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When the ga is asore

That one Masa Works song that got lost and remade by Shroomy-p or whatever (for context I got recommended a video ab it out of nowhere + it prompted this) + Hen-ai/Strange Love Stalk thing

“It’s okay, don’t talk. If you talk, I’ll kill you.”
“Understood, Master, just as you wish!”
My Theory About the Onibi Series Story Part 1
So I've been listening to Masa's onibi series videos with the subtitles for more than a year now. During that time, I've meditated on what the storyline could be from parsing the translations and reading up fan speculations and released info on the plot. This is what I came up with for The Spider and the Kitsune Like Lion:
General Plot
In the beginning video, Akari is kidnapped by Ryou and the other Shishikusas to be tortured for the daimyo's pleasure. Akari begs for her life and grows vengeful at the Shishikusas for her treatment.
While torturing Akari, Ryou goes insane and blood thirsty due to her demon blade. Ryou also becomes aroused by torturing people. She even says she cannot return to normal (not blood thirsty or turned on by gore).
After seemingly dying, Akari comes back to life in front of Ryou's eyes. In the lyrics of the video, Ryou thinks that she is hallucinating or going even more crazy because she sees Akari come back to life. Akari is able to come back to life because her family/clan has this gift.
Akari curses Ryou and the Shishikusas for torturing her. She curses them to become cannibals that eat their own family (The curse comes true in the form of Mai). If they ever stop, they will be cursed out of existence. She does this because she "knows the fate of those who eat their own" (Part of the lyrics in the video), hinting that the Shishikusas are gonna have a bad afterlife. Also, she demands that the Shishikusas worship her or else face the consequences.
Lyrics' Hinted Meanings
During the bridge of the song, Ryou says "aishite, aishite, aishite", which is "love me" repeated over and over again. This might hint that Ryou is somewhat attracted to Akari when she was torturing the girl.
After the bridge, Ryou says the reoccurring lyrics "welcome to the brute's nadir". Nadir means lowest point, so Ryou might be saying "welcome to the brute's lowest, most depraved point". She is revealing that she is at the lowest and most depraved point of her life, partaking and reveling in torture.
My Theory About the Onibi Series Story Part 2
The second chronological video of the onibi series is The Fox's Wedding. Here's my take on it:
First of all, whenever Mai and Akari sing in the video, they are addressing each other. So the actions the characters are singing about that are done to "you" is done to the other character.
General Plot
According to info released by Masa, Emi (purple haired "doll") brings Akari and Mai (Ryou's daughter) together.
Akari's brother kidnaps Mai and forces her to eat human meat. Soon enough, Mai becomes a cannibal (fulfilling Akari's curse on her family). He kidnaps her so that he can marry her to Akari.
Akari falls in love with Mai, however Mai does not reciprocate. Akari's love is one sided, as shown by the lyrics of the video. The lyrics of the video shows that Mai takes advantage of Akari's feelings and that their love is abusive. According to the lyrics, Mai eats Akari while they are having sex. Also their love is "half black, half dreaming", meaning that their relationship is abusive and not all lucid or real.
Eventually, Akari realizes that Mai does not truly love her and that Mai was taking advantage of her. This is shown by the lyrics of the bridge, where Akari sings "love me" over and over and where she sings afterward "why not? Forgive me, hurt me, come back to me". Akari wants Mai to love her, but Mai will not. Also, Mai sings "Why are you sad? So you discovered my true colors? You made me like this.".
At some point, Mai strikes a deal with Akari where Mai will be Akari's (sex) slave as long as Akari provides her body to Mai as food. This is shown by the lyrics "my soul is yours. In return, you give me your body" and Mai calling Akari "master". This contract is renewed over and over because Akari can come back to life.
However, Mai's hunger cannot be sated and she soon goes on a murder/feeding spree. She sings, "there's not enough of your body" to Akari. So after the wedding, she goes with Akari to some towns to kill and eat people.
Mai and Akari's Relationship
Mai and Akari have an abusive relationship that is master and slave instead of lovers. Even though they have sex, no requited love exists. At most, Akari has a one sided love for Mai. Mai is Akari's slave, while Akari is Mai's master. However, Mai uses Akari for sex and food.
Lyrics' Hinted Meanings
"Ms. Fox" refers to both Akari and Mai, but mostly to Mai. Mai is seen as the fox of the story while Akari is the spider (onigumo). But because Akari marries Mai, Akari can be considered Mrs. Fox, too.
"Shut up. Don't talk or I'll kill you" is what Akari says when she finally snaps at Mai. After dealing with the fact that Mai has been using her, Akari gets angry and tells Mai to shut up.
My Theory About the Onibi Series Story Part 3
The next video is the Beautiful Shadow of the Demon's Frenzied Dance, which happens around and a little after the Fox's Wedding:
The video establishes what each character symbolizes. Akari is the girl that is good at dancing who will be beheaded while Mai is the one who is good at singing. This will be justified at part 5 of my theory on the story.
Also, the video introduces Shikyou. According to Masa, Shikyou is an amanojaku that is pretending to be a god. She is shown to be reacting badly to Mai and Akari's meeting, as shown by her screaming. According to Masa, Shikyou does not like either of them nor Emi for defying their fates.
General Plot
Basically, the video details Mai's killing spree. She goes back to her family to work as a torturer for the daimyo's entertainment. This is shown by the "audience covered by blood". Also the daimyo gets killed (probably by Mai).
Mai kills slaves and other people at her work. She also kills someone important, which is the person she addresses as "you". The person can be either Akari or Ryou. My theory is that the person is her mother Ryou. This is because Akari waits under a tree while Mai is doing her thing. Also, both she and Mai address this person who has a blade and has an "unrecoverable self". The only person established to have a blade and an unrecoverable self is Ryou. She has the demon blade and has become insane.
So Mai attempts to kill Ryou and her father for "tonight's spectacle" but Ryou survives. Mai goes on to kill the other people in the town as shown by her saying "Who's next? Who's next I wonder?".
My Theory About the Onibi Series Story Part 4
The next video in the series is The Demon Child in the Mirror:
The video is sort of s spin off to the main story line because it delves into another plot point and focuses on Kaori and Ryou.
Kaori is Mai's cousin and Ryou's niece. She is the demon child of the song.
General Plot
The video establishes that Ryou is still alive. The plot is mainly about Kaori killing and eating animals without anyone else's knowledge. She is seen as an innocent child, however in reality she is an evil "demon" child who relishes in animal abuse.
Kaori is jealous of her mother, and the mother is jealous of her daughter, too. This is proven by the lyrics "the demon child's hannya mask" and "the mother's hannya mask". The hannya demon is a female demon that represents jealousy. Also, Kaori says, "Your face is so rotten it makes me want to kill". She is likely referring to her mother and the fact she wants to kill her.
Kaori kills her mother, as shown by the lyrics "the girl and a black cat bury the mother".
Lyrics' Meanings
"I rubbed the woman's stomach when the child was made". Apparently, Ryou was there when Kaori's mother was pregnant with her.

Gumi from Masa’s Bloody Mary. Idk why he took it down, the song is super good
I'm in love w this series ngl