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3 years ago
SPIDER-MAN: No Way Home (2021)Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield
SPIDER-MAN: No Way Home (2021)Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield
SPIDER-MAN: No Way Home (2021)Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield
SPIDER-MAN: No Way Home (2021)Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield
SPIDER-MAN: No Way Home (2021)Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield
SPIDER-MAN: No Way Home (2021)Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield

SPIDER-MAN: No Way Home (2021) Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield

reblogs are appreciated ♡ but please put a spoiler warning in your tags, like #no way home spoilers or #nwh spoilers

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1 year ago

Really loved this analysis! The snark (can I call it snark? I'm not sure) and rant was just perfect.

For example this part made me laugh so much!

Really Loved This Analysis! The Snark (can I Call It Snark? I'm Not Sure) And Rant Was Just Perfect.

I mean I'm happy they kind of fixed this mess but I'm not fully happy about HOW they did it… I was hoping for idk… more?

And gosh how annyoing that even in a moment where it's supposed about Beast Wolverine still has to stick is butt in… "Fuck off, Logan. Stop acting like you're at all relevant to proceedings." That was exactly what I was thinking. We talked about it just last night how much this annoys me that this dude has to be EVERYWHERE. I mean yeah he's cool and I like Logan but as I told you before sometimes less would be more… and better. I'm just kind sick and bored to see him everywhere. It just feels like that everything has already been told about this character and everything just somehow repeats itself. It's really time to make room for other characters like… uhm… well Beast in this case. I would have loved it if in this scene it would be only Beast and Beast and maybe Simon. But no Logan, no Colossus, no anyone. Just both Beasts and Simon.

Tbh I'm happy it's over now, I'm happy we have good Hank back but I'm still disappointed. It's like with Abigail it ended without really being over as if there's still so much missing cause it is so much missing. They just ended it so fast.

"Go step on a fucking Lego, Ben." And again you spoke my mind! I really really hope someone who likes Hank and knows the character will pick up where they left and fixes this mess again… That he will get his memories back and such. But I guess till this happenes as I also said we just have to do it ourselfs. And as you said whatever we come up with will be so much better than what Percy dude did there.

X-Force #50

All right, well, we finally did it, gang. We hit the big 5-0, and it's all done. And guess what?

It's all up hill from here! Wednesday spoilers below the cut, and . . . quite a lot of rambling? If I'm honest?

So, we open up on X-Force trying to kill good Hank and Simon, because they are dumb, despite Kid Omega and Sage asserting their genius. They blow up their little gay boat of love, and our intrepid heroes get pitched into the drink.

X-Force #50
X-Force #50

So . . . this is . . .

Why is Simon wearing a rebreather/oxygen tank?

Dear reader, I implore you to open this link, and scroll down to Simon Williams' powers and abilities.

Immortality: Williams is functionally immortal. Because of the ionic energy that empowers him, he no longer ages and is immune to disease and infection. This same energy sustains Williams' physical vitality far more efficiently than the biochemical process that sustain ordinary human life.

Self-Sustenance As a result of his transformation he no longer requires food, sleep, water or oxygen to survive. Simon is now a fully energized entity who can sustain himself indefinitely without nourishment, easily able to live outside habitable planet orbit.

Benjamin Percy, writer; Drew Baumgartner, Assistant Editor; Mark Basso, Editor; Jordan D. White, Senior Editor.

All four of these men are incapable of Googling basic facts about a character that Marvel has owned and been using since the 1960s. Basic facts that are available if you do so much as a basic skim of the man's Wiki page.

So, why is Simon wearing a rebreather/oxygen tank? So that evil Beast can destroy it and send Simon up to the surface, and good Beast and evil Beast can talk uninterrupted. That's the only actual reason. This is laziness from both an editorial and a writing standpoint, since you could have easily just had evil Beast use some kind of gadget to achieve the same effect, but don't worry! This won't be the most egregious lack of attention to detail this issue!

Yaaaaaay . . .

X-Force #50

"My Beast," huh, Simon?


Also, this scene makes X-Force look fucking pathetic, because Simon could literally wipe the floor with every one of them and not break a sweat. Simon 'my fists are LITERALLY as strong as Thor's hammer' Williams has nothing to fear from fucking Omega Red. His pacifism is the only thing keeping you from looking even stupider than you already do.

Orchis attacks to give the rest of X-Force something to do. I don't care.

But we do get this funny fuckin' shit.

X-Force #50

Tie him up?

Logan, did you forget the last time you fought Simon? Or the time before that?

X-Force #50
X-Force #50

Anyway, the Beasts talk. It's not a particularly interesting conversation, for the most part.

X-Force #50

God, this plan is just so fucking stupid.


There is one moment that actually kinda works.

X-Force #50

It's really funny to me that two of the worst Beast writers of all time, Brian Michael Bendis and Benjamin Percy, both managed to grok this essential fact - Hank McCoy loved being this version of Hank McCoy.

X-Force #50

He was happy.

He was comfortable.

He was loved.

Feline Hank, as much as I love him, as much as he's my favourite iteration of the character, was never happy in his skin. How could he be? It wasn't something he chose, it was forced upon him. To save his life.

Well, what if he didn't want to be saved? What if he felt his life was so miserable that he might've thought, perhaps I should just let it all end?

X-Force #50
X-Force #50
X-Force #50

He had moments, sure. But he never really escaped this feeling. This fear, this anxiety, this trauma, this pain. He carried it with him for the rest of his life. Just constant trauma, death, misery, regret, mistakes, chances not taken, failures.

But he would never be the same again. It's funny. He's the version I love most, but he's the version of Hank who could never love himself.

Which . . . is partly why it bugs me when people say Hank has internalised mutantphobia. Like, he kinda does, but I honestly don't really feel like it's quite that simple. He's comfortable in his simian form, he loves it, he only very occasionally angsts about it, he is happy. It's when he turns feline that he hates his mutant 'gift,' because now he has to worry about what might come next.

X-Force #50

This is not the same as, I hate my mutant powers because they make my life inconvenient, because it means people hate and fear me. He can deal with that. He's been dealing with that since he was seventeen and nearly beaten to death by an angry mob for saving a child.

This is, I hate my mutant powers because they are turning me into something less than human or mutant. Because I am a danger. Because I am in danger.

X-Force #50

And his fears are validated. He nearly kills Blindfold and Armour. He eats Logan's leg, tastes human flesh. He spends the last seven issues of Whedon's Astonishing X-Men with the taste of human skin and meat on his lips. How the fuck is he meant to be happy like this?

Anyway, back to X-Force. The two Beasts fight. Orchis shit happens.

X-Force #50
X-Force #50

Fuck off, Logan. Stop acting like you're at all relevant to proceedings.

X-Force #50
X-Force #50


X-Force #50
X-Force #50

"X-Force ain't the ones you root for. But we get the dirty jobs done."

You didn't fucking do anything.

Hank and Simon could have fixed this entire mess without you. The only reason you were fighting a Sentinel was because you drew it to your location with your jet, firing at a gay little blue man and his fruity ionic boyfriend! You didn't contribute anything!

And then, as if to cap it all off . . .

X-Force #50

What a self-aggrandising load of wank.

Hey, what was Colossus' plot arc through this series?

He spent 5 years being mind controlled and killed his girlfriend.

What was Domino's plot arc through this series?

Well, she got hurt a lot. There was that one time she got skinned. That was fun.

What was Laura Kinney's plot arc through this series?

There were entire issues where she didn't speak a fucking word.

You had.



And this is the best you could come up with?

"The plan was always for the war without to lead to the war within these two characters."

Is that why Wonder Man was more important to the climax of your book than Logan?

Go step on a fucking Lego, Ben.

This was allegedly a run all about black ops wetwork, the sacrifice of your soul to the harsh work that protecting your country requires, the inexorable slide towards moral degradation that comes from compromise.

It ended with a blue man in a stupid plant suit sacrificing himself to save a D-list actor from a bomb that would have crushed Mars into a pocket dimension, all so that his clone can go and become roommates with said D-list actor.

Ben Percy, of all the writers the X-office has welcomed into its midst, you were certainly one of them.

I just . . . this was what was worth jettisoning 40 years of Hank McCoy's personal history for? This cockamamie bullshit? This excuse for you to whip your dick out and pretend you're Larry Hama, when you can barely measure up to Chuck Austen?

Also, Jonathan Hickman, you're kind of on my shitlist for this, too. You may write a halfway decent comic book every now and then - and make no mistake, they're mostly halfway decent, I think he scrapes greatness with his ideas, but his execution is. Dry.

But that's better than his eye for talent, clearly.

I hate being negative. I feel guilty every time. I don't enjoy it. I hate to dwell. I hate to spiral. I hate to obsess over things.

But X-Force is just . . .

X-Force was, just shit. I will go to my grave telling anyone who'll listen that it's not worth reading.

"It'll read better in trades!" No, it won't.

"It has such a good team!" If you burn a pie made of good ingredients, you still have a burnt pie to eat.

"The art is so good!" And if you put sprinkles in a toilet bowl, it's still a toilet. It just looks prettier now.

Oh, and just in case anyone from Marvel ever reads this - they won't, they only hang around on Twitter so people can jerk off about the panels they write explicitly to be shared by the X-stans - I've pirated every comic I've read in the last 10 years. Every issue of X-Force? Pirated. All these caps? Pirated. Every time someone asks me where to read comics, what to read? Pirate links.

I didn't pay a dime for this series. I still feel like I got ripped off.

I almost can't believe it's over . . . what am I going to do with my life now that I don't have X-Force to complain about?

Oh, yeah. I can just read good comics. Nearly forgot about that.

X-Force #50

But hey. That leads me to . . . I don't know, I guess, the end of an era.

Because Hank didn't get his memories back. Maybe he will in the future, but I don't have faith that there's anyone at Marvel that feels this strongly about Beast, so I doubt it. I need to write this down, anyway, for the catharsis. It'll help me say goodbye.

Rest in peace, Hank McCoy, 1985-2018.

You were the Beast I fell in love with. You were the man who taught me to be gentle when the world was unkind. You were the man who taught me that sometimes you don't have to love the body you're in, you just have to want to keep on going, because it can get better. There's always that chance. You were the man who led me to my boyfriend of 12 years, who I love more dearly than anything else on the planet. You were my friend when I didn't have many, and you've helped me make a lot of friends I quite appreciate. People I'm proud to know.

You're gone now. A lot of people aren't going to mourn you. They don't appreciate what was lost. But that's okay. I'll tell anyone who'll listen how brilliant you were. I'll try not to hold it against the version of you I'm left with, that he isn't you. He was you once. He could be like you again. Maybe better. I'd like that. I hope that's the case.

I'll keep writing you. I honestly don't think I could ever stop.

I'll try my best not to be sad that you're gone.

I'll try my best to instead be simply glad that you happened.

X-Force #50
X-Force #50
X-Force #50
X-Force #50
X-Force #50

I'll give the past its due.

Which is all you can do, in the end, for the dead and for the past.


That, and live.

X-Force #50
X-Force #50
X-Force #50

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1 year ago

what do you mean the radiohead-creep-singing racoon from guardians of the galaxy gets more love than me

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6 years ago

Possible Spoilers for Marvel Spiderman

The saddest part of the game I’ve come across so far is in the social media feed. It involves the person going by the name SterlingGrape. It appeared for me after the medal ceremony at city hall. People playing the game that have gotten past that point and follow the feed with hopefully get what I’m referencing.

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