuring Bucky Barnes And A Fleshed

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3 years ago

"𝐁𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐬" 𝐁.𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬



" " .

Series warnings: for mature audiences (18+). Includes mentions of death/murders in graphic detail, leg closing NSFW sex (eventually), slow-burn. Also overall angst and fluff!

Series summary: Peyton thought she had everything she wanted. She had a family, were they complicated—no doubt. Not to mention a cafe struggling on its own two feet. But for Peyton, that was more than enough. Insert Bucky Barnes, the mysterious man from her cafe. The more she begins to pull back the layers of the elusive Bucky Barnes, the more the facade of a full heart begins to fade and craves to be filled by his presents. All the while Bucky's own guilt consumes him—seemingly only being cured by his bed of lies.

" " .
" " .

Peyton noticed him; hell, how could she not. The cafe wasn't big at all. In fact, it was the exact opposite. With its six tables, including the bench outside, there was no hiding in the Beanie Bussiness Cafe. And the man who sat in the corner every day was no exception.

Often Bucky would watch Peyton or her mother, Adrianna, with his intense blue eyes, sending shutters down their spine. It had been the beginning of week three since he had started visiting them, and today Peyton had enough. She would talk to him, confront him if she had to.

Peyton burst through the kitchen doors, wiping her wet hands off on her worn-down lemon print apron. "Charlie, I'm gonna do it," Peyton blurted.

"Do what, exactly?" Charlie muttered, her striking green eyes never leaving the fresh cinnamon roll she was icing.

"Confront him.' Peyton said, taking a sip of her hours-old coffee. "Confront blue eyes, I mean."

Charli snickered, brushing a loose piece of her blonde hair behind her ear. "Is that what we're calling him now?" She asked, pushing her iced cinnamon rolls into the warmer.

Peyton rested her arms on the flour-dusted counter. "I've always called him that—besides, have you got any better names?"

"Hm. Touché," said Charlie, glancing over her shoulder.

"Great, now give me a cinnamon roll." Peyton grinned, her palm covered by a plate that she held out in front of Charlie.

"I think you can ask a bit nicer," Charlie smirked, dancing around Peyton with the cinnamon roll clasped between a pair of tongs.

Peyton took in a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the baked goods that surrounded her. "Charlie, may I please have the cinnamon roll that you are holding hostage from my clutches so that I can give it to the strange man who sits in my cafe every day." She asked in a robotic tone.

Charlie dropped the cinnamon roll onto Peytons plate, tilting her head to the side. "Fine—but we're working on your manners, young lady!" She shouted, pointing at Peyton with the pair of tongs she held.

"Pff. I have manners! So many that I think it could be my superhero name." Peyton boasted, as she faced Charlie while walking backwards.

"We aren't the avengers, Pea," Charlie said.

Peyton paused, her lips pulling tightly together. "I know—because if we were, we would have never blipped for five years, and my business wouldn't have gone to shit." Peyton said. She used her green manicured nails to push open the kitchens swinging doors, walking the peace offering over to table number ten.

Finishing her strut to the table, Peyton smiled down awkwardly at Bucky, who sat sipping his freshly roasted black coffee. No sugar, no cream—just coffee. She cleared her throat in an attempt to get his attention. She wanted him to look at her the way he did so many times when he believed she hadn't noticed.

Eventually, he did. Slowly, Bucky lifted his eyes to see Peyton holding a fresh cinnamon roll in front of him. Bucky shot her a stiff grin, one that looked almost painful to produce. He hadn't ordered the cinnamon roll, he never ordered anything but black coffee from the cafe, and he assumed Peyton knew that.

She was aware Bucky's only order was coffee. And in Peyton's opinion, Bucky had the easiest, and if she was honest, most basic order out of all of her regulars. So, of course, she knew he didn't order the cinnamon roll.

Bucky coughed, placing his mug down with his flesh hand. "I didn't order that." He stated.

"I know.' Peyton placed the plate down, scooting it in front of Bucky with the tips of her slim fingers. "I wanted to give it to you." She smiled.

Bucky's eyes nervously looked at the roll, then back at Peyton, who had found herself seated comfortably in the chair across from him. He stiffened as she watched him with her intense brown eyes. Her stare wasn't the worst he had ever seen. But it was so obvious it was physically painful to Bucky. 

"What are you doing?" Bucky said dryly.

Peyton leaned back into the chair, squinting her eyes at Bucky who sat before her. "What are you doing?" She asked back.

Bucky's eyebrows drew together as he took another slow sip of his coffee. He didn't know what she was implying, and he was nervous about finding out.

"I mean here.' Peyton's brown eyes grew wide as she slapped a hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry—not that you aren't welcome! What I mean is, I've never had a customer come in so often and never speak to anyone."

Bucky tried to respond, but the words were logged in his throat. All he could do was give Peyton his intense stare as it usually got people to leave him alone—but Peyton kept going.

"You see Mr. Jeffery?' Peyton shifted her gaze toward the older gentleman who sat reading an old book. "He comes in every day around the same time as you, maybe five minutes earlier. But he always speaks to us."

Peyton placed her hands onto the table, lifting out of her seat and leaning close to Bucky, causing him to shift back into his chair, uncomfortable with how close her nose was to his own.

"So I need to ask you two questions.' She glared. "Do you work for the Feds?"

"What? No." Bucky croaked, his eyes growing wide.

"Okay then.' Peyton sunk back into her seat. "So, are you stalking me?"

Bucky nearly choked on his coffee. He was coughing loudly while Peyton stared at him in distress. Bucky knew he looked peculiar sitting in the coffee shop each morning, not saying a word. And his approach to making amends was obscure, but Bucky was scared to reveal the truth—he'd be cruel to come in and ruin their happy lives.

Initially, Bucky had planned on slipping them a note and never returning. But when he saw how full of life they were, he couldn't. It felt wrong. So, he would settle for the stalker narrative—it felt better than the truth.

"No,' Bucky coughed once more. "I'm not—I should leave." He rapidly stood out of his chair as Peyton did the same, almost blocking him from leaving.

"No, I should leave you alone." Peyton ran her fingers through her hair, the tips getting stuck between her thick curls. "Please, sit.' She reassured, pointing to his seat. "The cinnamon roll is on the house. Tell me if you like it—it's our first batch of vegan rolls we're selling." She smiled, walking away backward, bumping into a table with her hip.

Bucky nodded, slowly sitting back down. His attention now focused on the warm roll sat in front of him, hesitantly he picked it up, turning it from side to side. It smelt marvelous, and before the cinnamon roll was placed in front of him, his stomach hadn't growled. But now, he was ravenous.

Bucky took one more sniff before taking a bite. His steel-blue eyes grew wide as the silky dough melted in his mouth like a marshmallow. He let out a low moan of satisfaction, it had been years since he had something so sweet, and he intended on savoring every bite.

From behind the display case, Peyton watched as Bucky devoured the cinnamon roll. She had a huge grin plastered on her face, mentally checking off talking to the man in the corner from her to-do list—not that she honestly had one.

She watched as Bucky stacked his plate and coffee mug neatly, pushing it to the edge of the table. Bucky would leave his coffee cup on the table on a typical day, with a generous tip tucked underneath it. It was thoughtful, and Peyton felt he was kind—or at least kind enough for her to bombard his space the way she just had. Peyton walked through the kitchen and into dry storage, where her mother stood. Pen and paper in hand, collecting inventory for the cafe.

"Momma, I did it." Peyton squealed, gripping her mother's shoulders, shaking them a bit.

Adrianna took Peyton's hands in hers, removing them from her shoulders. "Did what baby," She asked while counting the number of flour they had in stock.

"There's fifteen, by the way.' Peyton pointed to the flour."But I talked to blue-eyes."

"Thank you, darling." Adrianna jotted the number down and moved on, her eyes narrowing as she paused her stride. "Who?" She asked.

Peyton groaned, dramatically tossing herself onto the baking utensils behind her. "The man that always sits in the corner, remember him?" Peyton flayed her arms. "Oh, of course you do because he only sits there every day!" She exclaimed.

Adrianna glared at Peyton over her shoulder, not impressed with her daughter's tone. "Don't get smart. I might be pushing fifty, but I'll still give you a beat down." Adrianna threatened.

"Momma, you know I don't mean it like that. It's just, how am I the only one who notice him."

"Because you're a weirdo." Adrianna laughed. "But you're my weirdo, so it's okay." Giggling, she kissed her daughter's hairline, moving around her to finish inventory.

"Whatever," Peyton chuckled lightly. "I should be getting Mr. Jeffery his third round of matcha anyways." Peyton stalled, looking around her."Where is my coffee?"

"I threw it out!" Charlie shouted as she washed a pile of dishes.

"You did not!' Peyton marched over to Charlie. "Why I outta feed you to Alpine!" Peyton shouted, shaking a finger in Charlie's face.

Charlie smirked, biting Peyton's finger playfully. "That cat loves me." She said, releasing Peyton's finger from her mouth.

Peyton moved a curl out of her face raising her eyebrow cheekily at Charlie. "Seeing as he's my cat, I'm pretty sure he loves me."

"I think he loves him," Adrianna said, her head peeking out from the kitchen's swinging door.

"What?" Peyton frowned, walking over to her mother, standing on her tiptoes. "What the hell." She whispered.

There, she saw Alpine, her cat who was rubbing against Bucky, resting comfortably on his lap. But Bucky wasn't repulsed by Alpines friendly nature. Instead, he stroked Alpines white fur, only making the cat nuzzle into him more. From the kitchen, Peyton could see him whispering to Alpine— and of course, she couldn't hear what was said, but she was still curious.

"Oh man, what should I do?" Peyton paced, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Charlie, being the tallest, had no use for her tiptoes. She simply looked above Adrianna's head, getting a view of the action as Peyton paced back and forth behind them.

"Maybe go get your cat, just a thought." Said Charlie.

"Right," Peyton said, fluffing her hair a bit in the reflection of the window.

"What the hell are you doing?" Charlie laughed.

"Nothing," Peyton snapped back all too quickly.

Peyton walked out of the kitchen doors, slowly making her way to Bucky's table. Where Alpine rested on his shoulders, she thought of the ways she'd ask for her cat back. Maybe she could try "Hey, mister, can I have my cat back," or "May you please return my cat." It all sounded stupid, and before she knew it, Peyton found herself standing above Bucky once more.

"Hi," Peyton grinned, eyeballing Alpine.

"Hi," Bucky said, allowing Alpine to climb on his covered metal arm.

She watched as Alpine rolled over, swatting at his gloved hands. "He likes you." She chuckled.

Bucky began to pet Alpine once more. "Hm."

Peyton was taken back by his lack of words, not knowing what to say to him or if she'd get more than a three-word response in return.

"Do you have any pets?" Peyton blurted.


Peyton sighed, slipping into the same chair as she had done before. "Well, do you have a name?" Her voice had a nervous tremor as she played with her fingers.

"Bucky," He said, gently handing her Alpine while walking past.

Following him, she stuck out her hand for him to shake. "Well, I'm Peyton." but by then, Bucky was already halfway out the door.

Bucky nodded, shooting her a faint smile before shutting the door behind himself. Bucky knew her name—Bucky knew all their names. He had to because painfully, he remembered all of them. All of the victims who suffered at the hands of the Winter Soldier. Especially the innocent ones.

Walking down the crowded street, Bucky's phone began to buzz in his pocket. Taking it out, he flipped open the screen. He groaned aloud when he saw it was Sam trying to get in contact with him. Composing himself, he answered.

"Yeah," He said bleakly.

" " .

Back at the cafe, Peyton had Alpine cradled in her arms as she rocked him back and forth. She walked around to where Bucky once sat, she cleared his mug and plate from the table, placing them into the tub she had placed beside her. She picked up the daily tip Bucky left, putting it in her pocket. In the corner of her eye, Peyton watched as a tiny napkin fell to the floor. Placing Alpine down and letting him roam, she bent over and picked up the small napkin. Unfolding it, she read the one word written on it.


How fitting, Peyton thought.

Smiling to herself and releasing a small laugh, she shoved the note into her pocket, feeling as if she had accomplished something for the day. All Peyton wanted to do was make those around her feel good—and most times, she achieved that with her baking. So knowing  Bucky enjoyed her first batch of vegan cinnamon rolls warmed her heart. After today she could officially put speaking to Bucky behind her.

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8 months ago

Don't Make Me Wait

Summary: You thought it was a great idea. Holding out on your beefy biker fiancé until the wedding night. What could possibly go wrong with that plan?

Don't Make Me Wait

Pairing: Beefy Biker Bucky x Reader

Warnings: Minors, DNI, Semi-public sex, teasing, Michelle, fingering 18+

A/N: Based on a cute ask. Bit of a time jump (will write the proposal, first dates etc soon).

Betad by @whisperlullaby and @navybrat817 but all mistakes are my own

Do not copy, rewrite, translate or post my work anywhere. No permission given to copy, translate, rewrite or post any parts of my stories (even if you credit me). Likes, comments and reblogs are welcome!

Check out my Masterlist and Taglist! Requests are closed

Don't Make Me Wait

Bucky has no idea how you manage to bring this side out of him. Your power is unmatched and he wouldn’t change a single thing about you. Nothing you can do can make him change his mind.

Well, one thing.

“Why?” His deep voice bordering on whining. Unashamedly so. Fuck if he cares how he sounds right now. He has more important things on his mind. Like why you’re trying to deny him his pussy. She needs him.

Bucky is more excited about the wedding than you are, he only has a few requests, mostly some biker traditions that he wants to be integrated into the ceremony. He’s keeping one a secret and every time you ask about it, he distracts you.

He will, however, discuss other things.

His favorite is the honeymoon, you’re letting him plan that part all on his own, knowing you were going to enjoy whatever he had in store for you. In fact, the honeymoon is the reason you called him into the living room this morning. The second you said the words ‘wedding night’ he was beaming ready to demonstrate all the positions he was going to put you into.

Until he heard you say you wanted to wait until the wedding night to have sex. You watched him visibly deflate, all six feet of him, sinking into the couch the more you talked. Or as he would tell it, the more you hurt him.

Bucky’s been staring at you for the past fifteen minutes. His large body slumped over, sorrowful blue eyes peering up at you. His pink bottom lip poking out just enough to make you feel like you kicked a puppy.

And in a way you have.

It seemed like a good idea when you were mulling it over. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder and if you’re being honest with yourself, the thought of a deprived Bucky on your wedding night has your head spinning. And each time you picture him barging into the honeymoon suite you get so wet you have to change your panties.

God if he’s an animal after three days, he’s going to be an absolute beast after a month. You might not even make it to the suite, he’s probably going to drag you into the first empty room he finds, bend you over a desk and push your wedding dress up, his large hands ripping your panties as he growls your nam-

“Why gorgeous, why?” He repeats sliding down to the floor, six feet of tatted solid muscles inching between your legs. Those hands you were just daydreaming about inching up your bare thighs settling them over his broad shoulder, rough thumbs massaging deep circles over the bruises he made last night. “Give me one good reason.”

It’s hard to remember why when he brushes his thick beard over the sensitive skin of your inner thigh his wet, warm tongue lathing the burn left behind you. He curls it deliberately before licking up your other thigh, moaning softly as he tastes you.

Bucky always says you’re the best meal he’s ever had.

You clutch the cushions in your fists trying to tamper down the whimper climbing out of your throat. You can not let this man distract you. Digging your foot into his back, you push yourself away. Holding onto the arm of the couch like a lifeline, averting your eyes when he flashes a knowing grin up at you.

“It’s not like you can hold out on me either.” He teases following you as you retreat, his smoky cedar cologne drifting off him, you close your eyes holding your breath. No one should smell this sexy.

You can not let him distract you.

“Bucky stop.” You order, biting back a grin when he instantly obeys, grumbling under his breath.

He leans back on the coffee table, his hands twitching on his knees as he has to hold himself back from touching you. His boxers revealing his thick thighs when he bounces his leg.

Crossing your legs, you pull your shirt down to hide how wet your panties are. He sees a flash of them and rubs his hand down his face and over his neck, groaning, deep and low, making his dog tags rattle over his chest. Last night those dog tags were dangling in your face with his hand around- You have to hold in another whimper, a deep ache blooming in your core.

Don’t let him distract you.

Dropping your head back on the soft cushion, you take a calming breath and silently tell your pussy to behave.. “Bucky, I think it’s going to be good for the both of us,” you start, giggling softly at his affronted grunt. “And I think we both need a little lesson on self-control. Remember how you got me arrested?”

Bucky runs a hand through his hair, spluttering out, “One time. One time and I bailed you out. And I told you to run.”

You glare at him pointedly, he stares back mouthing “Told. You. To. Run.”

Bucky’s face softens as he recalls his homecoming. “And you rode me like a fucking goddess.” He sounds so proud, his eyes brightening as he grins at you. “You have no idea how many times I think about that day baby. That was the best welcome home gift I’ve ever gotten.”

You glance away, cheeks burning. Not wanting to encourage him you hide your smile with the back of your hand.

“Bucky focus, I’m serious. No sex until the wedding night.” You emphasize, scooting even further back, wagging your finger at him. “And I mean it when I say night. Wedding night, so no trying to sneak into my dressing room before the ceremony either.”

He falls silent, narrowing his darkening eyes at you. Tension thickening the air as he breathes heavily through his nose. You’re preparing your next arguments when he smiles at you, a deceptively soft twist of his lips that has you sitting up straight. Nerves on edge, skin prickling when he chuckles.

“Okay.” He shrugs, holding his large hands up in surrender. “Whatever you want.”

You open and close your mouth a few times. You were expecting at least an hour more of begging. He practically latched on to your leg when you left him for Marcie's house a few months back and that was before he became insatiable.

“Okay.” you slowly repeat back. This is not good, you're very suspicious of the sly glint in his eyes.

His smile widens and he scrunches his nose playfully. “Okay gorgeous.” His calm, even tone has your lips pursing.

Bucky stands up, stretching his arms above his head, his hard cock straining through his thin black briefs, the outline of the swollen head right in front of your face. He twists his back, pivoting his hips forward until his large bulge is almost touching your face.

You know what he's doing, you expected nothing less but you can't help the way your mouth waters as you envision the vein running under the shaft, the slight curve leading to tip and your clit thrums.

“Let’s see how long you last.”

He saunters away, cracking his neck as he rolls his shoulders. A deep exaggerated grunt from him has you wanting to run after him.

You bite your lip, chewing it between your teeth watching his muscles shift across his back. Bucky glances over his shoulder and your thighs clench when he winks. He’s not going to make this easy on you.

You stand up, your panties clinging to your throbbing pussy. Looking down, you hiss, “stop taking his side, traitor.”

“Don’t talk to her like that” he shouts from the hallway.

Aggravated about how he managed to turn your conversation around on you, you retort. "This is my pussy, Bucky, and regardless of what you think it doesn't belong to you."

He storms back in so swiftly, his large body overtaking the space that you startle taking a step back. "What did you say?"

You shrug, looking everywhere but him. "Uh…"

Bucky stomps over to you until he’s toe to toe with you, his bare tattooed chest heaving. "Say it again."

You glance up at his enraged face, part of you is aware that he's used the same look to intimidate men twice your size. All you know is that he’s even sexier when he’s angry.

"You don't scare me, Bucky." You giggle into his chest.

"Wish I did, maybe I could be getting some right now." He mumbles.


He flicks the end of your nose, grumbling a gruff "you heard me", and walks back out the room.

Don't Make Me Wait

The rest of the day Bucky was on his best behavior. You were on edge the entire time, waiting for him to do something. You kept glancing over your shoulder anticipating him grabbing you or grinding against you. Anything. He knows it, his smug grin whenever he passes you in the hallway is grating.

On top of everything, it's Saturday.

He has a routine that began with taking you for a ride around the city, just you, him, and the open road. Afterward, you spend the rest of the night on the couch watching movies, he likes to lay between your thighs, his head on your belly while you feed him popcorn.

Inevitably his tongue ends up circling your clit usually before the 15-minute mark.

It took a month for you to finish John Wick and you can’t remember half of it.

Tonight he queued up the movie, arranging you on the couch the way he always does. He was wearing nothing but another pair of boxers and his dog tags. And damn it if you weren’t soaked again. Now you weren't trying to tease him but your thin shirt bunched up when you laid down revealing your drenched panties.

Bucky went still above you, his hand flexing on your thigh as his pupils slowly dilated. His adam’s apple bounced twice and his eyes glazed over until you said his name. He blinks rapidly, his face clearing, and settles down without a word.

An emotion twists in your chest, disappointment? No, you wanted this, it’s only been one day.

One day, you repeat when his beard grazes your skin with each breath. Your hand quivers as you picked up the first handful of popcorn. He glances at it before opening his mouth, the tip of his tongue flickering over your palm after he takes it.

Bucky has to focus on the screen, acting as if he’s not agony, so hard because of you, doing his best to not rut into the couch like a damn teenager. He can feel the heat radiating off you. Every time he moves you throb and he can feel that too. All he wants is to sink his tongue into your warmth instead he nuzzles into your soft belly and stares at the tv.

You were so caught in your own arousal you don’t notice how tense Bucky is, too busy focused on trying not to rub against him, that annoying ache spreading through you. How did he have you so trained to crave his touch? You can practically feel his tongue gliding through your folds.

What did this man do to you?

Don't Make Me Wait

The next morning you wake up to him, hard and hot against your back. His hand dragging up your hip, rolling you over, without opening his eyes, his lips find yours. No matter how dark the room is, he can always find your mouth.

He peppers featherlight kisses over your face between murmurs of good morning and love you’s on your skin. His love painted on your skin with each brush of his soft lips.

His hand cupping the back of your head to bring you in closer, he can’t get enough of you so much so that he has to pull himself away, leaving you breathless and needy on the bed.

Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he rubs the back of his neck before standing up. His gait is unsteady, his cock stiff and heavy as he heads to the bathroom.

“I’m going to take a quick shower and I’ll make you breakfast.”

You laid there expecting to hear him jerking off, disappointed when only the sounds of running water came through the partially open door. He merely smiles when he strolls out, naked and water dripping down his chiseled chest, his cock just as hard as when he left you. He faces you while he towels himself off as you pretend not to watch.

“You want some sausage this morning, gorgeous?” He teased, throwing the damp towel on you.

His deep amused laughter fills the room when you petulantly shake your head. You’re actually

considering a cold shower, violently kicking the covers off of you as you climb out of bed. His laugh gets louder after you slam the door shut.

The next week was pure torture. Bucky suddenly forgot how to put on a shirt, you would come home to him working on his classic car. His tattooed chest sweaty and flushed, a smudge of grease over the vein that leads right to his cock, overalls low on his hips, the straps dangling at his sides.

No man has the right to look that damn good.

He was always a cuddler but now he couldn’t stop hugging you and touching you. Small caress of his ringed fingers along your arm as you ate dinner. He would wrap his arm around your stomach, pressing into your back in the middle of the grocery aisle to “help you” reach the box of cereal on the top shelf. He started working out early in the morning so you awoke to the sounds of him grunting. Deep low grunts right beside your bed as he lifted weights, biceps bulging with each set.

You were ready to explode.

So you decided two can play that game.

He may know your weakness but you know all of his.

Bucky trudges into the house, ready to collapse on the sofa grateful that he can at least hold you. He really wants you to give in, he can’t lie your restraint is impressive. He thought he had you two days ago when he woke to you grinding on him in your sleep. So close.

Toeing his boots off, his head lifts when he smells dinner. He grins hearing pots clattering and you singing along to the music blasting throughout the lower level. Immediately he’s invigorated knowing you’re home with him.

Bucky walks to the kitchen, stopping short when he sees you. He has to hold onto the wall, his eyes widening. Fuck me. The sight of you in his favorite dress with an apron around your waist has him seeing double.

You grin smugly at the pan when he mutters another fuck gorgeous. “Like what you see?” You sass, stirring vigorously.

He does. He really does. Bucky raises a brow, tsking quietly. He knows exactly what you’re doing. Deny him his pussy and then try to tease him. Not today gorgeous

Bucky crosses the kitchen, pulling you into him. “I want to bend you over this counter and wreck your pussy. Give it to you rough and fast, make you feel every inch.” He whispers in your ear, his warm breath on your skin.

Your knees buckle when he bites your shoulder. “Think about how tight you are around me. You can barely take me, no matter how many times I stretch your pretty little pussy.”

He pushes his hips into yours, the edge of the counter digging into your stomach. “You like when I fuck you hard, make you scream my name, don’t you? Or do you want it nice and slow, on your back with your legs over my shoulders? I can take my time splitting you open”

Yes yes, Bucky.

He’s not done, his voice deepening in your ear. “You can ride me and fuck me however you want, this cock is all yours baby.” He tilts his hips up and you can feel all of him.

“Such a good girl,” He murmurs in your ear, his rough hands moving up and down your bare arms, his filthy praises and promises making you weak. “And good girls get my tongue, how about I wake you with my tongue buried in your sweet cunt? You want that?” You do, you want it so bad.

Bucky palms your pussy, his fingers grazing your panties. “You wanna be good for me? You wanna cum for me gorgeous?”

You nod, moaning when he kisses your throat, promising to choke you, make you gag on his cock, make you remember who you belong to. You’re ready to fall to your knees, wanting his thick, heavy cock in your mouth. Bucky continues whispering all the ways he can take you apart until you’re shamelessly grinding on him seconds away from begging him to take you.

Bucky steps back, tugging on your apron strings, leaving you wide-eyed and delirious, sinking to the floor. He steps over to the stove with a cocky smirk. Picking up the spoon, he scoops a bit of sauce out of the pan and slides it into his mouth. “Well, we’re just going to have to wait for the wedding night aren’t we gorgeous?”

Don't Make Me Wait

Loud boisterous laughter belts through your phone, you flinch moving it away from your ear. Should have known better than to tell Marcie.

“Wait wait hold the fuck up” Marcie laughs, almost in tears, “its only been a few days miss “I’m stronger than my urges and he’s just going to have to deal, miss how am I going to deal with him, he's going to be-”"

“I didn’t say that Marcie!” you shout, tossing the phone down, you roll over and grab a pillow. Fuck it’s his and it smells good. You wrap your arms around inhaling his lingering scent.

More laughter. “Girl don’t yell at me, I told you it was a dumb idea. I had money on him breaking though."

You lift your head, glaring at your overturned phone, “Stop betting on our sex life.”

“Stop having sex in public and I might.” Marcie retorts, “Don’t be mad at me because you're horny.”

She pauses and you sneer knowing she’s about to say something else.

“Bet you wish were riding that dick right now.” She cackles.

You press your face deeper into the pillow and scream. Bucky listens to you outside the room, muttering yes to himself, softly thumping the wall with his fist. Just a little more pressure and he can have his pussy back.

“I wanted our wedding night to be special.”

Oh, he doesn't like how you sounded when you said that, you're disappointed and sad. Bucky drops his hand, pushing open the door. He has no problem teasing you but that stops the second he even thinks you’re upset. Bucky has to make you feel better. You feel the bed dip down and you gaze up at him. Buck picks up your phone and taps the screen cutting off Marcie.

“Hey, gorgeous let’s go for a ride.”

The instant he veers off the highway, you know he’s going straight to the park, there’s a little area off the main path that’s special to the both of you. You had your second date there, it’s where he took you the night before he had to leave for his final tour, and it’s where he proposed.

Bucky helps you off the back of his bike, intertwining your fingers between his as guides you to the clearing. Stars dot the night sky, small chirps of crickets and dry leaves crunching under your pierce the fresh pine-scented air.

He never told you but you are the only one he’s ever brought here, before this was a place he kept to himself, his reprieve from the world. Then he met you and suddenly he no longer had the urge to run.

“You know I knew I was going to marry you the second I saw you.”

“You didn’t.” You scoff, ducking your head.

Bucky sighs thoughtfully. “I did. You had on that red tank top the one with the hole in the bottom and a pair of shorts that-” he moans biting his lip, “--and you looked up at the tree in front of your porch and smiled, goddamn you have the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen.”

The trees clear out revealing a grass patchy of land overlooking the town. He turns to you and tilts your chin up with his thumb.“Yeah, there it is.”

He places a soft kiss on your lips before continuing, “I had to meet you and I lucked out when you dropped your keys, shit I was nervous.”

You scoff again, raising your brows skeptically. “You seemed awfully confident to me Bucky.”

“My heart was racing, I felt like I was going a hundred miles an hour down the highway talking to you.” Bucky confesses, bringing you closer to him, kissing the crown of your head, “I knew I was going to have to go all out for you.”

He shrugs off his jacket. “And then you made me work for it, normally girls just throw panties at me,” he pretends to dodge invisible panties until you slap his stomach.

“Hey don’t damage your goods doll, this all yours remember.” He grins, his sapphire eyes roaming over your face as you laugh. Another memory he’s going to cherish, who knew every good thing in his life, every good moment would center around you?

“I love you.” Bucky cups your face, pressing his nose into yours, his minty breath washing over you. “Gonna always love you even when you try to kill me.” He would let you, you have no idea but he would let you do anything you wanted to him.

He lays his jacket on the ground, kneeling beside it. Bucky reaches out his hand, waiting patiently as you pad toward him. He takes your hips and guides you down onto the soft smooth leather.

“Now I know I wasn’t playing fair," He states unapologetically as he tucks you under his large warm body.

“No shit yo-”

He cuts you off with a kiss, his wet tongue delving into your mouth. You grab the back of his head pulling him closer, your lips clashing together frantically. He deepens the kiss, breathing you in, pressing you further into the ground. A moan tumbles from your mouth and he swallows it, wanting more of you, knowing in his soul that he’ll never get enough.

His lips devour you, so passionately and thoroughly you don’t even need to breathe, moments passing as he takes more, slotting his hand under your head to bring you impossibly closer until he has to break away.

Resting his forehead on yours as he pants. You scrape your nails over his scalp, his warm heavy weight comforting you, you missed having him on top of you. Neither of you are able to speak, you don’t have to, content to bask in your love for each other.

He rolls onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow. “Tomorrow I’m going to behave.” He promises, tracing your swollen lips with his knuckle. You roll your eyes, snorting into his Henley.

“I’m going to try to behave.” He retorts with an air of offense as if he didn’t just spend a whole week tormenting you with his captivating body.

His head dips down for another kiss while his hand wanders down your belly to unsnap your jeans. “Tonight, I’m going to apologize and make it up to you,” he mutters against your lips. Oh yes, you’re ready to accept any apology he’s going to give you. You lift your hips, helping him push them over your thighs.

He takes his hand and slips it down your panties. His fingers dance over your aching clit and you cry out, sweet relief flooding your body.

“Good girl. Is that better?” he hums, dragging his hand through your folds, back around your clit, adding just the right amount of pressure that sends you keening off the ground.

Bucky guides two fingers into your tight wet heat, you’re so wet his thick long digits slip in. You’re so full, being stretch so good, the only thing that would feel better right now is cock but fuck you’ll take what he’s giving. “I want to be inside your pussy so fucking bad,” He swears through gritted teeth, his desperate growl in your ear makes you clamp down hard.

“In four weeks, I’m going to do unspeakable things to you gorgeous.” His eyes flit between your face and his fingers diving into your cunt. The soft sloshing making his hard cock leak in his jeans. The ride home is going to be rough but hearing your sweet moans is going to be worth every second.

He curls his fingers upwards, dragging them over your sweet spot. Bucky remembers the first time he found it, the way your legs trembled around his waist, your nails clawing down his back. He still has dreams about the way you cried when he hit it, so beautiful when you sing for him. he drops his head to your shoulder, watching your body tense and tremble as he tightens the coil until you can't think, can't move. You need to cum so bad, begging him with your eyes, unable to form any words.

Bucky knows what you need and you're going to get everything you want.

"You’re not leaving our bed until I fucked you so thoroughly that you’re going to feel me inside of you for the rest of the honeymoon.” He vows, watching the moonlight reflect off your glistening body.

He moves his fingers faster and harder, the ruthless stretch as he scissors your silken wall has you sobbing his name, your voice echoing across the field louder as his thumb swipes over your bundle of nerves. Bucky groans, “I have it all planned out, first I’m fucking you in the church, then the reception hall, the car ride to the airport, fuck we might not even make it to the plane.”

He whispers, deep and gravelly in your ear, every last filthy thing he's going to do and with you as he pushes you closer to the edge. Your hips greedily meeting each thrust into your fluttering cunt, pleasure overtaking your senses until you can only feel him touching you. ‘

So good, so good, fuck Bucky.” So far gone as he drives you higher, you don’t realize you’re shouting until you shatter, cumming apart so hard your chant cuts off in a wordless scream, your back arched off the ground as your cunt desperately pulls his fingers back in.

His blue eyes never leave your face, taking in everything as you fall apart. He plans on making you scream like that every day as many times as he can.

“Damn you’re pretty when you cum like that.” Bucky laughs, waiting until you collapse on his jacket, gently removing his fingers. He sucks each one clean as you catch your breath.

“Just remember this was your idea.” Releasing the last one with a wet plop, he smiles down at you. “I hope you’re ready for me, gorgeous.”

He rests his head next to yours, whispering under his breath, “I can’t till you're officially mine”

Don't Make Me Wait


Michelle takes a sip of her tea, staring at your engagement photo with disdain, touching a besotted Bucky with her manicured nail. “Hmm, she’s cute I guess.”

She tosses it on the table next to the set of doilies. “This is going to be easy. Give me a week or so.”

Mrs. Smith chortles, “You were always my favorite.”

“I know. You said have a house key?”

Mrs. Smith slides it to her niece, “yeah found it in their grass.”

She taps the key against her porcelain cup, looking at Bucky’s face. “Real easy.”


Rare & Sweet As Cherry Wine
Welcome to my Mafia and Biker AU Masterlist. As always, this is an 18+ blog, by continuing to read you agree that you are 18+. Remember you

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8 months ago

Don't Look, Don't Touch

Summary: Bucky has a few rules for any woman who isn't you...don't look, definintly don't touch anything that belongs to you. And Gorgeous he's all yours.

Don't Look, Don't Touch

Pairing: Beefy Biker Bucky x Reader

Word count: 1.4 k

Warnings: Implied smut, mentions of oral, Bucky being proud that he's your man.

a/n: This is in response to this ask. Beta'd by the lovely @cwbucky . Just a minor time jump in the Beefy Biker World.

Don't Look, Don't Touch
Don't Look, Don't Touch

Don't Look, Don't Touch

Bucky's staring at you.


He beat Steve in a game of pool about thirty minutes ago and after collecting his winnings he left the guys to grab a seat at the usual booth. Bucky's exhausted from the long day and after a few drinks, he’s content to rest in the back and wait for everyone to finish up.

But he can’t keep himself from staring at you.

It's not his fault he thinks, shifting his chair to get a better view of you. You're just so goddamn gorgeous, he can't take his eyes off you.

The heat of his gaze slides down your spine and sinks into your belly, smooth and warm like the bourbon you’re sipping.

Lifting the glass to your lips, you sneak a glance over your shoulder at the smoldering biker sitting across the bar.

His entire face brightens when your gaze lands on him. He grins at you, lips curling up until his nose scrunches, one brow raised, subtly gesturing for you to come over.

Bucky has one foot kicked up on the edge of the table, his combat boot tapping the chipped wood, his leather jacket thrown over the back of his chair and his sleeves rolled up past his thick forearms. His henley stretches across his broad muscular chest, a hint of freshly tattooed skin peeking around the collar.

By the way he's looking at you, you know he's feeling good, a few beers buzzing through him. You love tipsy Bucky. He’s a different beast when he’s like this, somehow even more affectionate than sober Bucky.

The last time he was like this, he ate you out from the back until you had to beg for him to stop and then-

“Ah ah ah,” Marcie tsks, flicking you right in the forehead with her long nails. “Don't even think about going over there.”

“Hey,” you grumble, rubbing your sore skin. “I wasn’t thinking about...” you trail off, a smile pushing your lips up. The lie flops out of your mouth and splatters on the table, making all the girls roll their eyes in unison.

You don’t notice, because you’re hooked by a pair of deep blue eyes, and oh god you want him. You blink, chastising yourself for leaning forward at the sight of his pink tongue traveling across his bottom lip.

Another sharp, stinging flick lands on your forehead—this time from Ari’s girl. Her cheerful yet menacing don’t you dare has you laughing. You break eye contact with your man to glare at her.

Narrowing your eyes, you try to remember her name-her real name-, silently cursing these bikers and their affinity for nicknames.

Giving up after a few seconds, you sigh. “Sunshine, I can control myself,” you start, mouth falling open in feigned shock when Dove snorts into her tequila. “Excuse you!” You elbow her in her stomach, and she does the same in return.

“As I. Was. Saying." You tap Dove's nose before turning to the rest of the group. "You need to talk to him about control, I’m always well behaved. Okay?” You sniff, putting your nose in the air.

They all exchange knowing looks while you cross your arms over your chest.

A beat of silence passes. You break first, a giggle slipping past your pursed lips.

The table erupts in playful, raucous teasing, each of you pointing out the times the other has lost their minds over their bikers.

Marcie, you want to talk about control. Let’s talk about you and Sam and why officer Clint can’t look you in the eyes.

Hey, that charge got dropped okay.

Dove, you let Steve do what where, oh no no no you weren’t shy then don’t act shy now tell us everything.

I-we Steve said, I mean it was one time, I-.

Sunshine, you know they have cameras in the garage right?

Oh I know.

It’s the kind of conversation that has tears running down your cheeks from laughing so hard, a warm comforting feeling in your chest knowing you’re surrounded by your best friends.

Dove grabs your shoulder, her whispered look drawing your attention back to Bucky. The girls go silent, tension thickening the smokey air. You lean back in your chair with a smug grin.

A lithe woman with a poor dye job is practically drooling over your man. She's been checking him out all night, you're surprised it took her this long to approach him.

Bucky still has his eyes on you so he doesn’t notice until she’s right in front of his face. She plants her hands next to his; her breasts almost spilling out of her low-cut top as she leans over his half eaten fried onions rings.

“Stop this now,” Sunshine pleads. “You know how he gets when this happens.”


“Aw c’mon, he’s so dram—”

You cut Marcie off with a shrug. “I like it.”

Dove is looking at you, hiding her smile behind her hand. Her man is the same way so she gets it. You wink, nudging her with your shoulder. "This is going to be good."

Don't Look, Don't Touch

"Hey handsome, I'm Katie."

"I'm married."

"I'm not," she retorts, biting her lip.

Bucky finally drags his eyes away from you, looking the woman straight in the eyes. “Can I help you?”

The woman in front of him smirks. “You can start by buying me a drink.”

Bucky holds up his hand, dull overhead lights reflect off the platinum ring, he smiles proudly at the shimmering band. “Sorry, but all my drinks are reserved for my girl.”

“Then why are you all by yourself baby?” Her lips dip into a faux pout, unaware of the growing ire rolling off of him. “If you were my man, I’d never leave you all alone, a big guy like you should be taken care of.”

Bucky scoffs, his stormy blue eyes narrowing. “I’m well taken care of and she’s all I want, so no.”

“Don't be like that… I bet I can change your mind.” She brushes her fingers over the back of his hand. "Bet I can do things she never even thought of-"

Don't Look, Don't Touch

You see Bucky's eyes flare, it’s the same look he had at the super bowl party and it’s the same look he had after your ex tried to come back into your life. You take a deep breath in, anticipation sizzling through your veins.

"No one is better than my wife. No one." Bucky stands up, waving his hand in the air. His offended, cold voice cuts through the air like a whip. “You see this! This means I belong to her.” He states firmly, pointing one long ring adorned finger at you. “I didn’t go through all the trouble of getting her addicted to me just to cheat on her.”

Ari and Sam pause their pool game and turn towards the scene unfolding in the middle of the bar. Steve drops his head, rubbing the back of his neck, making his way to Bucky.

“All of this—“ Bucky gestures up and down his tattooed covered body, “—is hers. Will always be hers. So unless you’re Gorgeous, you need to take the hint and walk away.”

Steve pops his head over the booth. “You should probably go because he’s only going to get to worse,” he warns the stunned woman.

Bucky inhales, craning his neck to find you. “Gorgeous, you come here and tell her I love you. And that is yours," He states, grabbing his his bulge. "And that I only want to taste your ow—” he tries to continue before Steve hits him on the back of his head with his knuckles.

“Oh, this isn’t him at his worst, either. You still have a chance to get out of here.” Steve says, laughter lacing his tone. "I'd suggest you run before he really gets angry and very descriptive."

You watch her put her hands up and back away. Bucky settles back in his chair with a loud thud, grumbling under his breath. He gives you a sullen look, his brows pulled together into a frown. After everything the two of you went through to get to this point, he never wants that to happen again.

“Aw, he’s upset,” you say, sliding off your chair, grabbing your glass off the table as you stand.


“I should go make him feel better.”

“Please, no.” Sunshine tries to grab the back of your shirt but you dodge her without taking your eyes off Bucky.

“I’ll be back in five, ten minutes.”

“Can you at least wait until you get home?”

“Five minutes,” you sing over your shoulder, sauntering over to your man.

“She’ll come back, won’t she?” The sound of Dove’s soft, hopeful voice makes you smile.

Laughing, Sunshine pulls her wallet out of her purse. “I got twenty on them sneaking into the bathroom.”

“No he drove here, it's going to be the concert parking lot all over again. I got fifty on the backseat of the truck” Sam interjects, placing a kiss on Marcie’s head.

“You’re both wrong. He’s going to do something at the booth and he better clean up after,” Ari intones from his perch on the side of the pool table, gesturing for Sunshine to sit on his lap.

Steve saunters over to a smiling Dove. "What do you think sweetheart? Bathroom or truck?"

Don't Look, Don't Touch

Looping your arms around Bucky’s neck as you sit on his lap, you laugh, listening to your best friends making bets on you and your biker. He takes your hand in his larger one, kissing the wedding ring on your finger.

His loving gaze sweeps up to your face and back to your joined hands, resting his chin on your shoulder, Bucky's low, deep voice washes over the shell of your ear. “So, who do you want to win?”

You gaze up at him with a conspiratorial smirk. “That’s easy,” you say, pulling his head down, you whisper in his ear. His blue eyes are getting wider and wider with every word.

“Hell yeah.”

Don't Look, Don't Touch
Kiss Me Like You Wanna Be Loved
Kiss Me Like You Wanna Be Loved
Main Masterlist-Mafia & Biker AUs Neighborly Behavior The only gift he wants The Morning After And then there were none It all belongs to yo

Check out Parking Lot Fun and He's Feeling Good. Comments and Reblogs are everything! Let me know what you think!

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5 months ago

Hey dear!

It maybe a dumb question but I was just curious.

According to you whom does mob bucky love the most? Malyshka or Bumblebee?

He loves you, his wife and his baby girl equally but in different ways of course.

Hey Dear!

You've awakened parts of him he never knew existed. Love was this abstract concept, something meant for other people. Bucky didn't believe he'd get to have the fairytale ending or the kind of life his grandparents enjoy. Bucky wasn't the prince in anyone's story. Or so he thought.

Then he met the woman of his dreams. And everything changed.

You effortlessly turned him inside out and his world upside down. Suddenly love wasn't this abstract thing. It was tangible, palpable. And it was his. You made him believe that he could be more than what he was, that he could have it all.

He thinks about you constantly when he's away from you, he can't wait to get home to you, be with you, touch you, hold you, love you.

You're wrapped around his heart, every beat is for you. And so is she. Your sweet Bee.

Bucky didn't think he could love anyone else as much as he loves you. Until the day he found you were pregnant. Learning he was going to be a father was equal parts exhilarating and terrifying. He has loved that little girl from the start, without knowing anything about her other than she was going to be the perfect combination of him and you. He knew that she was going to be perfect because her mama is, how could she be anything less?

He talked to her every day while she was in your belly. Some days it was just to tell her that he loved her, other days he read to her. She was involved in more business decisions than some of his actual partners, all before she even entered the world.

Bucky was a goner the first time he held his little girl. Well he was a goner the day he heard her heartbeat but holding her, actually having her in his hands was a life-changing experience. She was tiny and fragile and sweet. And he knew he'd die for her the same way he'd die for you. He'd do anything for her. His love for her has only grown as she's gotten older. Watching her go from a curious, wide-eyed infant to a just as sweet, imaginative toddler has been a gift.

Just like you're wrapped around his heart, so is she. Bucky can't imagine life without either of you.

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2 years ago

Title: Top of his list

Summary: Your mafia boyfriend has a few priorities in his life and you’re number one.


Pairing Mafia Bucky x reader

Warnings: Canon level violence, fluff, protective boyfriend

Word count drabble

A/n written on my phone. Do not copy, rewrite, translate or repost my work.


Bucky believes there are only a few things and people in his life worth protecting. 

And you are at the top of his list.

His life changed when he met you. So used to violence and death that accompanied his work, he was unprepared for the light, love and softness you would bring in his world. 

Before you he was convinced he would spend the rest of his life with women who only cared about his wealth, status or reputation. An endless array of meaningless dalliances that were only going for passing the time until the next encounter.

Bucky is an intelligent man, and he recognizes treasure unlike your ex boyfriend. 

Things were going well, you were happy and in turn he was happy. 

Until your ex tried to come back in your life.

Bucky suspected something had happened in your past relationship, you were too hesitant with him at first. He swore you sometimes flinched if someone was too loud or moved too quickly towards you. 

He kept his observations private, sharing them with his most trusted men. Ordering them to be mindful-careful- around you. The unspoken threats he made more terrifying than his spoken ones. He changed his own brash behavior to make you feel more at ease around him.

He made sure you knew your worth, telling you every day how much he loved you. Showing you through his actions. Showering you in affection, attention and gifts.

And you blossomed. No longer shy, nervous or afraid.

He had never been more proud.

No other accomplishment compared to when you fully trusted him and gave him your heart.

Keep reading

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