Md Yeva - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Here's Nori, innocently dancing to this song during work:

Here's Nori, Innocently Dancing To This Song During Work:

And here's Yeva:

Here's Nori, Innocently Dancing To This Song During Work:

Pretty much either irritated, concern, or confused about what Nori is listening to. And how did Yeva get that cracked screen, who knows?

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10 months ago

Yeva and toddler Doll seeing the fireworks.

Yeva And Toddler Doll Seeing The Fireworks.

A little help with Absolute Solver, Yeva is able to make this moment memorable for her daughter. 💖

Even if she ends up being murdered by the Disassembly Drones, Doll would at least know how to make her own fireworks. 🎆

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9 months ago

Nori is dancing again:

Nori Is Dancing Again:

And Yeva joins her:

Nori Is Dancing Again:

Co-workers bonding time!

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4 months ago

thys is such a great detal, look

Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look

here Nori gets "null" activated

Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look
Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look

both her and Yeva know what to do wich shows thys isn't the first time thys had happend

Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look

btw many people think Yeva cuts of her arm wyth solver, but in reality she created a knife

Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look

they NEED to cut it of, but who doesn't?

Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look


Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look
Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look

thys IS the first time it happens

Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look

yet she closes "null" wyth just a little dificulty

Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look

and thats the moment you say "but it wasn't the first time it happened it first happened at the elavator" and i say no

Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look
Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look

thys isn't "null"

Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look


Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look
Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look

is just a black hole not "null"

but contynuing

it just slowly builds up sense to

Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look
Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look
Thys Is Such A Great Detal, Look


almost from begining we get how much power uzi has of solver

from her easy learning about its abilities to controling its main host

we had so many clues we just didn't see them

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