Lost Media - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Guys, guys

Guys, Guys


I miss it so much

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5 months ago

I finally stumbled across the rare Muppet Babies/Little Muppet Monsters end credits in a Saturday Morning Cartoons compilation over at YouTube and it's like I glimpsed into an alternate universe.

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5 months ago

Como q encontraron el doblaje argentino de reanimator y recién ahora me entero

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9 months ago

This is probably the most 4CL-unrelated thing I will ever post BUT this is an absolute feat by polkadotjohnson doing incredible work to recover lost media(? I'm pretty sure it was considered lost media but I may be wrong) and honestly I'm blown away that they pulled this off


Do not upload this anywhere, especially not on YouTube.

This is an unfinished cut, not a final edit, not the final product. But it is here. And it was worth the hunt.

(click the link UNDER the picture)



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1 year ago

I made this fake 2000s lost media thing

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2 years ago

a tiktok meme about a small thing being brushd by a big purple thing sent me here to this vid of the flash game it came from, og from the CBeebies uk webpage wich is defunct by now.

Thn i thot of Peppa Pig’s US dub of the uk series, I wanna kno how they wud dub this show for Nick Jr?

like I’d get the voices of Brobot from Jimmy Neutron doing Small n Charlie from Smiling Friends for Big, just out of parody dub/live script reading at conventions if Jacovi could let us go!

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1 year ago
Way To Post Some Mostly Lost Media, Love This Show Already
Way To Post Some Mostly Lost Media, Love This Show Already
Way To Post Some Mostly Lost Media, Love This Show Already
Way To Post Some Mostly Lost Media, Love This Show Already
Way To Post Some Mostly Lost Media, Love This Show Already
Way To Post Some Mostly Lost Media, Love This Show Already
Way To Post Some Mostly Lost Media, Love This Show Already
Way To Post Some Mostly Lost Media, Love This Show Already
Way To Post Some Mostly Lost Media, Love This Show Already

Way to post some mostly lost media, love this show already

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6 months ago

Anyone remember Clean Memes by Meme Planet?

Me and my dad used to watch his content so much, and then one day his channel was lost and we couldn't find it. We think he deleted it, but does anyone know what happened to him? Someone reuploaded one of his video so heres that for refrence on how his content would go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ff04gDfFEc

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6 months ago

Does anyone know what happened to the Valiard Mansion? It was this story that I think was going to be animated with like the old Disney style(think the little mermaid) but it wasn't an actual Disney thing.

Like I remembered seeing it everywhere for a while and then it just stopped and I promptly forgot about it. I came across a sketch from it on Pinterest last night and couldn't for the life of me find anything more recent than from 2021. Did it die? There were no updates from the official accounts on ANY platform, even the account here stopped posting around 2018. I'm so curious if anyone knows.

I also can't be the only one who remembers this project, I mean it looked really promising.

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1 year ago

I remember playing the game on mobile

The game had a similar vibe to little big planet

The game was a 3D platform game

The game had some sort of angelic or ominous music playing in the background which sounded like the ps4 menu

I swear the game was real at some point

I really hope i can find out what the game was at least called

I do however think the game is lost

Has anyone seen this game?

I remember this game that was a mobile game around the early 2010s, the game's main character was a pink honey badger with 4 arms and 2 legs, it was anthro aswell and also had guns, the game's opening featured an opening of either a bunch of tasmanian devils or black honey badgers all around the baby pink honey badger, i remember the title having something with the word project or something i can draw some pictures of what the character looked like i might check the lost media wiki incase

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1 year ago

The Curse of Saki Sanobashi

I'm writing this journal entry to document my experience with a certain film. I'm probably already dead if anyone is reading this, but please read on. I hate Saki Sanobashi and what it has done to my life. Most importantly, I hate the depraved bastards who made it.

Until recently, I've been an average college girl with only one notable quality: I love searching for lost media. Most people get a thrill from watching a good horror movie and I'm no different with lost media. There's just something about the elusive nature of it that makes the hunt so fascinating. There's a countless amount of entertainment that vanishes from the public eye for whatever reason and many remain completely forgotten. That never sat well with me. Maybe it's the history buff in me, but I believe every form of content should be preserved. It's scary to think that something that brings you joy could one day be forever lost to time.

Saki Sanobashi is a name that's been plaguing me for the last few years now. Every lost media enthusiast worth their salt has at least heard of it if they haven't already joined the hunt. I'm one of the several archivists who plunged headfirst into this monstrosity of a goose chase. I, like many others, got hooked on its tragic premise of a bunch of schoolgirls trapped in a bathroom where death is the only way out. The morbid curiosity in all of us compelled us to search high and low for this elusive anime.

That was years ago.

Now? Saki remains a distant memory in the minds of once optimistic researchers. Dead end after dead end had led to the entire thing being labeled as some elaborate hoax. Even I began losing faith in the search despite all the time I invested in it. It was disheartening knowing that one of the most fascinating lost media searches of all time could be fake. I would've quit entirely had it not been for that one fateful afternoon.

It was a typically brutal winter in Toronto which meant that a snowstorm would be picking up before the day was over. I thought it best to go to my favorite comic and stock up on my favorite books before the storm trapped me at home with my girlfriend. Marque Noir was different from other comic shops in that there exists a secret section of the store only a select few know about. Because I've been a loyal customer for a few years, the owner trusted in showing me the back room. I was hesitant at first to enter a secluded room alone with a man due to being a woman, but I figured he wouldn't try anything with customers still in the store.

What I saw in that room was the stuff of wonder. Several shelves were stocked with underground comics so obscure even the most hardcore archivists probably didn't know about them. The type of comics you can't even find on the internet. It was heaven on earth for a lost media obsessed girl like me. The original post mentioned Saki being an anime, but I was desperate for any type of media out there. What's fascinating is that there were also movies stocked with the comics. The cover art on each DVD case was incredibly low quality, to the point that I assumed the store owner hand-made them himself. There were no ISBNs or distributor info anywhere to be found so my theory seemed fairly likely all things considered.

I filled my bag with as many items as I could afford( which isn't a lot for a broke college student)  and excitedly swiped my card at the counter. The store owner gave me the weirdest of grins as I made my purchase. He seemed amused but almost in a mocking sort of way. He hardly ever emotes in the first place so that smile really caught me off guard.

I left the store and boarded the closest train to drop me off at the dorms. Though Halloween comes in the autumn, I feel like winter is the most ideal season to indulge in horror. The cold weather is like a reflection of the spine chilling fear I get whenever I read a good comic. I stepped inside my dorm room and immediately began browsing through my latest collection. They all looked so good I didn't know where to begin. As I rummaged through the pile of DVDs, I noticed something that threw me for a loop.

One DVD case was completely blank. The cover was pitch black and so was the back. There wasn't even anything on the spine. I couldn't imagine myself buying something like this so how it ended up with me was a mystery. Still, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't the least bit intrigued by it. There could've been literally anything on that disc and the only way to find out was to start the movie.

I waited for my girlfriend to return from campus before starting the movie. Emily's a cute brunette, but she has zero tolerance for horror. She always shrieks her head off whenever I play my movies in the living room. All that blood and gore drives her crazy. She greeted me with a kiss on the lips and then paused when she saw the devious smirk on my face. She already knew what I had in store for her. Emily, of course, protested but I pleaded with her to watch the movie with me. Seeing her scream like a child over on screen murder was sometimes more enjoyable than the movie itself. She remained firm in her stance against it but eventually broke down after enough of my begging. It feels good having things my way.

I quickly inserted the DVD into an old game station and stared at the screen with anticipation for what was about to start.  After several seconds of a blank screen, some Japanese text appeared with an English subtitle that read " Requiem of the lost girls." The title naturally left me curious so I watched on with excitement.

The scene then faded back to black and what I saw after that made my blood freeze solid.

Three schoolgirls in a bathroom.

All of them had miserable looks of utter despair.

The scene was unmistakable. It was a scenario I ran over in my head countless times. It was Saki Sanobashi, the anime searched years for! Having the legendary film before me after all this time was almost too good to be true. And to think it came from my favorite comic shop. I've been shopping for years now and never even had a hint something like Saki would be there.

Emily was confused as to why I was so excited so I told her we just discovered the holy grail of lost media. The gravity of the situation was unsurprisingly lost on her but she smiled anyway for my sake. We watched the movie unfold just like the legend went. The girls remained trapped in the bathroom and lamented their misfortune all the while. As the film progressed, the agony in their expressions became increasingly visceral. Their eyes looked so hollow, their skin was so pale. Emily clutched into my hand with a hint of anxiety in her eyes.

The tone of the video was much more somber than I expected. Seeing the girls take turns telling the others about their hopes and dreams, trying desperately to alleviate their situation, felt oddly melancholic. I was growing attached to these characters to the point I hoped they'd find a way despite that going against the lore. We eventually reached the part where the girls realized there truly was no way out of their situation...except for death.

Their deaths were just as horrid as I expected them to be. One girl goaded one of the others into drowning her in the sink and another clawed at her own neck with visceral detail. The most painful part of it all was the bloodcurdling scream the last girl emitted as she bashed her head against the wall. It was far more realistic than it had any right to be.

Despite all the fear, my heart raced with excitement. I had to write a blog post to let everyone know about my discovery! The internet would go wild once I told them the good news. I quickly went to my Tumblr to start writing, but the site wouldn't load. I tried other social media sites but nothing was working.

I tried stepping outside in the hall to get better reception but the door wouldn't budge. The knob didn't move at all no matter how hard I pulled. My girlfriend and I were both freaking out at this point. We tried opening windows, calling 911, and banging on doors, all of which were in vain. We were somehow completely severed from the outside world. I wondered how the hell was any of this possible when the image of the movie flashed into my mind.

We were trapped just like the girls in Saki Sanobashi. Was the film cursed? That seemed to be the only explanation. I should've trusted my gut instincts and never let that guy lead me to the backroom. I knew there was something off about him and now I fell into his trap. So far we've spent two weeks in this hellhole of an apartment. Food has long since run out and any sense of hope is dead. It pains me to see Emily's body as pale as winter, her eyes devoid of life. Neither of us can last much longer. I'm writing this document as a warning to anyone searching for Saki Sanobashi.

Stay the hell away from it. It is a cursed film that dooms its viewers the suffer the same fate as the girls in the bathroom. I imagine the curse will be lifted once we die and our belongings will be collected by our loved ones. Hopefully, they will see this document and spread the news. Or maybe they'll brush this off as the crazed rantings of a lunatic.

I honestly don't know anymore. All I can say is to stay safe and never attempt to watch this damned movie.

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See, this is crazy to me. You can't tell me people were actually crazy enough to try to find that...and MANAGED TO DO IT.

AND WHAT MORE, I have the joy to learn that it comes from MY COUNTRY, and more precisely, The Pyrenees, from where my mom and all my maternal family comes FROM !!! This is a wonderful day for @areallyspecialsnowflake

The internet is a beautifull place man

The Image Used In The Background Of The Gravity Falls Logo HAS BEEN FOUND!!

The image used in the background of the Gravity Falls logo HAS BEEN FOUND!!

It's located in France!!

I made a thread on Twitter explaining the full story and how I even asked Ian Worrel and Alex Hirsch about it, but lemme run down quickly how it was found and where it is!

Lemme tell you a story 3 years in the making.

How exactly was the background image of the Gravity Falls logo found? This was a massive undertaking that couldn't have happened without some amazing people and creative ideas. This thread will explain a good amount of it. 🧵 pic.twitter.com/SCKtVIRG8a

— 🌲✈GFFan🇨🇦💫 (@forever_gf618) October 4, 2024

After 3 years of searching with some friends on and off, we had no real luck. I've been working on a video about it for a while but decided to try one more time. My friend @trickengf suggested looking at international logos as they may have more of the image available and sure enough...we found logos like the Japanese and Russian GF logo had more visible detail of the image.

The Image Used In The Background Of The Gravity Falls Logo HAS BEEN FOUND!!

From that, Tricken made a remake of the image and used it to find it. He ended up finding the source at about 3AM for me, lol!

The Image Used In The Background Of The Gravity Falls Logo HAS BEEN FOUND!!

My friend Fried Oreos then confirmed the image was old enough to fit the criteria of pre GF pilot, by determining the image was on the Textures website it was sourced from since 2008!

The Image Used In The Background Of The Gravity Falls Logo HAS BEEN FOUND!!

Then, my friend Alex M managed to buy the HD image and we were able to analyze its metadata for more info!

Here you go c: pic.twitter.com/lOTk41oZ3v

— Alex M. (@MrFancyScarf) October 4, 2024

Turns out, the image, called "LandscapeMountains0009," was taken by a Nikon D70 camera on April 18, 2007!


From there, we began looking for the location. The meta data had no location, but other images taken around the same time showed signs of maybe the location being in Europe.

After over a day of searching, Tricken, Alex M and Oreos FOUND IT!!

The Image Used In The Background Of The Gravity Falls Logo HAS BEEN FOUND!!

The location of the image is a mountain range near the town of Sers, France...near the border with Spain.

Exact coordinates of the closest viewable angle of the image is 42°54'23.2"N 0°06'05.6"E

This is a major discovery and one I cannot believe we did. While this search was started by me in 2021 with some friends, it was TrickenGF, Alex M and Fried Oreos who deserve all the credit for this discovery! They were the geniuses who tracked all of this down and were able to connect the dots to get to this point.

You guys are amazing and I am beyond grateful for all of this.

Finding this image means that fans can now recreate the Gravity Falls logo as they want with anything they want. For example, Tricken made this for me using the image :D

The Image Used In The Background Of The Gravity Falls Logo HAS BEEN FOUND!!

Or, you can do this, lol

The Image Used In The Background Of The Gravity Falls Logo HAS BEEN FOUND!!

We now have it!

For 12 years as we looked at the Gravity Falls logo...we were in reality looking at a mountain in France...NOT Oregon!

So, I guess this is a major W for France but sorry, Pacific Northwest, Gravity Falls is actually French, lol!

I still can't believe we found this. I'm so happy :P

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1 year ago

Could someone please find the HD version of the render for me?

Could Someone Please Find The HD Version Of The Render For Me?

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7 months ago

Actual footage from The Infinity Train: The DS Game (2020)

Some people asked about it and I must say that the entire game is lost material, due to the commercial failure leading Cartoon Network and Warner Bros. to get rid of all copies and ROMS on the internet. However, I have two original cartridges in my possession, but they are damaged. I'm doing file recovery work and that's what you're seeing.

Day #191 drawing things related to #InfinityTrain until it's renewed or I forget

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1 year ago
Vocaroo is a quick and easy way to share voice messages over the interwebs.

hey, does anyone know that the heck this is?

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10 months ago
Fake Poster For Wahnsinn (1919) ! I Would Do Anything To See This Film

Fake poster for Wahnsinn (1919) ! I would do anything to see this film

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2 years ago

karaowattehanasou.neocities.org Hello, if you are a fan of vocaloid-p MARETU (Gokuaku-P) please can I have your attention. In 2016, a CD Campaign for the Coin Locker Baby Album was released through muevo, and on that CD, there was an additional unreleased song by the name of Kara Wo Watte Hanasou. I am looking to get in touch with those who have a copy of the song. Please use the link to contact me about it's whereabouts, as it is currently lost media. My email is included on the website linked. You can also contact me here on tumblr (I'm not entirely sure how it works, I am new to posting on this platform) Thank you for your cooperation.

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1 year ago

HERE is what the CD looks like, by the way (photo from an old mercari listing [SOLD])

HERE Is What The CD Looks Like, By The Way (photo From An Old Mercari Listing [SOLD])

karaowattehanasou.neocities.org Hello, if you are a fan of vocaloid-p MARETU (Gokuaku-P) please can I have your attention. In 2016, a CD Campaign for the Coin Locker Baby Album was released through muevo, and on that CD, there was an additional unreleased song by the name of Kara Wo Watte Hanasou. I am looking to get in touch with those who have a copy of the song. Please use the link to contact me about it's whereabouts, as it is currently lost media. My email is included on the website linked. You can also contact me here on tumblr (I'm not entirely sure how it works, I am new to posting on this platform) Thank you for your cooperation.

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1 year ago
I Have (Kara Wo Watte Hanasou) But Will Not Be Uploading It Due To Copyright Concerns. I Respect Maretu's

i have 殻を割って話そう (Kara Wo Watte Hanasou) but will not be uploading it due to copyright concerns. i respect maretu's decisions on copyright.

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1 year ago

I've seen a lot of conversations on the ethics of publishing "lost media" vocaloid songs. Specifically "Kara o Watte Hanasou" and "Dime Novel". (Please excuse the messy english) As an archivist, I completely believe it is important to PRESERVE media of any kind, and this specifically applies to MARETU's music in my case, as I own and operate his archive. Currently, the songs "Yumesusabi" and "Kara o Watte Hanasou" are through a password lock, only to be accessed by me and the co-operator. This is due to the fact that our objective is not to spread the song, it is purely to preserve it.

I see a lot of overseas vocaloid fans tend to be generally disrespectful to artists and their wishes when posting these songs properly. I have also noticed overseas fans getting angry with those who have clips of songs such as "Dime Novel" and refuse to share them due to copyright laws being much more strict here.

MARETU himself has even stated on his blogs that none of his works should be published, and this still implies to media you find is "lost".

The widespread re-uploading of "Kara o Watte Hanasou" has destroyed my faith in the repute of the vocaloid lost media community. This song was not intended for the public. Simply for those who supported the muevo coin locker baby campaign. The same goes for "Dime Novel" so this is my plea to get yourselves in line.

I hold respect for lost media communities, but not those who disrespect artists or their wishes, as well as copyright laws.

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